The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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SN seme eee Se = 184 The Billbpoara MARCH 22, 1924 _ |;Cut This Ad Out! No Circular On These Special Bargains Lae At ELECTRIC | CURLING IRON . Best heating unit. Eaco paced in individual box DOZEN LOTS......73¢ EACH GROSS LOTS ......68¢ EACH i 9 Cup ELECTRIC a ELECTRIC TABLE STOVE 10-INCH FRY PAN, 12 GAUGE 2-Q@t. BEVERAGE PERCOLATOR Pali) S DOZEN LOTS .........-.......-.-.-.85¢ EACH Has the appearance of Cast Alumimum Fi saps ma Pian, SPECIAL ke ttec c ° : : CGE pc ae inns ncsesecs .+....80¢ EACH OE BED. woccbicenseebscnsnnscceshsses ence GRON Pt sina ABA while present stock i PERCOLATORS GED TU: nénnnivandadhensasccneciocnsnhels GEE 12 inches hish. lasts. j } pOZEN ioTs ....... sancldeecanse+e Bte EACH DOZ. LOTS, $1.05 EA. Doz. Lots, $3.50 Ea. j IE NO oo cniic dani ands case ae c EACH GR. LOTS, $1.00 EA. 3-Doz. Lots, $3.40 Ea, t P Sample Percclater, 75¢. Sample Stove, $1.00. 6-Dez. Lots, $3.25 Ea. \] ‘ Gross Lots, $3.15 Ea. " alt a, 75. t { SMOKERS’ STAND Mahcegany finish, 30 inches high. Glass Ash Receiver. A real piece of furniture. e*e*s o°6 DOZ. LOTS, $1.10 EA. | GR. LOTS, $1.05 EA. i f, ¢. 6,6 | Sample, $1.25. d | ; PANELED ROASTER CASSEROLE teu m4 7 10% Inches Diaineter, 8x9 Inches. Nickel plated frame. Each tn carton. | GRess LOTS.” -+0ns0te Gnome wR relent enteetis 9 OVAL ROASTER cam ee ee ee heenatacie ‘85c EACH Length, 18% inches; width, 11% inches; heicht, 8 ero — IN PLAIN: DOZEN ts: in OOZEN LOTS....... $17.50 D SAME, Only 5x8. .$12. oz, SN PEO. ci. 5.05 ccsases ‘tors. eit! +44 EAC — $1.00. GROSS LOTS ...... $17.00 Doz. GROSS LOTS .......$1200 Dez. H ORDER FROM THIS AD. NO CIRCULAR ave ON THESE wo ager If interested in Clocks, Floor Lamps, Silverware, B’> kets, etc., send for our Concession Circular. : 5 per cent required with order. (” THE HOUSE THAT KNOWS YOUR NEEDS. S DIRECT SALES & SERVICE CO, 2:8". cemmonm 24-96 W Washington St., Chicago, Ill. DENVER ELKS’ CIRCUS DOUBLE CONVENTION AT DENVER ; WAS PRONOUNCED SUCCE j j ss an Denver, Col., March., 12.—Style experts of Performers Returning to Chicago Said the Rock: Mountain region poured into Denver Sunday and early Monday for two big convenIt Was Profitable and Gala Event tions, declared "te be the most important to the clothing trade ever held in this section Chicago, March 12.—Two Pnullmans loaded ‘ of the country with performers arrived here Monday evening, The gbhth annual convention of the Rocky ( nome again after a thorely | satisfactory enMountain’ Retail Clothiers and Furnishers’ As| gazement with the Elks’ sarity Cireus in © sociation is being held at the Brown Palace { | t any a the ate 14 March 4-7 ful. en HUNGARIAN SOCIETIES SHOW AT ee Sieue “7 the lene hogarel Club of Cole. | ata ( 8 il charge delegates to the Men's Appare t He told The Billboard it was the best indoor CLEVELAND . . rudo. Features of the double convention in event hb e ever had anything to do with. The For Home Beautiful Show in Oregon clude fashion shows with living models. ng aflair was held in tl Denver J i : : which has a seating acity p* en oni Cleveland, 0., Mare h 15.—One of the greatest undertakings of its kind ever sponsored in _entant, Sis ge eee ~~ NEW YORK FLOWER SHOW night. The twenty-five concessions sallien Cleveland will be held at Judd’s Auditorium, i rapidly signed up for the annual me wee the management of Hi hag pean Hs mes —— bezinning Mareb 31 to run for seven days and it Show to be held by the Portland ver. All of the acts came saerage Glenbe nights, under auspices of the United Hungarian oard in Public Auditorium, : New York, March 15.—The International Mr. Hamilton said the place was filled every “ f : iy ‘anda Thes . e ave A Richardson, head of the committee Mow Show "nO? } j Grand Central except the Arab troup hic on. societies’ Welfare Fund. These have — I rgie t ’ Flower Show will be held in Grand Centra ‘ tages Time. ae ee Pas a membership in excess ef 82,000, made up of in charge of the affair, states that every h n= Palace March 17-22. Twenty-five thousand dol+ The hill was made up of the following: Leo forty-nine different organizations and representind cates the most elaborate show of the Kind Jars will be awarded in prizes, it is announced. : ; Hamilton, general director; Ethel F Marine, ing the practical total Hungarian population ¢ver staged in this city. The 1923 event was Among the special prizes are those for landscape « trapeze and web: Aerial Youngs, double ‘ae of Cleveland. attended by about 150,000 persons, and this qecorations end will be open to members of the 4 and high perch: Lamey Stste ors, cian aaa Some of the attractions already engaged for Year an even larger attendance is expected. Garden Club of America other than landse none : trapeze; Taketa Japs, barrel ¢ tub. ii ‘king the affair are Muller's Elephants, the Riding architects. The Flower Show is conducted by high perch and w re: eras tae poe + Rooneys, Silverlake Trio, Shive Sisters, ‘‘BarnPREDICT GREATEST HOME the Horticultural Society of New York and the 4 Indian riding act: Mme. Bedin iM : *% yard Pets’, Slivers Johnson (clown) and many New York Florists’ Club, + 1 and hi gh-se cond horses: Vi 1 = others. There will also be a epee gene A — EXPOSITION IN INDIANAPOLIS ponies; Crane Family, acrob shee Aiexander Trio, % daily street parade, a choris of young Iadies i comedy acrobats; Joe Cramor, wire act ang ecruited from the various societies who will Indianapolis, Ind., March 15.—The 1924 Home ANOTHER SHRINE cIRCUS =° ' seven-table fall: en Shergg "Ara Troupe, a Tender ae Bg J orchestras and the (Complete Exposition will be staged in the seven-people act; rol Ward Girls, tight wire: forty-piece F. O. E. Bane Manufacturers’ Building at the State Fair iii ‘ i Sells-Floto Elephants; Nine Flying anna The entire arrangement is under the supergrounds April 7-12, Expectations are that it tena, March 12.—Medinah Temple Shriners Hamilton Sisters, teeth act: Joe Selis and Comvision of Harry Mazye. will exceed the two previous ones in splendor py ; start eo + roy = penta md ' + pany, acrobats; Earl Shipley, producing clown and attendance, Elaborate decorative schemes bs Lana “ wer A table bill ve aes = -¥g j = | with twelve assistants: Irma Ward, aerial SHRINE CIRCUS TO BE BIG are being devised and work will begin within nees a day. A notable b has been signe rings and doing 127 planges. A number of a few days to piace the exposition building in the performers will work in the approaching EVENT IN BIRMINGHAM readiness for the opening Precautions against circus in Medinah Temple. fire, panic and theft are being taken by the « e j Birefinc’ Ala ot oh sn Glaceens committee in co eperation with the fire and S rin Attraction irmingham, March .—Za wlic “partments. ffort is to be ¢ / DALLAS SHRINE CIRCUS Temple, Nobles of Mystic Shrine, plans to bo'cr Sovarnuels | “mcrcase attendance ane by the committee to increase attendance each outdo all former successes in staging its Indoor a fterno order to reduce the eve &, TO BE HELD APRIL 3-12 Cir us March 25-April 4. A large expenditure aa onal itt 3 Dalles, T inde Scheie et has been made in Oriental scenery, es ant allas, Tex., Marc 0.—April 3-12, inelus' v« lecorations, apparatus and paraphernalia for TY ; : @re the dates set for the Hella Te “mple Shr ine the event. The entertainment program e¢omSEDALIA S$ LE SHOW . ; Cireus to be held in the Automobile Building bines circus acts, vaudeville, pageant, spectacle, DATES IN SEPTEMBER 7° show under auspices of Uniform Rank of Odd Fel._s = ah em shove ie be Seeontone, siderevue and bazaar. Fraternal and civie organizalows at Hammond, Ind. Want not less than five or | ‘ shows, dancing and all sorts of entertainment tions of the city will be given special nights = , six up-to-date Rides, elg » i ‘ ; features, in addition to about twenty circus at the show. A big Shrine prade will mark Sedalia, Mo., March 15.—Tentative dates for Pond ith a “ treo ned pe a acts. Funds derived from the circus will go the opening night of the show, the Style Show and Carnival to be held at the © fronts with high-class shows, State all information i: to the Hella Temple Children’s Hospital and Coliseum were -— a poe one * ¥ at 2 in first letter, Latter part of May or June date pret the uniformed bodies—the drum and bugle corps, meeting 0 xe = Hedavia merchants last week. ferred. Address EDW. J. 8C : the band and the patrol. E. L. Harris, of the RADIO SHOW 1S PLANNED It is planned to spend several thousand dolen i eaten De eee ; Rodgers & Harris Circus, is here working out FOR STAMFORD ars this year on the show, a great part of : | ; arranzemente. which is to reach every part of Sedalia's : ; trade territory with advertising. WANTED—For Fashion Review and oa State | ; ‘ CANTON FOOD SHOW DATES Stamford, Conn., March 15.—Tentative plans Armory, Ansonia, Conn., April 5 to 12. CAN PLACE for a huge Radio Show, banquet and dance, in MOORE TO STAGE TROY SHOW ‘*° live-wire Butchers to work on Prize C = Pack: ‘ which co-operation of radio enthusiasts and ages, Exkimo Pies and Special Souvenir Songsters. j Canton, ©., March 15.—A permit bas been dealers in Stamford, Norwalk and Greenwich Balcony nd reserved seats to work to, Advance ssle obtained for the staging of a Pure Food Show will be sought, were made at % meeting of the Troy, N. ¥., March 15.—Frank M. Baucus Of tickets already assures capacity crowds nightly. in the City Auditorium March 22-29. Vaudeville, Grid and Plate Club today. The plans cal’ has been named genera! director of the Indoor ©? Saturgays FOR SALE—Souventr and Novelty a jazz band and cirens acts have been engaged. for the holding of the event for three nighte Cireus which will be held March 24 to April pa a Floss, Candy Apples, Pop Corn, ] The pit of the Auditorium will be given over this month at some local anditorinm 8 at the State Armory under the auspices of / Aint A — Embroldery Needles and any to the display ef food stuffs and a score or William Thompson and Kenneth O’Toole head Shriners. He managed the Troy automolil: tafration pertaloing to Modes, Styles and Fash (more of booths will be installed. The food the Grid and Plate Club's committee and ar show for some years. The John W. Moore {neludel. Addn ay, Completely decorat __ show bas been an annus) event here for the effort will be made to also have the show under Circus wil) put on the show here. The Shriners Company “M’ Exposition. Stata Armory. Ansonis ' past three years. the auspices of the Stamford Redio Clah will mae the eroceeta tawerd @ bnilding fund Cannetiont