The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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La (2A fA I MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboara 177 That's the record of one operator of one of my machines Hundreds of others like it in my files It’s being done everywh ere. Operators and Goacemsion Men are just coining money with Otton Kandy or Empire Candy Floss maines. Attract crowds. Spin the fluffy, cously right im front as fast as fou can make it. Make it as fast as you can turn the crank or spin the motor. Ej cht. ten or twelve big 10¢ packages made in a minute. A pound =e sugar pays $3.50 to $4.00 profit Every body es candy floss. Repeat sales. Comes back again and again. My can ly floss machines are the oldest on the market. Experienced opera. KOTTON Get ready for ora NG, tors neve beem using them for years, some Oid Timers are stilt — their first machine, Shows bow weil they are made. Nothing comNothing to give out, break or wear Simple to operate. Good in any season amy place Made in three styles to fil] all needs Straight Ele trie hitch up to any lamp socket. Let her spin and turn out ‘the mist of sweetness. This model complete $150. Handpower machine—operates anywhere. Turn the crank and cather In the coin. This medel ready to start you in business $150. (You can motor,. ize this machine if you want to.) And here’s big delicious candy instantan ef your audience. Seiji, SUMMER AND FALL BUSI~ Prepare to rake IN YOUR share of the seasox ‘3 & 86 Get You 7 OWN CANDY PLOSS MACHINE —e GOOD RUNN! NG ORDER. See that YOU have NECESSARY SUPP LIES TO PUT the thing over big. SEPARATE H BA os bination goes over big. .. + shaft } 2 a Colors—red. blue, green, $80 Hore any ma orange, yellow, ete., $1.00 PROSSURE TANKS. All BANN chs $8.50 ea per bottle. Flavors—vanilcomplete with attachments a A sel lite la, pineappl ang ~ and — directions, Price, ban: ! on, $12 50. SKEWERS. each, including ground screw and tilting device. 5s 9 GENERATORS. State type of machine you and send in your $2 Price, $15. an extta Cc per thousan MACHINES. chines, ly structed, at $125. colors, Price, post; bald, 00 cach; will WOODEN 2.00. Use for serving the candy. heaty of! cloth $? Saia NS. AND FLA. Price, $1.50 per thousand. PAPER FOR CONES. thee roring ‘ates A. T. DIETZ, flavor 100 pounds of sugar KOTTON KANDY UMBRELLAS. Spread 8 ft., with 12 heavy steel ribs Prices from $10 to $36 electric the ies ring makes More ‘palatable, The com immediately, getting left. ome up fast. Terms: Half cash, Ready cut papers to make iches inch to 2% inches in a USED CANDY FLOSS SPECIAL!!! Three original Empire malike new, completeoverhauled and from 1 expect to have in at least two Nashville allmachines, type, which cost $200 new, 27 Sayso Bidg., TOLEDO, CHIO. heauty—the prize of them the all—my Combination Hand-Power and Electrie Machine, the crank “hen you can’t get at the juice, Let old man electricity do the work when he’s handy. This machine, a pride and joy forever, comes to you Bickels and dimes rolling your way for $200. complete, ready to start the don't hesitate! Write or wire your order NOW. Don't take a chance of I was oversold last year, Orders balance a KANDY AND EMPIRE CANDY FLOSS MACHINE REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES which I offer at $112.50. 1 also have 6 to 8 rebuilt and reconstructea all-electric floss machines with Nashville heads and contacts at from $65 te $110. LOOK INTO THIS! I trade, seli, salage, repair, rebuild or handle in any other way any make or style of candy machines of any description. Write me or send your a A me I do business long Price, will buy, recone $75 to latest Springfield—Avaion Park, Cities Amusement Co., pr pe. 5 ; © Cooper, mer. and mer. attract does not play vandeville or bands. Gteude ie—_Stanton Park, Stanton Park Am. Co., prop W. J. Mart'n, mgr. and mgr. attr os; plays bands occasionally; no vandeville. Toledo Walbridge Park, T. M. Harton Co., Props F. Covode, mfr. & mer. attractions; plays fs oceas‘onally, no vrarderilie. Toledo—Toledo| Beach Park, Toledo Catering Co., props.; John C. Reid, mer.; Ed Halleron, mer acti Ds; plays anything. Ver —Cry | Beah, G,. H. Bilanchat, prop., mgr snd mgr, aitractions; plays bands, to evil Warren— Avon “Park, W. E. Genno, prop., mer. & mer. attractions; plays bands, but no vaude Warn-Leavittsburg—Mahboning Park, Jack Herbed. prop., mgr. and mer. attractions, Leavitt c oO pays «rehes***«: no vardeville, Youngstown—Idora Park, Idora Park Co., pre Rex D. Billings, mgr. and mgr. ats; plays dramatic stock and local nds faves: \e—-Moxahala Park, W. D. Brookover, mgr; Mae LBrookover, mgr. attractions; plays bands, no vaudevi! ‘le. OKLAHOMA a td ttington Park, Whittington Park mu ment ce ao, rm v Oavis—Turner Falls Park, S. B. Harper, mgr. Enid—Wien's Jungle Park, Kate Teil, pro»., -, mer. attractions; plays vaudeville an bands Miam Riverside Park, owned by city; M. W. Kriege r, mer.; plays bands occasionally; no Samdowthl Muskog ve Park, A. J. Owens, prop.; W. M. Owens, mgr.; plays bands occasionally; no vaudeville. k ua City—Belle Isle Park, Belle Isle Boating Co., props.; C. G. Pickering, mer. att mgr. attractions; no vaudeville or bands, all ue Joyland Park, Pitchford Am, Co., props. ; S. L. Owen, gen. mer. Pawhuska—Lake View Park, W. E. Sparks, Prop.; C. A, Sparks, mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays bands; no vaudeville. Sand s ue—Sand Springs ark, Sand Springs 4m. Co. props.; E. M. Monsell, mgr. and mer. attractions; plays bands; no vaudeville. Sapulpa—Metropolitan Amusement Park, J. W. Adams, Prop. ; Martin J. McAlpine, mgr. and t tions: plays bands; no Yandeville. Shawnee—Bensca Park, C. C. Willard, prop. ‘nd mer. attractions; A. L, Blackwell, mgr.; Days bands; po vaudeville, Sumet Park, R, C. Alder & F. A, Fink, pr ve. Rk. ©, Alder, mgr.; no vaudeville or minds OREGON Bayorean—Royocean Park & Beach Resort, L -E. Latousette, mgr. and mgr. attractions; I ‘or bands, Amusement Park, United Am. F. Cordray, mer. & mgr. at , tractic plays bands and vaudeville. ort !—Columbia teach «Park, Joeph M. Riee. prop., mer. and mgr. attractions; no va or havds Port!and—Coune il Crest Park, Finley Am. Co., Props ; Homer Stedman Finley, mgr. and mer. attroctions; plays bards; no vaudeville. P_ NNSY..VANIA Allentown—Cenfral Park, Central Park Am. ©. props; HH. HH. Hearn, mgr, and mer. Altroctions: plays bands; no vaudeville. Allentown—Dorney Park, F. 8. Kinsey, megr.; park does not play vaudeville; playe local ar Altoona—Lakemont Park, J. M. Shuck, mgr. , ind mer. attractions; plays stock and “pands. Bellefonte—Heela Park, W, C. Rowe, prop., n int mer, attractions; does not play bonds Bristol vod Reach, Dolphin Line of Philafelpt ‘owners: Capt. 8. H. Garrison, pres. Char sburg—Red Bridge Park, C. & 8. . Co.. props.: EL F. Goetz, mgr, and mgr. at ,ifictons; no vaudeville or bands, best Keystone Park, James B, McDevitt, = and mer attractions: playe vaudeville Coniies f "Lahe—Qpnaeins Lake Park, Conneaut tak Oo, H. O. Holeomb, pres., props.: wo mer: lays bands: ne vaude and Lis SHME™: Still has a few open dates for Parks, Fair and Theatres. Address al] communications to JAMES F. VICTOR, care National Vaudeville Artists, Inc., 229 West 46th Street, New York City. P. S—Victor’s Band will play a return engagement at Luna Park, Coney Island, N. Y. ANG oT, TMMTTUNNNLLNENLSTTTOOOEO OO T TOOTS TEOE TET TOTTI ANNOUNCEMENT!!! This js to annewnce that the property known as SHERMAN LAKE, located at DAVENPORT CENTER, N.. ¥., in the Catskill Mou tains, for many years owned an i conducted as an a and resort y Das of “Jay Cireus” fame, bag recently changed hands, and will hereafter be known as PINB by Dam Sherman, ELS HE CATSKILLS wr c anager sat intends to do all possible to merit the former patronage, and the property is now undergoing extensive alterations and repairs. Some of the new features will a new and large Merry-Go-Round three horses abreast, seating 150 people; a 20-ft. Motor Boat, seating 20 people; a fleet of 25 aoa and sturdy Rowboats, new conerete Docks and Bath Houses, with every convenience for bathing. a0) ) In addition to this, the Dance Casino (where big-timers have played and danced) is being enlarged Uitte and will be fi side and outside to rival the modern roadhouses or Hd _ ie ie eer a ttages are ¢ »plated, and all now erected, as well as those to be bullt, will be ni ely dec crated and painted and eq ea with electric lights, ete. There will be a Tennis Court, a Basebal! Diamond and m any minor impgovements all too numerous to mention, but all of which will tend to make the visit of t) . pleasure seeker am enjoyable one. Mr. Harry J. Styles, formerly assoelated with Mr. Dan Sherman, } for many years a trouper, has undertaken the management of the place, Mr. John celler, the new owner, is bending every effort toward a successful opening of those who are mot familiar with the place, and for the performer who is looking and together with by June 1. For the benefit natur e igh up in the mountains, swept by every vacraut breeze, to for a ~y a Leng om Sto nature, ws he pe ttull ly refer you to the following list of vaudeviilians, all DUE ad oan aoioeed several vacations here: MITZI HAJO®, Merles Cockatoos, Dawson Sisters, Kitty M fee ™ pa Mi als, English Billy Reeves, Howard and Rass, The Musica! Youngs, Chief Temderhoe, Royal edie Gascoignes, Tobby La Salle, Dancing McDonalds, Harry Adler, Tom Mahoney, Ritch Hayes, Jim Donatan and many more which space il] not permit us to ——. tl = Thia has been the actors’ rendezvous for many years, and we want it to continue as su rva ] and the 15 completely furnished Cottages, which overlook the lake. Cot) ¢ and we have garate accommodations, if you = & car. Rates ‘and ‘descriptive literature cheerfully issued upon request. Address HARRY 3. 4. STYLES, Gen Mgr. WE THANK YOU! Remember the Name! “PINE LAKE” Formerly Sherman Lake DAVENPORT CENTER, N. Y. HARRY J. STYLES, General Manager. now being made for the Hotel, prod ., hree four and five rooms, JOHN CELLER, Proprietor. WANTED FOR LOOK MIRES LAKE, SIDNEY, OHIO IDES AND CONCESSIONS. Will work on percentage basis. Have a good proposition ALL KINDS bd 4 copie. This will be the third seasou. I operate Dance Pavilion and Bathing Beach. = day pve wy) roads paved leading to Park. Live proposition. Investigate. 200,000 people to jn oe “Write ow wire B. A MIRCS, Mires’ Lake, Sidney, Ohio. HANOVER PARK, MERIDEN, CONN. latest Rides, Careusell, Aeroplane Ride, Whip, Dance Hall, Roller Skating Rink, Games, Fishing, ete., with the only Basebal! and Feotball Ground im Meri Rig drawing population HAVE FOR RENT Penny Areade, Lunch @ounter, a tew Games, Rolier Skating Bink, ete. Would lke to hear from Animal Acts, Bailoon Ascensions and others. J. D. ILLIONS, Lessee. rue LAST “worn tN VOUR LETTER TO ADVERTISERS “BILLBOARD” LOOK Finest Amusement Park, equipped with the Connellsville—Shady Grove Park, B. E. Miller, prop., mgr. & mgr. attractions; plays bands, bo vaudeville. Danville—Riverside Park, Mrs, A. L. Hancock, prop.; R. G. Hancock, mgr. and mgr. attractions: no vaudeville or bands. Erie—Waldameer Park, F. W. A. Moeller, lessee and mer.; F. E. Taylor, asst. mgr.; R. _ Culhane, supt.; plays vaudeville and band Easton—Bushkill Park, Bushkill Am. Oo, props.; M. P. Belford, secy. Erie—Four-Mile Creek Park, T. J. Hilliard, prop. & mgr.; plays vaudeville. Hanover—Eichelberger Park, E. M. Grumbine, mer. & mgr. attractions; plays bands; so vaudeville rem illow Oak Park, John Kopp, mgr. Harrisburg—l axt vy lark, ‘Tom EB. Kerstetter, lessee and mer.; address, 16 Johnson ave., Newark, N. J. Hazleton—Hazle Park, Tom E. Kerstetter, mgr. Hershey—lHiershey Park, Hershey Chocolate Co., preps.; John R. Zoll, mer, and mgr. attractions; plays stock and bands. Houston—Willow Beach Park, 8S, C. Reynolds & Son, props.; Elmer McPeake, mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays bands; no vaudeville. Jeanette—Oakford Park, H. E. Hampe, mgr} plays bands; no vaudeville. Jersey Shore—Nippono Park, C. B. McCullough, mer.; park does not play vaudeville; plays Johnstown—Ideal Park, F. B. Cook, prop., mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays bands; no va ville. Johnstown—Crystal Beach, Park Am. Co., Ine., props. ; tractions; plays bands; no vaudeville, Lancaster—Rocky Springs Park, H. B. Griffiths, prop., mgr. and mer. attractions; plays bands: no vaudeville. Lancaster—Maple Grove Park, Chas. Orr, mgr.; Jackson Enterprises of Lebanon, Pa., mgrs. attractions; plays bands, but no vaudeville. Lansdale—Zeiber's Park, Leroy Krauss, mgr. attractions; no vaudeville or bands, Mahanoy City—Lakewood Park, Campian, Guinan & Eckert, props.; Leon Eckert, megr.; D. F. Guinan, mgr. attractions; plays bands occasionally, no vaudeville. Mauch Chunk—Flagstaff Park, Mauch Ohunk Transit Co., props ; H. T. Ely, mgr. and mgr, attractions; plays bands; no vaudeville. McKeesport—Olympia Park, Cc. Hartley, mgr.; plays bands; no vaudeville. Miiton—Kiverside Dark, H. K. Deeter, does not play vaudeville; plays bands. Mt. Carmel—Mavsville Park, Mt. Carmel Transit Co., prons.;: J. Edgar Reed, mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays bands; no vaudeville Mt. Gretna—Mt. Gretna Park, Ferdinand Grem minger, prop., mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays bands; no vardeville New Brighton—Juncton Park, Beaver Valley Traction Co., props,; Conway Athletic Assn., operators. New Castle—Cascade Park, Pa. & Ohio Electrie Co., props.; E. D. McKibbin, mgr. & mer. attractions; plays bands; no vaudeville. Parkesburg—Crystal Spring Park, Amos P. Johnston, owner and mgr.; plays bands; no vandeville. Phoenixviile — Bonnie-Brae Park, & Bucklen, mers. mer.; Berger Philadelphia (Willow Grove) — Willow Grove Park, Willow Grove Park Co., props.; John R. Davies, pres., mgr. & mgr. attractions; plays bands, bot no vaudeville Philadelphia—Woodside Park, Woodside Real Estate Co., props.; N. 8S. Alexander, mgr. and mer. attractions; bands on Sundays; no vaudeville. i a ey Kennywood Park, A. B. MecSwigan, F. L. Danahey and F. W. Henninger, mers. plays vaudeville and bands. Pittsburg—West View Park, F. H. Tooker, mgr. & mgr. attractions; plays local bands, but no vaudeville. Pottsville—Schuylkill Park, Schaylkill Am. pres.; plays bands: Co., props, CA Hall, vaudeville occasionally. Poettstown—Sanatoga Park, Pottstown Transit Co., props.: C. T. Leland, mgr. and mgr. at ‘etions (414 Harrison Bldg., Lb me ~ sgh pays vaudeville and bands and mgrs, attractions; occasionally. Pottstown—Ringing Rocks Park, Ringing Rocks Realty Co,, prove, A. B. Kitzmiller, mgr. and mgr. ate ee ae eeen enone ee ae ™ rt ane Se ee ee