The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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‘) (yT Cm MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboard 185 WE HAVE THE BEST! WE LEAD THE REST! IN 1923 OUR LAMPS WERE TOP MONEY AT THE FOLLOWING FAIRS: JACKSON, ANN ARBOR and SAGINAW, MICH. In the § th 1 TEXAS; SHREVEPORT, LA, Eten o* VACO and HOUSTON, THIS YEAR THEY TOPPED THE MIDWAY AT TAMPA, FLA. With Our Lamps and Shades at These Prices—You Can’t Play a Bloomer BRIDGE, Assorted Shades,.. $ 6.85 Each "cll ee, TES rete Os ee pe ee $ 9.50 ee FLOOR, Buttertly Shade, ____. $10.50 had | 14% Inches. All Our Are Highly Are Made Not All Our Beautifully finished, stippled burnished gold and silver Polychrome Lamps. Silk Shades, heavy Are Made of Silk fringe, screw-oft and Muil Silk We originated the A SUGGESTION base, Have Extra Heavy Fringe Butterfly Shade for Vase Lamps mixed SIX ee Assorted Shapes Floor Lamps. Here is = Ka 7 —— m and another new one. [3" a Floor Lamp. — All Lamps Packed in Wooden Crates Not Paper Cartons. 21% Inches X ' r dozen If interested in Blankets, Aluminumware, Frame a Vase Lamp Wheel or try & Clocks, Silverware, Wheels, etc., Send for Our on your Clock or Silver Wheel. VASE LAMP Concession Circular. ® No. 0 Made of rock hard putty and potter’s elay. Has @ beautiful pottery luster. Shade 14% inches lor Sest quality silk, with 5-inch —— yr oe ful gold braid. Priee Each, $5.50; ots, THE HOUSE THAT KNOWS YOUR NEEDS DIRECT SALES & SERVICE COMPANY A. F. BEARD, General Manager 24-26 W. Washington Street, Chicago, Illinois INDOOR CIRCUS EXPLOITATION VOIPAACIATVCT TTIW VIII WVTR Awww wAeey ie ae : AMERICAN LEGION SPRING CELEBRATION A MAMMOTH AFFAIR Predicted for Six-( County Firemen’s Celebration at Pottsdam Pa., in June Philadelphia, Pa., March 15.—That the Six New Yo rk, March 1. _w hoever was responsiONE BIG WEEK HULL-DAISETTA, TEXAS March 31-April 5 ONE BIG WEEK County Firemen’s Convention to be held at ble for th Tall Cedar Circus special edition ONE BIG WEEK Two Towns, Mile Apart ONE BIG WEEK Pottsdam, June 16-21, will be the year’s ‘big of The Bethlehem (Pa.) Globe, a copy of which event of that region is attested by the advance teached here yesterday, deserves a great deal This {!s a bona-fide Celebration and American Legion Membership Drive. Bigzest Boom Oi] Towns in preparations and hustling co-operation of everyof credit Twenty pages of advertising matUnited States. Mechanics of every description working day and wight. New gushers every day. bedy conneeted. Greater Endy Shows will be ter, photos and stores heralding the Indoor t Thousands to draw from. Big pay rolls. If you can’t make money here, you must be crippled or there with amusements, with Mr. Endy giving Cireas presented by Bethlehem Forest No. 61, don’t know how. Th 1¢ two towns that sprang ep “like a mushroom. WANT organized Camival. Wire his personal direction to everything. The free Tall Cedars of Lebanon, a side order of the b at once exactly what you have and just how many Concessions. WANT Concessions. Wheels, $40; attractions will be announced later. Joe Hizer, Masonic lodges and chock full of interest ng bS Ball Games, Pe 0; Grind Stores $25 and $30; Mit Camp, $30; Novelties, $20. Shows, Rides and Free of this city, is manager of concessions and of “— ons nel aed Acts wire. Cook House and Grab Joint, this is a darb for you. WANT capable Agents for ConceseT canon = A. yea egy aR 5 ~ cirenus eatures are wing presen , i. vr % ’ 1, Texas. or o il a P 0 Scranton, es :. Re Ocn ee e ee sions. Wire. Write BILLY GEAR : Peddberions Bex 216, Hull, Te Pittston, Shamokin, Schuylkill county, Reading. ters in this city, and include Vincient Brothers, mo lee CREP RPAe ottsville and other towns. Much publicity ix comedy triplo-bar art stes: Three Jays, acro PAV ePer ewww) ac RAMerweewe fel ele eel already being given by the local dailies in bate knock-abont clowns: Terp’s Doy and Pony the vicinity and the event will be heavily Cir Si Kitchie, eq ilibrist: Portia S sters, placarded and billed. contortjon balancing act; T bree Romans, Roman mt . . coc tenancy eyes see | Wanted Shows, Riding Devices, Wheel Concessions | ters vasor councits Wire ect: Clark Trio, aer'al act: Fire ng ' ' Lioyds the origina imJems, knock" F easy a, PLAN SPRING FESTIVAL about ‘atte original | Jim-Jam-Je s ‘band. Everything for American Legion Spring Festival, May 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Phan es A. Hart 5 Tall eae Height of Strawberry Season. Tulsa, Ok., March 14.—Tulsa’s Trades and rus tommittee, Harry B, Bestum menager ‘aor Councils are planning a Spri Festival the publicity department of the Johnson CirAMERICAN LEGION CELEBRATION COMMITTEE, Hammond, La. — 92. April 5. "rhe. Sebn ian p ein oe nee W. Hollingworth representing which ave established permanent winter air, Johnson, quarters at the old fair grounds, east of the city, will furnish the attractions in addition ' to the two free attractions which will be Outdoor Wanted! Wanted! for the Elks’ Trade Show & Gircus |) sissies: ous: A cre« of men is ae prewen: necessary remodeling of the show in winter PORTSMOUTH, VA., APRIL 5 to 12. TWO SATURDAYS. quarters here. C | b ti ns CLEAN SHOWS AND CONCESSIONS. sine ae BNNehh e e ra 10 M. B. HOWARD, Mgr., B. P. O. Elks, Portsmouth, Va. elisa: tppiet gacsteitionn Tema Post, American Les on, of which Glenn Ki nig is eee evTOR ARMADA = EE FOR ARMADA, MICH. WANTEDAN AERIAL ACT the bind for many seats = th spat += 4 ms men ngs aed te ye mg BA : , "Merchants of Rushnell have re sponded Pn July 24. the frst to be held there in about Merry-Go-Round and Ferris Wheel, for 21st Annual Outing Fraternal Order mM, appeal for fends to Suances = an ay OA yg ge ag a of Eagles, Hamilton, Ohio, Friday, July 4th. ping ot Brewers, Reha, ed an a the crates teases Ge sea a HARRY W. HETTERICH, Secretary. Sint “for Such & cule ration fireworks at n cht, as well as free attractions, some of the amusement features on the ¢® aad SOLDIERS-SAILORS’ REUNION Program. Every day of the event there will be a 4 free street dance, free acts, field-day sports, Wanted for a live town for week of June 30th to July Sth Salem, I., March 15.—Tie = — popular lady contest and an award of prizes. Sailors Reunion = be t Ate srove L. Powers, of Detroit, et Raa full charge August 18-23 at Hall's forty) acre & : FREE ACTS, RIDING DEVICES and SHOWS Communicate with Moose Lodge, Huntington, Ind. AMERICAN LEGION ad ANNUAL INDIAN PAGEANT PLANNED W. 0. ULREY, Secretary, CELEBRATION and HOME COMING __Jtuwood, Mich, March 14.—'The Apostle Seeees 9:0:6-0-0-0-00-040-06-0660406000000006000800000000000601 AN MAIN DOWN TOWN STREETS, CLINTON, MO... the 4 wie og Fron oe 2 — run te e . “e . , Rides etek an 56 6 ae Addresa mane (by the Apostle Islands Indian Pageant The Last. ‘“*‘Word”’ in Your Letter to Advertisers, Billboard’’. tee ce ge MC borstion. ef Trenwood 4 7 4 0 ‘ f the attractions and midw 4 AL WOLFF (for tho Celebration). 7 4 4 +4444 444 ovr TC 7 7 97 9 9