The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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‘ ' aa | a A 3 fi ; + H] —~ |} ‘4 a oe r ; Hl aoa 1 Pan | i / * if i ‘ i's 4 | 4 } 4 ’ bs The Billboard MARCH 22, 1924 | | produce astonishing results Folder NOW! 12,285 IN 4 MONTHS a IN 31 DAYS $1,387 IN 1 WEEK $558 IN 1 DAY WITH THE LEBROS ORANGE DRINK MACHINE Price, $475 The most attractive illuminated electric machine you have ever seen. Produces the finest Orange Drink you have ever tasted—right in front of the crowd. At the Florida State Exposition, Madison Square Garden, New York City of them were sold to E. J. Madigan, S. Serlen and I. Fireside, Juice Concessionaires of the Johnny J. Jones Exposition, Greater Sheesiey Shows, Happyland Shows, Zeidman & Pollie Shows, Bernardi Greater Shows. This new and wonderful machine wil] make big money for you. , February 18th to 24th, our machines cleaned up. All In hundreds of resorts, in thousands of locations this marvelous machine will Orange Drink is rapidly becoming America’s most popular beverage, because it is made from the ‘resh fruit. Make your Orange Drink in front of the crowds with the Lebros Elaborate Machine and you are bound to clean up. Write for details and Llustrated LEBROS MFG. CO., Inc., Mowpruit Boverage Machines. NEW YORK,NY. New Orleans--Spanish Fort Park, New Orleans Public Service, Inc., props.; Bloor Schleppey, Mgr. and mer. attractions; plays bands oceasionaliy; no vaudeville. ew Orleans—Audubon Park, City of New Orleans, props.; H. J. Neale, mgr. and mgr. I @ttractions; plays binds; no vaudeville. MAINE Avuburn—Lake Grove Park, Wm. P. Gray, Lewiston. Me., me etetiesn—Lakewood Park, H. L, Sweet, Skowhe E gan, Me., mgr. and mgr. attractions; piays loeal bands; no vaudeville. ENorway—cCentral Park, A. P. Bassett, owner. M4 Orchard Beach—Sea Side Park, %. Car.lsmith, mgr.: no vaudeville; no bands, Dlé Orchard—Old Orchard Am. Co., props.; Chas. W. Usen, mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays bands: no vaudeville. Portland—Riverton Park, Rirerton Am. Co., props.; Jesse Rosenberg, mer. MARYLAND Inattimore—W> nderland (Colored) Park, Rufus Byars, booking megr., 1511 Penna. ave, Baltimore—Hollyvood Park, L. Sponsler, mgr., eare Gayety Theater. altimore—Carlin’s Park, John J. Carlin, prop.: Pau! Heinze, mer. ant mer. attractions; plays bands occasionally; no vaudeville. Rotteore Frederick. Roed Park, ©. D. Bond, mgr. and mgr, attractions; plays bands; no Vaudeville. aitimore—Riverriew Park, M. T. & W. J. Fitzsimmons, props.: W. J. Fitzsimmons, mer. and mer. attractions; plays vaudeville and Baltimore—cwsan Oak Park, United Railways & Elec. Co., props.; John D. Farson, mgr.; no vauderi lle ~ bands. @altimore—Pay Shore Park, United Railways & Elec. Co., other Douglas C. Turnbull, mgr.; BO vaudeville or bands. @raddock Heights—Braddock MHeights Park, Bessie M. Poole, mgr.; Rolaad gs, mer. attractions. @risield—Asbury Park, Asbury Park Am, Co., rop Loumbertand—Narrows Park, Cumberland Blectrie Ry. Co., proj <umberiand—iliverside Park, Robert J. Earsom, mer Gagerstown--Willow Grove Park, Potomae Pub. . lic Service Co., props.; Prof. Frank B. Stonf& fer, mer. and mgr. attractions; plays bands and vaudevi Ocean Cit y—W iudsor Resort, D. Trimper, 8r.. .) mgr.; no vaudeville or bands. Overica—Easicr’s Park, Geo, W. Easter, megr.; John P. Faster, mgr. attractions; plays vaudeville, no bands. ree og oe irk, Nornombega Park m + mgr. and mer. attractions; ¥ lle boched by Keith Exchange; no bands. Mpeliinghonre Beach. Avburndale—N «» props.; Ww ° Bellingham—Silver Lake Beach, Milford, Attleboro & 1 onsocket BR. BR. Co., props.; Emile 4 P. Gau in, 0. Box 5 40, W onsocket Ba mgr. an nd mgr. at tractions; plays bands; no vaud vil'e Bryantvi lle—Mayflower Grove, B. 8. Littlefield, prop.; B. S. & C. 0. Littlefield, mgrs. and mgrs. attractions; no vaudeville or bands. Dedham—Charies River Park, Dwvbois Bros., preps.; A. V. Dubois, of Fall River, Mass., mgr. and mgr. attractions; does ‘not play I yandeville or bands. Dracut—Lakeview Park, Harry ©, Kittredge, prop. and mer.; John R. Coughlin, mgr. at r tractions; plays open-air acts and bands. Fall River—Sandy Beach, A. V. Dubois, prop. and megr.; Carl 0. Du bois, mer. attrac “tions; ‘ays vanderille and ba nde occasiona’ Ipitchburg—Whalom Park, F. & L. St. a. ‘Co., props.: W. W. Sargent, mgr. and mgr. at I tractions; no vandevilile or bands. eeeei— The Pines, Bay State St. By. Co., oyoke—Mounta'n Park, Holyoke St. Ry. Co., props.; Loui . D. Pellissier, mgr.; J. L. , Earnest, mgr. attractions; plays vaudeville, “mo bands. “Lawrence-Lowe']—Merrimack Park, Merrimack + Am. Co., owners; Edward O’Brien, mgr., P “ ©, Box 594, Lawrence, Mass. Mendon—Lake Nipmuc Park, Lake Nipmuc Park Co., props.; Jos. C., Sovey, mgr.: Dan Barnes, mgr. attractions; plays vaudeville and bands. _Mulford—Nipmauck Park, Milford & Uxbridge R. R. Co., props.; Joseph C. Sovey, mgr.; Joseph C. Hughes, mer. attractions; plays gente; vaudeville booked by Fred Mardo, of ‘ to; “antasket Beach—Paragon Park, Albert A. Golden & David Stone, mgrs. and mgrs. attractions: plays vaudeville and bands. New Bedford—Lincoln Park and Fort Phoenix, Union St. Ry. Co., props.: Chester P. Rex 1 ford, mer. and mgr. attractions; plays bands; no vaudeville. Sew Bedford—Acushnet Park, Daniel B. Bauer, § prop., mer. and m er. attractions; plays local he ’ de ghanti, no a Willows Park, J. ©. B, Smith, § wmegr.; park plays musical comedies. PPPSSSOSSSOSESOS SESE SSS SOE ESS PESOS SOOOOO OOS HHO EEE OEE SE LEDS FOO HESEEEOESOOSESE SS ESO ESOS ESESOOOOOOSOOO OS OF The “AMERICAN” Candy Puller Springfeld—Riverside Park, Riverside Park Am. Co., props.; J. C Dillard, mgr.; B. B Lang, mer attractions; plays outdoor acts and bands Webster—Heacon Park, Ralph W. Hill, prop., mgr. ond mgr. gttractions: plays beuds; po vardevil « Winchendopn—Lake Dennison Park, : Keating, mgr and mgr. attractions (mati address Baldwinsville, Mass.): plays wvaudeville occasionally and bands, Worcester—Lincu.n Lark, George Goett, mgr.; pack plays vaudeville and bands. ‘ Wrentham—Lake Pearl Amusement Park, B cin Enegren, mgr.; plays bands; no vaudeville. MICHIGAN Bay City—Wenona Beach, Wenona Beach Co., props.; Dave Wright, mgr. and mgr. attraetions; plays bands, no vandeville. Bay City—l ler Lark, Bay City Am. Co., props. Brams, mgr. and mgr. attractions plays vaudeville and bands. Benton Harbor—Eden Springs Park, Israelite House of David, props., mgrs. and mgrs. ettractions; plays vaudeville and bands. Cadiliac—l’ark of the Lakes, Holmen Bros., props.; C. O. Holmen, mgr.: J. R. Holmen, mgr. attractions; no vardeville or bands, Detroit—Winter Garden Indoor Park, Forest & Hastings, mgrs. Detroit—Luna Park, Luna Park Am. Oo.,, props.; Lowe My.l, mgr. and mgr. attrae tions; no vaudev Ile or bands. Detroit—Sunnyside Park, Edward J, Schmidt, mtr., 5O8 Monroe ave, Detroit—Palace Gardens Amusement Pa Palace Gardens Co., props.; Milford Stera, mgr.; Rilla McLain, mgr. attractions; ne vaudeville or bands, Flint—Flint lark, Flint Park & Am. Co., prope.; E. B&B. Berger, mer. and mer, attractions; does not play vanrdeville or gente. Flint—Lakeside Park, N. A. & Lb props.; J. D. Stuart, mgr.: N. A. | mgr. attractions; plays vaudeville = n 2666 oo d4S555555555 5555S SSSSSS SSS FEES ES SSS SSS ESE SSS SSS SSS SSS SSOSOO OOOO SOO SOOO ' SESS SSOE SEES ESE Se eee ee ee ee ted. 6446466466046000600400008 ESSESSSSSSSSSSSS ESSE SES SSS ESOS SS SES SESS OSS OS SS SOOOSOOSSESSOSOSSSTSOSS SSS | 8. Grand Rapids—Ramona Park, G, R, Ry. Co., props.; L. J. DeLamarter, . and mer. attractions; vaudeville booked by Keith Exchange; no bands, Hancock—Electric Park, Houghton Co. Traction Co.. prope. ; Jobo Ral ph, Jr., supt.; plays local mands: po vard vv) Hillsdale—Lakeview Park, J. H. Jackson, prop., mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays bands; no vaudeville. Houghton—Tlectre Park, Frank Williame, mgr.; plays bands, Jackson—Hague Park, Jackson Am. Co., ; Albert Odell, mgr. and mer. attractions: Pays bands; vaudeville occasionally. Kalmazoo—lioneer Park, Mrs. Barnard, prop.; A. E. Kurtz, mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays bands; vaudeville occasionally, Ealamazo—wWh te’s Loke Lark, White’e Lake Am. Co., props.; Chas, M. Sumptien, mer, and mgr. attractions; no vandevilie or bands. Lansing—Pine Lake Park, Mich. Catering Oa, Inc., props.; E. N. Reid, gen. mgr. Lat rium—Laurium lark, King & Cudlep, prope.; il. E. King, mer.: plars band«: po vande file, Muskegon—Recreation Park, Sam and Peter Danigelis, props., mgrs, and mgrs, ettracttions; no vaudeville or bands, Muskegon-—-lake Michigan Park, George MeGowan, gen. mer. Orion—Vark Island, Thomas M. Reid, prop., mar. and mer. attractions; plays outdoor attractions and bands. Saginaw—Kiverside Park, Saginaw Co., props.; Ernie Mesle, mer. acd mgr, attrac: tions; plays vaudeville and bands, Concessionaires at Summer Resorts, Carnivals, Fairs, Chautauquas BIG PROFITS may be made in selling CANDY KISSES. Everybody likes Candy Kisses. The young and the old will buy them PARTICULARLY are they casy to sell, if their sale is accompanied by the display and demonstration of our Candy Pulling Machine. We have a small machine which has @ eapacity of 35 pounds to the ba THIS MACHINE WITH MOTOR ATTACHED WE SELt FOR $270, COMPLETE. We sell this machine on installment terms to persons having a goog cTedit rating, monthly pay ments extending over a period of six months. Our 100-pound Batch Machine costs $400 without the motor AMERICAN CANDY PULLING MACHINE CO. 502-504 First Wisconsin National Bank Bldg. MILWAUKEE, WIS. TELEPHONES, BROADWAY 3835, 3836, 3837. We will protect our patents to the full extent of the law Ss eee dese ee eee eee Se SSeSSSSSSSESSS SS FO SSSSSS ESOS SSS SS SOSOOP OOOO OPO POP TOTO S++ +S 2* eeeseeeees SSSsSeoessesessoSossesssesesssses eee e eee eee eee ees e esses sssssssssisisssiiis Shelbyvile—Forest. Park J. C. Westerveit, mgr.; park plays bande. St. Joseph—Silver Beach, Drake & Wallace, Wanted Orchestra | © winitts tract se ses MINNESOTA Eight to ten pieces, Entertainers preferred, for Concert and Dance Pavilion. Suit tonter, Fart, 4 . > Guadersee pron. : Nights only. State lowest terms, vaudeville ' play i Fairmont : Interlaken Park, J. and R, Erick BELLE ISLE PARK, 201 Terminal Bldg, + + Oklahoma City, Okla. | and J. Maser, props, and mere t It Brleksa ont J. sapee. mgrs, attractions; plays bands; nO Vaudeville LeRoy—Oakdale Park, Oakdale Park & Am. Co., props.; Edward Ernston, mgr. and mgr. FOR attractions; plays vaudeville and bands, Minneapolis—Forest Park, J. V. Kabm, p . SALE mer. and mer, attractions; plays vaudeville: no bands, Minneapolis—Longfellow Zoological Gardens, Chester Pollard Cutfit, complete, 16 units. First-class condition, used two seasons, Coney Island. Will ¢ell ny Jones, prop o_ mes. A} mer. attracreasonable. Address SAM DOLLIVER, (53 West 46th St., New York Minnenpolls —Minnehaha Fal's po Lake Harriet, Roard of Park Commissioners, prope.; Chas N ESS] NS 10 LET FOR SEASON 1924 acme hana wag *anl fildwood Pa Thite Bea = MERAMEC HIGHLANDS PARK “eves Sturt, ior, Snape attractions: no vavdeville or bande, OPENING ABOUT MAY tf. _ ++ te. : MISSISSIPPI RESTAURANT, BARBECUE, ROOT BEER, ete. All WHEELS wid. Special inducements to RIDES. Park Jackson—Livingston Zoological Park, City located on auto reed. Street cars te cate. Write Jackson, prop.; I B, Bennett. m re and ARTHUR L. AUTENRIETH, Meramee Highlands, Kirkwood, R. 13, St Louis County, Missouri, . mer, attractions; plays vaudeville a