The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

Record Details:

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id Ant OP” ids 35 , MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboard 167 1 i) AD Am Ai L@ LQ Ki \@ AD AD AD A@ fim As Aim Aid | UNEQUALLED QUALITY BALLOONS « e > ® S ST. LOUIS poset a *CINCINNATI @ 5) ® 9 5) a 5 B SHRYOCK-TODD NOTION CO. M. K. BRODY BRAZEL NOV. MFG. CO. 822 NO. EIGHTH STREET 1120 SO. HALSTED STREET 1710 ELLA STREET KANSAS CITY *PITTSBURGH *MILWAUKEE GOLDBERG JEWELRY CO. NOVELTY SUPPLY CO. —‘HH. SILVERMAN & SONS S' 816 WYANDOTTE STREET 208 WOOD STREET 328 THIRD STREET Ss *NEW YORK OMAHA, NEB. *«ST.JOSEPH, MO. AIRO BALLOON CORP. GLOBE NOVELTY CO. — OPTICAN BROS. | 603 THIRD AVENUE 1206 FARNAM STREET 119 NO. THIRD STREET R. CARNIVAL MAN ARO GAS BALLOON PRICE LIST FOR U.S. A. CONCESSIONAIRE Code No, Per Gross. | Code No. Per Gross. ACE...70—Plain, Semi $275 | FAN...70-Patriatie. Twe-Coler, Printed. ..9878 ACE. ..70—Ptale,, Seml-Traaa. o-oo 275 | FAN...7e—patritle, vinted...$878 ~ FAIR MAN CAB. ..70—Piain, Transparent ........ 3.50 INK 7o—tndian Semi ececce DOG...70—Printed, Trav ent ‘ rt JUG...13—P i-Trans. irship..... 2.75 PAL ...70—Plain, Silver ‘ a 3.58 KID. 1-8 Spake eee ee Airsnip... AY f SKY ae * ted. Silver, Bi rd sign.... 3 ns URE cesccccene & TOP... _70—Plain God 35) | MAN Jt3—Printed, Tra As eee 375 ore gents: WIN 70—Pri nted, Gold a nd Bi woe Loony sign.. 3.75 NED. .114—Plain, vn — a seeeeeess 9.00 EAR. 70—Printed, Paneled 375 | SER: SSI: THES Sisae eatisca:::: 8.00 3 TERMS—50% with Order, Ealance C. O. D. Better Service f i if ALLOONS ° When ordering specify AIRO B AIRO AGENCIES SELL for ATRO UNEQUALLED QUALITY BALLOON= Start the season RIGHT. Write your nearest agency for AIRO, JR., GAS APPARATUS catalog of AIRO BALLOONS—it will be mailed on request. _— each. When on the road order Airo Unequalled (us!ity Bal Built Scien. tifically “¢ loons from nearest agency. < Correct. eee “ with — Carry this advertisement with you, so,you'!] know who is A apparatus. nearest to you, thus saving delay. Time Swivel AdapWatch our weekly advertisements. They wil! help increase YOUR ter = fit all profits. Bae AIRO BALLOON CORPORATION. $1 ae Each. Patented. R TRG URG R: a