The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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Oo Wi New SPE MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboara 181 Indianapolis—Royal Arcanum. Apr. 23. E. lite ars, Jr Box 25 Indiar napolis—Odd Fellows? mesenent. ont P. Bornwasser, 1208 I Ine snanati=—Republican State Conv. May 21r. E. Schortemeler. l janapolis—Siate Ret ail Grocers’ Assn. May K. Johnson, 327 Empire Life Bldg. olis—Nat'l Leather Assn. May Knapp, 812 Pontiac Bldg., St. Leute, s—Rebekah State Assembly. May Eliz. Erbardt, 206 W. Ist st., Greens Indian napolis—State Dental Soc. May 19-22, De: A. J. Kimm, 704 Citizens’ Bank Bldg., Ev Ind ana] cite Qube of Veiled Prophets. June » A Sidney D,. Smith, Hamilton, N. Michigan City—State Sunday School Assn. June 24-25. E, T. Albertson, 517 Occidental Bldg., Indiana| olis s ib { 1 "n ted Com’! Travelers. May 19wn, A, Dick 16003 Chestnut st., Terre Ilant Sonth n ane State Medical Assn. Apr'l 8. Pr. Cc. W. Haywood, 405 Haynes Bldg Elkrt, Ind. West Baden—Not'l Assn, Master Plumbers’ Assn, June 24-26. J. F, Hanley, 222 Clinton at New ark, West Bader n—Kappa * Alpha Theta Sorority. June 27-July 1. L. P. Green, 13 East ave., Ithac a, N. , 4 W aden—State Gas Assn. May 5-6. C. J. in Bay Majestic Bldg., Indianapolis. Winona Lake—State Travelers’ Protective Assn. May 1. C. M. Zink, 407 Ind, Pythian Bidg., Indianapolis, IOWA gp ights of Columbus, May 25-27. Joe McCormick, Box 24, Cedar Rapids, Cedar Rapids—Foresters of America, June 5. G. Duckworth, Box 173, Centerville, Ia, Clinton—State Elks’ Assn, June —. J. E. O’Brien, 406 Ia. Nat'l Bk. Bldzg., Des Mo nes. Des Moines—A, F. Masons, June 1:)-12. N, R. Parvin, Masonic Library, Cedar Rapids, Ta. Des Moines—Nat'l Saddlery Mfrs.’ Assn, June 16-18. H. Othmer, 30 N. LaSalle st., Chicago, Il Des Moines—State Dental Soc. May 68 E. 8. Smith, 613 E. Court st., Iowa City. es Moines—State Medical Soc. May 7-9. T. BB Throckmorton, 901 Bankers’ Tr. Bldg. Des Moines—Ind. Telephone Assn. of Iowa. April 1517. Chas, C, Deering, 409 Royal Tnien Fl Des Moine ~ ite yyal Arcanum. Apr. 15. H. A. Snyder, Box 285. Waterloo, Ia. Des Moines—State Bar Assn. June 19-20, C. H. Doolittle, Manchester, Ia, Des Moi tate League Dist. Postmasters. June ‘ arl Wulkau, Williams, Ia Dubuqt Poe Master Bakers’ Assn. Last week in May. C. O. Schiverick, 2071-2 N. Third st., Burlington, Marsha own—Sons of Veterans. June 10-12. F. M. il, 256 Denver st., Waterloo, Ia. wae Ci ty— ‘tate Bankers’ Assn, June —. F. Warner, 600 Observatory Bldg., Des Moines. Sioux City—Order of Moose. May 12-14, Sioux Citv—Stationary Engrs.’ Assen. June 1014, A, Davis, Waterbouse Blk., Cedar Rapids, Ta. Spirit Lake—Knights Templar. June 24-27. D. M. Brownlee, Box 266, Sioux City, Ia. Waterioo—State Fed. of Labor, June 17, J. B. Wiley, Labor Temple, Des Moines, Wat rlao—United Spanish War Veterans. June : A. Tri mble, 209 Cullen st, Waterloo etete Fed. Business & Prof. Women's Ciel bs. May 16-17. Lillian Hileman, 170 W. 2d st. ; Waterloo— Rotarians, Apr. 1-2. G. Weston, 217% Sth st. KANSAS Emporia—Knights Templar. May 13-14 A. K. Wilson, Mason'e Temple, Topeka, Kan, Emporia—Knights of Columbus. May 22-22. George Bordenkircher. Emporia—G. A. R. Encampment. May 20-22. Chas. H. King, Memorial Hall, Topeka. gr nee—United_ Spanish War Veterans. June 0. A. Faulk, Memorial Hall, To_ peka, ‘nm, Ka:sas Cii)—State Bankers’ Assn. May 20-21. W. W. Rowman, Toneka. Parsor s—St ate Assn, Stationary Engineers, Apr. 12, J. M. Van Sant, 732 Home 8t., To Par aa nited Com’! Travelers. June 7-8. B. P’. Bernardin, Box 528, nti—Order of Eastern Star, May 13-15. Mrs. “Ds la Bennett, Ti 7 ka, a—St ate DPD il Assn, Apr. 28-30. Weaver, ( lay Ce ster. Wichita—State C. E. Union. June 9-12. Miss M. Carter, 713 Kansas ave., Topeka. Wichita—State Medical Soc. May 7-8. Dr, Fr, Hassig, S00 Minn, ave., Kansas City. Wichita—State Fed. of Labor, May 18. W. Howe, Box 428, Topeka. KENTUCKY Berea—G, A. R, Encampment, June 17, John Karr, Lebanon. Ky. Covington—Catholie Order Foresters, Jane 10. Ms T. Sergesketter, 1908 W. Main st., Lonisville, E thtown—Knights of Columbus, May 12 13. G, } ville, Glasgow—Travelers’ A. Burkley, 305 Columbia Bldg, LouisProtective Assn, May 2-3. Piward L. Kerley Marvard—Knights of Pythias. June 10. J. W. Carter, 707 Trust Bldg., Lexington, Ky. Havard—Pythian Sisters, Jine 10. Mrs. Etta Simms, 24 E. 2d st., Newport, Ky. Louisville—American Woodmen, June 2._ H. J. tockard, 31414 Cedar st., Nashville, Tenn. Louisville — Internat’l Cireulstion Managers’ Assn. June 10-12. ©, Eyster, care Peoria _ Star Co., Veoria, Tl. vile—A M. EB, Quadrennial Conference. May lisville—Secottish Rite Masons, April 9-11. Yr. W. Hardwick, 200 Shubert Bldg. Loulsville—(Co-Operative Club, May 5-7, N._B. Patton, 321 Lathrop Bidg., Kansas City, Mo. Louisville—Miss, Valley Historical Assn, May 13. Mrs. ©. §, Paine, Lincoln, Neb. isville—State Dental Assn, Apr, 7-10. Dr W. M. Randall, 1085 Second st, —State Negro Edneational Aesn. Avr 265, A. 8. Wilson, 2518 Magazine > ‘oulsville—Roval Arcanum, Apr 18 v Woodruff, G4 Columbia Bldg ‘oulsville—titate Educational Assn Apr. 22 mm Kio OWillieme 89) Starke Ride FLOATS JOHN BRUNTON STUDIOS Announces the Opening of BRUNTON STUDIOS, Inc. DREXEL AND VERMONT AVENUES ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY THE HOME OF CONVENTIONS AND PAGEANTS | [FLOATS ATLANTIC CITY PAGEANT 1923 FLOATS THAT WON GRAND PRIZES FIRST, COMMERCIAL DIVISION SECOND aND THIRD, SECOND, TKANSPORTATION DIVISION FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD PRIZES, INTERCITY DIVISION WERE DESIGNED AND BUILT BY BRUNTON STUDIOS FINANCIAL DIVISION WRITE US YOUR WANTS! FLOATS| | No matter how big your proposition is, our capacity can meet the emergency. Nothing too small to receive our attention and service. Brunton Service SCENERY, PROPERTIES, CURTAINS EVERYTUING THEATRICAL BRUNTON STUDIOS, INC., Atlantic City, N. J. Does the Rest FLOATS Princeton—Odd Fellows Encampment. May 14. . G. Elliott, 806 Tr. Co. Bidg., Lexington, Ky. Ww tehester—Knights Templar. May 21-22. A. H. Bryant, Box 45, Covington, Ky. LOUISIANA Alexandria—State Bankers’ Assn. April 22-23. C. Barry, Lafayette, La. Alexandria—Knights of Pythas. May 26. F. Adolph, 202 Mason Bldgs New Orleans, Alexand:ia—Kn ghis Templar. Apr. 28-29. J. ad _—— 301 Masonic Temple, New Or Lake. _Charles—State Sunday-Schoo! Assn. Apr. y. Carter, 826 Maison Blanche Bldg. June 23. , MR nited Order of Druids. 3. W. Richardson, 843 Camp st. Orleans—Business & Prof. Women’s Clubs of La. June —. Miss L. Edgar. New Orleaus—Order of Eas.c.a Star. May 9% 12. F. B. Nelken, 1630 Peniston st. New Orleans—Southern Cypress Assn. May 21. E. W. McKay, 507 Carondelet Bldg. New Orleans—Rice Mi Ners* Assn. fay 29-30. F. B. Wise, 609 Ardub Bide New Orleans—Interstate Cotton Seed Crushers’ Asen. May 7-9. R. Gibson, Dallas, Tex. New Orleans—Seventeenth Dist. Rotary Club, April 6-7. F. Jensen, Room G., Assp. of Commerce Bldg. New Orleans—Amer. Hardware Mfrs.’ Assn. April 8-11. F. D. Mitchell, 1819 Broadway, New York City New Orleans—S. W. Section, Nat'l Electric Light Assn. April 22-25. Cc. A. Collier, 29 W. Thirty-ninth st., New York City. New Orleans—Southbwestern Public Service Assn, Apr. 22-25. E. N. Willis, 403 Slaughter Bldg., Dallas, Tex. New Orleans—Automotive Equipment Assn. March 31-Apr. 5. W. M. Webster, 139 N. Clark St., Chicago. New Orleans—American Ry. Assn. we ght Claim Div. Apr. 15. L, Pilcher, 431 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. "State Medical Soc. Apr. 23-25. Dr. P. T. Talbot, 1551 Canal St., New Orleans. Shreveport—State Funeral Directors’ Assn. May 12-13. E. H. Prescott, 4820 Magazine st., New Orleans. MAINE Auburn—New England Order of Protection. Apr. 2. Forest BE. Ludden, Bangor—Internat’] Order Good Templars. Apr 9-10. ¢. Cc. Ivfk’, RB. F. D.. Rockland, Me Bangor—New Engl ‘nd Un'ted Com‘! Travelers June — C. A. Haines, 235 Grove st., Melrose, Mass, Assn. June —. Dr. B. Bangor. Portland—State Medical L. Bryant, 263 Hummond st., Portland—F. & A. Mav-sons, May 6-8. O. B. Davis, Masonic Temple. Portland—Iythian Sisters. May 17, Mra & Certer, 857 Main st., S. Portiand MARYLAND Baltimore—Order of Eastern Star. April 28-30 Wm. ©. Berd, 206 W_ Belvedere ave. Balttmore—State Dental Assn, May 5-7. Der N. BH. MePonald, 804 Morris Bldg Raltimore—Rebekah State Assembly. April 1.9 Sear Jones TOR N Gilmore et Baltimore—Knights Templar. May 14 G. A. Fitel, Masonie Temple, Ba!lt!more, Baltimore—Amer. Orthopedig Assn, May 1517. Dr. D. P. Willard, 1630 Spruce st., Philadelphia, Baltimore—Kauights of Pythias, Apr. 8. Geo. W. Ward, Gay and Lexington Sts. Baltimore—Order of Odd Feilows, Apr. 21-22. Wm, A. Jones, lL. O. O. F. Temple. Baltimore—Order of Red Men. Apr. 24 Dr. J. C. Littleton, 110 N. Paca St. Baltimore—Daughters of America. Mrs. M. 1. Connor, 2709 W. North ave. Cumberland—Order Knig!its of Malta. May 13. J. H. Hoffman, 405 Ebner Bidg., Harrisburg, Pa. Cumberland—Order of Eagles. June 10-12. Dr. W. S. Sudler, 3323 Baltimore st., Baltimore. MASSACHUSETTS Boston—Amer. Neurological Assn. May 31 June 2. Dr. F. Tilney, 870 Madison ave., New York City, Boston—United Drug Oo. June — T. Vz. Wooten, 43 Leon st. Boston—State Laundry Owners’ Assn. June &9. John N. Kelley, Box Place, Lynn. Boston—State Nurses’ Assn. June 10. Mente B. Catton, 636 Beacon st, Boston—Amer. Sweet Pea Soc, June 23-24. W. Gray, 19 Easton Road, Newport, R. I. Boston—State Pharmaceutical Assn. June 1012. J. F. Guerna, 2°6 Front st.. Worcester Boston—Northeastern Mass, Dental Soe. June 2-5. Dr. H, I. Yale, Peabody, Mass. Boston—State Protective Assn. June 18-20, L. G. Hodgkins, Worcester, Boston—Alpha Chi Omega. June 23-27. Mrs. Marshall, 1867 Monroe st., N, W., Washington, D . Boston—Encampment Veterans of Foreign Wars. June —. Chas. R. Amour, 108 Dana ave., Hyde Park. Boston—Sons of Veterans of Mass. Apr. 8-9. May 2. Henry F. Weiler, 88 Tremont st. Bo ton—N. E. Women's Press Assn. Mrs. A. J. Haanigan, 585 Boylston st., xington, Mass. Boston—State Fed. Women’s Clubs. May 14-15. on A. R. Shepardson, 48 King st., Reading, Mass. Boston—American Unitarian Assn. May 20-26. Louis C. Cornish, 25 Beacon st. Boston—Bay State Checker Clubs, April 9. E. W. MeDonald. 985 Washington st. Boston—Pi Delta Epsilon. April 10-12, D. FP. Elliett, Cambridge. Boston—I aundryowners’ Assn. of Mass. April 45. John N. Kelley, 8 Box Place, Lynn. Boston—New England Railroea Club. May 13. W. E. Cade, IJr., 683 Atlautic ave. Boston—New England Coal Dirs.’ Assn, May 20-21. W. A. Clark, 141 Milk et. Boston—Women's Relief Corps, State Dept. Ap. 8-9. Mary B®. Eliott, 657 Washingtor Bestea—Btate Assn. Master Plumbers. Apr 7-8. W H.R 4ondey, 81 Harvard st., Brook. line, Roston—Order of United Workmen. Apr. 22 Cc. C. Fearling, 12 Walnut St. Boston—Royal Arcanum. Apr. 24-25 W. L Kelt. 191 Tre nont St CLOSI NG OUT Another lot of 50,000 Pieces Fine Jewelry Consisting of samples of gold-filied Scarf Pins, Link Buttons, Tie Clasps, Brooches, Lingerie ——> Beau Pins, discontinued patterns, overstock,* 50 a per fae fae Assorted r per 1,0 jeces, Assorted 30.00 Fine God-Filied Scart Pine. Worth $15.00 OUR paws. GROSS Button oun" ‘ehice. “Gruss. e our” PRic GRoss eee eter eweeee TOO OP eee were eee “6 > > SkSSseRuR8 ne Gold. Files oe eccccevscceces OUR PRICE. GROSS........ cevcsccecee 3 $24.00 Gross Gold-Fiiled Bar’ Pins, 3 O88. 00 Gross é ve ; cee ross Go lied Beau Pins a eee ross r) e ie Clasi OUR PRICE GROSS... vl 2 SLUM JEWELRY. 1 Foes AND SETS. GROSS 4 75¢ to 880B—Radio Diamonds. Platinoid Rings, § Per Daze assorted two and three stones ‘er Dozen No. 881B—Solitary White Stone Br lant, Platinoid finish Gease fh ‘Sian . vi 95 No. 018—Platinum. finish Scart Pin, set with 37 extra — brilliant gem TOTO O OO ee ee Ree e Wee eee ie No, 98%—vriatinold or silver finish. Brilliant center, Dozen ......“ No, 888P—Fancy graved shank platinold No. 02B—G old Shell finish, set with fine brilWhite Stone Tiffany Mant gem. Rings. Per Dezen... e Per Dozen .. e No. 8008. No. No, 07iB. No. 800B—Gold-Plated i Neat cut, Brilliant Diamond Setting. ge mattce $0. 95 No. 799—Silver Finish. Heavy shank. 0. 75 Set with White Brilliant. Dezen ....... No, 0716—Goid-Plated. Set with White 0. 95 Dozen Stone Brilliant. No. 98D8—Silver or Platinoid Finish Ring, with one White Brilliant Set in Gags top. Assorted styles. Dozen. etetanexaanes ° Assorted Geld-Pis ted” sium Jewelry. Per Gross ..,, (e to $3.50 Silveroid Testeeene. Per Eindnecnenceeds < 2.23 Silveroid 3-Piece Daisy chitd Sets, Dozen.. 1.25 Silvercid Daisy 26-Piece Sets, bulk.. «<« See Manicure Sets. om Cards. Dozen coves Oe 21-Pc. Manicure Sets. in Fancy Rolls. Dozen.. 9.50 White House tvory Clocks. Each... ......00-1.85 Army and Navy Needle Books. Gross.........6.75 Eazle Chief Founta’n Pens. Gross............ 14.50 Razors, American Made. Dozen.......... . 3.50 White Store Scarf Pins. Gross.. 2.25 Alarm. Clocks . Ceeces 79 Eillbook, Leather, “f-in-1 De MY ccc adetconaede 1.75 3-Piece Carving Sets, Silver Piated.......+.-+> 1.15 Olew Clocks. Eneh ....... cccccce acencecuus -Desk Swivel Clocks. Each .. 1.35 Peaches Sevincs Banks. Me cccueccaacevaken 75 White Cross Hot Plates. Dovzen........ mecaen 11.75 Opera Glasses. Dozen qosnceucteqeucasesenn 2.98 Gallon Thermal Jar. Each ©... ...ssues 3.50 Sugar Bowl, with 12 Ro ers Spoons, Complete.. 2.25 imported Vacuum Bottle. Enamel. ozen 0 imported Vacuum Bottles, A : “. 10.00 No, 24-BB—Cileopatra Soap Dell. Feat r head Gress and jeweled earrings. — ‘eth ) $3.00 inehes. Dezen .... eee : 3.00 Clusters Perfume. Gross... sce. OUR PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST. Write us f before ordering elsewhere. We al ler \ eell us. We carry a large sto es, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Manicure T Sets, Leather Goods, Electrie Pereolators Toasters, Phonographs, Premium, Concession and A 1 Supplies. We ship orders game day received. o delay. Terms: 25% deposit, balance C. O D JOSEPH HAGN CO. THE HOUSE FOR BETTER SERVICE, Dopt. 8, 223-227 W. Madison St, Chicago, Wil PLEASANTWILLE, #. J. _ Siege ——————— er eee om ment