The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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— = Bar Sa ae pe ow Wt | % AM ha Jj 4 i % te ei } it ‘3 iy 4 i “2x. ogee hae MARCH 22, 1924 NEV-R FAIL CLUTCH PENCILS Are still as popular and big sellers as ever. Made of the splendid wearing Goldine metal, and are fitted with medium leads. In bulk, per Gross.......$ 9.00 Mounted on Easel Display Cards, per Gross....... 10.25 Extra Leads, five in each tube, per Gross tubes.. 4. Photo Cigarette Cases, silver finish, assorted photos, per Gross.... oF 25% deposit required on all Cc. O. D. orders. ORIENTAL MFG. CO. 831 Broad St., Providence, R. I. Lowest Prices in U. S, A. Silver Finished Metal =~ Extension ¢,°=. 15 Set is 12% ince $4.75 per Dezen WITH MIRROR NIFYING $6.00 per Dozen TODAY 75e Each, New York Centrai Supply Co, p Dept. M-10 64 Third Avenue, NEW YORK, N. Y. AIGRETTES (Imitation ) The kind they are all talking about. They have the flash and te class of the real article $Q.60 DOZ. BUNCHES White or Black Sample $1.00 Cash with sample order. One-third amount with dozen orders. JOS. WEISSMAN, 30 W. 36th St., NEW YORK CITY 18 In. Long, $125 Made i i One Day ar 4 i dime sejler, Stir ] thar Neand pers mar : nds 5 «(lan guages. For tui jaio, on Budd! 1a, Future Photos and Horoscopes, send 4c stamps to S. BOWER Bewer Bldg., 430 W. 18th Street. New York. LARGE CUP PONGE FROM THE DEEP SEA 75¢ and $1.00 Each JOS. FLEISCHMAN 1105 Franklin, TAMPA, FLA ALI SPRING! ! It’s again with us. What a spirit-reviving season it is! Stop a moment—consider the many reasons for showfolks’ jubilancy! “road fever but most of them have longed to again get active! Yes, some want to again be ‘‘tourists’’, but the large majority think only of progress—busi as ” Some werely nave Next fall will again register an be sure the cost of protit side of the ledger! Ali's hope for each is that all good aspirations will mature into profit and worth-while inspira accounting— ple asure doesn't injure the tions to remunerative reali wr With above eight squib let’s proceed with “C avans’’: Carnivaldom isn’t losing. t's growing, steadily and surely. Recent lots of word fre ym ‘eocmaneteeds showtolks here Ala.—Sure, Late report from Fort Worth, Tex.—Troupers just rambling inte this tewn! Are you going to put those ride mechanics, etc., in uniforms, this year? The ‘‘out all winter jn the South’ shows are doing as well as usual. When will they learn? Now let’s give credit to Mrs. A. D. Murray. vr) /8~—~CONDUCTED BY ee ————~ BABA ing the off season he has been managing the Grand Theater at Charleston, W. Va. The feller who said “If it wasn't fer th: durn expense of eatin’ I could uv made a whole lot more sayin’s on the road’? sure was not hungry for a mouthful of logical deduction. Word has it that the plans of Bob Kline and Lew Popkin toward opening the Libe rty Greater Shows with about ten pay attractions in littsburg, Pa., are going foraward ple aateehe, If fifteen concessions and a half can ! hauled on a load and a half, and each pays : doliar and a half—what's the price of rott: eggs? Speaking about ‘‘old heads’’ sort of gettin. together on a caravan, there is quite some significance along this line with the Morris «& Castle Shows, eh? Mike McGee postcarded from Montgomery Ala., March 6, that he and Mrs. McGee woul be with Miler Bros’, Shows this season with their concessions. What has become of Frank Angel, the boy who used to ‘feed the deer’’ on the Nigro Shows? Frank was also some minstrel talker and manager. There have been ‘‘Red Domes” and similar attractions, but it is not members would even If we don’t the public surely will the coming captions of carnival season. likely that the committee PICKNICKERS 4 The photograph was taken during a picnic folks. Gabe, Jean, Hosvep and ‘‘Kay’’. In front, dressed in ‘‘having-a-good-time’’ and fishing outing of DeKreko Bros.’ show clothes, are the four DeKreko brothers, Get ready, folks, to look over the ‘‘surprises”’ and count the cars and attractions the ‘‘show letter’? writers have been telling us about! Bill Brice infoed from Colembia, S. C., that Flodell Roberts will be feature rider at the Motordrome of the T. A. Wolfe Shows A thing 4 oubtle ss as pértains to up-in-theair rides—a Ferris wheel ‘‘built on a wagor Yet nothing is impossible! Virginia sunshine, avers their p. a., is giving family at Richmond acute *lousefoot"’ the Sheesley Shows attacks of It now looks like there will be several big iround Ciney during the late spring and summer. earavans in and Harry Hayes is one who ears with the C, M spent several Nigro caravan who seems missing, Where and what, Harry? I irs of real shows, rides and concessions ‘ better than twenty cars of halforthlessness Red'’ James and Jack Dillon, concessionaires, fr San Antonio, were seen at the Fat Stock S \ Ft Worth with several concessions. About e best brand of philosophy Ali has to offer showfolks at this writing is for each one to work like —— for the field of amusements. present and conducts a dance hall and Rochester, N. H., during the winte tells our Boston office that he knows New England like a book. Mike Troy, who entertainimne t reau showfolks Quite a number of were well acquainted with Pat Moran, manager of the Cinciunati Keds, who passed away March 7 while with bis baseball team in Florida. G. W. (Dolly) Lyons and the Mrs. have been stepping fast the past several weeks and rumor has it that Dolly is going to provide a real surprise in the water show line. Howard (Cotton) Willard will again do press work for Capt. David Latlip’s Attractions. Dur stand for a title of a ‘‘Fea Pot Dome”’—with all the publicity attached to it. Mel. G. Dodson, general ag nt of “a! Be gt Fair Shows, has bought a coupe’ hich he ll use ahead this season Mel, sage that it xets mightily lonesome out ahead all alo Bob’’ Kelley and wife, members of the Bag Jad Show with the World's Fa Shows last season, have been working vaudeville this winer with a jazz orchestra Marcus Wheeler and Johnny Webb, ‘‘the fat boy’’, are om their way to the winter quarters of the World's Fair Shows from Cuba, where the former has had a pit show this winter. On March 14—so this writer (C. B.) world » to ehronicle—that grand old man of the De aeidson Lithograph Company, W. M. Donaldsen, celebrated his eighty-fourth birthday. Shades of Pongo: “‘You al! goin’ to play Kansas again this yeah? If you do thome ‘ policemen’ will shuh have to pay this beh time. Shuh will!’ Paul Julian trouped the past winter with a trick in Texas. He is now at the winter quar ters of the World's Fair Shows and says that he will try to make his money in the summer time from now on. 4. H. Harden, with his and ‘‘Dad"’ Benson, with his minature go-round, worked Shows at the Fat Loth are booked Wonderland Show, merry with the J George Looa Stock Show in Ft Worth, with the World's Fair Shows It was passed to Ali last week that Shows osre this wepring the bes organization ever under the Morris Miller—and outfits during his Miller looking banner of Manager Morris has had some nifty career a8 @ manager. ros’ According fo word from one of the prominent special agents from St. Louis, it appears that city has been a sort of mecca for dates of late. No info. on contracts was contained in the ‘ommunication. Wortham’s World's Best Shows bring back a novelty show from the Coast. It promises to (Continued on page 150) | KIDDIE RIDES Promise to be the feature Rides this season. if you want to get in on the ground | ft nF, you should write us for informaabout the Baby Eli Wheel Built’ by Eli Bridge Company | Wolcott St., JACKSONVILLE, ILL. | | ‘ 3. P. Mackenzie. John Wendler. F. W. Fritscho, PARK, PORTABLE and “LITTLE BEAUTY” CARROUSELS. Power Unit, 4-Cylinder TRACTOR ENGINE. where. High Strikers. Portable Swings. Write for Cataloz. ALLAN HERSCHELL CO., INC., NORTH TONAWANDA, N.Y., U.S.A. SELLING FAST SALT Releases fron bottom by Ushing butn on top. Price of sample, $1.00, Whole sale rrice tas tished on request. PASNIK COMPANY FORDSON Service every SILVERED PASNIK SHAKELESS , CELLARS 2 — Norwich, Rawk Saeaaey Conn. ara is ae nay " % “st Gerry Patentee Lucky Coins 10K. Gold Sewerte Souvenirs, ha , nad Halves 50 and 75 t< ea her anted, S Pi . Charm, $1.25 " Movie Photos, Fashion's Latest. Vanity gold-plated, comb. lip 75c. 100,000 German ’ Marks, 25 Sticker Flags, » size, pact 40, 10; 3 Packages, 2% SIL \ ERO, a at Ma Wonder, plate and pollshes ailver, is, 8=CODT md nickel, formula, °7 S bes M ey Ma Formulas, 50c; 5 hest Money Mal ie Plans, 3 Will te pane f wany I fu es 8 I list o remiur for Trust Plan Busines Cormrt puts up Medicine, I ee, YOUR LABEL $1 10c; Sie size, be Company furnishes nula and 500 your Name Label Tollet Preparations, $2 each formula. Ali the above formulas, plat for $1 bill. WESTERN NOVELTIES Liberal, Kansas LADIES’ RUBBER HAND BAGS Armadillo Baskets, Rattlesnake Belts, . {nformatioa Something New Polished Horn Recking Chairs and Novelties. Beautiful ailk-ilned Baskets for the |! br from abl ® for w er baskets all width made’ with Ratticanake Skins. An gora Goatskins tanned for Rugs Highly polished Horn Novelties Good gellers for Curio Stores or Concessionaires, Write for prices and particul R. 0. POWELL, 407. W. Commerce St., San ‘Antonio, Texas, WANTED For Hansher Bros. Shows Opening in Kansas City in April Hawaiian Mu iclans and Dancers, ~— ager for Snake Show, Agent for Cotton Candy tither salary or percentage Address BKB, L. MARTIN. 1012 Seott Ave., Kansas City, Kansas BAND ORGANS, NEW and REBUILT Ret patring Paper and Cardboard Music Played Organs Guaranteed Cardboard Music 3 ‘BOGLICLI & SON, 1717 Melville Formerly with Berni Or rest rice spec laity, lL St., Bronx, New York. gan Co,