The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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ince TS. $ he k, Pierce & Nor tdward Pierce, * ke ¢ mp te on, c _ Prop . and as: Os amt RL Wm, mer. a Geviil Soules Lesieur, Jr., mgr. € y " [he Biltinboara MARCH 22, 1924 / t ————$_—__—___—_ — = t ALABAMA GEORGIA ! Bessemer—West Lake Park, J. F. Ryan, prop., Atianta—Lakewoss Park, Cenpasteen Sate Mer. and mzr. attractions; plays bands; no Assn., provs.; Ht. M. Striplin, mgr. and mgr. / vaudeville. attract ; Plays hands on Sundays; no : Birmingham—LHdgewood Park, Hilico Am. En =. vaudeville. i ; f +’ ' . t : Hugh W. Hill, mgr. and Atlanta—Spiller'’s Park, J. N. Seymour, Jr., i C.. a ak — bands, no ¥ a Bat e o ¢ mgr. age a . Park, Get vite B — ‘ark, Birminghe: ' Th L C All f th I P k ainesville—Chattahoochee Park, Gainesville 1 ‘Lake Park. Birmingham is List Contains oO e important Parks (12s ese pss 1st aoe ’ ' ttre sy s vaud ev e Wi Be e O e D . h Macon—Lakeskle "yark, Homer Harris, mgr. an mer. attractioms; plays bamis; no vaudevil\ i cae alee Which Will in Uperation Uuring the net. Cece’ Sak Ww. a eee oe gr attractions; f 1924 and mgr. attyaetions; plays bands; no raud . Season o vil ta Par 3 vile Light & B. B. Savannah—Linco!n (Colors rie 7, Ww J ; Fr. Rossman aie. and mgr. Wh cones * tates ur % . J ‘Whiteman | s: = ngr.: W. « uiteman, Jr., A r. att r i ~ —— oe nae van Ds ny a . saxee vaude ville and b inds, 2 ee t tm; lays bands; Bo vaudeville, ~* Warebouse Point—Piney Ridge, Jos. Mihill, Washington— Adtingte Amnsement Beach, Af Savannah—Lynheven (Colored Park), Her ; Mobi Bayvie 7 P Park, Bayview Transp Co. mgr.; park plays vaudeville and bands; books lington Beach Am. Co., Inc., props.; Wm. H. Burney, prop. and mgr.; Wm. Armstrong a. a : H. Oswell. independently. Dilg and “mgr. attractions; no vaudemgr. atiractions; plays bands; vaudev!ll: | es te Sane hy Waterbury—Lake Quassageng Park, The Con_ vi occasionally. ee. Sire bands and dance ornecticut Co., props.; Michael F. O'Connell, i varban Gardens, Universal DeHAWAL ehestras; ~. esse “(717 Fla. Ave. 'N. W.), props.; 4] it Montgomery—' yy? a bee oe ns Waterburr—Luona Park, Lakewood Park Co., —* nson, mgr.; V. V.* Matthews, Honolulo—Aloha Park, W. A. Cory, mer.; D j ii “Thomas, net c nes, prop.; park play ; Orest Devany (New York office, mgr. attractions; plars vaudeville and bands. Orville, supt. IDAHO ' — Moor ——. Pe ee Hs a St.), mer. and mgr. attractions; LORIDA , ¥ ‘ txford—Oxf: rd ~~ Meed S = Eps Pille and bands Clearwater—Clearwater beach, Clearwater Istand Boise—White City Park, Natatorium Park Am. 4 | and mer; ; plays bands on pec occasions; and Lake Park, D. V. O’Connell, Bridge Co., ne.. Props Ww Schooley, Co., props.; G. W. Lull, mer. and mer. at‘ ih ne yj hee ~ oc mgr.; plays bands; mer.: piers t no vaudeville tractions; plays bands, but no vaudeville, ' ' . —4s neoln Park an gee Sheted Co. Cocoa—Cocoa Beach Casino, C pene Beach Casino Weiser—Oregon Trail Pafk, Standard Am, Co Pau Be — ” nlars senaevitie tai os caine " ° CUBA Cory . props.; P. L. Kers mgr. attracInc., props.; Frank Mortimer, mgr.; no vaude ' ' T ow S cmeaiaes th take FP ar Riverview ina—Habana Park, M. FP. Canossa, mgr. ns: plays bands: no on “tile. ville or bands. al a’ Se ine. props.; J. B.S Staliworth, mer. ; ctions; plays vaudeville; no Dart ra Beach—Amusement Park, Daytona ILLINOIS Lik : é ; = Lurane diphthan — Sn. Inc., props.; plays bands; Avrora—Exposition Purk, Central States Patt | ; ARIZONA oe M co aan a Bb Aehesement ies (Fable Beach) & Expo., Inc., props., Clifford BR. Trimble, is d °° ie 2 er.s 7s a m eme tn ie ‘ » < . > , Thiele * ons: i ; — nn = Part, M. J, es —— O’Reiliy St Shads Amusement Pier, Inc., mgrs., 221 W. va Pag I a née. —_— a ran, mgr. attractions; pla “ ated al vaudevi bi » ; , . ‘ g\on—iake ek, Wolka : | _—— aaa ne caine a Miami—Luna Park, J. H. Schacht, mer. “—~7 ague—iake Som, FHS we dr. : f ot Fark, Bickare sehoboth Leach—kh0o} ark, das. orn, §=Miami—T} Fred W. Maxwell, prop.. ¢ dig rie The il mgrs, attractions; prep., mgr., & mgr. attractions; plays vaudemer. and — attract — wa dovitis Charleston—River View Park, Erle Thretkeld, ‘ 3 occasionally . ands. x = = ee — ‘ ro Inger. and mgr. attractions; plays ‘ 7 Wil in heard Bp Vie < rae mentecs Benth : ille oceasionally; no bands : i Pgs H r y Bay ess, Ingr.; ; ays bar “we no vaudeoO White Cit White Cit Am. Co., : Bt. Smith—Jorland Park, J. 1. L#hdes, mer. M mgr. attractio plays «© yiy Se ee : ; Herber A. Byfield, pres.; H. W. Plain, ' Belene—Beach Crest Park, Jos. C. Meyers, va ands _— . . ii cae ; plays vaudeville and outdoor feature i! s.; Leo Mercus, mg an Sunset Beach, Prown & } Kercher, bands occasionally. Hot Springs Nationa! Peck—Whittington Park F OF COLUMBIA . -;, Norman J. Brown, mer. and mgr. om ago—iiiverview Dark, Riverview Park Co ' ‘ Hot Sr i i ite c oni > Ciel AnWashing ocho Park, Glen Echo Park . plays bands; no vaudeville. 4 Geo. A. Schmidt. « : ‘ j ; mo Springs St. Ry. 50. props.; George An C Aa ’ “ae” c : p Bega . ; & d : dt, gem. mgr.; A. R. ' oH -. proj ad B. hloss, managing Tam plur Springs Amusement Park, F. A soll asst. af plays bands: me vaedeville : if » City Park, White City Co., dir.; plays ‘bands on Sundays; no vaudeville. L. Fisher, mgr. Cicero—Havwethorne Park, Eddie’ Tancl, prop. ; i 4 tlankenship, mer. i mer. Steve Fighth, mgr Eddie Shipek, mgr. at| 7 attraction=; plars b is: no vaudevi i tractions, piays vaudevil e and bands, ) Rnsselivill—Crescent Park, E. H. “Batter, LUTTE UE = opaseuie tn ina Pacr, Amusement Park, Geo. ; prop. and mgr.; does not play vaudeville or = 4 M. McCray, mer and mgr, attractions: no j : bands Sate Sad = s s = vaudeville or bands. i j Texarkana—Spring Lake Perk, City of Tex= = East Moline—Campbell’s Island, Tri-City Ry ' F =atiana, props.; C. E. Palmer, chairman of = a= Co., props.; Robert Pierce, mgr.; plays outi : =#Bamission. = -— door attractions; bands occas! mally i CALIFORNIA F = = Gaiesburg—Highiand Park, D. McAfee, mer.. ' Aten. eda—Neptune Beach, R. C., Strehiow, = WRITE FOR = park does pot piay vaudeville; plays bends. lf ; prop. and mer.; a c. cement mgr. at= = Gorevill——Rebman Park-Ferne Clyffe & Picnic tractions; s outdoor acts a bands. — = Grounds. (4 Ghainnéo—Corenado Tent City, Spreckels Co., —4 FULL DETAILS! — Herrin—Marlow Park, Jobn Marlow, mer. and | Srops.; ] A. Swanson, mgr.; plays bands; = mgr. attractions; plays vaudeville and bands. i “ge vanderille. = = Homer—Homer ark, inc., ©. burkbardt te s +r. and mr rs ; y i ge Bene Sve my eg ae = = me. oat mnt a —one plays bands and = “9 ° — , ile, Sun s 0 t ft cles, mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays bands = = Joliet—Dellwond Park, Dellweod Park Co. i R vaudeville = props. : P. Macc lloch, mer. and mer. at: = Auge Te ~2 hy Rt M. Barrett, mer = = tractons; no vaudevile or bands. BY <eles—— = : ou ni e ectric |) eee kemalele poor i ; Bentel, pres. = 4 ev ill : ; Orklana—! dora Park, Idora Park Co., props; = = gPlaze evderitle asd bande. ‘sie, j 4 ; B. York, mgr.; playa bands occasionally, = = ace Ele Ry. Co., props; W. T. Lamb. MH | oe no vaudeville. = = A ee — A f | Geeen Park—Lick's New Dome Pier, Lick Pier = S Macomb Holmes Park, L. L. Buttertiel@, : Pai get a o. San mgr.; plays or= = mer, and mgr, attractions; plays vaudeville Ocean Park—Pickering Pleasure Pier, Ernest = i Seueb-ten Giants tom, ee Dict, Par age ie ae tondo a | = = Assa., props.; H. J. Conrad, | Secy.-Mgr.. j I anG . attractions; no vaude4 = annye ban As; — _ ae ynally. ngr. a ‘ = Morrise—tioolds Park, Fred Ferguson, mer I nent band = = ; : a 4 , ‘ .: = = Ottawa—lIllini Beach, Ilinols Traction Co., Inc.. . o—Joylan ae = pier aan oes = = props.; W. F. Fisher, mgr. and mer. attrac; no cain ac 7 — = tions; plays Faudeville; bands occasionally. ; es at the Beach, John M. = = Paris—Twin ‘“akes Park, Twin Lakes Am. hi and mgr. attractions; no = = Assn., Inc., props.; Ray Davis, mgr. and a = = mgr. attractions; plays vaudeville and bands. ‘ier, Abbot Kinney Co., props.; = fe wa — nerva Park, ~ bt. Hochguertel, mgr.; ; ney, mer tarney Katze . = leville; no bands attractions; no vav Magen Me aya % = ps = Pininfield—Ele ctrie Park, A. P. & J. R, RB. ; = — o., props.; Chester G. Moore, mgr. and mgr. Denver—El: Gardens, Blt h Gardens Co = 8 = onttractions; plays vaudeville and bands. 3 ‘ bh Ga _ £litel ra r -. = -_ uincy— ghiar “ark, Quincy Am. t weds ad. props.; J * t cr. and mgr. at= = reinig. et me nese wae & u BE ee in fe . = j Rock k yo |—Black Hawk’ s Wateb Tower Park, Co., pro Fr “dé ich, mgr. and & = : | ngr. attractions; no vaudeville or bands. = TRADE MARK = Tr y Ry. Co, props.; plays bands; ne Pyebio—I Min: p J. J. McQuillen, = = Br vil ’ a ee eee cwe = = ockford—lia m Vark, C. O. Breinig, mgr.; gr. and mg + ‘ ° — oe ‘. Bf eer ee nae ner attnctions: does aot Ice Cream Sandwich Machine S hiare vasdevile ccd tant om Trinidal—Central Park, Tri-State Amusement = = INDIANA at oseee, and saeret glace ste Ammiemest = OUR NEW PLAN ENABLES RESPONSIBLE PARTIES TO BUY TBE SANISCO = Anderson—Monnds Park, Union Traction Ca., : bands, = MACHINE AND PAY FOR IT OUT OF THEIR EARNINGS. = props; F. D. Norviel, mer.; Jno, Kittinger, : ee = = ™ér. attractions; plays free acts and bands Beach Park, Fred W = GET BUSY IF YOU “WANT IN” THIS -SPRING—WRITE AT ONCE, = occasionally, .; L. ©. Addison, asst. mer. & = Ansola—lake James Beach, Waller & Goodrections; plays bands and out= Slaten. were. and mgre, attractions; go — —_ ~— = = _ -_ = = > i . vids ; Park, H. Jarvis, attractions plays vaudeville, Fally Markus, and bands. Harttora Laurel Park, Chas. P. Hatch 581 Main st. Hartford—C apitol Park, Co., props.; Clarence mgr. attractions; Killing! ld wood prop.. mgr. and mgr. no. rand ille, Meriden—Starlight Park, Alex and mgr. attractions; plays bands; » hooked by Walter J. Plimmer. inover Park, Dlion & Gui prop.: and mer. booked by mgr., Capitol Park Realty Gc. W illard, mgr. and plays vaudeville and bands. Park, P J. Sheridan, attractions ; plays bands, a | S. Fischer, prop., Me rid en-—Hi props. Mil Ifo o—Oak re Ty . Mitford Sonne ab nrg, Mano, we Park (Walnut Beach), Ansonia, Conn. each Amusement Park, FE. gr. and mgr attractions; s, but no vaudeville, house Beach P. ark, Ex ; Thos. B. Shaaley, no vaudeville. White City Park, J. Clarence Wil plays vaudeville, free acts and John 1st Shore mgr.; ” ars han ain New Haven— lard, mer; nas. wy Tandun —Hcenan Beach Am Amusement Co., Lake and mgr and bands. usement Park props.; M. Pouz Park. George Bakise attractions; plays Park, Gorge Neville Bay bande. oe ee Cosstline wer, mgr. ille—cCrystal mgt. ~e jew) ile props. ; ex gt play vaudeville or ", lout Beach—Little Coney, H. & Bell M. S. Richards, mer. sttractiona: ' De wanderv'! Manufactured and sold by Albert Lea Dairy Supplies, ltd, Eiimonton, Canada, THE SANISCO CO., MILWAUKEE, WIS. NOW PA Size Pack can easily slip in the magazine chamber of age and handling. Cost no more. lots. Case holds 24 magazines. Wafers) to the = Consolidated Wafer Co = 2628 Shields Ave, CHICAGO = FASTEON FACTORY 4A Ken) Ava. aroeklyr, Ver Yer = 84/9 te not chee OL Wire morey ards 2 Money cheerfully safande “CREMO WAFERS” Especially to be used with the SANISCO machines E ‘ This magazine contains 150 Cremo Wafers, packed so you machine without handling or repacking. Saves time, breakPrice per magazine, 70c each. Special price of 60c per magazine if bought in case Send check or money order for $1440 for a case of 24 magazines (3,600 Cremo THESE CKED IN THIS 5 oe age or Magazine the Sanisco i” , aaa ong ae “till vaudeville or bands, Evansville ] asure Park, L. M. Humphrey. ingr.; plays bands; no vaudeville. 4 Farmland—Mills Lake Park, Renard & Semans props.; J, M. , Semans, mer. and mgr. attrac tios playe uT no vaudeville Fort Wayne T er's Amusement Park, Geo. F : rier, prot and mer. Pt. Wayne—Riverview Park, Riverview Park Co., I mgrs.; C. B. Ostman, mgr.; C. \ Bloug mer. attractions; bands; vaudevil! woked by J. C — re eetngag Ft. Wayne—River Gard River Gardens Co pro es ¢ > Ee Deabe. mer. aud mar. at 1 *, bo vaudeville or bands, rahe nd Coys Park, Wm. Coy, prop., mgr and mer. attractions; plays bands, but o Vaudeville Ind pdis—Breoad Ripple Park, Jas. H Makin, mer. and mer, attractions; ple». bands; no vaudeville, Indianapolis—Kiverside Amusement Park, River. side Park Am. Co,, props.; Archie W. Colter, ! ' nd ' attractions: playre vandeville Kokomo—Exposition ark, Chamber of Commerece, props.; W. H. Arnett, mer. and mgr. attractions; plays vaudeville and bands ‘occas y La |! e—Columbla Park, A. W. Clemeas, sul ays vaudeville occasionally, Michigan City Washington Park, W Greenebaum, care Chamber of Commerce mer.; Pays vaudeville, but no bands. Miller—-Miller Beach, Miller Beach Am. Oo vrops.; J. © Abbott, mer. & mer. attractions plays bands occasi omally; no vaudeville Muncie—Westside Park, James Leitch, mgr., park plays bands Vewerast la—S)) vely’s Park, and mer le or bands Newcastle—Harvoy'e prop.; Ed L hicne =e oe W Ff HL Maresh attrections: ao aude Park, M. D. Garvey. Harvey, mer. an mer ettres mteetit. ce ner