The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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RS ee os ~ : The Billboara MARCH 22, 1924 PEE ECE EET) ANNOUNCEMENT FOR 1924 The New England Fair and Carnival Company i TTT _—SSS—————— IS READY TO SUPPLY MERCHANDISE TO | CONCESSIONAIRES, SALESBOARD OPERATORS, CARNIVALS, FAIRS AND BAZAARS | BLANKETS LAMPS SWEATERS LEATHER GOODS . CANDY TOILET ARTICLES SILVERWARE INTERMEDIATES : DOLLS ALUMINUMWARE ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES = UMBRELLAS ' RUBBER BALLS DINNERWARE SALESBOARDS CLOCKS Beacon Wigwam Blankets, 60x80, each boxed, packed 30 to the case, Beacon Jacquard Blankets, 60x82, each boxed, packed 30 to the case, “i Esmond Indian Blankets, 64x78, each boxed, packed 30 to the case, or 6 to a carton,........ Price Each, Esmond 2-in-1 Blankets, 66x80, each wrapped, packed 30 to the case, or 6 to a carton,. ...... Price Each, 3.50 Wm. A. Rogers 26-Piece Nickel Silver Sets, .-...----.-----co-scsscoessnsecessnessneecnsssntesneeeneecueesee Price Each 3. 4 2 20-In. Overnight Cases, with 10 pieces Ivory, including large mirror, packed 6 to the carton, Price Each, Pittsburgh Boudoir ee I OR ea hc inseam itlinciesctesnicensscccienatiineale Price Each, Large Oval Roasters, 1814 Inch, packed 6 to the carton, Price Per Dozen, 21.00 Orders shipped same day as ges WRITE FOR OUR 1924 CATALOG > = ‘NO ORDERTOO SMALL’ The New England Fair and Carnival Co. fxcoroca roo urce & 45-47 GOLDEN HILL ST., All Blankets in assorted patterns and colors. TERMS:—Cash with orders in full or 25% deposit, balance C. 0. D ‘a El {OUSUARAUAUOAIEEAEOAHOSNSUUAQECUOUOUOOONODADOUOROUOUOOQUUOUUOEUEOUQUQCOUUUINLOONIUQUQOOQUQUCLUCGQUD ADE DOUUCAUURUOUSOAUCUUUCGECUOUUUONOUOUULNUREUUAUOUONOUGUOUUATIUQUOUAOLGNCUUEL TTT TTT. BRIDGEPORT, CONN. Fan TTT TNH Seen nT TO TUTTO OTT THOTT TTT OOO OT TOOT OOOO OTTO TTT TTTTOTTTTOTTTTTTs WHAT CHEER TO CELEBRATE What Cheer, Ia., Fourth of July Celebrati on in this section the country is being planned for What Cheer, under the auspices of Ray Lasb Post, No American Legon. In addition to the various customary natal-day ceremontes and festivities, there are to be riding devices, side-sh ws, Cone cessions and otber forms of amusement, ~(MTOGK TARR —FOR— INDOOR CIRCUS CELEBRATION DATES SET ’ Parkston, 8 D., March 14.—The Commercial Club members at the last meeting again decided to put on the Labor and Community Day Celebrat‘on this year on September 1-2. This annual celebration is one of the best advertising mediums the town has and is the means of attracting thousands of people duripg the two days. A fine entertainment program is being Large assortment to select from. arranged, which will be free to all visitors, Also have one-sheet Lithos for DRUIDS FESTIVAL MAY 18 the Shriners, Elks, Eagle, one Ae, Moose, K. 2h and Wood}The Py an yg pore pm Foe Mecai man of the Worid. ( Gras season, will hold their annual festival at the fair grounds here May 18. Vaudeville, games, racing and other events are scheduled PROMPT SERVICE ONVOTE FOR STREET CARNIVAL Dates, Banners, Heralds and Tack Cards Marquette, Midh.. March 14.—Of the sixty¥ 14 PRICES RIGHT. : -} TRE DONALDSON LITHO CO. Pythias clubrooms as to whether or pot the NEWPORT, KENTUCKY. Legion should be permitted to bring a street * o | Juice Men, Attention! carnival here, fifty-seven of them were favorable. A large percentage of the votes was cast by women. Make your own Juice Syrups. Big savings. Orange Dew, Blood Grape Juice, Cherry Kola, Koko Kolo, ’ Root Beer, Strawberry, Yellowrock, Dick’s Orange. Eight complete form| -ylas for $1.50; Five, $1.00, or 25¢ apiece. SPECIALTIES, Ridgway, Pa. LEGION PLANS MARDI GRAS Geneva, N. Y., March 15.—Winnek Post of the American Legion has completed plans for a Mardi Gras Carnival here immediately after the close of the Lenten season for the purpose of raising funds to purchase a new home. BATH:ROBES! “INTERNATIONAL” Bath Robes are the only Bath Robes on the market packed in an attractive display box, together with a clever enameled wooden hanger. See Fuil Page Ad., Page 157. etteerig =o -~ aie ee apie 5 -~ Box 275, The iast “word” in your letter to advertisers. “‘Bili “gi CONCESSIONAIRES! —— You will tind The Cannon Ball Wonder The Most Attractive and Fastest Moving Article You have ever had on your counter. Beautifully finished in black, baked enamel, with its shining decanter and six glasses, THE CANNON BALL WONDER appeals to everyone—young or old. OPEN Diameter, 65% inches. Made of heavy steel, ell welded, and locks with a key. Write for our Circular today and Prices, or send MONEY ORDER for $3.00 for SAMPLE. LIDSEEN PRODUCTS 830-840 South Central Avenue, CHICAGO, ILL. : WANTED FOR AMERICAN LEGION | : INDOOR BAZAAR AND CARNIVAL ALBANY, NEW YORK, MAY 3RD TO \0TH, INC. High-Class Side and Pit Shows, Novelty Acts, Animal Shows, Flanders Field Show or any other First-Class Attractions. Can use outside Advertising Men with new and novel stunts. ; This show did $75,000.00 business im 1923, with sttendance of 10,000 nightly. Address MANAGER, P, 0. Box 324, Albany, New York. 724 Bee Pe ESSE OSES SOS ES SSE SOS OSS OHSS OOOO OOOH OESSS OOOO ESOSEHEEESERESS OSES OOSESSESOSESEESOSESESSOSEOS EEO ESOOES FOR SALE--FOUR PORTABLE CAROUSELS At a sacrifice. One Parker Three-Abreast Superior Model, wired for 1,500 lights, used very little and good as new in every particular. Cc vat $10,500.00, will sell for $5,000.00. Two Herschell-Spillman. ThreeAbreset Outfits, in fine condition, at .4,700.00 and $3,500.00. All three outfits have Wurlitzer Paper Played Organs. Come see them and you will buy. One Mangels Two-Abreast, $1,850.00 T. L. STINE ESTATE, Herbert G. Stine. Admr.. Maryland Aots., Hagerstown, Md.