The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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ee se ae ~ eee “— ‘ ; MARCH 22, 1924 eo KIDDIE AIRPLANES eenoiwe SIX CARS, 12 PASSENGERS PRICE $475.00 Ganev iscanib CONEY Is ALL PARTS FULLY GUARANTEED. . The greatest money getter ever offered for capital invested. LITTLE BEAUTY MERRY-GO-ROUND 16 Hand-Carved Horses and 16 Seats—32 Passengers. AT FACTORY Very popular with children as well as grownups. PRICE $1650.00 CONEY ISLAND PINTO BROS. $Ste' st.tine AGENT 2944 West 8th Street, CONEY ISLAND, N. Y. Originators of Kiddie Devices. Reading—Carsonia Park, Carsonia Park Co., bg props.; Edw. E. Rhoads, mgr. and mgr. at+ tractions; plays bands; no vandeville, Red Lion—Fuirmount Park, Red Lion Boro, props.; R. M. Spangler, mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays vaudeville and bands. Riverside—DeWitt’s Park, W. 0. DeWitt & Bro., props.; W. 0. DeWitt, mgr, and mgr. attractions; does not play vaudeville or bands. Sayre—Keystone Park, . Campbell, owner. Scranton—Northern Electric Park, R. 8S. Chamberlin, mgr. E Scranton—Rocky Glen Park, A. J. Duffy, owner. Shamokin—Edgewvod Park, Edgewood Elec. Ry. Co., props.; Mrs. Sarah W. Kulp, mgr. 1 gpring City—Bonnie Brae Park, Janiel W. White, mgr.. R. D. No. 1, Norristown, Pa. Bunbury—Rolling Green Park, Sunbury Ry. Co., i props.; John U. Cummings, mgr. and mer. j attractions; vaudeville booked by M. Rudy Heller, Philedeiphia; plays bands. West Chester—Lenape Park, Norbert B. Hamilton, prop. & mgr.; park does not play vaudeville; plays Sunday concerts occasionally. Wilkes-Barre—Fernbrook Park, owned by and on line of Wilkes-Barre Ry. Co.; leased and Operated by Fernbrook Park Assn., General |. Offices, 536 Miners Bank Bidg.; plays attrac 3 tions and bands. * Wilkes-Barre—Traction Park, Harveys Lake, Pa., owned by and on line of Wilkes-Barre ‘ Ry. Co.; leased and operated by_Fernbrook Assn., General Offices, 536 Miners Bank Bldg. | Wilkes-Barre—Sans Souci Park, George K. Brown, prop.: L. 8, Barr, mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays vaudeville occasionally; no ds. * Williamsport—Srivan Dell Park, Leon Miller, | mgr. and mer. attractions; plays vaudeville, free acts and city bands. i PORTO RICO ’ Ponce—Riverside Park, E. Toro Casals, mgr.; Estevan Garcia, mgr. attractions (address 611); plays bands; no vaudeville. ! RHODE ISLAND Providence—Creseent Park, Chas. Looff, prop. and mgr.; plays vaudeville; bands occasion : ally ‘ Providence—Onkland Beach, Oakland Beach Am, Assn., props.; Frank C. Stender, mgr.; has ; band and orch.; no vardeville. Warwick—Rocky Point Park, Paul Castiglioni, mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays vaudeville i and bands. Woonsocket—Doris Park, Emile P, Gauvin, prop., mgr. and mgr, attractions; plays bands; Bo vaudeville. SOUTH CAROLINA Charleston (Isle of Palms)—Sea Shore, James Sottile, prop.; J. W. Hanlon, mgr. and mgr. attractions; no vaudeville or bands. Char'eston—Folly Beach, Folly Beach Am. Co., mare » 69 Broad st.; does not play vav-% ville or bands Columbia—Victory Amusement Park, L. ‘ <afkin & B. ferkman, props.; Louis Shafkin, mgr. & mgr. attractions; plays bands; no _ wandeville Greenville—Stone’s Lake Park, F. G. Bunker, mer., 125 S. Main st. SOUTH DAKOTA Forestburg—Ruskin Park, B. H. Millard, prop., mgr. & mer. attractions: does not play vaudeVille or bands, Madison—Lake Herman Park, G. W. Van Laningham, owner; plays vaudeville, bands and tent shows Sicux Falls—West Soo Amusement Park, B. W. Phillips, prop. and megr.; plays free acts, “Yankton—W ildwood Park, W. 8S. Donohoe, prop. TENNESSEE Chattanooga—Warner Park, Chas, Ziegler, mgr. > and mer. attractions; municipal band con= certs: no vandeville. “Knoxville—Chilhowee Park, East Tenn. Div. Fair, props.; H. D. Faust, mgr. and mer. attractions; plays bands; no vaudeville. “Memphis—East End Park, H. W. Brennan, + prop.; J. D. Brennan, mgr. and mgr. at = tractions: no vaudeville or bands, -Nashvilie—Glendale Park & Zoo, Nashville Ry. = & Light Co., props.; C. Lovett, mgr.; no vaudeville or bands. “Nashville—Greenwood (Colored) Park, Preston Taylor, prop., mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays vaudeville and bands. TEXAS Austin—Deep Eddy Bathing Beach, George Rowley, mgr.; plays bands; no_vaudeville. Coleman—Coleman Park, B. F. Robey, mgr. & mer. attroctions. Dallas—Fairyland Amusement Park, John Riner, mgr.: E. E. Harrington, mgr. attractions: plays bands: no vaudeville. od Galveston—Arcade Park, ©. E. Barfield, prop. and mer.; plays bands; no vaudeville. Gaiveston—Crystal Palace, G. K. Jorgensen, prop., mgr. & mer. attractions; plays orchestra, no vaudeville. Galveston—Joyland Park, J. B. Stratford, ae. mer. —~ “.eaeoeed does not play vaudeville or bands. Galveston—Crystal Park & Mountain G6peedwav, Orderly Ingersoll, mgr. Galveston—Galveston Beach Assn., Willett L. Roe, mer. and mgr. attractions; no vaudeville or bands, Houston—luna Park, Houston Am. Park, Inc., props.: A. Ingersoll, mgr. and mgr. attracane plays aerial acts and bands; po vaude e. Bonston—Parker’s Expo. Park. W. T. Parke:. mgr. PDPRPRP PP PPPPPLP LLL LALLA »~ LPP DDD Mite thhttbbbbbbbbbbbt re STREET PICTURE MEN, ATTENTION! We are ready for this season with reduced prices on all our Houston—Bay Shore Park, Bay Front Inn Corp., props.; Nathan Minchen mgr. and mgr, attractions; plays bands; no vaudeville. Tlouston—S)y.suu beach lurk, bd Biseman, owner, Port Artiur—Port Arthur Pleasure Pier Park, Sandefur & Ericson, lessees; plays free attractions and bands, Ranger—Shamrock Park, L. 8. Black, ‘ machines and supplies mer. & mgr. attractions; no vaudeville of , me San Mareos—Rogers Park, A. B. Rogers, prop.; We know all our old friends and customers will be Mra. Callie Warner, mgr.; A. B. Rogers, mgr. lad to hear this, also the many camera men who have attractions; no vaudeville or bands, never done business with us before can now begin thelr Wichita Fualls—Lake Wichita Park, Traction season right by sending their orders direct to us, Co., props.. L. L, Allbritton, mgr.; J. 8. We carry the largest stock of Cue-Minute Cameras, Mills, mgr. attractions; plays bands occasionPostal Cards, Black Backs, Tintypes, Lenses, Folders ally; no vaudeville. Mounts, Tripods, Developing Cups and Developers. The UTAH best of everything and anything in the minute-photo line at rock-bottom prices, Farmington—Lagoon Resort, Bamberger BlecSPECIAL ATTENTION—We just received the latest tric Co., props.; A. C, Christensen, 1924 lenses, which work late at night. This means H. H. Robinson, mgr. attractions; Pal a whole jlet to the eters man = — ~ —e poe binds: no vaudeville, money this season. so, we have 2 ounts arc Salt Lake City—Saltair Beac’ Fancy Waterproof Folders, which no other dealer can prop, aa. and mgr. iaiiieee nae st q . Our Plates, Postel Cards and Black Backs this year ands; Be vaudeville. are better than —_ 4 P — VERMONT Send us a trial) order and convince yourself, : ’ ‘ ter how large or how small this order is. Bellows Rg ey Park, Street Ry. Co, Orders shipped same day as received. No delays props.; O, Gammell, mgr.; EB. A. Pierce, mgt Deal with us for your needs, and you will surely have attractions; plays vaudeville; no bands, betier service end also save moviey. Brattleboro—Island Park, E. J. Fenton, lessee, Catalog with price list will. be sent free upon request. mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays vaudeville ; VIRGINIA BOSTON CAMERA CO. § werroxtine nay” seach (core, tam Bright, owner; W. C. B \. ¥ 124 RIVINGTON ST., NEW YORK CITY free Sttractions, — Norfolk—Virginia Beach, T. J. Long, megr.3 plays musical comedy, opera and dramatic attractions; no vaudeville; plays band and twe _ or hestras Norfolk (Titustown)—Ba'lley’s Park (Colored), Park Concession Privileges for 1924 Season |» 20% (\o% ace Sy eRe Co., props.; Otto Wells, mgr. and mgr. ate tractions; no vaudeville; has permanent band, To Be Opened May 15, 1924 "eae (Colored) Park, Murrel Phoebus—Bay Shore Annex Park on Chesamibia, peake Ba (Colored), Dr. W. % ALL KINDS OF CONCESSIONS AND AMUSEMENT PRIVILEGES FOR LEASE. 5 BE. Hi This fs 2 new operation. Bids for all Concessions and Amusements WANTED AT ONCE, including ar a Ain Park, Berger Bros., Race Track and Stable Concessions, Season to close about October 15, All bids to be in net later p ops.; E. C, Berger, mgr.; V. C. Berger, than March 30, 1924. Successful bidders will be given best possible co-operation. Have space large mer. attractions; plays bands occasionally; enough for any size Circus or Camival Show. Write or wire quick, no vaudeville, Richmond—Dreamland (Colored) Park, Meyer L. V. STATES, Manager, 1014 Remington Street, Chester, Pennsylvania, ee mst. 750 N. 8rd st.; plays vaudeville an ands. Salem—Lakeside Park, Lakeside Inn Oorp., ) props. (Address, Route 1. vee ~ h—Va. Beach Casino, Va, Beach “asino Corp., props.; A, Padis, t JOYLAND PARK FS mers vias NEAR LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY WASHINGTON Aberdeen—Electric I'ark, Grays Harbor Ry. WILL OPEN ABOUT MAY 1, 1924. & light Co.. prone WANTED—COASTER, SWIMMING POOL, DODGEM, JB. Liberty Lake—Liberty Lake Park, Lew 8 A few choice CONCESSIONS for sale. Will lease to responsible parties, fully equipped, Aroade Hurtig, prop., mer. and mgr. attractions; ne of over one hundred machines and an up-to-date Automatic Shooting Gallery for the season. e@ past vaudeville or bands. season, our first one, was very successful. 152,000 population to draw from. Seven-day Park. Address Spokane—Natatorium Park, Spokane Uni ted SAUER BROS. Rys., props.; R. A. Willson, mgr.; does not play vaudeville or bands. WEST VIRGINIA Charleston—White City Park, J. Shirley Rosa, prop. and mgr.; plays traveling attractions; no vaudeville or bands, Z a Chester—Rock Springs Park, C. A. Smith, Jr., oO e prop.; J. J, Hocking, mgr. and mgr. attrac tions; no vaudeville or bands Clarksburg—Norwood lark, Edmund Denham, Manufacturing Chemists, ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI pron We furnish formula free. Sell you the Dantels—Pine Grove Park, M. D. & T. B material at the lowest possible cost. arley, props.: C. D. Stroud, mer. and mgr. attractions; plays vaudeville and bands ocAKE iT YOURSELF Fairmont—Ravine Amusement Park, Reno FlemM ing, mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays vaude casionally. ville occasionally; no bands, Largest and most responsible concern. All shipments for the JJ Myptineton Camden Park, Camden Seaplane road made same day order received. Correspondence solicited. Co., props.; H. 0. Via, mgr and mgr. at gua plays bands on Sundays; no vaude ville, B WOOD MFG CO Mannington—Eureka Park, HI. . Anderson,’ A < é ° prop, mgr. and mgr. attractions; plays vandeville, and bands occasionally, Mortinsburg—Rosemont Park, Rosemont Park Co., Inc., mers Montgomery—Eagle Island Park, T. B. Chaf fin, mer. Sistersville—Paden Park, 8S. & N. M. Traction FEDERAL IMPORTING COMPANY a 620 Penn Ave Pittaburg, Pa. Submarine Game Co., props. ELECTRIC FLASHERS AIRPLANE SWING FOR SALE WHEELS — CHARTS = fj Died tem CONCESSION SUPPLIES nda Bunetsl Bee Tah FOR SALE = — Suitable for Park or Seashore. A good money maker. eS —— Reason for selling, need the cash. Will eel] far belf Drice to quick py And Inquire oTTo 3 Tell Them You Saw Their Ad in The Billboard. Se ited Te