The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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VtvT ex MARCH 22, 1924 fe The Billboard 189 _———e —— TICKET PRINTERS Ansell Th ‘ket Co., 730_N. Franklin, geenee. } cket Ce o., 101 Varick st., N. Y. . et C 16 Beach st, Boston, wee, km t Press, "T15 Albany st., Boston. Mass. World Licket & Sup. Co., 1600 B'way. N. Y>O. TIGHTS (rtbor B. Albertis Co., 7 Fulton, Br'klyn, N.Y. } Costume Wks., 116 N. Franklin,C oe Dal , Theatrical Emp., 142 W. 44th, N.Y.C 4. W. Tams, 318 W. {6th “, N. ¥. G , TIN HORNS Jobn J. Keller, 631 S. 34, Columbus, 0. TOYS vobriclus Mere. Co,, 1823 Wash. ave., St. Louis. TRICK BICYCLES Tom Simmons, 409 W. 424, N. ¥. @ TRIMMED BASKETS H. Baye redorfer & Co., 11238 Arch, Phila., Pa. TRUNKS (Seetrecienes and Wardrobe) Newton Tru nk Co., 125 Elm st., Cortland, N, Y. Geo. F. Rouse, 113 Elm st., Cort! and, N. Y. TURNSTILES ey Bright, Pr spect Bldg., Cleveland, 0. Damon-C hapman Co., 234 Mill, Rochester, N.Y. J. W. Fisk Iron Wks., 73 Park Pl, N. ¥. Perey Mfg. Co., Inc., 30 Church st,, N. ¥. City. Visible Coin Stile Co., 1224 E. llith, Cleveland. UKELELES J. J. Thome, 646 Springfield av., Newark, N. J. UMBRELLAS Poaktere Mfg. Co., 906 Filbert st., sancsohn Umbrella Co., 114 Court, Brooklyn. A. Mitchell, 16 Sutton ave., New Rochelie, N-Y. UNBREAKABLE COMBS Ohio Comb & Novelty Co., ‘Orrville, 0. UNIFORMS Phila., Pa. Brooks Uniform Co., 1137 Broadway, N. Y. City Geo. Evans & Co., 132 N. Sth 8t., Philadelphia. Fechbheimer Iros.’ Co., Cin nnati, Ob. The Henderson-Am s Co.. Kalamazoo, Micn D. Klein & Kros., 719 Arch st., Philadelphia. De Moulin Bros. & Co,, Dept. 10, Greenville, Lil G. Loferte, 215 a st., New York C ne: Smith-Gray, 720-751 Br R. W. Stockley & Co., adway, BE TISB Walnut st., Phila. VASES Otto Goetz, 43 Murray st., New York. VAUDEVILLE BOOKING AGENTS Rooney & Russell's Vaudeville Booking Office, 1420 Broadway, Detroit, Miche Cherry 2323. VENDING MACHINES Caille Bros. Co., 6210 2nd Bilyd., Detroit, Mich. Self Serving Fountain Company, Houston, Tex. VENTRILOQUIAL FIGURES Theo. Mack & Son, 702 W. Harrison st.,Chicago VIOLINS Aug. Gemuender & Sons, 125 W. 42d st., N. Y. VIOLIN TONE PRODUCERS . & J. Virzi Bros., 503 6th ave.. New Yort. WAFFLE MACHINES (Sugar Puff) Talbot Mfg. Co., 1213-17 Chestnut, St. Louis, Mo. WAFFLE OVENS Long Eakins Co., 1976 High, Springfield, O. WAGONS Wm. Frech & Co., Maple Shade, N. J. WATCHES Leon Hirsch Corp., 37-39 Maiden Lane, N. ¥. @ WATERPROOFING MATERIAL Waterproofing Co., Lewistown, I. WIGS A. M. Busch & Oo., 228 S. 11th st., Philadelphia. Chicago Costume Wks., 116 N. Franklin,Chicago. Alex. Marks, 662 B 8th ave., at 42d st., N. = a W. Nack, room 308, 6 W. Randolph, Chicag Shindhelm & Son, 144 W. 46th, N. » City. Seetee Bros., Inc., 113 W, 48th st., N, ¥. OG. WILD WEST SADDLES, CHAPS, ETC, Visalia Stock Saddle Co., 2117 Market, Saa Francisco, Calif. WIRE, IVORY AND ENGRAVED JEWELRY AND SUPPLIES American Jewelry Mfg., Co., 27 Warren, N.¥,0, WIRE WORKERS’ SUPPLIES Juergens Jewelry Co., 235 Eddy, Providence,B.I. XYLOPHONES, MARIMBAS, BELLS AND ‘NOVELTIES E. RB. Street, 28 Brook st., Hartford, Cons. AT LIBERTY AND WANT SITUATION ADVERTISEMENTS AT LIBERTY AGENTS AND MANAGERS $o WORD, CASH (First Line Large Black Type) te WORD, CASH (First Line and Name Biack Ty 4 fe WORD, CASH (Small Type) (No Ad Less Than Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. At Liberty—Bake Baker, noted advance agent and publicity man, open for gool proposition. Will consider musical or tab. show offer. Must locate by April 15, Address Billboard, Cittcinnati, Ohio, Mr. Theatre Owner—Manager of theatre desires to make change. Young, married and reliable. with eleven years’ experience managing motion picture theatres, At present manager of one thousand-seat theatre using pictures and extra attraction acts. If your house needs a live manager write c-Box 280, care Bi Iboard, Cincinnati. mar22 AT LIBERTY . BANDS AND ORCHESTRAS So WORD, CASH (First Line Large Biack Type) 2e WORD, CASH (First Line and Name oak Type) te WORD, CASH (Small Type) (No Ad Less Than 25¢) Figure at One Rate Onty—See Note Below. At Liberty—First-Class 10 piece dance orchestra, for hotels, dance halls, and summer resorts, etc. All young, peat, sober and reliable men; tuxedos; union. We have novelties and positively deliver the goods. All letters answered. All orch. managers write or wire. S. ALMAN, 43 Westerly Ave., Providence, Rhode Island, At Libecty+For Simmer Re sort job. A red-hot six-piece Jazz Orchestra, who guarantee satisfaction on reasonable terms. Write F. E. BITTNER, 936 Jenifer St., Maditon, Wisconsin. A Band Leader With Musicians at liberty; first-class. players, Leader strong tornetist. Open for circus or carnival or any ood open-air engagements, Write GEORGE LDI, 1823 Eighth S8t.. N. E., Canton Ohio mar22 At Liberty—Hot 5-Piece Band for summer engagement. Young, neat appearing. Prefer Chicago vicinity. L. 8, care Billboard, Chicago. marl. At Liberty—For Summer Sea son. Snappy Dance Orchestra. Five pieces: Piano, dy ums, cornet, alto sax., tenor sax. Alto doubles ornet, drummer doubles clarinet and “ax Young, neat, reliable. State particdlars Al communications answered Write ALEX MACHUREK. 17 Lewis St., Union Hill, N. J Attention—Park and Resort managers Rob's Collegians now soliciting Sum r engagement. An established organizalth of * experienced musicians that draws tue crowds, Interested managers write R. ALLEN, care Billboard, Chic ago. Blackie’ s Orchestra — After April 15 Nine men. Dance hall, hotel or sun resort, Address, care Billboard, C1 ins Oblo, mar2 D ‘Avino? s Band — Available ch or Resort. omer season at Park, Be v an ed A-1 concert band of feweaty, thirty oe fit ieces, conducted by the well-known Signor Alfonso D'Avine, and playing the best Popular music, Has been @ strong attraction at Atia = os Steel Pier and other resorts > nas Exclusive management VIC— LAWTON, P.O. Bax. 3605, Boston, Rae setts, jazz Harmoniste, April 1— Stoppy light-plece dance band. Good hotel, beaeh 0) dance hall, Smooth harmony. Late® ok fects, A real good drawing card. Enterta clean-cut men, Only good propoaitian Ref. exchanged. ORRAINE GU TAF Madson” vat 565 So. 28th St., Omaha, Nebd,, or First Line Attractive in Small First Line Tyne. Ad. Per ewe. Per Word. ec Acts, Songs and Paredies........ 6c Agents — | Solicitors Wanted eae Se 7e Animals. Birds and Pets . cal 4c 6c Attractions Wanted ............ Se 7c Books oe 4o 6c Boarding Houses pate an 3e 5e Business Opportunities _.. eee 4o 60 te as cans cy ekhtine 3c Se Cone-ssions Wanted ............ be 7e TS «ad dencecesesscact4s 3c 50 Exchange or Swap............... 3e 50 For Rent or Lease Property...... 5e 7e For Sle Ads (New Goods)...... Se 7c For Sale (Secondwanes ae fo 6c Formulas 4o 60 Furnished Rooms .. le 3e Hetels (Theatrical) 30 5c Melo Wanted ......... 4c 6c Hets Wanted—Musicians eee 4o $s Instructions and Plans ........-4o MOVING PICTURE cvassir First Line Attraetive d Seek uss bine a yoo. b cat ; Per | er pore. ejum Lights ....... ° e ilms “er Sale (Secon 7e iims for Sale (New) 8e Fer Rent, Lease er Sale rr GE wkcdecseceseeeqes qeceases Ne Jo ' — Per ee AtL (Set in Small Type)........... © a 4 Liner | (Display First Line and Name MEE ce dncancdcckcavcaacaheeas 2e CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS A Market Place for Buyer and Seller, and Want Ad Department FORMS CLOSE THURSDAY 5 P. M. FOR THE FOLLOWING WEEK'S ISSUE. RATES PER WORD . SET IN 5-PT. TYPE WITHOUT DISPLAY. NO CUTS. NO BORDERS. WE DO NOT PLACE CHARGES FOR ace i ha COLUMNS UPON OUR BOOKS. NO CASH MUST ACCOMPANY THE COPY. NO AD ACCEPTED FOR LESS THAN 25 CENTS. COUNT EVERY WORD AND COMBINED INITIALS, ALSO NUMBERS IN COPY, AND FIGURE COST AT ONE RATE ONLY. First Line Attractive in Small Vinee bine Type. Ad. Per Word. Per be oO Information Wanted ............ 3e Magical Apparatus ............. 4c 60 M scellancous for Sale........... Se 70 Musical instruments (Second MEN: sccrdcdadhunensdaddeand fo 6c Partners Wanted for Acts (No DUOED \. os dcncneuceseceeee 30 5c ES <~ieeiamiasenheinenatte 40 6c Privieges for Sale............... 40 6o Schools (Dramatic, Musical and MEE | scnadhencncesattces 20 40 Show Property Fer = 40 6c Sones for 36 5e Thoaters for Sale 5e 7e Theatrical 4c 6c Typewriters 3X 5c Wontes Partner (Capital sseeahaghecs aasdecasecs 4o 60 wanted To Buy ...... eseecesee x 5e 1E& ADVERTISING RATES. First Line Attractive in Small First Line Ad, Per Word. Per Word Picture Accessories Sale (Second-Hand) ... Se qs Theaters fer Sale ... cy] Wanted Te Bay ..ccccccccccccee 8 AT LIBERTY CLASSIFIED "ADVERTISING RATES, OPEN ONLY TO PROFESSIONAL PEOPLE. Por Word. At Liberty (First Line in Large Type).... al Count all werds in copy at sbove rate. Pe theo tree sent by telegraph will not be inserted unless money is wired with copy. Mail addressed to initials care General Delivery will not be delivered. We reserve the right to reject any advertisement and revise copy. bid” orders are without time limit and subject to change in rate without notice. THE BILLBOARD PUB. CO, 25-27 Opera Place, Box 872, Cincinnati, Ohio. “Till for Eddie Newman’s Dance Or Single, Young, Fast Dance Or write 4628 €ottage Grove. mar29 real band to feet ire Chi hiengo, I!linols Musical Four Orchestra—Pibanjo, drums, xylophone. Real gaa 134 W saxophe me, soles ano Double Je ffe rson, Orchestra Guaranteed Best Feature vocal and saxophone Tuxedos, Fight. CHAMPION, North Carolina. sing _L owisville, We available. quartettes, Mt, Olive :| Peppy Girl Dance Orchestra. ki summer: season, Permanent or bot ndeess ORCHESTRA, care Billboard, Boston, Massachus huse tts Now touring. Little Bidg., pi i bE ttt ms aati Real Orchestra at Liberty— ) siclans for dance or_ resort S.. aa Make offer. X 267, care nil VW board Cc incin innatt mar22 Reliable Managers, Notice— contracting several bands for oun. pi 5. All union; mer. Five, six and seven piece real musicians, singers and ent tertainers. Real box-office attractions Management L NEVILLE, care Billboard, Cincinnati, Am now chestras are available for summer engagechestra at liberty June 20. Four or five ments in hotel, resort, hall, cafe. Only high-] pieces. Neat. Tuxedos. Two doubling, all class engagements considered. Write full par| Sing. Third year together. Hotel or resort. ticulars. 1924 Bergen St., Brooklyn, New! Dance work. Write H. W, LANCKTON, York. mar29 | Perry, New York. mar29 Love’s Concert Band at Lib-|Sunrise Serenaders at Liberty erty. Real snappy 12-piece band, up to the} April 1. Snappy five or six-piece orchestra, minute on all classes of music, with neat uni| consisting of piano, drums, trumpet, alto sax., forms and will guarantee to make good. Can | doubling clarinet and violin, tenor sax. doubling furnish more men. Show managers that want | banjo. All young, clean-cut reliable union men. Fine library, can Tuxedos, references, HAWKINS, ‘*fad’’ Welchor’s Acorn Ser enaders wants summer engagement, summer resort or dance pavilion. This is a red-hot dance and concert orchestra. Eight men playing 14 instruments, singers and soloist, novelties, and specialties. Young and seber musicians. Tuxedos and white costumes. Reliable man play smooth or hot stuff. All letters answered. B, 4643 Indiana Ave., Chicago. agers, write or wire. “TAD” WELCHOR I. ©. Box, 431,. Roanoke, Va. ’ : ’ The Pollyanna’s Ladies’ Orchestra." Peppy dance and standard music. Union. Piane, violin, saxophone, banjo, drums, traps, At Liberty for summer engagement. Hotel, resorts, pavilion, Address LUELLA BUCHANAN, 309 Bradford, Ta. ° ’ ° Young Girls’ A-1 Organized booking for summer work. All young, good appearance. Blues, ballad and instrumental soloists, References exchanged. Write C-BOX 301, care Billboard, Cincinnati, ©. FOLEY'S PARAMOUNT SIX—THAT SINGING orchestra at liberty for hotel, dance, cabaret and resort. Union. Tuxedos. Wire or write East Main, Orchestra, E, T. AKIN, 329 8S. Adams St., Peoria, Il. AT LIBERTY—SNAPPY 4-PIECE ORCHESTRA on March 30. Piano, drums, saxophone and trombone. Playing 7 instruments, Suitable for summer resort dance pavilion. Rep., Tent and Showboats, get in touch with us. We can do your work. SAXO., care Billboard, New York City. mar29 “KING TUT’S FOOT WARMERS” WILL BE at liberty for the summer season. Six young college fellows, all doubling, who have been together for the last two years. We have A-l personnel and believe in peppy playing. CHAS, CARDEN, Mgr., Grand Ave., Jackson, Tenn. NORTHWESTERN MELODY MAKERS — Seven-piece dance orchestra de luxe, wishes ten-week summergengagement. All college men, Wear tuxedos, Resort or hotel job preferred. Best references. Write JACK TROXEL, 153 Center St., Naperville, Illinois. PAT’S DANCE ORCHESTRA AT LIBERTY— An eight-piece orchestra full of pep Wiseconsin reserts or amusement parks considered. Write H. J. TRIMBLE, 823 Oak St., Beloit, Wisconsin, “THE PROFESSIONAL PICTURE PLAYERS” Fes‘ler’s four-piece ladies’ orchestra, playing piano, violin, cello, drums and marimbas— wishes permanent position in first-class picture theatre, Complete library, understand cuing pietures thoroughly. Wide experience. test of references. E, STLER, Box 195, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin. mar29 SMITH’S NOVELTY ORCHESTRA and Musical En tertainers at liberty. Red-hot dance orchestra, featuring the Smith Sisters, vocal and instrumentalists. Desires locaticn hotel, summer resort. Refer ences exchanged. Only first-class propositions considered. Write SMITH NOVELTY ORCHESTRA, 227 Lake Ave., Elyria, Ohio. AT LIBERTY FOR INDOOR BAZAARS, EXPOS., tas ORD, CASH * (First Line Large Black Type 20° won CASH (First Line and Name Black "Fy te WORD, CASH (Small Type) (No Ad Less Than, Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Bolow. LA CROIX (Lady and Gentleman), classy Cradie Trapeze Artists. High-class acts for indoor bazaars and expositions, etc. Write for prices. Address 1304 Walton Ave., Fort Wayne, Indiana. — THE AT LIBERTY FOR CIRCUS AND CARNIVAL Se WORD. CASH (First Line Large Black Type) 2c WORD, CASH (First Line and Name Biack pe) te WORD, yoy (Smalt Type) (No Ad Less Than 250) One Rate Only—See Note Below. At Liberty—Young Man, 18 years old, strong and healthy; experienced in parachute jumping and wing walking; wishes to connect with aviator or aerial circus. Will Address C-BOX 294, Bill Figure at do plane changing. board, Girl Wants To Go With Carni val. No experience, but willing. Anything. MISS DIXIE LARICE, Gen. Del., Los Angeles, Cal fornia. mar22 Open—Arthur M. Portwood, Freak, Midget, Hunchback Comedian. 25 years old, 65 Ibs., 30 inches high. <A laugh every minute from Arthur. <A big show be him —Good in side or pit. No can ban Communicate with RAYMOND VAUG GHN, care Billboard. Kansas City, Mo Position Wanted—Experienced bank teller, advertising ability respondence and have own portable 3 me writer correct calculator, colle lucation, personal ity, single, not high salaried, can furnish ref erence from present employers. Write to P. 0 BOX 325, Marietta, Ohio XXth Century Follies Playi ng with Litts Amusement Company, seas mh Central Illinois Wants team of profess al btenetie d ae young and attractive Double pi , OF sax preferred. FRANK HARRIS, 7 W. wae mar‘ ington, Chicago. Wanted — Position, Sleeping Car Porter, with Cireus for the show season of 1924 Am a white man, age 40, weight Lesa 120 A good worker, have had rience t and cleaning business. r 'F. HOLMAN, 17 710 North 14th St., Terre Haute, Ind a c—Cou ecds, Also Combined Initials and Numbers in Copy. Figure Total at One Rate Onty. WoT cunt A Wert ie cone ADS, PLEASE MENTION THE BILLBOARD. (Continued on Page 190) ; 1