The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboard | ¥ » ils No. 883—A two-pound size trimmed in copper. t High-Grade Chocolates. } inches. $24.00 Dozen. M Packed 1 doz. to case; weight, Top layer of Puritan Size, 8)gx4x23 ; ANDY CONCESSIONERS Red Cedar Candy Chests WILL MAKE THE BIGGEST FLASH ON THE LOT. THE BIG HIT IN FANCY CANDY PACKAGES Made of Genuine Tennessee Red Cedar; trimmed with lacquered copper. Packed with Puritan High-Grade Assorted Chocolates chest, iD cop wil Choco: 35 Ibs. TERMS:—C. 0. D. less 2% 25% deposit must accompany made otherwise. ae of $12. . 0. b. Cincinnati. TY set of three sizes sent prepaid on receipt . Ne shipments COCUGAEATA CELE R ESOT EAORSELECO ESOS RESTORES EAEEPREDEGEERERSSGECOOEEDEEEREETOCESECUUEEEE REPRE EEOUEEOEEER ATCUEET ET EE OEE No. 887—A five-pound size chest trimmed Top layer of Puritan High-Grade Size, 10x519x4 inches “$36.00 Dozen. Packed 1 doz. to case; weight, 65 lbs. e ‘ Wire or write for full information on entire line of CINCIKKATI PURITAN PACKAGE CHOCOLATES. hocolates THE PURITAN CHOCOLATE COMPANY 109-117 Central Parkway Boulevard, = Sees 2S MMMM NN TT 5 No. 901—A special large copper bound chest with lock. Top layer of Puritan High-Grade Chocolates. Size, 12x5x43/ inches $51.00 Dozen. Packed 1 doz. to case; weight, 100 tbs. eS ie eee Se == CINCINNATI, OHIO SI vA Ml | aS J HHT MEXICO’S & WONDER PLANT Greatest Agents’ Money-making Novelty and ie Article Ever my the Genuine MEXICAN RESURRECTION PLANT or Rose of Jericho. Looks dead, but after half an hour in water bursts into beautiful green fern-like plant. Can be dried up an revived innumerable times and lasts for years. Light weight, low cost, easy to — Retails at 10¢ to 25e each. We are world’s timporters. ‘Terme Cash. 8 led, WHOLESALE PRICES ma. eee oe 500 F.O. B. h NRT Ia ane ee ae MEXICAN DIAMOND IMPTG. CO. World's Largest Shipper ef Resurrection Plante. Dept. KK, Las Cruces, N. M. OVER $200.00 WEEKLY \s M. Ryan's Steady Earnings With His VGAR PUFF WAFFLE MACHINE. Made from secret recipe and methods which we teach you No experience or skill needed. No epleling—beautiful machine—sanitary tuethods—and enticing looks and odor of PUFF WAFFLES force the sales. Machines shipped on tricl are complete end ready for business, and are price from $77.50 to $162.50. . lt information, FG. CO., 1213-17 Chestnut, Sa, Louls, Mo. TALDO. t a Conc 0 6x8, 8-o2. Khatl. 22.39; esston Frame Tents? s*: oz.. $28.95; 8x10, 8-on mt 10-02., $38.60. 1/8 cash " balance c. 0. VCK & RUBBER CO., Fi, Smith, Ark. ‘ooked thru the Letter List? merchants there, might again get his Sager into the managerial pie. existing “upward’’ George H.—Under the regardless of the tre nd it doubtless is beet, od stuff” contained therein, that we do not publ ish the ~ on the “Salty Dog Amusement Company” However, thanks for the contribution, Mrs. C. G. Dodson’s birthday party was held as per all arrangements bat ‘Katie refused to divulge the number of years. Mra. W. J. Kehoe baked a cake for the occasion with sixteen candles adorning the top which brought a smile to the face of the hostess. Doc Collins made quite a record as city salesman for a brand of auto at Montgomery, Ala., while be was at it-—some nine or tea cars—not so bad for a short time. Doc resigned a couple of weeks ago to devote his in time to getting bis show ready for Will there be another of | those ‘‘carnival misrejwesent atives”’ conventions in the Planters thié summer? Bill Rice, Harry E. Crandell, Billy Owens, Chas. Watmuff, Bil Fleming, Sam Burgdorf and others present at the ope last d year, please communicate. While a “bunch” of Bedoulns were sitting in front of a hotel jn Montgomery, Ala., rece ntiy. a bluebird Lit in a tree across the street and its chirping seemed to say: “You can make it. You can make it.’ And George Craig jumped up and said: “Let's gol” Bob Wallace, concessionaire, who during the past several winters bas sold rubber beits, ete. retail and in jeb lots, recently returned to Cincinpati for a few days’ stay, with intention of returning at intervals. Bob reported having a very good winter's business in bis line. Mr. and Mrs. &. T. Martin, privilege car bonifaces of the Greater Sheesiey Shows, wiate red in Florida, “Wintered’’ is rigbt, declares “Unele Tom", who adds that the pleasure of fishing ef the pier was conspicuous largely by its absence during most of the sojourn this time. Ren B. Dowell advises that bis mechanical show, “Fan on the Farm", has been undergoing repairs and improvements at his headquarters in Ohio and will be ready to take the road April 1. It is mounted on a truck and will play carpivals, street fairs, ete. F. Newell wrote from Carbondale, Ml., that R. L. Rusher and Al Kephart, concessionaires, last season with Smith's Greater United Shows, have stayed in Southern Illinois all winter, playing indoor “‘dolugs’’. met Johnny Dougherty, with “‘Brownie’’ Smith. J. Matthews, Also that be recently concessionaire, formerly general representative for the Pacific Coast Shows, says the management of that caravan will not tolerate any untoward concessions or exbibitions the coming seasan, (Continued on page 152) TORCHIER Electric Lamps These are beautiful, attractive lamps. They come in bright assorted colors. Complete as illustrated. No. 108 (Illustration at right) 11% -in. No. 109 (Illustration at left) 14%-in. All Lemps come in individual Cartons. $Q-OO fz, Assorted No sample orders for less than three dozen accepted. Half cash with order, balance C. O. D. 35 E. 20th St., New York. ARMADILLO BASKETS . BEST SELLING NOVELTY ON THE MARKET From these nine banded, horn-shelled little animals, we make beautiful Baskets. Highly polished, lined with silk. Make ideal work baskets. Write us q uick f for quantity prices. The APELT ARMADILLO CO., “The House of the Armadillo” Comfort, Texas AIRO DESIGNED 70 GAS BALLOONS, $3.25 Gr. As a Gift Number, including your advertisement. 500 Lot......$15.00 1,000 Lot. . $30.00 We list Airo Co.’s entir of Gas Balloons: Lepo Metal Frogs, __ $7.50 Gr. | Paper Folding Tricks, $4.00 peri00 Best Jap Flying Birds, $5.00 Gr. | Whyps, 30-36 in.. $6 and $7.50 Gr. Running Mice, $4.00 Gr. | Wiggling Alligators, __ $7.50 Gr, CELEBRATION GOODS OF \LL SORTS. Our Catalog is BRAZEL NOVELTY MFG. CO., 1700 cis st, Cincinnati, O. Tell Them You Saw Their Ad in The Billboard. el ilies