The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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“AV ~ sn “7 i : MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboard ) 147 7 — —_— a rc UMBRELLAS SWAGGER STICKS PARASOLS Eventually a Foldrite, “Why not Now?” Wheelmen Insist On getting the Genuine Foldrite Parasols and Frankford Swagger Sticks. Accept no substitutes. These Foldrites and Swagger Sticks are the only onés that will get the money. Made by the Leading Umbrella and Swagger Stick manufacturer in the country. Book a Foldrite and Frankford Swagger Stick Wheel. Write for samples and prices. Get in Early before our Output is Sold. Terms, 1-3 cash deposit with orders, balance C. O. D. NO ORDERS SHIPPED WITHOUT DEPOSIT FRANKFORD MFG. CO. 906 Filbert St., Philadelphia, Pa. Philadelphia’s Largest Umbrella House EASTERN JOBBERS: THE HORROW NOVELTY CO., 38 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia, are Handling Our Foldrites and Swagger Sticks. Measures 24}¢ in. when folded. Fits into a 23 in. suitcase. A Parasol for Sun An Umbrella for Rain se ET SARI TL TT i f Our Serial P Paddle Book Rogers, gen. agt.; Paul H. Beard and J. H. Repr uction 2 ur era. aper a € Foster, pec. agts.; L. H. Jackson, pesea oo* This Will M k ’E 0. C. McKenzie, gen. supt.; Walter Lankford, mus. dir.; Ghastes achuastn, tra amaster: Roy iS i a e m supt. lights; L. H. og legal adj.; Si . ' . H. Jackson, gen. announcer; ears; opens t U d T k A t at Tener Ala., March 22. : p an a e 0 ice! WADE AND MAY SHOWS—W. G. bear prop. and mgr.; Lew Marcuse, secy.; . i . m . May, gen. agt.; J. L. Fusner, press agt.; Roy Just think of it Royken, mus, dir.; N. D. Spear, supt. lights; opens at Detroit, Mich. the popular WEST SHOWS—Frank West, prop., mgr. and and well known gen. supt.; Mrs. F. West, treas. and secy.; “Red” Schultz, anditor, supt. cone. and gen. anncuncer; Jack Oliver, gen. agt.; Al Alprary, mus. dir.; E. Norton, trainmaster: Joe Moore, supt. lights; 20 cars; opens at Greensboro, N. C., April 7. WISE & KENT sHOWs—Wise & Kent, | SELF FILLING props.;: David A, Wise, mgr. and treas.; Cot ton Kent, asst. mgr. and supt. cone; Bert Reilly, secy.; Chas. A. Abbott, gen. agt.: Jack = ng spec, agt.; Bob Page, press agt.; Pat rown, gen. supt.: Prof. Lepore, mus. dir.; Tom Cayne, trainmaster; S. Hudson, supt. CHULMAN PRINTING CO. 2.0%et cei — cars. Opened at Atlanta, Ga., March 1. WOLFE, T. A.. SHOWS—T. A. Wolfe Shows Co., props.: T. A. Wolfe, mgr.: Samuel T. MANUFACTURERS OF Frame, treas.; J. J. Reis, , secy.; George M. Cooper, auditor; Harry Potter, gen, agt.; Parton Jo Durnng snd W. W. Downing, spec. agts.: Doc Waddell, press agt.; Edw. Owens, os gen. supt.; H. P. Fisher, guwt, cnet: Walter Damrow, mus. dir.: E. A, aldy) Potter, —— trainmaster; Edw. Latham, supt. lights; Joho een S. Lane, legal adji.: Gene R. Milton, gen. an sounacts 66 ears; opened at Greenville, S. C., Per Gross " FOR ALL STANDARD WHEELS WORTHAM’S, CLARENCE A., WORLD'S BEST SHOW—Beckmann, Gerety and Robinson, P2215 — Length 5% props.; Fred Beckmann, mgr. and gen. supt.; 39 WEST EIGHTH STREET NEW YORK Bote ‘Sova set ante 2 yobs, | in. when closed, 6% ’ . pw 7. gf ere secy.; ant. ‘ pers. in. open, polished light auditor; arry Sanger, gen. agt.; ° ogan > ‘ . Telephone Stuyvesant 1542-1543 and Bob Hendricks, spec. agts: Beverly White, | Drown bamboo bgrret press agt.; Ralph V. Ray, supt. cone.; Claude of fine selected sfock, Ayers, mus. dir.; W. Mercer. talamester; black csmposition artin Nelson, supt. lights; John L. Karnes, mountings nickeled —-—Y al adj.; 8; \ es e z { = , A WONDERFUL BLY FOR NOLL MEN ee 35 cars; opens at San Antonio, Tex pocket clip, screw cap, ; YOU CAN'T POSSIBLY GO WRONG. WORTHAM SHOWS, THE—Jobn T. Wortha by aps — ‘ : f a. am, prop.; Walter F. Stanley, mgr.; Joseph F. z or filling, a sligh | The world’s finest imported Dolls. Extra fine Long, treas. and secy.; H. B. Danville, gen. pressure on projection quality jointed Dolls, dressed in assorted colors agt.; Roy Ludington, C. M. Casey and L, H. point is. sufficient and styles, with hats to match. Bisque heads, Stevenson, spec. agts.; C. M. Casey, press agt.; 5 . as nate e% ay Nat ‘able eyes, and shoes For W. A. Spencer, gen. supt. and supt. lights; fitted with glass point, beautiful hair, movable eyes, and s aioe J B. A. Guilar, mus. dir.; Ben Sturges, traineach in box, 1 dozen | flash and real prizes they far meg ener any master; Henry S. Knight, legal adj.; Jess M. in carton. rolls the market. If you have been using Shoat, gen. announcer; 25 cars; opens at Paris, Dolls on the marke beh ventgtnfet ae! Tex., March 24. ' Dozen ...... $3.50 r) plaster and wood pulp Dolls, try a sample case a } G of these numbers, and note the difference in ava ta cen oe 7 “aoe roe pependyeneee wot Sane > oe son, 3 mpson, gen. as the play Our connections enable us to sell mer.; Wm. Zeidman, treas.; E. V. Whittington, Onl 100 G these Dolls at a price about 45% of the wholeA R. A, Josselyn, gen. agt.: Wm. J. y ross ice F aaa » price : £ illiar, press a: & A. i i ; wale price. This makes the price lower than Kelly. on. ount 1? ~. 2K”, o~ At This Price ; composition Dolls, and the flash is incomparT. W. Kelly, trainmaster: R. A. Kerr, supt. ’ able. Each Doll packed in an individual box. lights; W. J. Price, legal adj.; thirty cars. Don’t Wait Sizes range from 13 inches to 21 inches. Packed Opens at Portsmouth, Va., April ‘12. Send in Your Order é in assortments of 6 dozen to the case. ZEIGER, C. F., UNITED SHOWS—C. PF. Today PER CASE. Zeiger, prop. and mgr.; W. W. Barnes, asst. P we $45.00 mgr. and secy.; Lester Harvey, gen. act.: Al1 Sample Assortment of One Dozen, $10.00. wert Aechegate, eumt wiSiee devices: Fete Rayer bay On 98@& deposit with order, balance C. 0, D. mond, trainmaster; R. simones, supt. lights; ALL . D. SHIPMENTS j | Ne an In sad lnapest other bargain lines we 5 care; opens at Fremont, Neb., April 26. ’ have to offer for Concessionaires and Streetmen. HY ® . s . 2g EASTERN-AMERICAN MDSE. CO, pig Selections in Every Line . t. Louis ° © handle complete lines of Specialties 2802 Olive Street, ’ “ SOUVENIRS and Supplies for Window Workers, Demon. 4-In. Birch Bark strators, Auctioneers, Streetmen, Salesboard — . . io or ae Distributors, Notion Men, Medicine Shows, i a t iu e CONCESSIONAIRES a | “4 Birch Bark oes. ’ sia eaten sin sich ook “| | OUR 1924 CATALOG Are you going to take advantage of the tremendous | y Canoes. Dozen. 1.20 WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL papers are giving to the great Chinese Game of PADDLES Seme Time In May, 1924 Announcements will appear in The Bill 10-1 board and other publications. WATCH FOR — Leorpeny THEM; BUT—in the meanwhile make your {4-Inch Paddles, selections from our 1923 CATALOG! This _ ee 3 you can do without hesitancy, as advantages tote. “7 Padans of reductions made since this edition was es. ozen.... t. issued will become effective on all orders re. We are offering the finest domestic set on the market at $4.00 Per Set Mae Caen ont FS ee, reves, cotations. SEN In lots of 50 sets or more, $3.75 Per Set. Also Imported Bone and te } meg Bs soy DOZEN... .. 6. .eeeee 275 diately when market conditions indicate lowBamboo Sets at $13.25 and up. I2-In, Cress Paddles. Seen: cae athe 323 oe cette. SE Gee UES be ied SS Ee We require 25% deposit on all orders. i4-tn. Cross Paddles. Dozen «aah age 4.00 market prices. aver ‘ Send for Catalogue. LEV N e 6 ERS 1) VISON & FELD “SELL WHAT SELLS” Name of park or town bumed on free. i R TH Established 1886, A 600 Blue Island Ave., CHICAGO. BRADFORD & COMPANY, Inc. ' i St. Joseph, Michigan TERRE HAUTE, INDIANA — ee