The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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i OE LF eee “FIRST-CLASS PIT MAN 190 The Bi liboard MARCH 22, 1924 AT LIBERTY AFTER MARCH 15. two | Aerial Acrobatic Men for flying circus or |. timer, full pep, st liberty for Tom Shows; | balloon work. R. L. McNEIL, 3637 Van Dyke Phineas, Legree, Marks, etc. Late of Davis, Stetson, Detroit, Michigan < mar29 Kibble, etc. Always glad to hear from old friends. AT LIBERTY APRIL 15—COMPETENT BOOK keeper, familiar with amusement enterprise work, desires position with outdoor organiza‘ ion. Young, reliable and not afraid of work. Have had experience as agent. Can furnish best of references. Reasonable salary. J. W. EVANS, 114 West Fourth St., Owensboro, Kentucky, AT LIBERTY—BAND MASTER FOR SMALL Western Circus. Good library music. Young. teliable. Furnish several men. I play cornet. J, HAROLD JOHNSON, 407 West Twelfth -St., Sioux Falls, South Dakota, OPEN FOR DATE. Address all mail to MR. JASPER JOHNSON, care of Wabash News Stand, Moberly, Missouri. WITH ATHLETIC SHOW OR CARNIVAL. Meet all comefs. Age, 26; height. 6 ft.; weight, 175 Ibs. DICK PALMER, 1306 Gar den St., Hoboken, New Jersey. AT LIBERTY—Man and wife, for Side Show. Wife works Buddha. Have own outfit. Myself Inside Lecturer or Ticket Seller and Grinder. Also work as Magician’s Assistants. We are steady, reliable people. Can join immediately. Wire or write JACK WILLS, 105 South Division St., Buffalo, New York. AT LIBERTY for Carnival o Carniv-l Concession Work. Young man, age, 29; well educated, intelligent and fair talker, desires position with carnival comp ny in any capacity that will pay real American money. Go anywhere on 24 hours’ notice. Write or wire your whele story in the first one, Ww. J. HARTLEY, Marlboro, Massachusetts, JOSEPH L. HAWKINS—15-Minute Clown Juggling Act. State best offer. Caroleen, North Carolina. KING COLE at ciberty for comifig season for Circus Side-Show. Presenting ventriloquism, magic, Punch and Judy and illusions; ballyhoo, lecture and openings. A valuable all-round Side-Show Man with experience and ability. Will consider offers from reliable managers only. Address KING COLE, 400 South Haisted Street, Chicago, Illinois, KNIFE WALKER, Glass, Nails, Board Jumping, Fire Act, Ropes Escape. Ticket? Yes. Make offer. PROF. N. MAYFIELD, 143 BE Sth St. Dayton, 0. MAGICIAN AND WIFE AT LIBERTY—Doing Magic. Mind Reading, Escapes, Crystal Gazing, Bud:iha and other acts. Excellent bally and publicity stunts. State best salary with Buddha privilege. Write “MAGICIAN”, 2210 East Street, Northside, Pittsburg, Pennsy)vania. AT LIBERTY COLORED PERFORMERS . Se WORD. CASH (First Line Lame Black 2o WORD, CASH (First Line and Name Biack yee} fe WORD, CASH (Smalt Type) (No Ad Less Than 250) Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. At Liberty—Five-Piece Col ored dance orchestra. Entertainers as well as real dance musicians. Union, tuxedo and reference exchanged. Open for any kind of reliable engagement. Write permanent address, PALMER’S POPULAR ENTERTAINERS, Pipe stone, Minnesota. mar29 At Liberty—Utterback’s Sev en-piece danre erchestra. Resorts, hotels or cabarets. Reference. Union and tuxedos. T, J. UTTERBACK, 416 Elm S&t., Danville, Tl. Performers, All Lines, All ; re PERCY HOWELL, Inc., Washingob, . ° AT ee ee 7 Dark Wonders of Syn-. n iret n itst ass Dance Orchestra for summer dance halls, Cabarets, etc. Best of eity AT LIBERTY DRAMATIC ARTISTS So WORD. C4SH (First Line Larce Black Type) WORD, CASH (First Line and Name Black Type) tc WORD, CASH (Sm-it Tyre) (No Ad Less Than 25¢) Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. AT LIBERTY—DIRFCTOR WITH SCRIPTS. Do parts. Reasonable salary. No royalty on plays. Tent season. WM, GILES, 2132 Linwood Ave., Toledo, Ohio. mar22 AT LIBERTY—FOR DRAMATIC OR VAUDE ville show. Versatile performer and musician. Handle responsible line of genera] business parts; capable of directing; good study; up-to-date wardrobe; do specialties; double saxophone in orchestra, read. fake, transpose, end do real solos. Reliable and want that kind of an engagement. Ticket? Yes, just made a long jump to poor results. Mail may be forwarded, so please al'ow time. “PERFORMERMUSICIAN’’, care Billboard Office, Kansas City, Missouri. WANTED—YOUNG MAN, AGE 27, WOULD like to get in stock company. Have had stage experience, also motion picture dramatic preferred. Apply GEORGE BROTT, P. O. Box 775, Buffalo, New York. AT LIBERTY AFTER JUNE 5—Two Young Women, who would prefer being in the same _ compony. Flave bad two years of stock experience. Capable of playing Character Parts or Second Business. BOX ©. V.. ccre Bil'beard, Cincinnati, Ohio. AT LIBERTY—Versatile Actor and Director. Have good plays and lots of them, amy sized cast; know how toc cet results. Wife plays anyth'ng cast. Personality plus, modern appearanee and wardre be. Every e¢sertial Specialties. Son, Past 12 years, Singing and Dancing; a feature anywhere. Managers Address care of Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio, REPERTOIRE ACTOR~ Tent Parts. Characters show preferred. Toby some Heavies, General Business. Six footer, 170 pounds, age 45, not 90, Quick study good wardrobe, several specialties. Can direct; have long and = short-cast scripts. Ticket if over te: CARL SPRING, Gen, Del., Scranton, Pa. mar2?9 YOUNG WOMAN, capable and good looking, with knowledse of stagecraft amd lishting, wants position in stock or repertoire. Can play Second Business or Characters. Address BOX C-272, The Billboard, Cincinnati, Chio, oie Re AT LIBERTY 3e WORD, CASH (First Line Large Black ) 20 WORD, CASH (First Line ard Name Biack Type) lec WORD, CASH (Sm-it Type) (No Ad Less Than 25c) Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. AT LIBERTY—Masician and Wife. Ventriloquist Act, @faif Lady Mlusion. outfit. 1 hare Magic, Sawing a Woman in Half; also Wife works Buddha. Have own We are steady, reliable people. Have good} bally stunts. Wil work on salary or percentage. PRCF. McKINLEY, 1363 Renton, Michigan, AT LIBERTY M. P. OPERATORS 30 WORD, CASH (First Line Larse Black Type) 20 WORD, CASH (First Line and Name Biack Type) fo WORD, CASH (Sm-it Tyne) (No Ad Less Than 25c) Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. At Liberty—First-Class Motion Picture Operator, with four years’ experience on Simplex and Powers machines, Single, thoroughly proficient and reliable. The max'mum in screen results guaranteed. Write JOHN A. NOLTON, Box 1235. Midd'etown, Conn. mar22 . $ . Operator—Five Years’ Experience; can make own repairs. boozer. Can handle D. C. or incandescents. At liberty April 1. Write or wire’ J. A. 8 » P. O. Box 180, Tifton, Ga. AT LIBERTY—FIRST-CLASS MOTION PIC ture operator, and electrician, with 10 years’ experience on Simplex, Power's, and Motiograph machines, Single, proficient and reliable. The maximym in screen results guaranteed. Write L. DEWITT, Box 483, Evansville, In Detroit, Reference. No BOB MILLIGAN, Dialect Comedian, Spectalties, ota| diana. mar29 A-1 Band Master, Orchestra Leader (cornet and violin). Instructor of all Strings, Brass or Reed Instruments. Would like location im a good town. BAND MASTER, 513 Morgan St., Knoxville, Tennessee. A-1 Experienced Orchestra Pi anist desires position in Hotel, Concert or Dance Orchestra for coming summer; young lady and union member. Address ELEANOR BERYLE PALMER, 185 Huntington Ave., Boston, Massachusetts, A-1 B.B. Sousaphonist at Lib erty. Experienced in all lines. Desires engacement with reliable dance orchestra, hotel, or vaudeville. Young, personality, and appearance, Union. Can join on wire. Address CBOX 304, care Billboard Pub. Co., Cincinnat!, 0. At Liberty—A Union Trumpet, reliable and experienced in all lines. tre, hotel, park or resort preferred. TRUMPET, 325 W. Jefferson, 71 ThieaAddroxs Louisville, Ky At Liberty—Baritone, American, reliable, previous experience, troupe or locate, ©. R. CARSON, Atlanta, Indiana. At Liberty — Banjoist. Zhe public's favorite banjo soloist, banjo juggler and trick banjoist. I can certainly entertatn Reference if requested. Address JIM ‘em, PEDIGO, Hooker, Oklahoma, At Liberty—Clarinet. Troupe or locate. Guarantee satisfaction. E, G. WILLIAMS, Box 42, Caney, Kansas, A-i Clarinetist, Union, Experi enced all lines, At Liberty—Dance Drummer. r transpose; troupe or locate. Five years’ experience. Avge 21. Clean cut. State all, EUGENE SLICK, 431 Madison Ave.,| No boozer. ARL HESTEL, Jamestown, Anderson, Indiana, North Dakota. mar22x A-1 French Horn Doubling Pi ano at liberty afior April 17. Union. Experienced in theatre and concert. Prefer loeation. All communications answered, M. SHORK, Box 421, Lake Worth, Florida. x At Liberty—Experienced Vi olinist, Pupil of Sevcik. Symphony, solo and theatre experience. Age 23, single, Can go anywhere. POST-OFFICE BOX 1307, Pittsfield, Massachusetts. A-1 Reliable Trap Drummer wants to correspond with A-1 Pianist. Prefer one that can play lead, also pictures and some vaudeville. 1 can furnish A-1 references. C-BOX 292, care Billboard, Cincinnati. At Liberty— Competent Vi olinist. Young, neat appearance, wishes position in hotel or theatre as first violin of assistant to director. Experienced in vaudeville and pictures. Good tone. Can open immediately, JOHNNY BOWMAN, 1108 W. Fifth St., Marion, Indiana. At Liberty—A-1 Cornetist, Ex perienced in all lines. combimation house. No obdfection to short season if short jumn. Married, sober and reliable. Address JOE BROWNING, Shelby Ave., Falmouth, Kentucky. Prefer vaudeville or SII SE TqbEdb db E4 Se Sz3z10 4p ARE YOU SKEPTICAL ABOUT USING CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING? rab sé 74 Td obra dbs 4: NID It is worthy of interest to know that results were not a regular feature of ‘the SLTSZi32 13219 brief and to the point. classified columns because they can rely advertising. Business goes where it is invited. here. ad. be (32) 321134 No matter if you want to sell, buy Then later you can branch out with 52)(52)(32)133 ‘ UST glance at these pages and pages of small ads. ness done than can be written in a volume. must be forthcoming or they would seek other papers, These little ads have become the necessties of life. many ways to solve the problems of business in the Show World. There is a tremendous volume of business done thru small ads. They are crisp The rich and poor, In this relation, join the group of advertisers S<i3¢) They tell more of the bustFull value must be received, answers Pies SPs: the ads would not be here tn evidence if Classified Columns of The Billboard. They buy, sell, help in the big and small buyers consult the on full value for every dollar paid for or secure an engagement, try a classified a display advertisement in The Billboard. SZTSISZISTIoe ok ok oe ok oe 3k. 38 iq) BILLPOSTER, 6 FT. 8 SINGLE, AGE 36, American; electrician; auto mechanic; sign artist; operator; theatrical and commercial experience. References, ECKMAN, Merit, Hotel, Dallas, Texas, OPERATOR—Locate anywhere permanently. Reference. Union man, Wire or write FRANK J. MeINCROW, Jefferson St., RELIABLE M. P. OPERATOR of unusual ability desires connection, poits South and West. al ut May fifteenth. Union or otherwise. I. BDWAKD ROUCH, Painesville, Ohio. TWO OPERATORS NOW AT LISERTY—Experienced on Power and Simplex M chines. Young and absoj Marion, Ohio. lutely reliable. We handie all the advertising at other work around the theatre. First layoff in seve years, Best references if required. Must have work. What have you to offer? KARL ANNON, Philippi, West Virginia. AT LIBERTY MISCELLANEOUS 30 WORD, CASH (First Line Large Black Tyne) 20 WORD, CASH (First Line and Name Biack Type) to WORD, CASH (Sm Jt Type) (No Ad Less Than 25c) Ficure ot One Rate Only—S8ee Note Below. AT LIBERTY—CONCESSION AGENTS. THRE men, one lady. Prefer to work for one man. FULLER’S CONCESSIONS, Lock sox 6443, Berlington, Vermont CARNIVAL AND PARK MIN! YOUR PR”P erty needs the protection of a Special Officer and Night or Day Watchman. I'm that man. If interested write me CHRIS. FULLER, Lock Box 443, Burlington, Vermont. AT LIBERTY MUSICIANS 30 WORD. CASH (First Line Larne Black Type) 20 WORD, CASH (First Line and Name Biack Type) fo WORD, CASH (Small Tyne) (No Ad Less Than 25c) Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. A-1 Solo Alto Saxophone, Dou+ bles Clarinets. Six vars’ dance experience | Read, transpose, fake. “WINDER, Y. M. C. A., | Lynchburg, Virginia. A-1 Violinist—Photoplay Leader. Experienced, fine tone, cue pictures, large library. VIOLINIST, 117 Caldwell, Louisville, Kentucky. A-1 Violinist at Liberty for pictures, vaudeville or hotel. Thoroughly experienced and schooled musician. Age, 25. Union. PAUL STELTER, 2555 Fullerton Ave., Chicago, Illinois, At Liberty—A-1 Dance Vi olinist. Twelve years’ experience in dance, theater, cafe. Will double Sax. Write for f-rther particulars. Address VIOLINIST, Box &53, Ripon, Wisconsin, mar2v At Liberty—A-1 Experienced Violinist and Leader. Experienced in picture, vardeville and symphony work. Large library: Member A. F. of M.. Local No. 1, Address C-BOX 275, care Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio. At Liberty—A-1 Flute and piecolo, double tenor, banjo. Union, ED MORAN, 1071-2 South Neil, Champaign, I!'inois, mar29 At Liberty—A-No. 1 Trumpet, efficient, reliable, and experienced in all lines, Prefer pictures, Address J. W. HU £05 W. Main, Taprlorville, Ilinols, At Liberty—A-1 Trumpet, neat appearance, legit'mate or dance. Ticket if over 100 m'les, Van Buren Hotel, Chicago, At Liberty—A-1 Union Drum Taion, JACK SAUNDERS, mer. Dance, circus or rep. shows. Reliable Boss Canvas Man Seavon 1990) Rine'ing-Tarnum Band. Address GEO, B, ADAMS, 2524 Warren Ave., E., Detroit, Michigan. appreciate intelligenee. mw and oo — NOTE—Count All Werds, Alse Combined Initials and Numbers in Copy. Figure Total at One Rate Onty. be orld tT TT Cedae Ave» raz] IN ANSWERING CLASSIFIED ADS, PLEASE MENTION THE BILLBOARD. e At Liberty—Fast Dance Drum mer and Blues Singer. Experienced dance, vaudeville, cabaret. Young, reliable, tux., union. Make good any place. Hurry, I don't loaf. State all first letter. Care DRUMMER, Irvin Theatre, Bloomington, I!) no's, mar22 At Liberty—First Tenor. Solo ist. Want to connect with good quartette, either road or permanently located, Address FCRNANDEZ, care Billboard, Kansas City, Mo. At Liberty—Good Dance Vi olinist, doubling piano and blues singer. Consider hotel or show with respons'ble party. Age, 27; tall; good appearance; tuxedo. JESS care Gen, Del., Memphis, Tennessee, At Liberty—Hot Alto Sax. Team; both doubling .Clarinet, one doubling Piano. Read and improvise, good tone. Write or wire best. Ticket? Yes. R™D & WIZZY, care Nehoco Hotel, Nelish, Nebraska. At Liberty—Jazz-Singing Orchestra, for hotel or summer resort, Address WM. MONK, «are The Billboard, Kansas City, Missouri. At Liberty — Musical Team, first-class violinist, double Sax. and Mand lin. Wife, A-1 pianixt, ukelele and genera business. Both do specialties; big library, picture cued; latest jazz; experienced all lines. M. CONYERS, 349 Centre St., Weston, West ‘irginia. At Liberty—Reliable BBb Bass for summe; engagement. M. C. SMITH, Wi!lard, Ohio. mar2o At Liberty—Saxophonist, doubling clarinet; experienced in all lines, dance or concert band and orchestra, Sight reader, fake, transpose, improvise and arrange. WILLIAM REEVES, P. 0. Box 1, Tallahassee, Florida. At Liberty—Team. A-1 Pian ist and Violinist. Violinist doubles Alto Saxophone and plays Lead on both. Dance music up to the minute, Big library for pictures, etc. Musical specialty, Ten years’ exper'ence all lines, References, Join on wire. Address M, CONYERS, 349 Centre Ave., Weston, W. Va. mar22 At Liberty—Trombone. Read, fake, improvise, union, trxedo. WITLIAM PETERSON, New Ma‘ne Hotel, Peoria, Il!{nols. At Liberty—Trumpet, thoroly capable. Theatre. dance or band musician. Age, 22. Union. Wire or write. J. ACOSTA, 717 10th St., N. W., Washington, D. C. At Liberty — Violinist and Leader, Select Ibrary. Address VIOLINIST, Billboard, Chicago, mar22 At Liberty—Violinist, experi enced, 12 years !n pictrres and vardeville; vnion. JACK BANDA, 2025 West 109th St., Cleveland, Ohio, marzo i> At Liberty—Tenor, Banjoist, after April 10. Experienced, A-1 Tnion, Write H. MOHLENKAMP, Maple St., Loulsville, Kentucky, At Liberty—Trombone Player, experienced in standard band music and also experienced orchestra man; good sight reader and good tone; no faker. Would like to locate, yrefer theatre orchestra or good concert band. tate all in first letter. For further information address A. J. HEYN, Glen Rock, Pa, . ° . . . . At Liberty—Violinist, With good library. Experienced in vandeville, road shows and nictures. Would like steady position all year around. Will go anywhere in the United States, State your best offer in first reader. 1906 Wire or letter. Member Local 239. Address CHARLES GR 26 Sherman St., Auburn, New York, “=