The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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ee eee SS -~ MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboard : —_ a <a ful toned will enjoy music is the increased being first to give the publie mething dif ferent—hbe will be up to date. —e Me You Need New Music *: surprising that the public has stood for it. receipts and gain the reputation of we » C continued The fellow who jumps out of t fellow who whether is necessary on a Merry-Go-Round, why Swings and r automatically, has metal cases, BERN! ORGAN COMPANY, New York City. DRIVER BROS, Chicago. Ask them for dem ALSO HAND OF SELF-PLAYING pend thousands of dollars fixing up your amusement enterprise, but Rides and Parks that they have heard continuously for forty years. It's Tone for Rides, Rinks, Shows ALLIAPHONE out increasing their receipts. you go around and ar it is, and if you don’t “put a new toned geste wher rides and watch your bdék-office receipts bullt practically of m $3.50. Fewer parts, all int hangeable 15-year gu weighs about 275 pounds, operates with electric mot Shipping two to C \ Rig one to Eli Brix The tone is absolutely nh? from anything you our Agents Cc. W. PARKER, San Franciseo and Leavenworth, Kan. GRAND RAPIDS ELECTRIC PIANO CO., Grand Rapids, Mich. AIR CALLIOPES to give the public the same toned music for your Rinks, he old rut and gives his peope a distinct, new, beauti FIRST NEW TONE IN 40 YEARS SELF-PLAYING $3.50 ROLLS 95 managers out of 100 go along year after year withA Riding Device is a Riding Device, no matter und, up and down, in the air or on the ground—and if musi in the ‘“‘devil’’ isn’t it necessary on amy other ride? You know on your Ferris Wheel, Caterpillars, Circle Swings, Aeroplane jump 100%.’" Here is+am instrument that pays etal throughout, uses standard piano rewind ten-tune rol!s at aran tee Licht «nd compact, floor space required 24x32 inches, or from the engine of your riding device. ige Company, Carlin Rink in Baltimore, and numerous others. have ory a beautiful clear tone that never grows old. Ask EL! BRIDGE COMPANY, Jacksonville, Ii. MEMPHIS AUTO MUSIC CO., Memphis, EVERETT MacDONALD, Baltimore. Send for free literature to home office, TANGLEY MFG. CO. MUSCATINE, IOWA Write for illustrated cireular and prices, M. G. ILLIONS & SONS, 1789 Ocean Parkway, Coney Island, New York. eee GARDNER eee SALESBOARDS: Prices reduced on entire line, including our BABY MIDGETS Send for our new price list. GARDNER & CO. @ 2309 Archer Avenue, CHICAGO eeeeceeoeeeoooooe ee JUMBO “exctocns® WHIPS arrest JUMBO Squawker ever made, 00 of them a 91.65 per ct SILK AND ¢ LLU Lat WHIPS, Let] right colors, in SILK wound amd CELLUAceon —~ from $5.40 up to $11.25 per gross. — Pie, Whee is at $7.20 per gross. Also AIR PLANES, Paper Hats, Knives, Canes, ete, 1924—HIGH STRIKERS 1924 i Strikers, Dial Strikers, single and double; Mathes Ha fiame, Sam Yameon Ball Game, are B Game, Hand Strikers, MWechanDAY mae Whe et SE NI ) aw AY, TOee } T It il bring you ame o REST MONEY M ‘Ktxe A. positions for = ’ Now \ddress MOORE BROS.. Mane a urers, Een Michigan, ‘tor over 15 years. with the with the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus, Harry E. Bonnell, one of the better-known promoters of special events, has spent the greater part of the winter in Florida, Putting in his time between Jacksonville, Miami and Tampa. Report has it that Hiarry will have several “indoor doings’’ in that State next winter and that this summer might find him with one of the large carnival organizations. The number of “‘big names’ that have en rolled under the banner of the Zeidman & Pollie Shows this year has become quite a topic of conversat.on among outdoor show people—Jimmie S lied up te e head, with William Zei ‘onan and there's Mabel Mack, Ethel Dore, Etta Louise Blake, Bill Hilliar, and quite a few others. The Terminal Hotel, at Ft. Worth, bas been the “winter home’ of many troupers. The following could be seen in the lobb each night: George Dorman, J. George and wife, B. Bennmar and wife, Ed Brewer, Willie Lavine, Jim Dyer, C. G. Dodson, M. G. Dodson, John Hoffman, Max Montgomery, Mike Zinney and Miss Betty Loos. special agent with Harry Shows last year, James K. Newsum, BE. Crandell, on DeKreko Bros’. has been keeping exceptionally quiet this winter, but at last the truth comes out. Jimmy is married. And what is more, it looks as tho he had forsaken the ranks, as he is employed at an auto school in Wichita, Kan. Wonder if he will ever forget the St. Francis? to Herman-Gloth, concessionaires, wrote from Washington, D. C.: “Herman & Goth are making preparations for opening their fifteen concessions with Ketchum’s 20th (Century Shows. All the equipment will receive a thoro overhauling. Among the former agents will be Hank Brady, George Hall and myself. Cecil Phillips also has been engaged.’ Mike O’Brien has a hanging in his window at Montgomery, Ala., and every once in awhile Jim Dunlavey, Mike MeGee, Jim Sullivan, Tim Clancy, Harry Dee, Fred Flannigan, Tommy Quirk, Jack Cullen and Eddie Lippman can be seen celling on Mike. Wonder what it’s all about? They are all “Swedes” except Eddie Lippman. He's “‘Irish’’. Ray Banks, secretary harp and green flag “‘Write-ups’" from two different shows a week or two ago—as submitted for publication—had Ralph and Aimee Pearson among the respective personnels All Ali can say is that they were recently with “‘some caravan” in the Southeast (Aimee might be large enough to separate’’ on two outfits—if it were pos (Continued on page 154) ¥\) » Mr. Concessioner, Park, Manager, Show Owner, Ball Game Operators We ASK FOR MY 1924 16-page ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET of the highest class Arkansaw EY Kids, Cats, Owls, Hoods, Racks. FLASHIEST outfits ever made. Guaranteed money getters, TAYLOR’S GAME SHOP Columbia City, INDIANA a ', PULL CCLC CCC CCCCLCUC = ’ = = MATT. T. COLLINS’ SHOWS =: = WANTS CONCESSIONS Juice, Ice Cream, Candy, Popcorn, Waffles, Cigarette Shooting Gallery, = = f Dart Gallery, High Striker, Novelties, Balloon Racer, Knife Rack and any = S von'c ill Want Tattooer for Pit Show. MATT T. COLLINS, 221 West i4th St, New = = York City, After April 10 Address Winter Quarters, Fair Grounds, Fonda, New Yark. = a _MINER’S MODEL SHOWS Pe pening, Phillipsburg, N. J., North End Field, Merry. on art of the Coal Fields of Pennsylvania Gr 1, Parker Swings, Chatr Flyer, Ketten ontfiy ’ it must be run on the level. ‘ . y low percentage: twenty-five per ent Ride Help Wanted, ‘ Man wanted to drive Truck with Tamgley Alr Calliope Bethie shem, Pa., to Ferris Wheel, Wheels and Apri] 19th; two Saturdays Following Rides already booked: Fleger. All kinds of Concessions wanted, No Graft wanted, Will book Shows with their own Agents for Stores; also all mail to Miller wants Address Mr. K. B R. H. MINER, 161 Chanber Street, Phillipsburg, N. J. > 4 OOO 555665665566565666666666656656565655555 SSCS SOOO aman O OTe OO OOO OOeFOee ee © _ F. DESSAUER & CO., INC. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS Adams and Market Streets, o: CHICAGO SEASON 1924 CUT PRICES ON ESMOND INDIAN BLANKETS (60 to Case, Assorted Colors. Each Blanket in Box) No. 1625—Size 64x78, 4 Flashy Combinations sie $3.12 14 Each No. 514—Size 66x80,3 “0 ® 3.75 Each No. 321—Size 72x84,4 “ ee. .. 4.25 Each Terms 20% deposit, balance C. O. D. CUT PRICES ON MAMMA DOLLS Full Line—All Sizes Write now for our descriptive and illustrated price list. $ +> +> + ° ° « ° ° ° e ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° . ° ° . ° ° ° ° ° . . . ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° > ° ° > ° . ° ° ° ° ° . ° + « ° Pa eee TT TT IIT IT SLATS ASA AASAA AAA AAADASDaDASSSSSSSSADDDDADAAAAEAADE ORD SALESBOARD OPERATORS CONCESSIONAIRES AND WHEELMEN Write For Our New Catalog BIG MONEY FOR YOU HEADQUARTERS FOR BAND ORGANS NOW IS THE TIME TO GET READY FOR eae SEASON. Write today for Catalogue and Prices LATEST IMPROVED ORGANS, REPAIR WORK and MUSIC Repair work done anywhere. At factory preferred, for best resulta SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ARTIZAN FACTORIES, Inc., No. Tonawanda, N.Y.,U S.A. ALUMINUM LEADS THEM ALL We deliver within a few hours to any point in the South at factory prices. LARGE STOCKS—LOW PRICES—PROMPT SERVICE Write or wire nearest office for Ca wz and Price List. ; ALUMINUM SPECIALTY CO., (36 Whitehall St.. Attanta, Ga. { SOUTHERN ALUMINUM CO., | 513 Conti St., New Orleans, La ALUMINUM SPECIALTY CO., 1917 Live Ook St.. Dallas, Tex. ae