The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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* we MARCH 22, 1928 The Billboard 165 = “a. FIRST CALL CONCESSIONAIRES FOR SHAHEN’S SPECIAL SPECIAL i ————> $4.95 7 aS. ¢ $73 rs — B64—ICE CREAM SET, SILVER PLATED. Complete as shown. With this set you will top the midway. No B6S—WINE SET, SILVER PLATED. Complete set as i eee (Me. . ie Sater yA Price, Cem QUO ca chidé ices vadiiensssncsetccccanson $4.95 we See-MANICURE SET » Cac, SOM s. ccdscccccscsacnemedbondisocscoecessees \ > Price $4.95 2l-piece in fancy leatherette eoll. kb ore $ PP GO hc casncscccase 8.75 No. B6S—ROGERS SILVER SET. 26Diece in hardwood, ocak or mahogany chest. Price, Each, Comoplete..... ercccccccecSael D No, B67—MARBELIZED WOOD MANTEL CLOCKS. American ma Je, 8 _—e half-hour strike, in 6 assorted designs. Packed six to the case No. B68—GENUINE LEATHER TRAVELING BAG, ME aaccgnneddndnsenae iamtatatiadenhhtqadeehsinencepnbadeddreetatas $4.65 18-inch cowhide, stamped genuine leather. No. BSS—SUGAR BOWL, No, B70—EASTMAN KODAK, No. 2, foldprice, Each, in Lots of HRCA met: RE ts SS SEER. 86° GSO Price, Each ...cccccccccccccccscces cocccccecces t with 12 Rogers Nickel Sile ing. The best known camera in the world in Dozen Lots ver Teaspoons, Pete, Ge cnc cccoccessccncsscscceceses 4.95 Price, Each, Complete..$2.45 ,.N&_ S87I—EASTMAN KODAK, No. 2a, —— : . No. B73—ELECTRIC HOT No. B60—GENUINE LEATHER BILL BOOKS, No. B72—GENUINE DELTAH PEARLS. PLATE. Nickel top with smooth fmish, 2 snap button fasteners. 24. h S . . japanned base. A big corm 5 Gross Lots. Per Gress......cccscceceees py ene lle — amy , up in game item, | Gross Lots. Per Gross.......-. Beesecse 19.20 “ Ts DE ecsdeseuecceusess $ 1.00 1 Dozen Lets. Per Dozem.........0..se00+1.95 Price, Caen .......ccccnceereeereeccenes in. ype 11.50 Samples, Each .. seaeeacdbecoenss . ge All the above items are selected for fou at the rock bettom prices. A few a” the tho sands ef ome we carry In stock at special prices. We carry a complete stock from the cheapest to the an for nd tes and Wheels Every ome of them is @ money getter and your flash will not be complet — at t \ po an e ye 1 to call in person to look over our many new numbers before you buy elsewhere We r rrice to be the beat If as yet you are Ne. &74—FIELD GLASSES. Army or navy or marine glasses. Ip not acquainted with us, all we ask fs a@ trial order. WR! Tr. how ‘ * SI PRCTAL. < rca All orders must be accomleatherette carrying case with shoulder straps. panied with 25% deposit and balance C. O. D. All orders s! same day rece! Pete, GO cocccccecdeccaccoesetecedccscccccsccoeccsqeecosceooeqes $3.85 ELIAS SHAHEN COMPANY, 337-339 West Madison Street, CHICAGO, ILL. "WHOLESALE JEWELERS AND JOBBERS OF WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, MANICURE SETS, CLOCKS, Etc. | aggre nagengpne oom naas age oi ey ra — , MOMAAG SAMA OUR LEADERI ATTENTION SS Z Y AK os Are YOU interested in fF __-._ J RAR SS | Phonographs | DOLL LAMP Phonograph Records (3c Fach" cross = MANUFACTURERS j LOTS We manufacture wire frames, Y) Record Cleaners | ae Sere See eee Let us know your needs. Z Record Albums Piano Rolls and Novelties of all kinds? Place your orders now for fu7 ture shipment and avoid delays 7 in busy season. 7; LYNX MFG. CO., 232 Grove aay menses Wis. wae" BILL FOLD This item is only one of the fast selling leather specialties we manufacture. We will be glad to send you our catalogue upon request. Sample Bill Fold sent insured, 25c. Money refunded if sample returned. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Goods shipped same day as order rec ei ved. , If so, get in touch with us for lowest prices, quick serrm Floss msehinen vice, and quality POSITIVELY THE BEST MADE ’ « Prag wt ee Send E. H. FERRE CO., Lockport, N. Y. | in your name to us Sl UvULdUANUOUAGEOLEGEOUEGUODOUEOOOOUEGEOUEGUNLOUERAEQEOD OU EQ EEUU CE UEUEU EG EEE EEE EEE ET ae eee SS PowER and we will send you elle lalelerta talc or our monthly bulletin. SALESMEN WANTED, CALLING ON CARNIVALS, CONCESSIONAIRES, WHEELMEN to @ Sssoos8 ; 4 I ES & istri NKE BATH ROB write Ttove an tformaton Universal Novelty Distributors Ls | B LA La TALBOT mee. C CO., 12 i3“i Chestnut, St. Lewis, Me Straight commission, erns—INDIANS, CHECKS, PLAIDS.. Low prices. Le 1658 Broadway +4 THE RABHOR COMPANY, 113 University Place, New York, N. ¥. a USED SAMPLE TRUNKS | (Dept. B—Room 305) NEW YORK, N. Y. PFT TTL LE LLL el tii iti iis : a weet . pr On RR ei ss ALL SIZES, ALL PRI i IT HELPS YOU, THE PAPER AND ADVERTISERS, TO MENTION THE BILLBOARD, S. W. Corner Court and Central Ave., {