The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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es — ee, ee” 150 The Billboard MARCH 22, 1924 Big Profit Opportunity Best quality Chinese Parasols ever received from the Orient. strong, splendidly made and reinforced. ings. Extraordinary values. Enormous demand exists for things Chinese. This is your opportunity. Be prepared. Investigate at once. Send for sample Parasol today. Sample Price, postpaid, $1.75. Special prices on quantities of dozen or over. Request literature on other desirable, quick-selling, imported articles. Fish-skin type. Be autiful designs, especially attractive color these better quality Parasols for her personal use; also for party decorations and as favors. The Paul Lau Co., Inc. 425 Grant Ave., Dorit overlook this Dainty, Milady will want San Francisco RADIO REX OBEYS HIS MASTER’S VOICE. Put the Dog in the Kennel, clap your hands, or call him ‘‘Rex’’, amd he will come out to you, without touching him. Its mysterious operation creates @ barrel of fun, surprise and excitement. This is a wonderfully interesting gcientific toy, operat ed by sound waves. Ps “roc 1: Wood and Metal. Decorated in ssorte ( olors, Comes packed one each in an attractive artistic carton, 642 in. long, 6 in. wide, 7 in. high, PRICE, $12.00 PER DOZEN Sample sent parcel post, prepaid, fer $1.75 Each. NO CATALOG. 25% Deposit on All C. O. D. Orders. AY-WON TOY & NOVELTY CORP. 494 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY QUALITY, SERVICE, PRICE, SPRING SPECIALS CHINESE BASKETS, Full Double Trimmed, er CHE nec ccccces @ccccce CARVING SETS. Each...,... 1$1.75, $2.35, ELECTRIC BOUDOIR LAMPS. Each. gia. MANICURE ROLLS, ere c to pape ee OE ES ERE >” $9.60 and IMPORTED “VACUUM BOTTLES. Dozen.......... LARGE SIZE FUR DANCING MONKEYS, — GOLD-PLATED MILITARY GLASSES. Dozen.. ALL-SHELL FRAME GLASSES. Dozen .......... New Novelties in Oak Brand Transparent, Gold and §! ver, Panel and Comie Balloons, a FULL LINE OF CARNIVAL NOVELTIES. New Catalogue will be issued about May 15, Send name and permanent address for copy. GOLDBERG JEWELRY CO. 816 Wyandotte Street, KANSAS CITY, MO. esses 83as ~ = ' Mint Venders!.--Notice! 5c-Radio Mints-5c THE BEST MINT AND THE BEST PACKAGE Give Yeu More Profits and Quicker Turnever. BUY DIRECT $15.00 PER CASE OF 1,000 Se PACKAGES (Prices Subject te Change) F. 0. B. CINCINNAT! When ordering send deposit for at balance C. O. D. We use only wax paper-lined thug no ‘die RADIO MINT COMPANY, centrat Ave. CINCINNATI, 0. THE ORIGINAL GOLD BALLOONS Patent issued February 26, 1924, = infringements will be vigorously prosecuted. Our New METALLIC cr SATIN FINISH BALLCON 3 another world-beater, Also fully protected by patts. One size only, No. 70 Gas. The very latest and newest is the PATRIOTIC BALLOON, in three colors, Red, White, Blue, only, No. 60 Gas. A beautiful item, Will be a big seller this season. The MOTTLED or ALLIGATOR BALLOON (patented) is etill the biggest seller in the world, and is known in nea‘ly every country on the globe, Samples by Mail, 15e, te cover postage, packing, ete. THE NOVELTY RUBBER SALES CO. $42 W. Market St, AKRON, OHIO One size C.F. ZEIGER UNITED SHOWS MEMBER SHOWMEN’S LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEE. WANT—For Cireuit of 15 Fairé starting at RUGBY, N. D., JUNE 18; Bottineau, Cando, Ham! "ton, Langdon, N. D.; two_in Canada; Reseau, Thief River Falls, Mankato, Albert Lea, Waseca, Minn three in Iowa. WANT small Silodrome, one Bally Show, ge Platform Show, one more Ride that can gilly. A few Wheels and Grind Concessions open. CAN PLAZE Talkers, Tieket Sellers, r Loader, Coneession Agents. All useful Carnival People write. May be able to place you. This ig the best equipped and has the best route of any gilly show in America ALBERT APPLEGATE, Ride Foreman. ALBER} Balance ©. F. ZEIGER, Fremont, Neb.. Show opens Fremont, pr le Swing and Eli Wheel Help. Address The Last ‘‘Word”’ in Your Letter to Advertisers, ‘‘Billboard’’. CARNIVAL CARAVANS (Continued from page 148) be quite a success. It represents many improvements on fundamentally profitable ideas, tho composite in this one. The Rubin & Cherry Shows have issued very tastily prepared invita‘ion cards, soliciting the recipient's presence at their ninth annual opening, set for March 24, on Todd's circus lot, Montgomery, Ala. A letter from J. V. Morasca advised that he had signed a contract with C, Burkholder, of Buffalo, N. Y., for the latter to furn'sh rides with Morasca’s Circus-Bazaar Company the coming season. Mrs. J. B. Cullen spent the winter at her home in Renfrew, Ont., Can. She was scheduled to leave there about the middle of this month to join her “‘hubby"’ at the R. & C. winter quarters. J. C. Fields, of Fields’ Greater Shows, expected to leave Milwaukee about the middle of this month for his winter quarters at Ladysmith, Wis., where prepirations for the new season have been in progress for several weeks. We wonder if the “Cheating Cheaters Club” still holds its sessions at ‘Mercury Hall’? “Them was the happy days.’’ How about it, Billy, Harry, Kelley, Lynn and others in the know? General agents making St. Louis this year are certainly going to miss genial Tom Rider's smile and handshake, and the Annex will not seem like the ‘‘home’’ it has always been with Tom gone. “Lacky boys’? and diszu‘sed “°49 camps"’ and “girl shows’’ still ply their trade itn certain isolated parts of the country, but the net is slowly tightening around them and it won't be long until they are gone forever. W. H. Brownell, who has been working on special promotions with Elks’ circuses, etc., in Florida the greater part of the winter, has joined the advance staff of the Dykman-Joyce Shows as special agent. Remember, folks, you needn't get Somebody else to send your news notes to Ali unless you so prefer. You may send them yourself. All items for “‘Caravans’’ should be addressed to our Cincinnati offices. General agents are finding that the public Goes know about the Showmen’s Legislative Committee. One of the first questions asked by many committees is: ‘Is your show a member?"’ Bhow your card, boys! *“Huntres”, sword walker, infoes that he has signed with the American Exposition Shows and is at home in Glens Falls, N. ¥., getting all new wardrobe and a new plush drop ready for his act. When a feller really does need a friend: When a concessionaire fails to receive a ‘“‘shipment’’ and the Saturday night crowd on the lot cleans him out of stock at nine p.m., and he can but look longingly at his neighbor's big supply. Among the early street fair shows to start out in this country was the ‘‘Merrymakers"’, of Augusta, Ga., organized in 1906. Joe Vion, the veteran showman and press agent, booked the free attractions for this organization over a period of several years. George 8. Henderson, last season ride manager with the ©. A. Wortham Shows, has accepted a position as freight sclicitor for the Buffalo & Lake Erie Traction Company, with headquarters at Erle, Pa. Says he is deeply interested in his new work. Jack Rice, of the Lachman Shows, ‘tis sald, has been a frequent guest at the good eats at the home of Harry and ‘‘Maggie’’ (‘‘catrack qneen"’, of the Mimie World Shows) Mahon, and that ‘“‘Maggie’’ and Harry are host and hostess supreme. Charlie Docen, impresario of denizens of the freak animal exhibit of the Greater Sheesley Shows, indignantly denies a report that he will present a “hodag’’ from Northern Wisconsin. After exhaustive research Charile announces that “they ain't no such animal.” Among visitors to ‘George H. Coleman's Indoor Circus, gander the Union Hal! Association at Racine, ia., técently, were Edward J. Beaver, carnival evpply merchant, and Claude R. Ellis, Greater Sheesley Shows’ publicity director, who was vieiting in Milwaukee. A report was that “the re will be no more wheat shows at Wichita, Kan., in which event the date will probably be changed to a civie celebration of some kind. Incidentally, In that city is the abode of one hustling press and special agent, and it dawns upon Ali that “KO", who used to bande like affairs for the é sre*iesy Just another of Parker Playgrow'd Rides, now sellfmg fast. More than twenty Carnivals will carry Parker Miniature Rides this season.. They are safe, handsome, easy to operate and unexcelled money-makers. Cc. W. PARKER, Leavenworth, Kansas, BEADED BAGS For March Only. $1.25 to $25.00 Each We also carry a full line of Novelties, including Manicure Sets, «1 igarette and Cigar Holders, Pencils, Pens, Mesh Bag etc. We issue no catalogue Us send you a 2 5 assortment of Bags which we know will meet with your approval. Money order of cer tified eheck with each order. CASSEL & A. J. ROTHSTEIN (Direct Importers of Novelties) 151 Fifth Avenue, NEW YORK CITY ) LITTLE WONDER LIGHTS Lamps for the Parlor, Library and Dining Reom Lights for stores, schools, churches, m tents.shown.en,ectc, Park and street lights, and Littl Wonder Hand Lanterns. Little Wonder patented gasoline lights are BRIGHTER THAN ELECTRICITY, CHEAPER THAN OIL. Thousands in use everywhere. Wenderful-dependable-sale-strady-pare white ~7fo w every purpose. We want sell ributors where we are no! ing « * represented. write fo for Little Wonder Cutalogus and Pricey LITTLE WONDER MFG. CO, | | 8, Sth St, Terre Hants, in@ Nugget Jewelry Looks Ike gold and wears Ifke gold, Best tmitation in the world Nugget Charms, per dozen, $3.00; Pins, dozen, $3.00; Links, pair, 59c; Watch Chains, singles, each, $3.50; doubles, each, $5.00. Composition Gold Dust Containers, Neck! ces, Braceicts, etc. Sample Charm, Pi:, Link and Container for $1.75. Send for circuiar, R, WHITE & SON, MFRS., P. 0, Box 424, RED BLUFF, CALIF. BALLOONS ; PAPER HATS — NOISEMAKERS FAvor) Flares, Decorations, Make-Up, Favors, OR? Teef Steak Aprons, Fair Novelties. Write for catalog. FAVOR CORP., New York City. YOUR NAME IN GOLD FREE ON A UNIVERSAL FOUNTAIN PEN Send Money Order for $1.00 and we will send you s Pen that ts guaranteed for 5 years AGENTS WANTED. UNIVERSAL FOUNTA‘€@ PEN CO., tit Nassau St, New York, N. Y. CHOCOLATE BARS ane ge oe earth for Sale sDo. rds, Premiums and Send 100 for samples and prices. HELMET. ‘CHOCOLATE CO., Cincinnati, 0, U. 8, 40 West 34th Street, SLOT MACHINES FOR SALE Low prices on all kinds of Slot Machines. Packihg cases with hinge doors with each machine. WEISS NOVELTY CC., Memphis, Tenn. FOR SALE 2 NEW S54 KEY ORGANS A. ROTHERHAM, Revere, FOR SALE SLOT MACHINES OF ALL Ringe a SALE CHEAP. A‘dress SICKING MFG. -» 1931 Freeman Ave.. Cincinnati, Ohto Have you looked thru the Letter List? ae Ae AGa~-= @Gen)«e oH ae