The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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SVT ca MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboard 187 oe ~~ AGCORDION MAKER ( ti & Bros., 71 34 ave., N. Y¥. C. * DVERTISING CELLULOID BUTTONS FOR DOLLS 042 Market, Phila., Pa. “ADVERTISING NOVELTY GUNS ”) fadge Co., Keil ity Works, 241 E, Sth, Erie, Pa. ADVERTISING NOVELTIES Co! ‘ S24 S. 2nd, Philadelphia, I’a. Koehler 1 cf Nov. Co., 150 Park Row, N. ¥. l'a 1 Nov, Co, 145-155 W. 22nd, Chicago. ADVERTISING PENCILS s, Musial & Co., 8-12 Lincoln st., Yonkers, N. Y. ADVERTISING SONGS Roy L. Burtch, 307 E. North, Indianapolis, Ind, AERIA® ADVERTISING Aerial Adv. Com@Ji65 roadway, New York. ICAN DIPS Cooley Mfg. Co., 330 N. Western ave., Chicago. AGENTS, JOBBERS, BROKERS Cc. gtom, Concord, North Carolina, ALLIGATORS Alligator Farm, West Daim Keach, Fla. Florida Alligator Farm, Jacksouville, Fla. AIR CALLIOPES Sam V _Day. Marshalltown, Ia Elpctrone Auto Musie Co., 247 W. 46th, N.Y. Pueumatic Ca.lepe Co., 345 Market, Newark, Na Tangicy Mfg. Co., Muscatiue Ia. ALU. COOKING UTENSILS r A'm Ware Co., 374 Jellitr, Newark, \.J. al & i azaar Supply Co., 28 W.15th st..N.Y. Foge!-Chertok Co., 160-162 Wooster st., N. ¥. c. liinois l'ure Aluminum Co., Lemont, Ill, Saves Auminum Co., Kewaunee, Wis. Perfection Alum. Mfg. Co., Lemont, IN, Suniite Aluminum Co. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. ALUMINUM FEATHERWEIGHT STAGE CURTAIN ROLLERS Amelia Graia, $19 Spring Garden st., Pilla. ALUMINUM WARE Direct Sales & Service Co., 24-26 West Wash ington st., Chicago, Hl. Ster\ing Alumigum Co., Erie, 5 We o Mer tWtodise Co., Abilene, Kansas. AMUSENENT DEVICES Amuse. Device Co FE. Court st., Cin'ti, 0. Dayton | Ho —¥ ® D. Mfg. Co., Dayton, 0. B.C. J ns & Co., 1528 W. Adams, Chicago. Miller & Baker, G. C. Term. Bidg., N. Y¥. ©. ANIMALS AND SNAKES Bartels, 45 tland st.. New York City. Hig eck thr ., 311 Newark st., Hoboken, N.J. Heory Marte.s, 72 Ce rtland a ie: ee ae By e Seake Farm, Bos = 5, Mrownsville, Tex. Max Geisler Bise Lo.; 50 Cooper Sq., N. Y. C. Gres L. c liu’ Market, St. Louis, Louis 351 , Sey New York City. Joon C. Wan ner, 1 New York ave., Newark, N.J. ANIMALS (Sea Lions) Capt. Geo. M. MeGuire, Santa Barbara, Calif. AQUARIUMS AND GOLDFISH Aquarium § ; @o., 174 Chambers st., N a ARMADILLO BASKETS pelt madil‘o Co., mf rt, Te ARMADILLO BAS<ETS AND HORN NOVELTIES B. P ve 407% Commerce est., San An tonio, Tex ASBESTOS CURTAINS AND FIREPROOF SCENERY Amelia Grain, $19 Spring Garden, Pbila., ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Leon A. Berezniak, 7 W. Madison, Chicago. AUTOMATIC MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS N. T. Musical Inst. Wks., N. Tonawanda, N. ¥. Tangley Company, Muscatine, Ia. AUTOMOBILE ROBES James Bell Co.. 34 Green st.. Newark, N. J.; 4 st., Cleveland, 0. Feir Trading Co., Inc., 307 6th ave., N. ¥. ©. BADGES, ——AND BUTTONS Krave, 1 Clinton st.. New rk wm Lebm berg & Sons, 138 N. 10th, Phils, -» Pa. Philade|;hia Madge Co., 942 Market, Phila., Pa BADGES FOR FAIRS AND CONVENTIONS Pa. Cammall Radge Co., 363 Washington, Boston. Philadelphia Badge Co., 042 Market, Phila., Pa. BALL CHEWING GUM Mint ¢ m Co., Inc., 27 B cker st., N. ¥. ©. BALLOON JOBBERS (Toy) gee Halloon Co, 2621 Wabash ave., K. ©., BALLOONS (Hot Air) For Exhibition Flights) BALLOONS and PARACHUTES SON AND CAMPING TENTS NORTHWESTERN BALLOON & TENT CO.. 1635 > Fullerton Ave, (Tel. Div. 3880), Chi-ago. os. Taloon Co., Aurora, Il. BALLOON. FILLING DEVICES FOR BALLOONS THAT FLOAT Bastion Messing Co., 252 BE. Ontario st., Chgo. BALLOONS, SQUAWKERS AND COMEBACK BALLS t oss he? Co.. Ashland, Obio t louse of Battoone. 96 Warren, N. ¥. C. BALLOONS, WHIPS, CANES, NOVELTIES AND DOLLS Pabr s Merc. Th Co., 822 Wash. aves,St. Louis, ; Co., 1203 Farnam st.. OMaha. Neb. ; lewe'ry Co,, S16 wereesets . KC. Mo. I nin 123 Delaware %, E. ©., Mo. . », San Fran. Moore. Ma ide ‘Whips & Nov. W ken Lapeer, Mich, Tromdiway, New ¥ s Co. Mw Dermott Ride. Seattle Wash. s Co. TP peck noe City i men Co, Denver, co'o en .. BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS wig \l Roebin-on, 204 Larned Bldg., 150 i 1 st., Detroit, Mich, BAND INSTRUMENTS ‘ge. Go., 1th & Mulberry, Harrisburg, Pa. BAND inet eset MOUTH4 © Mathey, 62 Sudbury st., Boston, 14, Mase, Nus A Buyers’ and Sellers’ Guide and Reference List for Show World Enterprises and Allied Interests RATES AND CONDITIONS Your name and address, if not exceeding ONE LINE in length, will be published, properly classified, in this Directory, at the rate of $12, in advance, per year (52 issues), provided the ad is of an acceptable nature. We will publish the list of American Federation of Musicians, Clubs, Associations, etc., Dramatic Editors, Dramatie Producers, Foreign Variety Agents and Moving Picture Distributors and Producers in the List Number issued last week of each month. COMBINATION OFFER One year’s subscription to The Billboard and one line name and address inserted in 52 issues, properly classified, for $15. : acs FOR TWO-LINE NAME AND ADDRESS If a name and address is too long to insert in one line there will be a charge of $9.00 made for a whole or part of second line used, or $21.00 a year. The Billboard and two-line name and address, under one heading, $24.00 a year. BAND ORGANS 4627 Indep. ave.. Kan. City, Mo. Wks., N. Tonawanda, N. Y. Muscatine, Ia, ASKETS (Fancy) Marnhout h.. ket Co., 816 Progress, Pittsburg. Desire Marnhout, 1727 N. Front, Phila., Pa. Marnhout Basket & Importing Corp., 1212-14-16 Madison BEA N. 8S. Pittsburg, Pa. BEACON BLANKETS James Rell Co., 34 Green st., Newark, N. 2082 E. 4th st., Cleveland, 0. Fair Trading Co., Inc., 307 6th ave., N. Karr & Anerbach, 415 Market st., A. Chr'stman, N. T. Musical Inst. ‘Tangley CORA Si 3e3 Y. ©. Phila., Pa. Oriental Nov. Co., 28 Opera Pl., Cincinnati, O. BEADED BAGS A! Koss, 2018 N. Halsted st., Chicago. Parisian Bag Co., 17 East 33d st., N. Y¥. CO. Rachman Nov. Co., 16 E. 18th st., N. Y. CARNIVAL GOODS AND CONCESSIONAIRES’ SUPPLIES Advance Spec. Co., 164 W. Mound, Columbas, oO. Advance Whip & Novelty Co., Wes field, Mass Am. Nov. Sup. Co., 434 Carroll, Elmira, N. z. B. B. Novelty Co., 308 Sth st., Sioux City, Ia. James Bell Co., 34 Green st., Newark, N. J.; 2082 E. 4th st., Cleveland, 0. Bestyet Fair & Carn. Sup. Co., 784 Broad, Newark, N. J. E. C. Brown Co., 440 W. Court st., Cin., O. Fair Trading Co., 307 6th av., N, Y¥. be Karl Guggenbeim, 1 i W. "ith ie m. me Midway Nov. Co., 302-04 W. 8 K. C. Mo. A. Mitchell, 16 Sutton ave., New Rochelle, N.Y. Optican Brothers, St. Joseph, Mo T. H. Shanley, 452 Hroad, Vrovidence, R. L Singer Dros., 536 Broadway, New York City C. Schwarz & Co. 404 W. Baltimore, Baltimore. a SMR MME RE OY HWE REE KE KERR 8 KERR RE EE RHR HOW TO FIND THE SOURCE OF SUPPLY : % 3g x bd x Ne supply them with goods. to make which can furnish them with the merchandise wanted. Many advertisers have found it profitable to have their name and address listed under a proper heading. The claimed advantage of such advertising is that buyers can quickly turn to firms which can Send in your name and address on the coupon. i) i) Es = x If you are looking for a certain 3 kind of goods and have lost your x) records of supply houses, look thru. @ the headings in The Billboard Trade 3% Directory. Undoubtedly you will f find a lead to the*merchandise you x want. Pe Under each caption are one or 3 more names of firms which may sup3) ply you with the goods you need. bs The Directory is a service to buyers inasmuch as they are able & connections with firms THE BILLBOARD PUB. CO., Cincinnati, If my name and address Ohio: The Billboard Trade Directory for $12. about rate [de [9 36) 2eY HEIR DETR RL IO HTC HIE HITE > can be set in one I'ne under If it cannot be set in one line, write me PPT TTTTTTTTTTT TELE Terre ee Terre reer ee eee eee eee eee eee ee) (name heading) -insert it 52 times in Ge ye MERER EEK KEM KEM KEE ERE RERER EME RMR ER ERE ORR it) ise 3) xt BEADS (For Concessions) Mi t K.. 519 N. Halsted, Chicago. ry 0 14 W. 37th, New York City. BIRDS, ANIMALS AND PETS New York City. Bartels, 45 Cortland st., Max Geisler Bird Co.. 50 Cooper Sq., N. Greater St. L. P. 8. Co., 1100 M orket, St Lon Mussog’s Bird Store, 848 N. 12th, Philadelphia. Pan-American Bird Co., Laredo, Texas. BIRD CAGES aaa Nowak Importing Co., 84 Cortlandt st., N. ¥. C. BLANKETS (Indian) Le lse le. Calif. a ace eae : co W Villiamsport, Pa. BULBS AND BATTERIES Maurice Levy, 406 Lyceum Bidg., Pittsburg, Pa. BURNT CORK Chicago Costume Wks., 136 N. Franklin, CAGES (Arena) Fisk fron Wks., 73 Park P % We BS CALCIUM LIGHT ht Co., 516 Elm st., St. Loule, GALLIOPES Tangley Mfg. Co., Muscatine, Ia. CAMERAS = — MINUTE HOT Chgo. N. ¥. St. L. Calcium L! Chicago eae Co., Chicago, Tl. CAMERAS FOR PREMIUMS Seneca Cameras Mfg. Co.. Rochester, NS. ¥ CANDY FOR WHEELMEN Puritan ‘ bh« et CANDY IN FLASHY BOXES Edwards Novelty CAN ‘ean Park, Calif Chas. Berg, 69 Beekman st.. N. ¥ Ohio CARS (R. R.) Houston R. R. Car Co., Box 223, Houston, CAROUSELS M. ©. Ilions & Sons. Coney Island, New York. CHEWING GUM MANUFACTURERS The Helmet Gum Shop, Cincinnati, 0. Toledo Chewing Gum Co., Toledo, 0 Zulu Mfg. Co., 203 So, Dearborn, Chicago. CHINESE BASKETS Fair Trading Co., 307 6th av., N. Y. C. A. Koss, 2012 N. Halsted st., Chicago. Orientai Nov. Co., 28 Opera Place, C ncinnati, O. CIGAR LIGHTERS AND Tex. MOISTENERS Drake Mfg. Co., 290 E. Water, Milwaukee, Wis. CIGARETTES Liggett & Myers fn Company, 212 Fifth ave., New York © cIRCUS AND ‘JUGGLING APPARATUS Edw. Van Wyck, 2643 Colerain, Cin'ti. CIRCUS WAGONS Beggs Wagon Co., Kansas City, ) COFFEE URNS AND STEAM A. Carter, 4%: FO Mershall Richmond. Va Talbot Mfg. Co.. 1213-17 Chestnut, St. Louts, Mo. COIN OPERATED MACHINES Exbibit S-pply Co. 309 S$. Dearborn, Chicago The Hance Mfg Co.. Westerville, Ohio. Yuo-Chn Co.. 329 Broad <t.. Newark, N, J AND SFPPENTINES CONFETT! Kindel & Graham, 785-87 Mission, San Fran. CONVENTION DECORATORS Gagerstown Decorating Co.. Hagerstown, oO. COSTUMES Brooks-Mahieu, 1437 Broadway New York City. Ch cago Costume Wks., 116 N. Franklin, Chicacy Ilurrelson Costume Co,, 910 Main, K. City, Mo. Kampmann Costu. Wks., 8S. High, Columbus, «. bE. Monday Costume Co., Inc., 147 E, 34th, N.Y ¢ lichler Costume Co., 511 3d rh A # iis astey _Costame Studios, 306 W. 22d, x! p 2 Tams, 318 W. 46 th st., New York Cits Cart A ‘Wwustl, 940 6th ave., New York City. COSTUMES (Minstrel) Chicago Costume Wks., 116 N. Franklin, Chicas Hooker-Howe Costume Co., Haverbill, Mass. COSTUMES (To Rent) Brooks Costume Rental Co., 1437 B'way. N. Hooker-Howe Costume Co., Haverhill, Mess. COTTON CANDY FLOSS MACHINES Nat’l Candy Mach. Co., 236 E. 37th st., N. ¥. C. COUNSELORS AT LAW Leon A. Berezniak, 7 W. Madison, Ohicago. COW BELLS The Seiss Mfg. Co., Alexis ave., Toledo, Q. COWBOY AND WESTERN GOODS Harrelson Costume Co., 910 Main, K. C., Mo. CRISPRTTE MACHINES Long Eakins Co., 1976 High st., Springfield, O. CRYSTAL AND METAL GAZING BALLS Ali Baba, Box 55, n 1, New York, CUPID DOLLS Cadillac Cupid Doli & Statuary Works, 1362 Gratiot ave., Detroit, M. DART WHEELS AND DARTS Apex Mfg. Co., Norristown, DECORATIONS AND ‘BOOTHS M. E. Gordor Is _st., Chicago. "DEC ‘ORATORS F. A. W. Dean Decorating Co., Alliance, O. DOLLS AND TEDDY BEARS Stat James Bel! Co., 34 Green st.. Newark, N. J.; 2082 FE. 4th st., Cleveland, 0. Fair Trading Co., Inc., 307 6th ave., N. Y. ©. Kindel & Graham, 785-87 Mission, San Francisco. DOLLS Allied Nov. Mfg. Co., 164 Eldridge st., N. Y. Amer. Doll Co., 1313 N. Br’dway, St, Louis, Me Aranee Doll Co., 417 Lafayette st., New York. apitol City Doll Co., 125 Reno, Qkla homa City, Ok. 28 W.15th st. N.Y. Carnival & Bazaar Supply Co., Charles Doll Mfg. Corp., 190 Greene st., N. ¥. C Main, Dailas, Tex Dallas Doll Mfg. Co., 2218% Da Prato Bros. Doll Co., 3474 Rivard, Detroit. Eagle Doll & ey ney 174 Wooster St., N. ¥. © 2244 W Madison, Chicago 0 Evree Day Mfg. Fair Trading = °307 6th av., N. Y¥. O. Phila., Pa. Karr & Aue rhach, 415 Market ‘st., Pich. Baby Doll Co., 3746 Gratiot ave., Detroit Midwest Hair Doll Factory, 1837 Madison, k 15 Lispenard St., N.Y Mo Mh ner al Doll & Nov. Co., » # California Dolls, Tinsel Dresses, Plumes, etc. PACINI & BERNI, 1424 W. Grand Ave., Chicago. Silver Doll & Toy Co., 9 Bond st., N. ¥. C U. S. Doil Co., 148 Greene st., N. ¥. 0. DOLL DRESSES Edwards Novelty Co., Ocean Park, Calif. * DOLL HAIR—DOLL Wics Herman Granat, 390 E. 4th st, N. Y. DOLL HAIR SUPPLIES Rosen & Jacoby, 195 Chrystie st., N. Y. City DOLL LAMPS Fdwards Novelty Co.. Ocean Park, Calif. Kindel & Graham, 785-87 Mission, San Francisco DOOR NAME PLATES (Engraved), PENS, PENCILS AND SETS Eng aved) V. Robillard Co., 194 Davis. New Bedford, Mags. DOUGHNUT MACHINES Talbot Mfg. Co., 1213-17 Chestnut, St. Louls, Mo. DRINK CONCENTRATES Beardsley Spec, Co, 217 18th, Rock Island, Tl. DRUMS (Band and Orchestra) Acme Drummers’ Supply Co., 218 N. May, Chi Narre Drom Mfg. Co., 3426 Market st..Ph'la.,.Pa Ludwig & Ludwig, 1611-1621 North Lincoln st., Chicago, Ml. Geo. Stone & Son, 5 Elm st., Boston, Mass. Wilsoa Bros. Mfg. Co., 222 N. May st., Chicago ELECTRIC INDOOR SIGNS Smith-Hecht Co., Indianapolis, ELECTRIC NOVELTIES FOR CON CESSIONAIRES Tornado Electric Co., 148 Greene st., N. Y. € ELECTRICAL STAGE EFFECTS Chas. Newton, 331 W. 18th st.. N. Y. City Tivioli Stage Lighting Co., 403 W. 49th, N.¥.C ENAMEL WARE Bellaire Enamel Co., Bellaire, O ESMOND BLANKETS Dessauer, F. & Co., Adams & Market st Fair Trading (Co., 307 6th av.. N. ¥. € John E. Foley, 29 Broad st., poor idence, BR Oriental Nov, Co., 2S Opera P!.. FAIR ADVERTISING SPE CIALTIE U. Q. Colson Oo., Colson Bidg., Paris Al The Fair Publishing Hous i FEATHER FLOWERS 4 DeWitt Sisters, E. Prairie, Battle Creek, FELT RUGS Eastern Mills, 425 B’dway, Everett, 4° FIREWORKS Amer. Fireworks Co., 739 R. E. T. ¥ American Fireworks Co., of Ma Contjnenta! rks Mfg. Ce a ° nahe Fi reworks Mfc. ‘ Ro Y s “Imperi al mh ‘ Columbus, O 8 — Co., ash. ave., St. Louis Gord I rks Co te st., a Inds jreworks Lindson, Obio. fines. Fir sor Co., Danville, Hl. International F'r Co Main Office, Jr Sq. Bldg., ‘ Station, Jersey City N = De. ¢ ) P ark Pl., New York City The Int Fireworks Co... Henry Rottiert, I’ S Congress ot. Seheneetaty MA3.Liberty Fireworks Co., Franklin Park, : (Continued on page 188)