The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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ESS ee, eee The Billboard MARCH 22, 1924 —— ~ ATTICA "eSON £OS H. H. Burrows GARNIVAL CARAVANS (Continued from ‘page 152) sible, but Ralph—weill, he'd have a much harder time trying to make the grade). how people are quick to discriminate between facts and fiction (hbaliucinations). They praise a “show leiter’’ writer who sticks reasonably close to actual news and become “‘nauesated”’ ‘em they discover one who continuousiy tries ~v put over a lot of “bunk” on them—even allowing for ‘“‘allowances’’. Get the moral? (There are several who badiy need to decipher it), Now if Jimmie Simpson eould but induce *‘eacon’’ Delmore to get away from tue smokestacks around Pittsburg long enough to again get bis ‘‘feet wet’ in the show business, apa ‘John Vollit from making his transcontinental trips, to again be with an organized capnival—and a few others of the “old heads’, it sure would look something like the ‘‘good ol@ days’. Tis said the workers of the World's Fair Shows in winter quarters have gone ‘‘bugs” over radio, and the state-room cars look like @ row of pil derricks with radio equipment protruding from the tops. Walt Moran and ‘‘Fat"’ McCauley are the greatest bugs and every Saturday night can be seen coming home with two dgiiars’ worth of groceries and seven dollars’ worth of radio parts. Billy Kittle, former builder and manager of water shows with various caravans, returned to bis home in Aurora, Ind., last week from the Pacific Coast. While visiting The Billboard last week Billy said to tell his friends of showdom that he has completely recovered from rheumatisun, and is again ‘hitting on all six'’, ready for the road—but probably not with a carnival this season. Remember, news items for ‘‘Caravans’’ are net restricted to any certain territory, but are solicited from showfolk in all parts of the country. Aili does not engage in correspondence with any of the Bedouins anywhere for the Purpose of providing news, points, etc., to appeer in the “‘column’’, all contributions being voluntarily contributed—and everybedy’s welcome. There are at least two classes of committeemen. One class will impressively state to the Seperal agent, ‘‘We must give our citizens a Bned clezn show above everything else. The opher kind only require a few verbal details and fall over each other to say: ‘“‘The main thing is, how much do we get out of it?’ The former are far more continuously popular with the citizenry. As Ali has stafed several times each year, the past five years especially, the populace of aimost any city in the United States and Canada Wants and needs an isements of the elgan carnival calib arly during summMers—from wo gener ned up” all winter, It’s to give the people attrac. the ber ¢ f hoosters— er the knockers. tions that thus overriding Kenney } re, Manage r of the Norfolk (Va.) Tent and Awning mpar is a frequent visitor at i i if t Leig r » Winter Quarters at Pertemouth He rece asked ‘‘Happy’’ Wells, the ficial funster’’ with the show, what Mr. Simpson's privat telephone number Was, anc a ipon being infs 1ed 19265. Mr. Moore exclaimed 1926 ce whiz I didn't know r Zeidman & Pollie Shows were > two full urs ahead of the time!’ me SCAREY ANN DOLLS (A lever pulls the hair up) America’s Newest and Fastest Selling Toy. Made entirely of WOOD. Hair cannot be pulled out. 44 25% with Order—$37.50 gross—Balance C. O.D. 952 Grand Ave., Los Angeles BTU UCCCCC CUCU LECLULECECOUCLUCCLCLCL CUCU UCLUCLLCLCUECUCCLCLOLOLCLLCLULCCLLCLCCOLCOLLL COO COCCCCUCCUCCCOCCG COO CCOCCOUCO LC CCCUUUC UC CCL CUCU COCO CO UOC CCC SN EE AA TT LL ALUMINUM WARE | Seer : Bigger Values and Save You Money Write For Prices and Catalogs Geo. H. a Co. ALUMINUM DIVISION 224 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio NG, Oo OY Vase aN COND How Many Tickets SE aa=a) Have You a Se OU THEATRE bad 5 ~ “3 fe 2 haeest (5 = ° S k? __|© e n/ x ~ 2 | rariuo ae] ad o In ‘ toc fy tase >> SN ' YS If you use Globe Tiekets with Inventory Y.. 2 Numbers, you know all about your Ticket on, <o Supply. A glance at the Inventory Num 295 oS: ber on the next tieket tells you the exact > number of tickets you have in stock. Backed by an experience of nearly half a century, Globe Tiekets are the accepted standard of Ticket users, Inventory Numbering Can be used on any kind of Tickets that are sold consecutively. As it isa distinctive Globe Feature, however, it is found only on Globe Tickets. Globe Ticket Company, 118 N. 12th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Los Angeles New York San Francisco. | ing, made its appearance, on the front cover of which Mra, M. L. Morris was announced as editor and Hugh H. Hart assistant editor, the latter of Spartanburg. Al F.—The heading and sub-heading of the page article you refer to (Page 1,864, Volume 9, No. 21, Exhibitors’ Trade Review—about Fr CU nn Wl Twenty, twenty-five, car trains are thirty and thirty-fivewonderful, but Foley & Burk, “Coast defenders’’, put more amusements ia cities than half of the above-sized shows with but a few cars. No, they did not carry any excess: they did not move anyone's autos, or private cars The had nothing but amusements, and plenty of them How many this year are going to put it on the lot, or leave it in the railroad yards? In connection with the opening of the ©. D, Scott Greater Shows, at a Community Band's Spring Celebration, at Spartanburg, 8. C., March 15, a large twelve-page program, reguete with show announcements, etc., and advertis two years ago) reads as follows: “KEEP CARNIVALS OUT OF TOWN" “Traveling Shows Hit Box-Otlice Receipts’ “Here is a Practical Way To Put an End to Qutside Amusements Running Your Bustness, as Worked in * (naming a State n the Eastern section of the country). According to recent announcement, the entire advance force of the Great White Way Shows has been motorized, for a great portion of the route at least. Ne. 1 (route car) has been out all winter, No. 2 (contracting car) is well oa its way, following the route lad out by No, 1, and at list report No, 8 (advertising car) Was awaiting orders to start. Further advice was that practically all of the early seasom route is over paved roads, John Lathrop (‘Judge’) Karnes stepped about on the Coast with C. A. Wortham Shows. He is a member of several orders, bas hordes of friends in each, one bundred times as many outside of all orders, and a speaking acquaintance with nearly every showman on the Coast. He was, of course, at the annual ball of the Pacific Coast Showmen’s Club and is now resting up after a strenuous “Judge’’ is still with it, however, There have been a number of special events at winter quarters of the Great White Way Shows long to be remembered by showfolk there, Among them was a sumptuous Thanksgiving dinner, given by Thompkin Brothers: a istmas dinner, at which Mr. and Mrs. CG, M, Nigro were hosts, and an Anniversary Dinner of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Zimples, all being set ia the dining car of the show aud with every person in quarters present, Prof. Frank G. Graff, tattooed wonder, last Week informed that there was a new arrival in the ‘simian family"’ at the wint-r quarters of Frank C. Byers’ amusement enterprises ip Columbus, 0.—a baby monkey was born March 7—mother monk. thirty months old and ‘‘daddy"’ eight years. Mr. Byers intends to feature the “baby” in his sideshow, which he is getting ready for opening May 1. Byers, Jr. (Walter), will manage one of the big rides ia a park af Detroit, Mich., the coming season. Ye gads! Why is it that some folks can't get it straight that riding devices are ‘“‘paid attractions’’ (or “pay attractions’) Just the same as the shows? Every now and then some careless contributor of news, who deesn’t take time to figure out what he Is writing about, will write in that the caravan has ‘so many" rides and ‘‘so many” pald attractions. Others will try to pull subterfuge by writing thet the outfit bas, say Ofteen (more or less) pay (or DATE BOOKS daily memorandums THE BILLBOARD Especially arranged for showfolk in all branches. for 14 months, from The book contains maps, calendars for the years 1923, 1924 ané 1925, and much useful information. Bound in black grained cloth. each. Get yours before the supply is exhausted. Address THE BILLBOARD PUBLISHING COMPANY, Rate Book Department, 25 Opera Place, ———— RIDING DEVICES FOR RENT To Local Committees putting on Community Fairs, Celebrations, Loca] Events. For terms address RALPH FINNEY, 784 Beck Street, New Yerk City. ——_— ow | TH Home Comings or all similar NOW READY! Ample space for Pesny Arcade or any & proposition to seal showmen. Long season, CONC some other Skill Games ope. Will give exclusive F an,.for Big Ell. Those having chauffeur’s Ncense preferred JANUARY 1, 1924, TO MARCH 1, 1925. € ITTEES—We will furnish you with clean Fhows and entire family. Heferences furnished. JA SOUTHERN TIER SHOWS WE OWN OUR NEW 1924 RIDES. Transporting entirely by opr own fleet of motor trucks. ood, clean Show that possease WANT Circus Side Show, Doz and Pony Show, es real merit and that have their own outfit, RB ESSIONS—All Stock Wheels open Corn Game «a on everything. NO GRIFT Help wanted for Rides Must be sober. FAIR AND CELEBRATION new Hides A clean show, catering to the MES E. STRATES, Box 291, Elmira, New York. Sent anywhere, postpaid, for 25c¢ a ATTENTION! Gaacline Stoves, Jumbo Lurners, Un complete catalogue. Terms: Cash or % with order, do not include Parcel Post ea delay for colletir Cincinnati Dept. (5, 550 West 42d Street, COOK HOUSE MEN Hollow Wire, Gasviine Lanterns, Mar itles, Irons, Coffee Urns, Griddles all sizes and prices, WAXHAM LIGHT & HEAT 00. Burners, Tanks, Pumps, Torches, WamMe Write for Urn Burners (1k for preagure, alance C. O. D. Pricet Fy 4 tach ...... $4.25 Petsonal checks cause — & tneh ...... 5.50 Jumbo Burners ey er .. from ow York City. to sha.