The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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id ‘y a MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboara 169 » GRANDEST ) SENSATIONAL SS ) ATTRACTION \ \ owEARTH. | MAMMOTH S? THE MOST FASCINATING OPEN | A GRAND SENSATIONAL DAY ATTRACTION. A WONDERFUL SPECTACULAR NIGHT EXHIBITION. This tremendous crowd-drawer holds them spellbound. Not over in a flash, but it is a long and varied performance. Act contains many original and sensational feats. The ascent and descent of tower, in conjunction with the many feats performed therewith, comprise ed one-half of this big and versatile attraction. " ae permits but one of a dozen unsolicited testimonials received during the 19: TO WHOM IT MAY I would feel that the Spir J Tower Act 3 summer season: CONCERN: Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, January 19, 1924. I had i i done justice to a wonderful Act if I did not write a word of praise for e ecare This 1923 enga ‘ is second time Mr. Legare has put on the act at our Fair, amd 1 want to assure those who have wot 5 en te that it is a great feature and po Fair will make a mistake in booking it. Very truly yours, 8. D. BOREHAM, Secretary, Fond du Lac Couwiy Agricultural Society. Address all communications to LIONEL LEGARE, 1401 West Market Street, BET HLEHEM, PA. N. B—GREAT NOVELTY JUST ADDED TO ACT. Always adding new feats to the act. One of several just included is my original Fireworks Parasol, performed while on globe during the descent and fireworks. Truly a combination of sensational surprises that are gorgeous and thrilling beyond description. AIR FEATURE Legare’s Mammoth Spiral Tower 7. mrs ge Nas 5 a Seer: > » Se $ * 7 ad hit! Prey Adin ‘SPIRAL TOWER fare NIG 4 se. ——_— ——— = Sept. 30-Oct. 4. Lott la—Mineola Fair. — 2 126 Frenklin st., Hemp Water, Jr., Y es Union Agri. Sec. Sept. 46. J. Agri. Assn. Aug, 26-29. onta Union Agri, Soc. Soe. Sept. D. Townsend Owego—Tioga Co, Agri, Soc. Sept. 2-5. S. M. Lounsberry tm tra—Palmyra Union Agri. Soc. Sept. W "Ray Cc Perry—Silver ” Lake Aug. 12-15. ¥ ». Chase, Regis Agri. Sept. 1-6. Agri. Soc. Sept. Sept. 8-13. J. Aug, 12-15. Sept. 24-27. “henango Co. Smith, ~ cae 3 Agri. Assn. Valley & St. Soc. Sept. 9-12 F. T. Rochester—Rocheste Tr Expo, Edgar F. E at mn Scha nsselacr Co 1-4. F P. Ca od, Troy, use—New York State Dan Ackermap, Jr Trumansburg—Union C. Owen Carman, rnon Agri. bowers, re-—-Warren Co, re . Haye s. 1w—W ve ming Co. Guy 8S, Luther, Fatertow: Jefferson Co = on — Be Be Fair. Agrh. Soc. Assn., Inc. Aug. 12-15. Aug. 19-22. Soc. Sept. 1-5 Aug. 19-22. Fair, Agri. Soc. Agri. ed Pmmerson, Dexter, N. Y. erloo—S a Co, Agri. Soc. J. Willard Huff. NORTH CAROLINA Asherille—Di:triit Agri. Colored Falr. ‘Sept. 22-27 FW. Pearson. Dunn—Ha: nett Ca. Agril. Fair Assn. Oct. 7-10. Ellis Goldete Btant a howan Fair Assn. Oct. 14-18. N. K. Row Payetteville—Cape Fear Fair Assn. Oct. 21a4 kR. M. Jackson. Gastonia—Gaston Co. Falr Assn. Sept, 30-Oct. 4 Fred M. Allen, Goldsboro—Wayne Co, Fair Assn. Oct, 28-31. W. ¢ De nmark. Greenshoro—Centra! Carolina Fair Assn. Oct. 4-18. F. N. Taylor. oe ry—Catowba Fair Assn, Oct. 7-10. John r. Robinson, Kinston—-Kinston Fair Assn. Oct. 7-10, Willard T. Kyaer Leak e-Spray—Rockingham Co Fa'r Assn. Sept. 9-13. RR. T. Smith, Leaksville. Lamberton—-Robeson Fair Asst Oct. 14-17. Ww. o hom pson, Mount A Caroline-Virginia Fair. Sept, 20Oct rdw, M.Linville. . gh—North Carofina State Fair, Oct, 13. PF. V. Walbors Rocky Mount—locky Mount Feir Assn. Sept. MOct. 4. Norman Y. Chambliss. 2 Smithfield —Joyneton Co, Negro Fair. Nov. 57. D. W. H. Melehener. Williamston—Martin (Co. Fair Arsn. Oct. 21H. M. Poe, 421 Hammond St. Rocky fount Woodlind—Roanoke-Chowan Agri, Assn. Oct. 70. J. P. Griffin. : NORTH DAKOTA ckinson—Stark Co. Fair Assn. First week in Sept. CC. Cc. Turner, Fareo-North Dakota State Fair. July 14-19. J. Hardy, Past Burke Co, Pair Assn, July 9-11. H. . Wood Grand ! —CGrand Forks Fair. July 21-26. B. t. Montcomery Manes Mo, Slope Agrl & Fair Assen. Sept. 4, 1. if, Williama, Bx Northwest Fair. June 80July 5. H. Rite -Kolla Falr Assmn, July 4-5. B. M. Valley City—Rarnes Co, Fair Assn. July 7-12. Fred J. Fredrickson. OHIO ‘toe zeamaatt Co. Agri. Soc. Sept, 9-12. M. rn Asbley—Ashley Fair Assn. Aug. 13-16. ©. RB. Wing Atwoe—Athens Co, Agri, Soe, Aug. 19-22. Prank Attica — \ttlea Fair Assn. Oct, 7-10, Carl B. arpenter, Berea —W. Cuyahoga & Soc. Sept. 9-11. L. M. Coe, North 0 Blanchester—Clinton _Co. Agri. Fair Assn, Aug. Van Wert—Van Wert Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 1-3. 19-22. Aetn a2 Laymo a. w. A. Marker, Sucyrus—Crawford Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 25. Wapa ta—Aucl Agri. Soc. Sept. 16Jay W. Ha! er. 19 \ Schatf Burton—Geauga Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 9-12, W. Washington C. H —Fayette Co. Fair, Aug, 148. Ford. 17. G. H. Hitcheock. Cadiz—Harrison Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 16-19. Wiilmington—W/itmington Fair. July 20-Aug. 1 Sam F. Dickerson je H. D. Pennington. Canton—Stark Co. Agri. Soc, Sept. 1-5. Chas. Xenia—Greene Co. Agri, Soe. Aug. 5-8. J. A. Fromm. Robt. Bryson. Carroliten—Carroll Co, Agri. Soc. Sept. 30-Oct. Zanesville—Muskingym Co. Agri. Soe. Aug. 123. W. H. Thompson 15. Howard A. Shipley, Dresdep, 0. , Carthage, Cincinnati—Hamilton Co. Agri. Soc. OKLAHOMA Aug. 6-9 D. L. Sampsoa, 510 Court House, Agra—North Lincoln Co. Fair Assn. Sept. {Cincinnati. a 6. A. O. Leamon, Celina—Mereer Co. Agri. Soc, Aug. 18-22, HetArdmore—Carter Co. Free Fair Assn. Sept. 10bert W. Schind er ot 3 Geo L. By Circles om ile Pumpkin Show. Oct. 22+ Carnegie—¢ sie Free Fair Assn. Sept. 3-6. 2 t. Hus Cc. Blartes an. Columbus—Oh! State Pair. Aug. 24-30. G. R. Cjaremore—Rogers Co, Free Fair Assn. Sept Lewis, 9-12. D. A. Willhoit, Croton—Hartford Central Agri. Soc. Sept. 3-6. poe City—Reckham Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 16R. B. Stumph. or 20. Guy Woodman. Dover—Tuscarawas Co, Agri. Soc. Sept. 22-29. Guthrie—Logan Co. Free Fair Assn. Sept. 15J. D. Craig. 18. Fred L. Wenner. Elyria—Lorain Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 1-3. H. C. po idenville—Hughes Co. Free Fair Assn. Sept. Harris. i at 10-14. Jas. W. Rodgers, Find!a) Hancock Co Agri. Soc. Sept. 2-5. fy dro—F. dro Dist. Frep Fair Assn. Sept. °em pecs . = ‘ . Mrs. Lulu G, Thralls. Hee! soe A Co, Agrl, Soc, Sept. 9-12. J rforson—American Legfon Reunion Assn as ono Aug. 20-23. F. D. Mowbrey. —Gallia Co. Fair, Aug. 26-28. W. R. Mu gsogee—Oklaboma Free State Fair. Sept. 27» . Oct. 4. Ethel M. Simonds, —Prown Co. Agri. Soc. Oct, 7 10. E oO} emal h—Okf skee Co. Free Fair Assn. Sept n. A eal 11-12. J. W. Middleton. ville—Darke Co. Agri. Soc, Aug. 9-9. Oxianoma City—Oklahoma State Fair & Expo. k Nozgle, New Mad'son, O 7.10. X Sept. 20-27. Ralph T. Hemphill. iton—Butler Co. Agri, Soc. Oct. 7-10. M. gnawnee—Pottawatomie Co. Free Fair Assn Urmston, . a s Sept. 15-18. P. K. Norris Hillsboro Fair. Aug. 5-8. B. Egirong city—Roger Mills Co. Free Fair. Sept. Parshall. = he 11-13. Byron Hawkins, P Cente Hardin Agri. Soc, Aug. 20-25, GeO. Wian-Sequoyah Co. Free Fair Assn. Sept. 24W. Schindewo i 26. Gould Moore Lancast Fairfield Co, Agri, Soc. Oct. 15-18. — ‘ —— Ww. = Met] naghan, “4 <a > 9 > Lebanon—Warren Co. Agri, Soc. Sept. 9-12. Ed ee Ce. Fair Assn. Sept. 18-20. F. 8. Conklin ee ee = . =. Lisbon—Colum!iana Co. Agri. Soe. Sept. 16-18. —— = a Co, Fair Assn. Sept. 15-17. W. H. BE. Marsden. PE en dga SP r . Logan—-Hocking Co, Agtl, Soc. Sept, 24-27. — a ‘tnomah Co, Fair. July 29-Aug. 3 Geo. W. Christmann = John Day—Grant o Fair Assn. Sept, 24-27. London—Madison Co. Agri. Soc. Aug. 19-22 H. F. Herburge dante ee i tcaville Agri. Soc, Oct, 7-10. Medford—Jackson "co. Fair Assn. Sept. 10-13. ———< H. 0. Frobach. oO K, Andress © p Nepia © t s s 11-13 or . , ' fore : Soc. Sept. Moro— n.Co, Fair Assn. Sept. — Jo} 2 D. 1 itr os aetliaae : Sept. 25-27 Gc @. Richmond. | = fieldR lar 1 Co. Agr! Soc. Sept, 23Prineville—Oregen Inter-State Fair. Oct, 1-4. s ti d , A gare 36. W. H. Shry » a nat’ ; n e es 1 i ortland—Pacifie Internat’l Live Stock Expo. Mar etta— Was L neton Co. Agri. Assn. Sept. 1-4. P _ ; “ : a, Plummer. Medina Medi an Co. Agri. Soc. Sept, 16-18, F. Salem—Oregon State Fair. Sept. 22-27. F. B. : a ; a Currey. M. Plan! . . Inmhi 5 i ss Sept. | Soc. . & Sst. Helens—Colum a Co. Fair Assn. Montpelier —_Wn ome Co. Agri. Soc. Sept 5 en, toe ADe . shen e o of =o . Gi ad Morrow Co, Agri. Soe, Sept. 2PENNSYLVANIA MS Ww Wieland. . Sept. 3-5 Allentown—Leh'zh Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 23-27.ton—Perry Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. o-v Dr. A. H. Baliet, pres. ~~ _ azion Sent Altoona—B lair Co. Road Drivers’ Assn. Aug. « on—Guernsey Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 13-16. R. B. Guyer. be gy hast St. Clair Sept. 2-5 Athens—Inter-State Fair Assn, Week Sept. 15 *sinesville—Lake Co, Agri. Soc. Sept. =-v. Pa) E Mi a J. Gray ome sedfor rd—B rd Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 30-Oct. Paulding-—Paulding Co. Fair Assn, Aug. 25-30 ii Cessna. Harry B. Brattain. ~~ 4 Brookville—Jefferson _ Co. Agri, Assn. Sept. keton--Pike Co. Agri. Soc. July 29-Aug. 1. 9.12. G. A. Carmalt. o ry me o. .8 ; turcettstown—Lvrgettstown Fair. Sept. 30emai... Teta Wate erl. Soc. Sept. 16-19% = Oct. 2. J. L. MeGough. ra. a. ~‘ ~ = " tutler—Butler Driv. Park & Fair Assn. Aug. “Wighlat Soc, July 20-Aug. 1922 Chas. H. Miller. se . at . Fin ong a ad Carrolitown—Cambria Co. Agrl. Assn. Sept. 0ee , 99. . 12. G. BK. Hipps. Ri ow od—Richwood Fair. July 20-Aug. 1. D Centre Hall—Centre Co. Pomona ae Ogan. campment & Fair. Aug. 30-Sept. th Rr ple reg ey! ve ir : ° eee Show. July 30as Seuher, @ Middleburg. Pa. = : ‘ Aug. 2. FE. L ampbe nai r ‘air ssn. ee ugSt Ciai iraville—Relmont Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 9oa — og F 12. John D. Hays. a Clorks geSummit—Lackawanna Co. Fair Assn. Sandusky—Erie Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 2-5. George Sept %) 13. FE. D. Morse. o D. Beatty. a field—Clearfield Co. Agri. Soe. Sept. 23Sidner—Shelby Co. Agri. Soe. Sept. 912. H. Chas, Callnhas. M. Martin. t. 23-26. ut Lal e Fork--Comes Lake Agri. smithfleld—Jefferson Co, Agri. Soc. Sept. 2s26-20. A. H. Seiple, — Ti a Fair Assn. Sept. 9-12. George Tiffin—Seneca Co. Agri. Soc. Aug. 19-22. George G. Cochran. L. Rakestraw. as 2 frie—Erie Expo. ra » Valley Expo. Aug. 20-30. B. Forksville—Sullivan Co, Toledo Maumee = Ohio Bldg. Oct. 3. J. R. Mulnix. Ward Beam , g. 3. J. pein. yo hampaign Co, Agri, Soc, Aug. 5-8. Bg. Hanes gg zg Saxbd Aug. 18-23. Frank Baeder. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 3 Soe, Sept. 23-26. S. Harford—Harford Agrl. Soc. Sept. 16-18, 0. F. Maynard. Imperi al—Allegheny Co. Agri. Assn. Aug. 5-8 Wm. M. Craig. pres. ty Park—Beaver Co. Agri. Assn. Sept 24-27. M. J. Patterson, Beaver, " Kutztown—Kutztown Fair Assn. Aug. 19-22. G. ©. Bordner. fr Assn. Sept. 3f Lancaster—Lancaster Co. Fair Oct. 3. J. F. Seldomridge. Fair Assn. Sept. 30Oct. 4. Wm. J. Zahn. 16-19. Lehighton—Lehighton Mansfield—Smythe Park Assn. Sept. Frank H. Marvin. Me me oy —Somerset Co. Fair Assn. Sept. 169 »). J. Fike. Mi liton—Great Milton Fair. Sept. 9-12. T. G. au Mentrose—Susquehanna Co. Agri. . Sept. v-11. W. W. Aitken. a North Washington—N. Washington Agri. Assn. Aug. 26-29. H. T. Stewart. Port Royal—Juniata Co. Agrl. Soc. 1619. J. H. Book. out. Quakertown—Bucks Co. Agri. Soc. Aug. 27 30. W. S. Berger, Perkasie, Pa. —s a reer Co. Agri. Soc. Sept. 23-2 has. B Hines. Stroudsburg—Monroe Co. Agrl. Soc. Sept. 1-3. H. 8. Smoyer, Towanda—B radford Co, ‘ean Soe. Sept. 9-12. Vm. tose nfield, wet xander—W, Alexander Agri. Assn. Sept “OTL J. M. Gibson. Westtielé—Cowaneaque Valley Agri. Soc. Sept. 9-12, ©. A. Manning. oe ten Wi; ashington Fair Assn. Ang. 25-30. R. L. Mun Wavnesbu eee" aynesburg Fair Assn. Aug. 19 22. Ambrose Bradley Chester—Cheste oe Co. Agri. Assn. Sept 3-6. Norris G. T le, Pocopson, Pa. RHODE ISLAND South Kingston—Washington Co. Agri. Soe. a it. 8-11. <A. G. Hazard, R. 1, Allenton, ano Woonsockét—Woonsocket Fair. Sept. 17-20. Arthur J. Richords SOUTH CAROLINA Columbia—South Carolina State Pair. Oct. 2025. D, F. Efird, Dillon—Ditlon Co. Fair Assn. Week Nov, 3. Cc. L. Wheeler Greenwood—Picdmont Fair Assn. Oct. 15-17. Geo, T. Barnes : Marion—Marion Co. Fair Assn. Nov. 8& ©. L. Schofield, Mullins, Oran geburg—Orangeburg Co. Fair Assn. Oct. 28-31. Jerry M Hug hes. Spartanburg—Spartanburg Fair Assn. Oct. 28$1. Paul V. Moore SOUTH DAKOTA Aberdee ~~ State Fair Assn. Sept. 15. L. P. Wel nT. a, Co. Agri. Assn. Aug. 2730. Wm. A. Jelinek Buffalo Gap—Buffalo Gap Fair Assn. Sept. -17. W. F. Nolan. a crark—Ciark Co, Agri. Fair Assn. Sept, 2%25. George B. Otte “ Huron—South Dakota, State Fair. Sept, 8-12. John F. White. ~~ Madison—Lake Co. Fair Assn Ang. 28-5 Wm. Rowland. *hell—Mi tehell Corn Palace Festival. Mi Sept. 7. ing. Nisland—Butte Co, Fair Assn. Sept. 24 A. D. Ellison, Bellefourche, 8, D. f Salem—MeCook Co. Fair Assm. Sept. 2-4. George Winright ; iu Fermilion—C1ls Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 19-22. ‘has, W. Jolley. Wet hster—Day Co. Fair Assn. Sept, 16-18. W. H. Cameron, pres.; Jay — acting secy; TENNESS Assn. Aug. 79% B. DL. ia eae P vy Co. Fair D h pattancegs Interstate Fair. Sept. chat oa “Curtis, 27-Oct. 4. Jos Columbia—Col — Dist. Pair Assn. Sept. 9-12. Wm. P. Morgan cokeville—Putnam Co. Fair Assn. Aug. 2 «, A. P. Barn Door Lodge--Morgan Co. Fair Assn, Gept. 2826. H. R. Phillips. Franklin--Willsmson Co. Pair Assn, Sept, 8-6. A. Jor In n. Pian ingd _corroll Co, Pair Asem, Oct, S11. Ww. L. Noell.