The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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Saat eee A eae ae “~ A ys -~ The Biltiboara MARCH 22, 1924 ALABAMA Anniston—Order of Ked Men. May 23. Wm 8S. Smith, Mentgomery, Ala. Anniston—United Com’| Travelers. May 30-31 M. J. Robertson. Box 911, Birmingham, Ala. sSirmingham—Itankers’ Assn. of Ala. May 16iG. Henry T. Bartlett, Birmingham—Amer. Inst. Electrical Engineers. Apr. 7-10. F. L. Hutchinson, 83 W. 39th st.. New York City. Birmingham—Southern baa Confection's” Apri, 24-26. Ss. S. Wortsman, Savannah, Ga. Order., May 1. E, R. Calhoun, im, Ala, ts Templar. Apr. 23. George ‘hamp, Montgomery, Ala. —State Education Assn. Apr. 3-5. H, G,. Dowling, Box 3, Cullman. Montgomery—Medica! Assn. of Ala. Apr. 15_ wD, ‘ m, 519 Dexter Ave M erage a Sunday School Assn. Apr. 21-2 ney, TU2 Shepherd Bldg. ARKANSAS Fayetteville—State Medical Soc. May 6-8 W. kK. Bathurst, Boyle Bldg., Little Rock. ttle Ro aie ‘mocr tie State Committee. April L Assn. April 29-30 Tr. Bldg. title ic Medical Assn. May 14-16 . ce, 718% Main st. Little Rock—State Elks’’ Assn. May 19. A. Parke, jox «6Uo. Paragonld—State Fed. of Labor. May 5. GH. M. Thackrey, 519 Scott st). Little Rock. ARIZONA Globe—Rebekah Assembly of Ariz. April 21. Lalu Davis, Box 1495. Glebe—Order of Odd Fellows. Apr. 24. A. H. Wargrave, Phoenix. Ariz 4s oe Roads Assn. of Ariz. June — H. Welch, Box 1376, Phoenix Tueson— ies" Assn. of Ariz. April 18-20. Geo. Knight. Yuama—American Legion of Ariz. May 1-3. D. A. Little, Capitol Bldg., Phoenix. CALIFORNIA Bekersfield—Pythian S'sters. May 19. Mrs. Louise Holmes, 478 19th st., Oakland, Calif. Chieo—United Order of Druids. re 16. C. A. Guglielmony, 44 Page st., San Francisco. Eureka—State Assn. Commercial Secretaries. April 28-30. A. M, Robertson, Box 666, Oxnard. Fresno—Pacific Coast Ady. Clubs’ Assn. Last week in May. C. C. Raymond, care Advertising Club, Los Angeles. Grass Valley—Order of Foresters. May 15. Jobn tronicle Bldg., San Francisce. "nited Com’l Travelers. May 716. L. B. Stiers, Lox — les—Order Sens of Herman. May 12 14. . J. Kertz, 526 Lyon st., 8 “i Los é.. es—State Medical Assn. May 3-15. Dr. Emma W. Pope, Balboa Bidg., San FranGisco. Les Ange ag oy Live Steck Exchange. June — J. d, Room 4 Record Bldg., U. s. Stock a et Chicago, Tl. Los Angeles—Nat’l Assn, Retail Grocers, June —, H.C. Balsiger, 416 R. A, Long Bidg., Kensas City, Mo. Los Angeles—State Shoe Retailers’ Assn, June —. M. Kaufmann, 119 Grant ave., San Francisco. Los Angeies—General Fed. Women's Clubs. June 5-18. Mrs. i. S. Godfrey, 1766 Gerard ave., SS, Minneapolis, Minn. Passdena—American Soe. Civil Engineers, June 16-20. J. H. Dunlap, 33 W. 39th st.. New Yark C ity Pasndena—Rebekah State Assembly. May 9. A. E. Madison, I. 0, G. F. Bidg., San Fran“el sa 0. Pasadena—R. A. & R. & S. Masons & Enigme Templar Apr. 14-18. T. A. Davies, 423 Mason Temple, San Francisco, Pasidena—Knights of Colambus. May 4-7. ©. *; Lenz, 720 Security Bldg., Los Angeles. Pasiden Assn. Master Plumbers May 19-24, os Fi rmin, 120 Page st., San Francisco. Pasaden a-——-State Congress Mother & . Parent Teachers’ Assn. May 20. Dr. J. A. Russell, 613 N. Maryland ave., Glendale. Pasadena—Drama League of America. May 27June 2. H. A. Ehrensperger, 59 E. Van Baren st., Chicago, Il. Pasadena—State Pharmaceutical Assn. May 2729. E. C. Smith, 426 Hellman Bldg., Los Aaceles. Pasadena—Order of Odd Fellows. May 13. H. D. tichardson, 7th & Market sts., San Francinco. .Rivdrside—State Tlomeopathie Medical Soc. May 14:16. Dr. G. E. Manning, 516 Sutter st., San Francisco Pasodena—Veterans of Foreign Wars. June 25 Sau . Diego—Southern Calif. Dental Soc, June 24:26. Dr. J. W. Gray. 910 Union Bk. Bidg., Los Angeles. San Francisco—Nat’] Concert Mgrs.’ Assn. June 10. 8S. Oppenheimer, 68 Post st. San Francisco—Railway Accounting Officers. June 11. FE. R. Woodson, 1116 Woodward Bldg., Washington, D. C. San Franciseo—Companions of Forest. May 1921. M. Boehm, 316 Chronicle Bidg. San Francisco—Nat'l Ketail Hardware Assn. June ; Herbert P. Sheets, Argos, Ind. San ‘Franciseo—American Assn. of Engineers. June 11-14. C. E. Drayer, 63 E. Adams st., Chicago. San Francisco—State Soc. Sons of Amer. Revolution. Apr. 19. T. A. Perkins, Mills Bldg. Santa Garbara—Disabled Veterans of World, of Calif. May 123-18. H. R. Sleeper Yosemite—Rankers’ Assn. of Calif, June 4-7. F H. Colburn, 628 Mills Bldg., San Francisco, Yosermite—Foresters of America. May 21. J. B. Reboli, 194 Coliagham Bldg., San Francisce. Yosemite—Companions of Forest of America. May 21. A. D. Bremer, 509 Grant Bidg., San Francisco. COLORADO eulder—State Bankers’ Assn. June 20-21. P. Huardey, Denver. c Colorado Springs—State Retail Jewelers’ Assn. Mav 9-10. C. B. Lauterman. Colorade Springs—American Fed. of Musicians. Mays 13-18. Wm. Kerngood, 239 Halsey st., Newark, N Colorddo Springs—United Com’! Travelers. June — E. J. Mut, Denver Colorado Springs—Veterans of Foreign Ware inne =. P, DeFoe. 1837 Champr st Denver b Denver—State Optometrical Asqn Inna =, JF aC Bloom. 821 15th st. LIST OF CONVENTIONS CONCLAVES AND ASSEMBLIES Compiled by Means of The Billboard’s Unequaled Facilities and of Special Interest to Novelty Manufacturers and Dealers, Street Men, Fair Followers, etc. Denve r—internat’ 1 ——_ r Cc . Acade Science. 1240 Be my Yell \cademy of Science April operat ive ee — Po Truck F (Colored) Business Webb, Columbia Unir., Greeley—State Elks’ cton—Amer. Ted. of Arts. hi 1741 New York ave. Gross, Box 1408, _E. H. Brown, 1200 2d ave., a ie am Ma aster Pp lumbers’ Assn 14. T, 48 Peq wor ent Be ronnock carwater—CUnited Daughters le—Order of Odd Fellows. la Sta “3 ‘of Foresters, Gainesville—P, M, Order of Odd etlows. E. ’ Br t ain—Rot ary Clubs. "Momeke-Oilie Golden 3 : Yr, 553 ae ’ a 4 —~ ee 1553 N, Park ave. bd PhilaMiami—State Fed. New London—New England Order of Protection. } . 916 Chambe f Comhe P ; ort C 14 Rr Senate, New London—State Pharmaceutical — June af es : : Mi emt nicstate wy Norwalk—Foresters J 3 in, 3 Neary Blidg., Nangatuck, ( Norwie bh—Kn‘ghts y mpsouville—Order of Odd Fellows. } ] 1689, New Haven, onto barn ‘phil eis Enion of Pla. s Waterbury—State Dental Orla =ie-<ankea &. E, Armstrong, w. O. Boozer, Box 379, “Jacksonville” Ww iMimanitle—Rebekah State Assembly. M. E. Johnson, 26 Alvord St., West a, Beach—State H. ©. Thomason, DISTRICT oF COLUMBIA See i. on Albany—State Pharmaceutical Chestnut Ps ° mo hiladeiphi , irect From the Chinese Factories CHINESE PARASOLS For Sun and Rain. open, 36 inches. In lots of 10 dozen case, Snecial Price. Sample, Postpaid, $1.75. FANCY CHINESE BASKETS. Double Rings and Tassels, F: ancy Trimmed Baskets, 5 Single Ring and Tassel, Trimmed Baskets. 5 toa nest, (Assorted Colors). anit estpaia. $3.00. 25% Advance Deposit with all Cc. O. D. Orders. On May 1st we will move our Office to Room 801 Champlain B —e ing, 37 So. Wabash Avenue, Chicago. ciate you directing your future inquiries and orders to our new address. MIN-SEN TRADING COMPANY, sos s. On or after this date will : Chinese Fancy Goods Import CHICAGO, iLL. You will make more selling a good product. Write for Samples and Prices. CHEWING GUM. THE TOLEDO CHEWING GUM CO., Toledo, Ohio. SOAP Get our vrices and freo eampiee befors brands with additiona] new inten meker most attractive line ever offered yrirer and gromrtnean fr Alling order: FOR MEDICINE AND STREETMEN sontracting for our goods, -easone” INDIANAPOLIS SOAP CO. indianapolis. Ind. Atianta—Interstate Oi] Mill Exhibitors’ Assn. First week in June. J. F. Daub, 9 Stewart ave, Atlanta—Amer. Soc. Civil Engineers. April 21-26. J. H. Dunlap, 33 W. Thirty-ninth st., New York City, Atlanta—Nat'} Tuberculosis Assn, May 5-10. Dr. G. W. Kober, 1819 Q st., N. W., Wasb ington, D. C, Order of Odd Fellows. May 27-29 Ke bertson, Gainesville, Ga, tall Hardware Assn, May 27-20 . Ha 701 Grand Theater Bldg. Atlanta—Rebekah State Assembly. May 28. Mrs. M. C. Strickland, 382 Luckie st. Atlanta—State Fed. of Labor. April 16. L. P. Marquardt, Box 2119, Atianta—Democratic State Convention. April 23. Edward Maddox, Rome, Ga, Augusta—State Bankers’ Assn, April 24-26, H McFadden, 312 Candler Bldg., Atlanta, Augusta—Med cal Assn. of Georgia. May 1-8 Dr. A. H. Bunee, 65 Forrest ave., Atlanta. Augusta—American Bankers’ Assn, Apr. May 1. W. G. Fitzwilson, 110 B, 42nd 8t.. Columbus—Knights Templars. May 8 ©; 8 Wood, 10 BF. Taylor st Savannah, Ga. Columbus—Order of Red Men. June 17-20, T. M. Poole, 86 Central ave., Atlanta, Macon—R. A. & R. & S. Masons. Apr. 28-29 E. A. MeHan, 614 Mulberry St. Knights of Pythias. May 21-22. W. H pold, Box 1632, Savannah, Ga. av: ahb—State Education Assn. May 13. K. T. Alfriend Forsyth, Ga, Savannah Knig hts of Columbus. May 12. J. J. MeCrea Monica Court, Macon. Ga Savant ab —Dixie Highway Assn. May 22, Savannah—Atlantic Coastal Highway Assn. April 7-8 Fred Warde, Brunswick, Ga Savannab—State Retail Food Dtrs.’ Assn. June 11-12. KR. V. Bergen, 402 Chamber of Com merce Bildg., Atlanta, Sav annah— American Legion of Ga. June 5 lH. C. Housch, Gainesvine, Savannah—State Parent Teachers’ Assn. April 20-May 1. IDAHO Boise—State Assn. of Optometrists. First week in May. P. A. Simmons, Bor 689. Boise—Knights Templars. May 2 L. W Ensign. ILLINOIS Bloomington—Gideons of Ill May ecg 1 E. L. Vogt. 424 Howard st., Wheaton, Dl Champaign—G. A. KR. Dept. Encampment. June 17-10. H. C. Cooke, Memorial Hall. Chieago Champaign—Sons of Veterans. June 17-19. A. S. Holbrook, Dwight, IIL. Chicazo—Nat'l Assn. Taxi Cab Owners. May 8-9. J. G. Williams, ™0 N. Deattecp = Chicago Needle work Guild of Amer y 1-3. Miss R. Bender, 133 S. 12th et., Patleduenia Chicago— Nat 1 Assn Box Mfrs. April 9-11. H. L. Pease, 844 Rush st. Chicago—State Homeopathic Medical Assn. May 1s. Ge i. G@. Hee ize 1124 Wilson ave. Chicago—Un'ted ym] noe lers. May 15-17 J. H. Foster W. Madison st Chie ~~ — ter Boller Makers’ Assn. May 2023. . D. Vought, 26 Cortland st., New York Chicago—American Medical Assn. May 26-30. 35 Dearborn st. at’l Ry, Fuel Assn. May 26-20. J. B. Hutchison, 6000 Michigan ave. Chicago—Western Soc. of Engineers. June 4. E. 8S. Nethereut, 1736 Monadnock BIk. Lincoln—State Sunday School Assn. June 1821 G. N. Burnie, 128 N, Wells st., Chicago. Chicago—Radiological Soc. of N. A, June 6-7. M J. Sanborn, S14 College ave., Appleton, o—Amer. Inst. Electrical Engrs. June 7. F. 1. Hutchinson, 33 W. 39th st., . Sew "York City. Chicago—Nat'!| Ketall Tea & Coffee Merchants’ Assn. June 24-27. P. F. Freyer, 612 Ry. Exch. Bidg., M Iwaukee. Chicago—Alpha Omega Alpha, June 10-11. Wm. W. Root, Siaterville Springs, } Chicazo—Ind, Order Free Sons of Israel. May Henry J. Hyman, 21 W, 116th st., New York City. Chicago—Nat'! Confectioners’ Asan. May —. Walter C. Hughes, Rm, 1921, 111 W. Washington st. Chicago—Nat'l Travel & Outdoor Life Expo. May —. Milo E. Westbrooke, 440 8, Dearborn st, Chik ago— Amer. Institute Electrical Engrs. June —. J. & Kearns, care Gen, Elec, eo 230 8. Gash st. Chicago—Am¢ Union Swedish Singers. June —, Fred oiling. 208 N, Wells st. Chicago—State Flks’ Assn. June —. Geo. W. Hasselman, LaSalle Chicago—Nat'l Hardwood Lumber Assn. June —, Frank F. Fish, 1864 MeCormick Bidg Chicago—Nat'! Wholesale Grocers’ Assn, June —. M. I. Toulme, 6 Harrison st... New York Decatur—State Bankers’ Assn June 9-10. M A. Graettinger, 208 S. LaSalle st., Chicago. LaSalle—State Pharmacentical Assen. June 24 27. W. B. Day, 701 S. Wood st.. Chicago. Moline—Roval Arcanum May 21. John Kiley, 105 W Monroe et Chieag: Springfield Fed. Parent Ten “he Ts Apr. 15-17. {rs. T. M. Kilbridge, 1403 8. 24 gt SpringBcia Republican State Conv. Apr. 18. J. L. Johnson, Aurora, Springtield--State Medical Soc. May 9. Dr. W il D. Chapman, Silvis . Springtield—state Grain Dirs.’ Assn, Second week In May. W. E. Culbertson, 302 Lincoln sidg., Champaign. Springfield—State Dental Soc. May 18-15. A. b. Converse. INDIANA Crawfordsville—Tribe of Ben Hur. June 25. John C. Snyder Oulver—State Pharmacentical Assn. June 1719. “"W. A. Oren, 1911 W. Washington st., Indianapolis, Evansville—State Master Horseshoers’ Protec. Assn, Apr. 4-5. U. B. Schaffer, 816 S. Main St South Bend, Ind Ft. Weyne—National Sanitary Supply Assn. Age. 21-23. W. G Hutchins, 111 B. Columja st 't Wayne—Sicmea Alpha Sorority, June 6-8 L. W. Schultz, 10¢ DyRois Blvd., Congrese Park, I! 't. Wayne-—-Northeastern Ind Vet Wiremen’s Aewr June 19. F OG Dourygeer “ndionapolie--State Teague UWiet Postmastera. he {2-12 “hae v Noble Rolling Prairie me (ndianapolis—Order Restore Rtar 7) Mre Nettie Ranefora _ nnd &