The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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) (yT nm. MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboard 183 Now York—Society of Architects anu. Y. a A. W. Johnson, 247 Park ave. Board of Fire Underwriters. Ballard, 76 William st. May 20. New York—Nat’ l fay 24 Sumner Now York—Theta Chi Fraternity. Apr. 10-12. ~ #» W, Ladue, 110 EB. 424 st, wow York—Travelers Protee. Assn. Apr. 19. L. C. Grosselin, 327 EB. @8rd_ st. N York—Amer. Waterworks’ Assn. May 19o4 J. M. Diven, 158 W. Thet at. New York—Amalgamated Clothing Workers of Amer. May 12. Jos. Schlossberg, 31 Union eq., New York. York—American Checker Assn. April May ® J G. Finley, 18 8. Eighth Newark, N. 3. York--Eastern Com'l Teachers’ Assn. 17-19. A. Tibbetts, Dickinson High 1, Jersey City, N. J. New rk— ard Roard Mfrs.’ Assn. K wi vman, 2702 Woolworth Bidg. New York ‘alesmen’s Assn, of Paper April & TT. J. Burke, 18 E. t first st. New York—Ameriean Drug Mfrs’. Assn. Frailey, 506 Albee Apr. 7 Cc PF. Washington, D. C, New York—American Pulp & Paper Assn. 7-10 Hugh FP, Baker, 18 E. 41st st, New York—Nat'| Assn. ye wish Baking Industry. Apr, 21. M. M. Frankel, 799 Broadway. 20st., April April 15. IndusForty Week Bldg., Apr. New York—A-+-ectated Press, Apr. 22. M. E. Stone, 51 Chambers st, New York—Nat'l Metal Trades Assn. Apr. 23o4, L. W. Fiseher, 1021 People’s Gas Bldg., ( gO New York—Nat'l League of Masonie Clubs. June br. A. MeKinnon, 507 Broome st., Wilmington, Del. New York—Nat'!l Assn. Music Merchants. First week June. M. J. Kennedy, 5382 Republic Bidg., Chicago. New York—Music Tnublishers’ Assn. June 12. E. T. l’aul!, 242 W. 42@ st. New York—Ketail Credit Men's Nat'l Assn. June 16-20. D. J. Woedleock, 314 N. 6th st., St. Louis New Yor Internat’l Theatrical Assn, June 17-23. Chas. A, Birck, N. Y¥. Theater Bldg. Newburgh—United Com'] Travelers. June 1214. W. M. Winn, 64 Utica st., Clinton, N. » 2 Norwich—State Dental Soc. May 8-10. A, P. Burkhart, 88 Genesee st.. Auburn. Oyster Bay, L. 1—State Grand Orange Lodge. May 5-6. R. W. Dailey, 424 W. 47th st., New Yor Richfield Springs—State Undertakers’ Assn. Jane 25-27. G. L. Gillham, 150 W. 13th st., New York City. Rochester—Medical Soc. of N. Y. April 22-24. Dr. BE. L. Hant, 17 W. Fortythird st., New Yor Saratoga Springs—Order B'rith Abraham. : ne —. Max L. Hollander, 37 7th st., New fork City. Schenectedy—G. A. R. Encampment. June 8. 1. Isaacs, Albany, N. Y. Schenectady—Sons of Veterans, leaac s. June 10-13. J. Syra se— Repu blican State Convention. April 16-17 Cn » K Morris, Arsterdam, N. . Syracuse edic Soc. of N. ¥. June 2-3. A. R. Morley mia Sth ave., New York City. Ttica—Royal Arcanum. May 2-2 | 7 * Brown, 215 Montague st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Ttica—Odd Fellows’ Encampment. May 27. Harry Watker, 31 Union «a New York Citv Utica—Knights Templar. Jnne 17-19. J. H. Bonnington, 46 W. 24th st., New York City. NORTH CAROLINA Asheville—Photographers’ Assn. May 48. A. S. Racon, 566 Main st., Orange. N. J Asheville—State Bankers’ Assn. Jane 4-6. Paul Pr. Brown, Raleigh Ashevil’e—Nat'l Fertilizer Assn. June 9-12. J. D. Toll, 1010 Arch et., Philadetpbia, Pa. Greensboro—Order of Eastern Star. June 10. Mrs. Mary C. Weatherly, Ashboro, N. C. Hickory—Order Sons of America. May 20. W A. Dan el, 901 N. Matin st., Salisbury, N. C. Marion Orde of Red Men. May 7. . Goodwin, Box 224, a zabeth City, N. C. Ralelg State Fe d. Women's Clubs. Last week in May Mrs. F. R. Perdne Raleigh—Rebekah State Assembey. May 20. P. Eb. Beck, 38 Brookstown ave., WinstonSalem Raleigh—Order of Odd Fellows. May 20-22. J. D. Berry, Box 863. Ralefgh—Medical Soc. of N. C. 7 15-17. Dr. L. B. MeBrayer, Sanatorium, Raleigh—State Dental Soc. Apr. 2128. Dr. H. ©. Lineberger, Ralelg State Travelers’ Protective Assen. Apr. 24-26. D. C, Crutchfield, Box 15342, WinstonSaler Ra leigh—Rotary Cinbs. Apr. 45. G. F. Lenz, Newport News, Va. Rate ! Lions’ Club of N. b & June = T. lL Kir rkpatriek, Charlotte. eldsville—State Baraca Assn. Jone 12-15. Mrs. N. Buckner, 30 Ravenscroft rd., AsheVille, Salisbury—Sona and Daughters of Liberty. Mar 22-23. A. W. Cole, 615 E. Davis st., Burlingtor N Wrights title RNeach—Hardware Assn. Jone 17lv. T. W. Dixen, Box 728, Charlotte, NORTH DAKOTA Bismarck—Rotary Clobe. April 2425. ©, A. Upto », 304 Exchange Bk. Bidg., St. Paul, Bisma ck-State Fed. of Labor. _ Mey 4. N. M. Anne tox 200, Grand For Rismarck—State League of Postinasters. May . Robt. J. Moore. Drayton. N. D Farsco—irder of Fas + oe Star, Third week in Jone, Mra. M. BE. Rush, Box 214. Farg Fr. & A. Masons. June 17-19. WwW. iL. _ Stockwell, Masonie Temple. Forgo—Odd Fellows’ Gacampment. June 3. W. '. Curtis, Lisbon, Fargo Ret vekah State a June 4 Mrs. George M. Packard, Bismarck, N. D. Par State Bankers’ Assn. June 26-27. W. = “ Max fadden, Far Scandinavian American Fraternity. June 23.26. P. J. Smith, Eaa Claire, Wis. Grand Porks—State Dental Assn, June 15. Dr. D. Price, 530 DeLendrecie Bid¢., Farga, Jamestown—State Nurses’ Assn. Apr, 23-25, _ Esther H. Teichmann, 811 Ave. ©, Bismarck. Ma lin—American Legion. June 30-July 2. Ma lan—Order of Foresters, June 10. T. EL ,, Una, 208 10th st., North Fargo, Knights of Columbus. May 2. 8. W. Callahan, Williston, N. D. onTO \kron—State Assn. of Engineers. Second week ‘ry Jone RO. Dewary, City Hall Ashtabula—State Rebekah Assembly. Mrs. KE. M. Bell, 75 Maynard ave., Canton—Protected Home Circle. June 2-4, J. Luthard, 9516 Beacon ave., Cleveland. Cedar Point—State Bankers’ Assn. June —. S. A. Roach, 314 Huntington Bk. Bldg., Columbus. Cedar Point—State Teachers’ F. FE. Reynolds, Columbus. Cineinnati—U. 8. June 5-7. May 14. Columbus, Hi. Assn. June 24-26. 428 Cham. of Com. Bidg., Jr. Chamber of Commerce. BE. Ross, Brumder Bidg., Milwaukee, Wis. Cincinnati—Cactus Club of Ohio Valley. June 20-21. S. S. Bonbright, 1712 Brewster ave. Cincinnati—Paptist Sunday School (Colored) Congress, June 11-16, Henry A. Boyd, Nashville, Tenn. Cincinnati—Music Supervisors Nat'l Assn. Apr. 7-11. Winifred C. Smith, Cicero, I. Cincinnati—International Alliance Theatrical State Employees. May 19-24, Cincinnati—State Abstractors’ Assn. May 1820. J. W. Thomas, 1130 2d Nat'l Bk. Bidg., Akron. Cincinnati—Veterans of Foreign Wars of Ohio. June —. R. L. Long, 810 Lyric Theater Bldg. Cincinnatim—American Fed. Good Friends. — 6-8. Col. 8. S. Bonbright, 1712 Brewster re. cine innati—Nat'l Eclectie Medieal Assn. June 17-20. Dr. W. FP. Best, 610 Bankers Tr. Bidg., Indianapolis, Ind. Cincinnati—State Funeral Directors’ Assn. June 19-21. F. M. Barnhart, 112 S. Main st., Findlay, 0. Clereland—Brotherhood of Locomotive En gineers. June —. W. B. Prenter, 1117 B. of L. FE. Bidg. Cleveland—United Com'l Travelers. June 13-14. R. F. Somerville, Box 347, Dayton, 0O. Cleveland—American Institute of Momeopathy. June 22-27. Dr. ©. A. Harkness, 829 Marshal? Field Blidge. Chicago. Cleveland—Women's Welsh Clubs of Amertea. June 24-26. Miss M. Gwyer, 408 6th ave., Pittsburg. Cleveland—Knights of Columbus. May 25-27. 3. P Duffy, 133 F. Ith st., Columbus, 0. Cleveland—State Medieal Assn. May 68. Don K. Martin. 151 E. State st., Columbus, Cleveland—Na‘ural Gas Assn. May 15. W. . Way, 905 Oliver Bhig., Pittsburg, Pa. Cleveland—American Soc. Mechanical Engrs. May 19-22. C. W. Rice, 29 W. 30th st., New York City. Cleveland—State A. Elton, Y Cleveland—Char 5S. D. A. Pr. Cc. Cleveland—Supreme White Shrine of Jerusalem. y . Mrs, C. C. Hannon, 3145 Florney Assn. Lions’ Clubs. May 31. gstown. r of Commerce of TU. S. May Skinner, Mills Bldg., Washington, Cleveland—Assn. Nat'l Advertisers. May 26-28. J. Sullivan, 17 W. 46th st., New York City. Cleveland—Nat'l Supply & Mach. Dirs." Assn. May 19-21. T. A. Fernley, 505 Arch st., Philadelphia. Cleveland—Nat'l Pipe & Supply Assn. May 22.23. G. D. McIlvaine, 909 Oliver Bldg., Pitsburg. Cleveland—Northern Ohio Dental Assn. June 2-4. Dr. E. 8S. Braithwaite, Willard, 0. ne aeiione Nat'l Convention. Jme 10. Columbus—Republican State Convention. June 24-25. Major Chas. W. Montgomery. Colembus— Order United Com'l Travelers. June 24-29. W. D. Murphy, 638 N. Park st. Columbus— Millers’ State Assn. Apr. 17. F. HL Tanner, 205 Wilson ave. Columbus—Degree of Pocahontas. May 12. Ella M. Browning, 221 E. Sth st., Uhrichsville, QO. Colum>us—Order of Ragmen. June 24. Louis Wirth, 601 4th Nat'l Bk. Bidg., Cincinnati, 0. Dayton—State Sunday School Assn. Third week in June. A. Arnold, 307 E. Gay $t., Columbas. Dayton—Weetern Arts Assen. May 69% L. R. Abbott, 234 N. Division ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Dayton—Amer, Pulp & Paper Mill Supts.’ Asen. May 23-24. P. J. Massey, 466 W. Superior st., Chicago. Norwalk—Order of Odd Fellows. June 17. RB. PD. Chaffin, Columbnes. Toledo—Order of Eagles. Jnne 15-19. E. L Hyneman, Schultz Bidg., Columbus, 0. Toledo—State Music Teachers’ Assn & Fed. Arr. Music Clubs. April 28-May 2. Toledo—Ladies’ Oriental Shrine of a 14-17. Mrs. J. B. Summers, 8 Maryland ave., Wheeling, W. Va. OKLAHOMA Ada—R. & S. & R A. Masons. James A. Scott, Muskogee. Anadarko—Odd Fellows Encampment. May 20271. H. A. Herwig, Guthrie, Ox. Ardmore—State Pharmacentical Assn, sue 1517. H. S. Shackelford, Wynnewood, Ok. Oklahoma City—State Assn. of Optometrists. April 14-16. Apri! 18-20. E. RB. Alexander, Duncan, Ok. Oklahoma City—State Funeral Dirs.’ Asen, First week in May. W. S. McAtee. 180 W. First st. Oklahoma Citr—State League of District Postmasters, Apr. 1. Samuel A. Snyder, Hennessey, Ok. Oklahoma City—State Retaf? Jewelers* Assn. Anr 10 T Streemick, Rox 244, Ardmore Oklahoma City—Knights of Columbus May 17. A. R. Russell, 545 S. 3rd st., Muskogee, Ok. Oklahoma City—Koichts Templar. May 20-21. G. W. Spencer, Masonic Temple. Oklahoma City—Nat'l Editorial Assn. May 2224. H. C. Hotaling, 131 B. 6th st., St. Panl, Mian. Oklahoma City—State Cotton Growers’ Assn, May 29. ©. L. Stealey, 515 W. Main st. Sulphur—State Firemen's Assn. June — S'emp, (36 B. 12th st., Oklahoma City. Rankers’ Assn May 27-28. > a Eugene P. Gum, 907 Colcord Bidg., City. OREGON Albany—Knights Templar. Apr. 16. J. F. Robinson, 719 Corbett Bidg., Portland. Corvallis—State Letter Carriers’ Assn. Jnme = F. P. Holm, 422 Blackstone st., Port klaboma and. Hood River—Order of Odd Fellows. May 20. BE. B. Sharon, 217 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland. Hood River—Rebekab State Assembly, May 20. Mrs. Ora Casper, Dallas. Ore Portland—Foresters of America. May 15. F. P. Leinenweber, Court House, Astoria, Ore. Portland—Order United Woramen, Apr. 15. C. Herrin, 415 Oregonian Bidg. Portland—A. F. & A. Masons. June 16-18. D. R. Cheney, Multnomah Hotel. Portland—Order of Eastern Star. June 10-12. Nellie McKinley, 576 Pittock Blk The Dalles—l’. of H., State Grange. June 3. Bertha J. Beck, R. D. 3, Albany, Ore. PENNSYLVANIA Nentown—State Fed. of Labor. May 13. J. E. Kelly, 104 8. 4th st., Harrisburg. Altoona—Travelers’ 26. A. McQuilkin, phia, Sedford Springs—State Bankers’ Assn. June —. C. C. Latus, 48 Methodist Bidg., Pittsburg. Bedford Springs—State Bar Assn. June 24-26 H. Beither, 750 Bullitt Bldg., Phila. Protective Assn, April 251212 Walnut st., Philadel delphia. Bet hlehem—State 17-19. L. Pittsburg. Bethlehe m—Knights ef Golden Eagle. 15. L. L. Gallagher, 814 Philadelphia. Bradford—Protected Home Circle Lodge. June 10. A. D. Gue, 2100 Hazel ave., Pittsburg. Erie—Order of Fastern Star. May 12-16. Mrs. A. W. Barnes, 307 S. Rebecca st., E. E., Pittsburg. Gettysbarg—Executive Committee of Nat'l Assn. Conference on State Parks. May 26-28, Harrisburg—State Funeral Directors’ June 11-13. W. S. Newcomer, 2108 Perrysville ave., Pitt«burg. Lancaster—Syanish War Veterans’ Encampment. Jone 25-28. J. W. McEvoy. Perkasie—Order United American Men. 10. George B. Sill, Chester, Pa. Ph lade'ph'a—Asen, for Study of Negro Lif and History. April 3-4. Ph‘ ladelphia—Nat']l Axsn, Colored People. June White. 69 Fifth ave., Ph ladetphia—Amer, Academy of Social Science. May 16-17. J. P. Lichtenberger, Univ. of Pa., Philadelphia Philadelphia—Univ, of Pa. Relay Carnival April 25-26. Geo, W. Orton, 3301 Walnut st. Philadelphia-—-Thir@d Radio Dist. Assn. April 24-26. Thos, Appleby, 708 Harrison Bldg. PhiladelphiamAmerican Electrochemical Soe. Apr 24-26. Dr. Colin G. Fink, Columbia Thiv., New York C't~ Pittsburg—Degree of Pocahontas. May 27. P. Philadelphia. A Pharmaceutical Saalbach, Assn. June 5620 Wellesley ave., May 13Broad st., ave June _23-July 2. Walter Politi eal & DeBeaufie, 622 Tnion st., Pittsburg--State Dental Soc. May 13-15. C. Barclay, 914 Highland Bldg. Pittshburg—Internat’l] Stamp Mfrs.” Asen,. June 24-26. C. R. Manzer, €02 Empire Bidg. Revwling—Order of Odd Fellows. June 3. U. A, Hall, 1723 Arch st., Philadelphia. Reading—Rebekah State Assembly. June 3, Mrs. H. M. Retter, 1723 Arch st., Philadelphia. Wilkes-Barre—Women’s Relief Corps of Pa. June 9. Laura W. Willow, 217 Willow st., Johneonburg, Pa. Wilkes-Rarre—Sons of Veterans of Pa. 24. W. B. MeNulty, R'd¢., Philade'phia. Wilkes-Barre—Knights Templar. May 27-28, A. H Thomas, Masonic Temple, Philadelphia. Wi'lliamsport—Oider of Eagles. June 5-8. A. J. Dougherty, 431 3d ave., Pittsburg. RHODE ISLAND Providence—Order United Workmen Lodge. June —. FE. J. Moore, Fargo, N. D. Providence-—State Medical Soe. June 5. J. W. Leech, 369 Broad st. Providence—Rebekah State Assembly. Mrs. C. A. Aldrich, 43 Violet st. Providence—New England Order of Protection. Apr. 16. R. W. Syddall, 13 Evaleen st., Central Falls, R. 1. Providence—Royal Arcanum. Rishop, 107 Westminster st. Trovidence—Lions Clubs. Butler, Box 528. June Liberty Tile & Tr. Apr. 10 Apr. 24. C. M. May 7. E. M. Providence—Knights of Columbus. May 13. P. Nolan, 261 Admiral st. Providence—Knights of Pythias. May 2» C. H. Snow, 345 Butler st. Westerly—Foresters of America. May 23. F. Bellin, 209 Ind. Tr. Bidg., Providence. SOUTH CAROLINA Aiken—R. A. pone, Apr. 89. 0O. Frank Hert, Columbia. 8. Anderson—State Elks “Assn. May 15. R. B. Cochran. Charleston—State Dental Soe. June —. E. C. Dye, Mansion House, Greenvi.le. Charleston—Order of Eastern Star. June 18. Mrs. f. L. Willson, Reidsville, q Charleston—Southeasttrn Shoe Retailers’ Assn. June —. C. V. Hohenstein, Atlanra, Ga. Charleston—King’s Danghters & Sons. Apr. 1 . Mrs. C. A. Menet, 280 Madison ave., New York City. Chester—C. E. Union of S.C. April 11-13. B. Osteen, Chicora College, —_ ia. Columbia—Laundryewners’ May 26-28. B. Ross, care of Model 5 Charlotte, x. C. Florence—Order of Odd Fellows, May 14. 8. F. Killingworth, Columbia, 8. C, Florence—Rebek:h State Assembly. May 1415. Mrs. Rath Danielson, 1413 Pendleton st., Columbia. Green ille—Tnited Com'l Travelers, May 22-23, A. H. Snider, Salisbury, N. C, Greenville—Junior Order. Apr. 22. E, J. Hisey, Charleston, 8S. C, Orangeburg—-State Medics} Assn. Apr. 15-17. Dr. F. A Hines, Seneca, 8. 7% Sumter—State Sunday-School om. May 6 L. C. Palmer, 714 Allen & — Bldg., Am tanburg. SOUTH DAKOTA Aurora—State Bankers’ Assn. June 17-18 L elch, Mitchell. Brookings—G. A. R. Encampment. June 6-8. FE. L. Bloodgood, Huron, 8. D. Deadwood—F. & A. & R. A. Masons. June 10 12 G. A. Pettigrew, Masonoic Temple, Sioux Falls. S Mitcheil—State Medical Assn. May 14-15. R. 18-20. F. D. Allway, Aberdeen. Pierre—Order of Odd B. Raymond. 1 O. O. F. Bidg., Huron, S. D Pierre—Rebekab State Assembly. June 18-20. Mrs. Hi. Berland, 221 Ist st., S. B., Madison. Rapid City—United Com"! Travelers. June 12N. 3. Lund. Rapid City, 8. D {Continued on page 214) Fellows. June BIGGEST VALUE EVER OFFERED ee PEARLS. WITH STERLING SILVER RHINESTONE CLASP. 30-INCH, $4.25 EACH in Dozen Lots With Beautiful Plush ox, $1.75 EACH, In Dozen Lots. Don’t weste your valuable time and money seeking better values in Pearls. Order ours and compare them with higher priced Pearis. 20% deposit must accompany C. 0 D. orders, Have you our 1924 Jewelry and Catalog? HARRY L. LEVINSON & CO., 168 N. Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Agents—Men and Women SPORT CLOTHES Buy direct from the mantufacturers. Riding Habits. Best Irish linens, in gray, white and natural. Also whipeordgs. Style No. 1562—The Four+ Piece Costume. Knichés, skirt and blouse. Skirt can be transformed into a cape. The fabric is camel’s hair in plaim, plaid or oblong check efects. Wrap around or pleated irt. he Knickers are fas tened below the knee with three buttons The Vest is bound with braid, Entire outfit sells for $12.50. Retails for $25.00. All sizes. When worn with the cute little black derbies that are now capturing popular fancy it suggests a chic chorus costume, A special reduction in dozem lots. Style Ne. 1761—Camel’s hair. Sample Order = Acs: ried colors. Trimmed with $12.50 each white linen collar and cuffs, Sample order, $6.25. Retails for $14.50. Sizes, Lees", Misses’ and Juniors’. GUARANTEED on wooL. peaev REFUNDED NOT SATISFIED Write for Catalogue. 25% debalance C. O. D. Cash oF money Samples of fabrics sent on receipt of léc im National Sport Clothes Manufacturers Dept. C, F., 799 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY. Prompt rem .4, Posit with orcer, order. HERE IT IS, BOYS. 300°, PROFIT! Our New 1°24 Catalegue for Perfume Store Men, Agents, Canvassers. OUR SPECIAL OFFERS: Fau De Cologne. nis | 6 in. high Gold Sprinkle Top..-..cecDoz. Jockey Ciub and? Lilac Perfume, i | same beautiful bottle as mentioned above |} Give-Away Vial Perfume. WUD acncoeencccaesnages $1.75 Big Size Sachet Packets, wrapped in crepe with many colored flowers, assorted odofs ae a $2.00 Our Special Bright Flesh or Hizh-Brown Lady Love Face Powder. Dozen Rig Jar Cold Cream Big Jar Vanishing Cream ...-ccccessss Big Flashy 1 Tatt'e Pure Cocoanut Ci) Shampoo, ia On! Doz. $1.00 Send for Our New Free Cat q “Just out, NATIONAL SOAP AND PERFUME co., 20 East Lake St, Dept. C. 4 hicai ili JAZZ COLLAR BUTTONS THE LATEST FAD. A colored Stone to mateh the Send $1.00 for 24 Samples. Cash with all orders. LOUIS NEWMAN GO. 120 Tremont St, Boston Mass. INSIDE weonniganerteniyoary Agents, Canvassers, P \ ~.. “need no license’’ to s a el TOR, OR LAW BOOK “D MA fan Gs. Postpaid. THE COLLINS CO., 197 Fulton Str . New York. Detroit Show Card Stucics, {}228 Dinan Guiding, Detroit, Mich hou i m please ont aged REB illn k g full partie ay ; — r $50 a week at home my SPARE TIM UT CANVASSING, Alss +t GUARAN me how, furnist me with WORK and PA’ ish EACH W no matters where 1 live t Neme and Address.)