The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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Pag es es ar a eat TS ee. ae Tn oe oneal ._ =. am. 4 oe A I Ms a ee — : = [as 2 joe THE HOT DOG WITH A PEDIGREE GET THE CASH WITH WAFELDOGS A tender, juicy frankfurter baked in a crisp, brown waffle! During the past two years Wafeldogs have been quietly placed before the public at several Fairs in various parts of the United States—and have gone over BIG! In direct competition with ‘‘Hot Dogs’’, with their wet, Soggy, tasteless rolls, WAFELDOGS HAVE NOT ONLY OUTSOLD THEM FOUR TO ONE, But Hot Dog Competitors were the first to apply for Wafeldog Outfits! THIS IS A WAFELDOG YEAR! (Trade Mark Registered. Patents Pending. Infringements Promptly Prosecuted.) AS EASY TO MAKE AS A SANDWICH For batter, just add water to Special Unsweetened Wafeldog Selfrising ~ Flour; lay frankfurter in mold, pour in batter, close mold and turn—PRESTO! cheaper than any prepared flour on the market, due to quantity production. STOVE IN OPERATION ATTRACTS CROWDS! WILL SELL ANYWHERE Cirenses, Oarnivals, Amusement Parks, Summer and Winter Resorts, County and State Fairs, Skating Rinks, Bathing Beaches, Parks, etc., for Full Particulars oO = im a PIERS Ars “ ’ ~ eo4 : oe AIVORES yr offer a BIG FIELD. No formulas, experimenting ANYONE CAN MAKE THEM In cities and towns Short-Order Eating Houses, Quick Lunch Counters and Near-Beer Stands replace Hot Dogs with WAFELDOGS! QUICK SELLER BIG PROFITS SMALL INVESTMENT OUTFIT, compact, easy to move and ret up. Consists of SPECIAL STOVE (operated by electricity, gas,, gasoline oF oil), with 12 Wafeldog Molds and Griddle for cooking frankf ! FREE OFFER WITH FIRST OUTFIT ' 98 POUNDS SPECIAL UNSWEETENED WAFELDOG SELFRISING FLOUR, ENOUGH TO RLTURN YOUR ENTIRE INVESTMENT IN FSW or extras! We furnish you COMPLETE HOT WAFELDOG! ! Wire or Write DAYS, when made and sold as WAFELDOGS! i One stove wlil cook 12 PER MINUTE. No experience required. Easy ‘a to make. ‘‘Wafel’’ costs less than sandwich roll. Our Special Unsweetened Immediately Wafeldog Selfrising Fiour, the result of several years’ experiment, is THE WAFELDOG CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL BUILDING WASHINGTON, D. C, FESR Saas = ELECTRIC BOUDOIR LAMPS LIGHT, DURABLE METAL. Finished in Tinted Ivory or Polychrome. No. 971 is designed especially for the Concession trade. It is without a doubt the most magnificent Boudoir Lamp as yet presented. It stands 16 inches high and the shades come in either Cobored Glass or Silk Inserts in the shade panels. The beauty of the Lamp permits us to say that we defy competition on this particular item. DOZEN ve ee we een eeee a HUNDRED ......... 315.00 Sample, $3.85. Cash with sample orders—half cash with quantity orders. Careful packing and prompt shipments We manufacture a complete line of Boudoir and Table Lamps. Write for Catalog. ROYAL ART GLASS CO. 243 CANAL ST., NEW YORK CITY Wee Are Sole Agents for PENDLETON AND CAYUSE INDIAN BLANKETS and SHAWLS To get the BEST results with Blankets use the BEST. We carry a large stock. All orders shipped same day received. CAYUSE INDIAN BLANKET COs, 200 Paimer House, CHICAGO When Writing to Advertisers Mention The Billboard. CARNIVAL CARAVANS (Continued from page 155) formed thru its columns that William had staged as many. matches there the past winter as the winter before and he was given rousing praise for the cleanliness and business-like manner in which they have been conducted. Are you going to let those “‘talkers’’ lounge on the front, with a cigarette in the corner of the mouth and a cap over one eye, or are you going to make them dress and act as they should? This goes for the ticket sellers also. If, owing to circumstances, you are compelled to use a working man in a ticket box, at least supply him with clean linen and a shave—get that “supply him’'; some working men are only getting enough to keep their bodies covered and the wrinkles out of their stomachs, Fred and Blanch Paul have had a most enjoyable winter vacationing with their old friends, Mr. and Mrs. Artie Shields, and the veteran showman, “Jack’’, at Tarpon Springs, Fla Since Fred's going to the Shrine degree of Masonry, about a year ago, both he and Mrs. Paul have become Eastern Stars, of which (0. E. 8.) the Shields are also members. They will soon again be troupipg their little caravan thru the ‘‘Peninsula State’’, in which they have remained continuously’ the past several years—the year round. Some of the nomadic family with Clarence A. Wortham’s World's Best had the time of their lives during the late fall and winter. These were the “tenderfeet’’, making their first trip to the Coast. Many of the attaches bought automobiles for the tour and negotiated scenic lands at their will, thus combining work with pleasure. Incidentally cameras were common around the show, and the owners thereof are bringing east many pictures that tell stories of a much-advertised section of the nation of which others have heard but never seen, Youngster (inspirationally): ‘‘Heaven will be a grand ‘show’, won't it, Daddy?" Dad: ‘It surely will be wonderful!"’ Youngster: ‘‘And it will last forever?’ Dad: ‘Yes, forever!’ Youngster: “‘And nobody'll get in free, either, will they?'’ Dad: “Figuratively speaking, all will have to pay!” Youngster: “‘Gee, but there'll be a big crowd, tho, huh?’’ Dad: ‘Yes, but many of the ‘rummies’ don't act like they want to even try to get in, in spite of all the pleadings of ‘talkers’ and ‘grinders’.”’ Don Stewart sends some info. from Columbus, 0., on troupers there hes my the “call to the road’: “I will probably be with Narder Bros.’ Shows. My feet are ‘itching terribly’ at present> Tex. and Mary Wilson are still bere—will aleo be with Narder Bros, (Gontinued on page 168) THE NEW ROLLING WAVE THE NEW ROLLING WAVE, the most Ride out today, for Carnivals, Fairs and Parks, erated by gasoline engine or electric motor, today and let us tell you all abous it. SMITH & SMITH, Springville, Erie Co.. New York, COLOR ROUL SLOT MACHIN Plays nickels, dimes and quarters. This little machine can be laced beside any berty Bell or slot ‘nachine will make more money. Can go into territory re other machines are runaing and get the LATEST TRIPLEX 3-BALL into closed territory, as it can be operated as where other machines wh BRIS | can not, Try a sample at only $15.00 and be convinced and get into a new slot machine business, WISCONSIN NOVELTY CO., Kawkauna, Wisconsin. MIDWAY NOVELTY CO. Announcing New and Larger Quarters, 302-04-06 W. 8TH ST KANSAS CITY, MO. CUR NEW 1924 CATALOGUB RBADY, Write for copy. We want to supply you. QUICK, PROMPT SERVICE. WANTED ~MERRY-GO-ROUND and Cu cessions for Conomac Park. First season to open May 30. Twenty acres, Best Boating and Bathing Beach this side of Baltimore. Over 40,000 populatlon to draw from. Rallroad and trolley line to the grounds, No games of chance Address THB CONOMAC PARK CO., Williamsport, Maryland, Give ‘em the tatorpetion that you saw the ad te