The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboard 175 LL Mn MMMM ew Park to Open About May 15th, 1924 | Situated in a City of 130,000 population. The following concessions are open: Dance Hall for Lease, or would do business with first-class Orchestra, Roller Skating Rink, Whip, Aerial Swings, Ferris Wheel, Carousal, not less than three-abreast; Penny Vaudeville, Fun House, Frankfort | Hot Roast Beef Stands, Salt Water Taffy, opening for a good Shore Dinner man; Restaurant, Popcorn and Peanuts, Soda Fountain and nk Stands, Bathing House Concession, Photo Gallery, Fortune Telling. Also a few good games and concessions left, such as Balloon Racer, yacht Racer, African Dodger, Japanese Game, etc., Pony Ring. This is a seven days a week Park, ten cent carfare. The above concessions will be " ou flat rents, or percentage basis. HATTA LULELLLL ULL D PLDT TABI PR Have the following FOR SALF, and will sell for $3,500 if taken at once: Would Ike to hear from good Talkers and all-day Grinders on Shows and games. must be in first-class condition. I also want used Roller Skates. Apply to Witching Waves, complete with 30 cars, original cost, $30,000. Would pay cash for second-hand Carousal, three-abreast, but _ J. B. Nash, 131 Washington Street, Providence, R. I. ‘ = ' SET TTT RT Meridian—Eeho Park, B. Smuckler, prop.; Mrs. { B. Smuckler, mgr, and mgr. attractions; plays 1 bands; vaudeville occasionally. ALLERIES MISSOURI ; Chillicothe—Renraw Park, Fred Murrcll, mer. O i : ea odes | STRIKERS, BALL GAMES, WHEELS and GARNIVAL GOODS Itkil} Eins City—Fairmocnt ‘Park, A.’ i.” Goets, Oy WE LEAD THEM ALL. ASK THE MAN THAT OWNS ONE. ROLL AND FOLDED QUALITY ; prop.; G. ¢ McGinnis, mgr. and mgr. atKansas City—Electriec Park, M. G. Heim, prop.; All Sizes = | ACCU “ BERR errr) > <a tractions; plays vaudeville and bonds Gabe Kavfman, mgr. and mgr. attractions; * ss Do Po>0 002728200000 And of All Descriptions.| [aE too => PRICE=& “; no bands. ty—Fairyland Amusement Park, Sam gen. mer —Liberty Park (Colored), G. C. mnfs (St. Levis Countr)—Merar ts Park, Arthur L. Autenreith, Meri} —Lak: ous Park, W. C. Ross, megr.; I m, mgr. attractions; plays bands; ss wand ville. Sevad hiado Springs Park, Louis Groutsch, mgr; park plays vaudeville; plays bands on Bundars 8. Joseph—Lake Contrary Park, L. F. Ingersoll, mer dl St. I —Mueller's Park, 5810 Gravois Rd., SEND FOR CATALOG—Specifying whether for Robert Mueller, mer. Shooting Galieries or Carnival Goods. SPECIALIZING IN ; Bt. Louis (Creve Coeur)—Creve Coeur Lake Park, John Meyers, mar F.C. MUELLER & CO., 1891-03 Nebraska Ave., Chicago 6t. Louls—Mannien’s Vark, Fracchia Bros., props.; Tony Fraccbia, mgr. & mer. attrac tions; plays bands, but no vaudeville. , 6t. Lovis—Forest Park Highlands, Robert HafTrenton—Woodlawn Park, Hildinger & Bishop, | Atlantic City—Steeplechase Pier, Wm. Fennan, B ferkamp, mgr.; park plays vaudeville & bands, mgr.; Geo. C. Tilyou, prop.; no vaudeville; props.; Geo. D. Bishop, mgr.; Chas. C. Hil 6pringfiel/—Deling I'ark, Springteld Am. Corp., plays bands. d ngs r, mgr. attractions; plays bands; no FOR PARKS props; W. H. Jeezard, mer. and mgt. atAtiantic Highlands—Recreation Park, Recreation vaudeville. tractions: plays free attractions and bands. Line, i props.; D. J. Buckley, mgr. Verona—Verona Lake Park, Judson W. Parker SKATING RINKS Webb C.ty—Lakeside Park, A. L. Justin, mgr.; Bayonne—Wasbingtos Part Amusements, Emil prop... mgr. and mgr. attracti.os; no vaudeRIDES plays bands, but not vandeville. Giese, prop., mgr. and mer. attractions; ville or bands A peays local bands; no vaudeville Wildwood—Ocean Pier, Wildwood Realty (o., CHAUTAUQUA Billings—Riverside Park, L. T. and Chas. A. teh . } i props.: L. S. Jolnson, mgr. and mgr. atBridgeton—Tumbling Dam Park, Donald Leavitt, Lewis, props.; L. T. Lew! s, mgr. & mgr. atprop and wmer.: plays outdoor acts and tractions. THEATRES mA . tions; plays eomenten, at no vaudeville. Jeuderille occasionally. w. —~ gr Wildwood ¢ Racervian La Fred ntte—I. ke Avoca Park, "Th ¢ mer. ric . Le A 4 4 % Butte—Columbia Gardens, Butte Elec. Ry. Ce, Clementon—Clementon Park, M. Michelson, mgr, © Rew vouk props: EB. J. Nash, mgr.; plays bands; no and mgr. attractions; no vaudeville or bands’ yg iany-Troy—Mid-Ci “4 Park, Mid-City Park Fandeville, Clementon—Sllver Lake Park, Silver Lake Corp., }rops.; K. IB. Has ard (Albany), mer ba er l'ark—Glacier National Park, H, A. Park Assn., props.; George B. Wreht, mer. and mgr. attractions; plays vaudeville and Noble, mgr. gr. attractions; does not play vaudebands. NEBEASKA “tie ‘a bands. Amsterdam—Jollyland Park, Fred J. Collins, Beaver City—Riverside Park, 8. J. Franklin, lessee and gen. mgr.; plays bands and vaude prop., mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays vaudeGloucester—Buens Vista Park, Frank D. Hall, . mE tt t : play ville. Ville and hands occasionally oe. burn—Island Park, Owen Brady, dir. of R EGIS I ERS Lincoln—Capitol Beach, Central Realty & InvIrvington—Olympic Park, Inc., Henry A. Guen“Tanna ep = Co., props.; W. E. Sharp, mgr. and mgr. atther, prop.; Jas. F. Coffrey, mer; Gus A. siiurn iakeside Park, Auburn & Syracuse tract: ons; plays vaudeville and bands Cohen, mgr, attractions; plays vaudeville and Elee, R. R. Co., props.; W. J. Harvie, gen. Give Protection, Speed p City—Jenner’s Zoological & Amusement bands. aeP : ly: ille. s 2 Park Henry Jenner, prop. and mer.; R. B. Keansburg—Belvedere Beach Amusement Park, —— 3 ac bands eccasiosaliy: ne Saanena and Accuracy in Selling \ Jer zr. attractions; plays vaudeville oc P. Licari, Inc., pr ra ; P. Lu icart_mgr.; R. 0. coun aie | iene aaa ae pa bi All Makes of Tickets Goan 1 rs LJ ~~. > Sa Park Co. b aor mee ae Mpg ’ dea Brooklyn—Brighton L ~ “h es) Brighton Be , nabakevte i 4 le ° ‘ : a a ation Co., props.; Chas. ean, mgr.; play ——" ; proj Munebhoff Pros, mgrs. and mgra, atKeansburg—New Point Comfort Beach, J. L. . ; . trections: plays bands pn ee me o caale Scultborp, mer. and mer attractions; plays bands, bat no vaudeville. Write for Samples and Prices ville. : te free attractions and bands occasionally. Brooklyn—Golden Citr Amusement Park, RosenD On —Krog Park. Incersoll Bros. & Goets Keyport—keyport Amusement Park; plays thal Bros., props.; Irving Rosenthal, mer.; Toay B props.; dees hot play vaudeville or vaudeville and bands. Jack Rosenthal, mgr. attractions; plays L Long Branch—Recreation Pier, Ocean Pier & vaudeville and bands 7 Wilber—Count “orp ops.: D. her, 15 E. State Buffalo—Crystal Beach, Lake Erie = WO LD C & —4 Country Club Park, H. F. Magnusson, Ams. Corp., props. ; D. 3. Mal «5 5 6 Ae Baftale—CryetGl, Beck, Lake Bete Bammaten R TI KET gr. and mgr. attractions; plays vaade. , Trenton, mer. Ville: po bands vaudeville or bands. a Ip ay mgr. attractions; plays vaudeville and SU P Pp my te O Inc NEW HAMPSHIRE Monasqran—Manasqran Amusement Park, Wm. nds . me ” . Rerlin—Cascade Park, J, J. Tellington, prop.. W. Mills, prop.. mer. and mer. attractions; a = Erie noe, Se B mgr and mgr. attractions; does pot play does not play vaudeville or bands. -— oe gh gg AB, io 1600 Broa way, New York Yander le or bands , Millville—Luna Park at Union Lake =e. hn cout bee = as Tel BRY N’ Clar t—Pine Grove ‘ . Orest J, Devany, owner and gen. mgr. (New _ SSuMe' | ie : : SAT mgr. attract one mY co oa b ogy 8 York addres hy 223 W. 4ith st.); pays acts a a a v6 5 ln aon . wo Concord—Contoocook River Park, B. & M. R. — and bands, ait acten “iicemumiinen, sem eaten ae ee R. rot i Ww Taylor mgr. and lessee Mount Holly—Rancocas Park, Browne & Phares, — >» eee te ee o — (Room 587, Knickerbocker Theater Bldg., New rops.; Samuel Browne, mgr.; Harry W. an a > iiinen al . ‘Herbert Be . SSS York ity plays outdeer acts and bands. "bares, mgr. attractions; plays bands ocS ge AE Ben elege aaioed le and b a oy | ieee aS pes Dover—Central Park, D. S & R, St. Ry. Oo, casionally; no vaudeville. & on aaa han a ~~ d bands. neem Prot ps: L. EL Lynde, mgr. and mgr. attrace yropntain View—Lake Side Amusement oe, Caney — pl 4 ane oy ter Rages SR | 3 ons lare ‘ . , % . ‘ ar tomer, pre , mer nd mgr. at: > 4 spr ee — -| ¢ ’ Manchester--Maveabesie Take Dark, Manchester factions: mo vardesivic ot bade, Duakirh—“Point Gratiot Park. Jos, Promenschen. = iy props.; J. Brodie Smith, mgr. ong New Bri — ck—Forest Amusement Park in cr mite} léviies Feat owned by city; Edward ' er attractions: plays vaudeville and musica THiichta ‘J. North ’ tions; Suits for Beach and "7. Man. lies: Sunday band concerts, ~ Newark—-Dreamland Park, John H. McCarron, Tuuboviin til Canes mene wees ae ete ¥ t COTTON anchester—Dine Island Park, Manchester acmer r eat — : RBSTED SUITS Sam sent tion, Light & Power Co., props.: J. Brodie Seek —TMitleide Park, T. W. Crowley, prop. wee ew yw a | a yh ” ice os —_Mctmneanin Te O pelanngamamaasite seip niacin mer. & mar. attractions; plays bands, but no The Majestic Knitting Mills Co ‘ : © Vaude . o sa das 3 ville. lo me be Lake ark, Mass. Northeastern North Rergen—Columbia Park, Columbia Am. , non" , } = ty. Ce, props.; D. F. Bower, mgr.; plays = Park Co.. props.; Otto a. beach, ae. = ee oe ee ee a 411 West St Clair Ave, CLEVELAND, @. nde mgr. attractions; plays bands; vandevi : : » Pete ‘ 1 ‘ NEW JERSEY (dumb shows) booked by John A. Driscoll. and mgr. attractions; no vaudeville or bands. } Irondequeit—Sea Breeze Park, B. E. Wilson, ay "—Tily Lake Park, Lily Lake Am. Co.. Ocean City—Foge's Ocean Pier, Frank H. Platt, -_— ” 5 _— mer. — roy M Kesler, mgr.; plays bands: mgr.; park plays vaudeville. . Jamestown—Celoron Park, George E. Maltby, WANT TO BOOK PONIES o va ville. . ades—lPalisade useme > hence h r. trac ; pl > ac Al» n—Lakview Park, Chas. Christos, Palisades—Palisades Amusement Park, Sc mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays free acts —~——— —— oo ror ; tros,,” mgrs and bands. : un Gleadall, mgr. & mgr. attractions; oe GroveOlympia Park, Alex S. Fischer, Jamestown—Midway Park, on east side of ChauWITH 600D RELIABLE PARK, At ville or bands : prop.; Jos Goldwater. mgr.: Bob Adler, tanqua Lake, A. M. Brodhead, mer. Tlare 10 Por ed in track work. Also have J Steet Mee, Steet eae ge ok mer. attractions: plays bands; no va deville. Kingston—Kingston Point Park, Kingston Cons. M I ens i Dynamite’). Will coabar ad BF — a Pitman—Alevon lark, H. F. Stetser, mer ind R. R. Co., props... megrs and mg"s attracsider bo : se ing for exhibities purposes. Ati: Hightande—Sevlen@ Park, Altssanéer mer. attractions; plays bands: no vardevil'e. tions; does not play vauderilie or binds YDB BELLIS, Constance, Keatucky. 8 eR ep rs * attractions: Sewaren—Sewaren Park, Joseph Turek, mgr. Livingston Manor—lIsland Park, Eugene H. ; Fischer, prop. mer, & mer, ° oute ° . “ ” Ma andes vaudeville booked by Walter J. got me. attractions: slays vaudeville and = Routen, te i and mgr. attractions: The iast “word’’ in your + al to advertisers, “Bilt| —