The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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< ee ee aa nt ate ty SWAT ene WARCH 22, 1924 ec A GALAXY OF MONEY GETTERS! Sayso Ice Cream Cones Big money getters Setl at from lc to as high as 0c little manipulation. Profits immense. small. The three-burner efficient gazol tit, $45.00. Cupolas separate. Operate over any stove. One, $10.00, Two, $19.50. larce, $25. 00. Victory ior French Waffle Molds All sizes. al shapes, made of & &} three-burner gasThe = strongsmooth, fine iron and pure alummum, as oline stove, est and best follows: Three-inch size, per pair, made heavy tank with kettles made. of irom, $1.00, postpaid. Made of folded en ids, ‘ no Make them on these splen-| Attractive. liberal sized, effijaluminum, $1.50, postpaid. Four-ineh S¢'ver, an 5did moids, E mid] ciently heated. Prices: Heavy |iron, hexagon or scalloped, $1.25. Made,” —¥.. ee malts. o dee — — ™ ~ makes 4 waffles, 3x3, and|Tin, $17.50. All Copper, $30.00. jof alumi 5 seers el ¢ ] own by illustrations, 00. 1 Same aluminum, $2.50 each, Five-inch siz is. $39.00 i $38.09 each, rethe swellest you ever cowl tench you everything. Here's ; : tro m molds, $ anc or tasted Molds operate|somethiig new and big—Tamale j made of iron, hexagon or scalloped, $1. 50 | pectively. If you wait to make uD your oyn outfit buy oo cae tame, Ona. 7 Ww oe 4 veer (each. Made of aluminum, $3.00 each.) tie moi pe, in illustration at left, then ver any stove. One, $8.50;; Wrappers made ef paper. Bet o | . «| the two, $16.50; six or more,|than cormhusks. Cost less. These all have adjustable handles, but py and h ave k made loo ‘ally. Remember $7.90 each. Formulas for] bother. Per 1,000, — prices do not inelude postage. -W book, | t! ‘is, “1 “tell you more avout the business than any other every kind of Waffles free.|$2.50. Cinch this, Tid-Bits, teaches you everything lliving man can or will te you, pe Victory “= or French Complete consisting of fine A. T. DIETZ, Money Making Specialties, 27 Sayso Buiding, TOLEDO, OHIO 1 th 4 M iddletown—Midwa y Lockport—fialto Park, Klein & Sullivan, props + and mgrs.; no vaudeville or bands. —— Beach—Mid.and Beach, Midland Beach » props.; Daniel W. Leonard, mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays bands, but no vaudeI ville Electric attractions; Park, S& K. Ly bolt, mgr. and mer. plays bands; 4 yaudeville booked by Wirth-Hamid. Monticello—Monticello Park, Paul I. Silberman, 1} omer; Chas, A. Kimball, mgr. attractions; Plays vaudeville and bands. p Newburg—Orange Lake Park, Orange County > Traction Co., props.; B. Bryant Odell, mgr.; 4 * M. LeRoy, adv. mgr rf New York (Rronx)—Clason Point Park, A. E. Downes, prop., mcr. and mgr. attractions; plays vaudeville and bands. t New York—Sta:iight Amcsement Park, Capt E. F. Whitwell, mger.; Wm. Frenk Cook, asst. m@gr.; plays vaudeville and bands, 7, Olcott Beach—Rialto Amusement Park, Klein 1 & Sullivan, props. and mgrs.: no vaudevi§fe or bands. t Olean—Riverhurst Park; dves not play vaude ville; Plays s. 1 Oriskany—s P as , (' Oswego—Beach Oswego, Port Jervis—Ne imit Park, Cole, Van Derzee & Cole, mers.; Aden J. Cole, mgr. attractions; plays bands; no vaudeville. 8. F. Gokey, prop.; Plays bands at times. Oswego—Ontario Lake Park, Morton, Miller & Morton, props.; Harry E. Morton, mgr.; Fred W. Mil'er, mgr. attractions; plays vaudeville, booked by Edwin A. Morfon, but no bands. Peekskill—Electric Park, Jules Larvett, lessee and mer plays vaudeville; bands occasionally Peekskiil—shady Lake Park, Thos. E. Cunningham, mgr. Penn \an—Electric Park, Penn Yan & Lake Shore Ry., props. & mers.; does not play vaudeville or bands. versink Park, Neversink Am. Co., props.: B. Klein, mgr. and mgr, attractions; plays bands; no vaudeville. Richfield Springs—Canadatago Park, F. F, Fox Prop., mer. and mer. attractions; plays bands and vaudeville occasionally. Rockaway Beach, L. 1.—Thompson Park, L. 4 props.; Harry E. Tudor, mer. attractions; does not play vaudeville New York State Dm, mgr. and mer. udeville .and bands. teach Pleasure Park, I. , mgr. and mgr, attracrille; no bands. Thompson Co., and mer Breeze Park, Vi ions; lg Rye Beach, Rs —Paradise Park, Rred H. Pen ty & Jos: ph ‘Ha cht, | Props. ; Fred GW. Ponty, mg¢er.; plays vaudeville and bands. Saecandaga—Sacandeca Park, F. J. G. R. RB. Co., props.; J. A, Lawrence, mgr.; F. A Moore, mer. attractions; no vaudeville or bands Schenectady—Forest Park, W. §. Hamilton, megr.: does not play vaudevil'e or bande. Schenectady—Colonnade Park, Hardy, Kromer & MeKee, props.; R. Kromer, mer. and mgr. attractions; plays free acts; booked by J. Harry Aven Seneca Falls—Cayuga Lake Park, Max Green, mer. Sylvan Peach-—Carnival Park, Carnival Park Assn., Inc., props.; M. Cavana, mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays vaude ville; no bands @yracuse—Teong Branch Park, B. Maure r ™Er.; park does not play vaudeville or ban Trop—Crysta! Lake Fark, A. S. Crable, “mer. 17 Woodlawn st. Utica—CUtica Park, N. Y. State props.: R. W. Owens, mgr. and me tions; dees not play vaudeville or t Youngstown—Fort Niagara Beach, Bri et = Deering, props.; Geo. T. Powell, mer. and mgr. attractions; plays bands; no vaudeville. NORTH CAROLINA Asheville—Tovurist Park, E. Grimshaw, mgr.: M. Grimshaw, mgr. attractions; plays bands; no raudeville. Purlington—Hanien Park, Alamance Ry. Co., owners, Edw. C. Cuthbert, mer., P. 0. Box 7. Charlotte—Westlake Amusement Co, W. §& Orr, mer. and mgr. attractions; plays bands; no vaudeville. Ourham—Lakevwood Park, Durham Public Service Co., props.; Thos. C. Foster, mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays bands, but no vaudeville. Holdsboro—River View Park, C. D. Waters, mgr dersonville—Laurel Park, H. Walter Fuller, prop.: Reginald Willcocks, mgr. and mar. ittractions; plays bands; no vaudeville. Italeigh—Pullen Park, City of Raleigh, prop. Ww. A. Howell, mer. and mgr. attractions joes not play vaudeville or bands. mington—Lakeside Park, Howard & Wells Am. Co., props.: B Wells, mer Ww ington—Ln mi ina Park, Wrightsville Tidewa Px er Co.. props.; A. E. Send, mgr 1 es attractions: Gap ds: Lo vauder Wim ington—C aro) na Beach. Shepard * orchestrss end ae React Town vleye lave hends Che TE POP CORN You can serve the best and do it quicker with a DUNBAR ATTRACTIVE DURABLE SIMPLE Large capacity ROTARY POPPER Dunbar and Company 2654 W. Lake Street Chicago, Illinois Mfrs. Corn Popping and Peanut Roasting equipment. Complete upon request. Slt d CLL hb hh bbb bbb WL db dddddddddadddatddbddddddddidddddddddddddddd VSSTTOTTTLTTM TSE SS b9 SYLLLLLLT E14 WLLL LL dddddddddddddddddlllilsdilididiiiatidsddsthsLibddddibddlddihathisidddebded Nida daddddddaddddddadddddddddddddddddddddddaadlidddddddddldlLa LuLu HERRIN, ILLINOIS MARLOW’S HERRIN, ILLINOIS. WHITE CITY PARK In the Heart of the Coa] Fields. 300,000 Population to Draw From No Park Within 100 Miles. PERMANENT Salt Water Bathing Pools, Theatre, Dance Hall, Roller Skating WANTED Lsdddbadddddsdldddddddddtdddddbdddddddddddddtdddddde WWD dddddidsdidsddddidibididsddddd, all in first letter JOHN D. MARLOW, President. LLL Wht thi Absolutely clean attractions only. Give detailed qaescription. Outdoor Acts, Circus Acts, Vaudeville Acts, Water Acts, Novelties, Musical N Shows, Revues, Bands, Jazz Bands, Orchestras. N WANT—FERRIS WHEEL. FIBRE ROLLER SKATES. N Concessions of all kinds. Concessionaires write with details. Tell N N VDL LLL GSUMMNMMAMMM ML LM SL eee For Carnivals, Conventions, Exhibitions, Theatricals, Parks and Fairs NEW YORK CITY ————— SiS VW, S2nd Street, | For Sale PORTABLE Electric Letter Signs TUSUUEUUESUSTENTERTESER ESO CUDEOEEOUSEOGEODECEGEOSEEUSEOEQTCUEEECE OOD EGEEREO TEES TEEEET EELS THE MACDONALD HIGHLANDERS BAND THE PREMIER SCOTTIS# CONCERT BAND * “ yatiable oY rarko Weire Va yer iddres MURDOCH | MacDONA4LD. 6&1 Cour St. Room & BOSTON MASS CUAAANSUAUDOQSSDADSOCUDESSDDAPERDADOAUADSSPQROPOARERERRESAADASAQAUGAROREOLOOORSROOEO REO EOREREOO SOO EERE SUSU: $ ‘eo Winston-Salem—Piedmont Park, F. J. Liipfert, secy.; does not play vaudev or OHIO A'liance—Lake Park, Lake Park Am. Oo., props.; R. D. Williams, mgr. and mgr. attractions; acts; no bands. plays free Alliance S4 s Glocke Vark, Andrew Barth, mgr addr correspondence to Frank Mueller, secs 672 N. Liberty St.; Plays bands: no vaudevil Akron—Summit Beach Park, Summit Beach Park 7c. C plays bands; Macdonald, mgr. and mer. no vaudeville. diand Park, A. & L. &. Ry E. L. King, mgr. and mgr. atays bands; no vandeville, lark, R. A. Jolly, mgr. and ner. attractions; plays free acts and bands Cai tou—Meyers Lake Park, Northern Ohio Trac props.; BE. R. Booth, mgr plays musics! comedies tion & Light Co., and mer. attractions; and bands Celine—Edgewater Park, Earl Ammon & P. H } props, mers, and mgrs, attractions; I rehestras; no vaudeville. Thiy lIake-—Chippewa Lake Park, A. M. ten mgr. and mgr. attractions; no vaudeille or bands Cin Coney Island, Coney Island Park o., props.; Arthur L, Riesenberger, = Cincinnati—Zoological Garden, Cin'ti dological Park Assn., props.; C. G. Miller, mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays bands, but Bo vaudeville. Cincinnati—Chester mgr.; plays Sun vau Park, M. M._ Wolfsoa, deville; no bands. Clevelandé—Luna Tark, Luna Park Am. Oe., props.; Chas X. Zimmerman, gen. m6gr.; plays musical revues and bande. Cleveland—Geauga Lake Park, W. J. Kublmaa, prop., mer d mer. attractions, 8514 BroadWay; no v deviile or bands Cleveland—Gordon Park Gardens, Gordon Gardens Am. Co., props., 855 E. 67th st. Cleveland—Puritas Springs Park, J. E. Gooding, prop. and mgr, (Address R. F. D. 2, Berea, 0.) Cleveland—Enclid Beach Park, Humphrey Co. (D. S. Humphrey, pres.), props.: BH. C. Shaa mgr: no vaudeville ar bands, oon N s—Indianola Park, B. J. Steele and E. P. McK y. props.; B. P. Sandies, m and mgr. attractions; plays bands and vau eville Columbus—Olentangy Park, Olentangy Amnusement Co., props.; A, Haenline, mgr.; plays vaudeville and bands, conneaut-—Lake View Park, Lake View Park Co., Inc props.; Clarence Fogal, mgs and mgr. attr rae tions; no vaudeville, local bands * on—Lakeside Park, Lakeside Park Co., op ce. ¢ Lauterbach, mgr. and mer. attracti ons; plays local bands; no vaudeville, Dayton—Forest Park, Villie Markey, prop. and ngr Ww furner Markey, mgr. attractions; plays vaudeville and bands EB. Liverpool--Rock Springs Park, C. A. 6mitb, owner; James Hocking, mgr. Elyria—Riverview lark Riverview Am, Co., props.; ( lL. Worthington, mgr. and mer. attract ' d lie and bands Findlay—Riverside Park, Chas, H. Mains, mgr.: Plays vaudey nd banda. Findlay (Arcadia)—Midway Park, Findlay-Fostoria Am. Co.. proq C. S. Whipple, mer. and mgr. attr plays vaudeville and bands Fremont (Catawba Island)—White City Beach, White City Beach <Asan.,, props. ; ‘. Ernsberger, mer. and mgr, attractions; no vaudeville or bands Kenton—Lake Idlewlld, H. D, Duekham, prop.: C, M. Duckham, mgr. and mer, attractions: plays or che tras; no vaudeville, Lakes ide ikes'de Park, Arthur BR. Jones, prop, ingr. and mgr, attractions; plays band no vaudeville Lima—MeCulough Lake Park, Mre. G. M. Me Cullough, prop.; W. J. Hofmann, lessee & mer. attractions; plays free acts and bande. Mansfield—Casino Park, Casino Park Am. Co., vrops.;: V. A. Bates, aecy. prop, and mgr.; J, J. Flood, mer, attractions; pievs stock companies: no vaudeville or bands. Middletown—Lesourdsville Lake Park, Edgar & Ernest Streifthau, props.; Edgar Streifthan, tier. and mer, attractions; plays bands; no vaudeville ark Moundbullders’ rom, &.. ¥. Mains, losvee, mgr. and mgr, attractions; plays hands; no vaudeville Oak Harbor—Locust Point Beach, Locust Point reich ©o., props.; Burt Martin, secy., Sandusky, O no vaudeville or bands, Put-in-Bay— Rosenfeld Concession on main thorofare, D, Rosenfeld, mgr, Ravenna Kent-—Lake Brady, D. G. Hartman & F OB. Gardner (Kent, 0.), props., mere, and mers. attractions; play free acts; bands on Sundays and Hidaye Russells Point—Indian Lake Park, A. B, Jones, prop.; Thomas E Thorpe, wer.; plays bands: bo vaudeville Sandusky —Cedar Point on Lake Erie, The G, A Roeckling Co. propa: G \. Roeckling, mgr and mer attractions; no vaudeville or bands Sandisk Lakeside Park, A Jones, mer: park doce not plaw wandavilla: clave hands ard archactros