The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboara 173 . THE ONLY TROUBLE-PROOF COMPLET ROOT BEER BARREL ' OQORANGEADE SETS P NEW YORK STYLE THE BIGGEST PROVEN “WOWEY GETTERS Soft Drinks WRITE BOR CIRCULAR » AND PRICES TO NEAREST OFFICE. NEEDS NO PLUMBER—NO ELECTRICIAN We show you how to make and serve the kind of drink that has made the Orange drink stands in New York and Operates without water pressure or motor. other large cities so popular. Large profits and quick turne Guaranteed to work perfectly—thousands in over. We supply everything—coolers, syrups and special use with big success. — LASH’S ee oe ay New Albany—Gilenwood Park, E. EB, Monroe Sioux City—Crystal Lake Park, T. F. Lacey, Mer. and mer. attractions; plays bands; no mgr. vaudeville. Villisea—Tyler Park, Tyler Bros., mgrs.; plays North Terre Haute—Elm Grove, L. Schaum am te) ) vaudeville. 4 : burger, mgr. and mgr. attractions; play. Waterloo—Electric Park, R. EB. Peterson, bands; no vaudeville, rt va ark, V. R. Hamburger, mer Rich: te ‘;en Miller Park, J. Henry Fulle eupt.; plays bands; no vaudeville. and mgr.; C. EB, Peterson, mgr. attractions; plays bands occasionally, no vaudeville, KANSAS 7 CORN POPPER Rochester—Lon Beach Amusement Park, ( H. Shank. =. prop. and mgr.; oe Fa Here’s the new CHAMPION No. 3—bigger, better, handier. Atchison—Forest Park, w. oO. Vance, mgr.; Wards, mer attractions; plays vaudev! le. Has all CHAMPION quality features and lots of extra conplays vaudeville & bands. bands occasionally. ver aenees besides. A & a. pommel complete pop —_ sg ye of the Woods Park, M. mth ler c Stand, everything you n andie @ rushing busin ec = —* es a Sa CHAMPION No. 3 makes the cash rol] in, —. —F — low Guns FO x. =. Hom Vincennes—Lakewox . Wayne Fit 1 WEATHERTIGHT GLASS TOP RYIOL, PLOPS.; paylot, m Prop., mer. and a, A Ba --Keeps out dust and rain. Absolutely rigid. Double strensth 6 2k CS ae ae, Ville ' har glass palels easily taken out Screene e ler top, y Vir = ee Park. Earl Mesk! ids fifty I-pound bags—keeps them hot. Sliding on at a Park, W. A. Beaumont, . Plenty of rcem t op cor anut amr men, prop. and mgr; Dlays vaudeville and PICONVENIENCE, CAPACITY AND SPEED -| Bmporin—Soden’s Grove, J. R. Soden, prop., wan n . 2-door storage space in_bettom. Powerful adjustable mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays bands; no 4 gion—Eastside Park, Palmer & Arm mer, plenty of heat in a jiffy. 2%-gallon pressure tank. vandeville. ) ~ x. props.; plays bands and independent! ished cast aluminum kettle—easy to keep clean. Famous Hiawatha—Flectric Park, C. M. Scott, mgr. & re act CHAMPION agitator keeps corn popping, prevents burning. mer. attractions; plays vaudeville and cands. Winchester—Punk’s Lake Park, F. E. Funk Rubber-tired, ball-bearing wheels. Pearl gray enamel—well Horton—Burke Bros.’ Amusement Park, Burke pr P.,. mer. <= mer. attractions; plays finished, good-looking job Bros., Fa John Burke, —. = mgr. ; faudeville and bands, “CHAM ” LIN attractions; plays bands; no vaudeville: iVWA Three =. ree ee ns ga the Hutchinson—Riverside Zoo Park, Riverside Park Albin—Urban Park, Albia Light & Ry. Co market for speed and capacity. Prices low. Also Gasoline Assn., props.; K. C. Beck, mgr. and mgr. Props.; ©. A. (Happy Oi) Hibbard, mer Stoves, Jumbo Burners, Hamburger Griddles, Tanks and attractions; plays vaudeville and tabloids; no park & attractions; plays independent vaude Pumps, Hollow Wire Lamps, Lanterns, etc. Write for comband«. Ville & bands plete catalog and price list. Larned—Shady Grove Park, I. M. Burch, prop. Arnolds Park—Renit’s Amusement Park, C. P. THE 10WA LIGHT CO., {15 Leeust St., Des Moines, ta and magr.; Louis Kline, mgr. attractions; plays Renit, prop., mer. and mer. attractions; does vandeville and bands. hot ~ Vande’ ttle or banda, Sabetha—Sycamore Springs Park, ©. E. WoodArnolds Park—Arnolds Park, A. L. Peck, prop., bury, mer. mer. and mgr. attractions; plays bands; a0 Salina—Stella Park, B,. F. Holmquist, prop, Vaudeville, o mgr. and mer. attractions: Chas, Lundgren, Cedor Kapide—Cedar Park. ©. ©. Breinig, asst. megr.; plays vaudeville and repertoire; prop.: mer, & mgr. attractions; plays bands; urnis e No bands no vandeville Seandia—Riverside Park, C. A. Swanson, prop. Clear Lal Nayside Park, Clear Lake ark Co., and mer.; Wm. Duna, mgr. attractions; plays prope.; O. S. Durr, mer. and mgr. attractions; —_ and —, sat am, Or. an biays vaudeville and bands. F P k Th D Cl b ka arfield Par arteld & Clinton—Fagle Point Park, Clinton St. Ry. Co., or ar S, eaters, ances, u Ss, etc. ames Havens, mgr.; plays bands, no vaudeProps.; FP. Tf, Manes, mer. and mgr. attracSyncopating, Singin: and Novelty Combinations of Reputation that mey be booked for summer engageville. tions; plays vandeville and bands, Mets. Here's a few you know of: VIRGINIA ENTERTAINERS (formerly the Original Virginia Five), NTUCKY ‘ Binffs—Manawa Park, Omaha & Counetl DCN QUINLIN AND HIS MELOL XY ROYS, CHUBB-STBINBERG DE LUXE ORCHESTRA, ANDY KE . Buffs St. Ry. Co., props.; F. B, Stewart, GILLIGAN'S TOP-NOTCHERS, MEL SNYDER AND HIS BOYS, IRVING GERDING'S JAZZOPATERS Lexington—Bine Grass Part Rivne Grass Park Senn meme » p ret 0 and others from five pieces up. Co., props.;: J. P Pope, mgr.; Plays free exter—Dexfleld ark, Dexfield a 0.; ACTS, REVUES and STYLE SHOWS also supplied. acts and ! props.; A. M. Thurtle, pres. & mer.; W. x wp Banerons Lexington—Joyland Park, Joyland Am. OCo., war eet, mer. ghtsnetions: plays vaudeville & JACK MIDDLETON'S BOOKING EXCHANGE, 21 E. Sixth St., Cincinnati, Obie. ne Sauer hae ay ong mers. attracrande tions: no vaudeville or bands, ; Des Mo nes—Riverview Park, F. M. Shortridge, Louisville— Fo taine Sesey re en ows ~ D is; mo Realty Co., props.; Chas. A. Wilson, . am elit. mgr. attractions; plays bands; ne mer attractions; plays light opera, vande ville occasionally and singing and novelty bands and acts. Marsville—Beechwood ttt Beechwood Park Co., props.; E. M sith, mer. Owensboro—Hickman rar, Mr. Sillman, megr.: does not play vaudeville; plays bands. LOUISIANA Lake Arthur—Leke Arthur Pleasure Pier, J. ® Ferguson, prop. and mgr. uneen ity—Morgan City Beaek, a9 ©. Walsh bands outdo” sso Stet So | WANTED FOR RIVERSIDE PARK, SaGuen. Nevada—Dayt: on's Amusement ark, A. L. DayFIVE-MAN SINGING BAND, for Dance Werk. Send price and phota ton, prop., mer & mer. attractions; plays eal ae Ww bends & vaudeville occasionally. MBERRY-GC-ROUND. Can use one other Ride, Orlwein—Wildweed Park, J. M. Miles, prop., WE HAVE Bullding $0x100, What have you to put ip it? mer, and mgr. attractions; plays bands; no CAN USE Rox Ball, Teo-Pinnet, Penny Areade, Shooting Gallery, Automatic Base Ball ‘Nttumwa—Amusement Park, J. B Bry. mare 6v¥. CONCESSIONS OPEN. Wil! give two to five-year contract. Address al! Inquiries t R ob Rex The iter { RIVERSI DE PARK AMUSEMENT co. mgr.: playe vaudeville, ven : attractions ; lvetric Park, J. @ Manning. mer g Pays vaudeville and bands 44! Routh Sth Avenue Sacinaw. wicw New Orleans—City Park, City of New —-, ‘Uk City—Riverside Park, Carl H Edwards. props., Joseph Desnene, mer.: plays bands. crop, mer & mer ettractiona: olave tore! —————— hot no vandevil *eudevilla & hande ° : =—— = ——= — —