The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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~™—-. on W ite a MARCH 22, 1924 mn OS P The Bi liboara 191 , Liberty—Violinist, Young, write. WILLIAM Ho Braddock, Pa. mar Liberty, About May 1—Orrea leader (violin), Absolutely experi all lines, Union, Address C-BOX 45, ard, Cine innati, Ohio. A Liberty, March 19, for cagua sor )=«6Small Cireus, professional 1 BOX 117, Billboard, Cincinnati. At! Liberty, March 19, for Nov Orchestra, trumpet or play drums and second trumpet. o-Box 116, Billboard, wv theatre, vl Halket Ave., Eanjoist— Read, Fake. Exed: Vaudeville, cabaret, dance. <olos, harmony and rhythm, Arrangement or and Age 24. Union. Tuxedo l ‘ Rox 205 zy care Billboard, Cincinnati, refer Cellist — Experienced, Desires Union. Go any theatre ar hotel engagement, 3 RI care Billboard, Chi CHARDS, cage. Clarinetist—Experienced, Un n. Would iike engagement with good thea tr tra, where high-class music is played; yandeville or pictures Also double alto sax> ‘ Addriss JOHN SIEVERS, America = eatre ( rado Springs, Colorado, Clarinetist — Thoroughly ex er ed in vandeville, pictures and concert band. Double Alto Saxophone, Union. Strietly sober and reliable, CLARINETIST, 782 ) fo BI 1, Webster Groves, Missouri. lo; : ete. aiilien years’ experfence ir “age 30, union, married Drefer J parent location, Would consider t if salary is ©. K. State all in first etter. _ Address DRUMMER, Pitt Neglvania Flatist—A1, Thoroughly ex erlenced all lines. Prefer theatre, hotel, summer resort band Join at once. Write or wire. DALLAS NEWMAN, McConnelsyille, 0. ‘ mar29 Organist—Desires Position in pieture Louse. Can cue picture. Good library State make of organ and salary. FLOYD YURTH, RK. A Ft. Madison, lowa. Organist—Experienced, Sure man; emplered in large house; desires C-BOX 299, care Billboard, Cin» Obie, 206 Beaver Ave., mar22 ec ang: cinnat Organist—Press Notices Read: ites inspiring atmosphere for pictnres; never ‘potredtee: always pont ood ng. Poss: <se8 such [ndividuality of expression and technique and such an inexhaustible imagination for tonal combinations, mrsic never becemes monotonous, Rar-t ling jaz™: not boiler-factory noise Union, JACK CONKIC, 505 Beach Sti, Bradentown, Flor da. ee Experi need in theatre work aasee Whrary. Familiar all makes, Union. Reliable. E, GORDON, 2609 Highland Ave., Cincinnati, 0. mar22 —_ —_— Organist—Years of Experi ence play ing pictures in Sovth and Middle Westerr Orchestral orcan preferred. = ZABETH ‘OLSON, R. 2, Bailey St., Green Carolina, mara ——— Trombonist—J ust Clos-d “Wan P n's Minstrels’, playing * ‘Ke th Time’ Fee tured in jazz band act, ts M. L. DUMONT, salary Join on wire. Walnut St., Lewiston, Malne. Violinist — Big ‘time experi At Iberty the Ist for A-! resort, hotel or dance orchestra, Age, 21, Union, Wardrobe ’ Alto Sax. Arrange. Now Mid West ‘ow for forwarding. Address C-BOX 297, Rillboard, Cincinnatl. Band Conductor Cornetist and r at Iberty; well real _weule like ite in town of 3,000 up. nduct and “nd reasenable salary; att oven school on all instruments, Trefer an Towa hand tax lay is passed. Have bad Ti professional experience and ten teacher and condrector. Strictly re Address CONDUCTOR, 436 Bluff St., Towa, Banjoist end Drummer at LibRanjotst doutMes violin. Drummer Hl tine of traps, bells and xylophones, ung, congenial, tuxedos, We have vith the best and will consider only Permanent dance position preferred. ‘ving. Address P, W. MURP Marys\ansas, x Banjoist at Liberty — Three Snappy dance orchestra Tuxedo. Travel or locate. experience, Union, : Guitar, Huntington, Indiana, FORREST WOOR, Harris *.. Bass Drummer Open for Sea son 1924; state highest and must have ticket. JOE GOETZ, The Billboard, Cincinnati, Ohio, mar29 Bassoon, Experienced in Highclass pietures and concert bands and or ches tras, BASSOON, care Billboard, New York City, C Melody Saxophone Wants to join snappy dance orchestra. Experienced, read, fake, double on drums and a fair singer. Write or wire. ART HALLIBURTON, 511 East Sth St., Little Rock, Arkansas. Clarinetist, Trumpeter and Tenor Saxophonist at Liberty. All 3 double Saxophones. soprano. alto and tenor; are firstclass musicians and soloists. Caa put on Saxophone and Xylophone Specialties, also Cornet, Clarinet and Saxophone Solos. Thoroughly experienced in theatre orchestra work, playing vaudeville, feature pictures and combination road shows. Saxophonist experienced playing Cello Parts, Trombone Parts and Bassoon Parts on Tenor Saxophone, alsg regular Saxophone Location and joint engagement only. permanent theatre engagement pre Hot or ferre Wit sider ane “he band resort engagement for summer. Union, conside dance orchestra, jazz tuxedos, young, clean cut, sober, dependable. Address %. ¥. Z., care billboard, Cincinnati. mar29 Competent Bandmaster at Lib erty March 31—Would like to locate in a live town. Twelve years’ experience in teach ing and directing bands. Write for rticulars. Address BANDMASTER, 1905 Race St., Cincinnati,. Ohio, mar22 Dance Drummer—Hot and original stuff. Union, age 24, neat, sober, tuxedo. Would like to locate in California. Tlay Alto Sax. some. Would consider traveling vaudeville orchestra. Address DRUMMER, 1282 Beech St., St, Paul, Minnesota, Dance Drummer at Liberty March 10. seme LESLIE CARTER, Fait view, Kanva mar22 Dance Pavilion Manager at Libertr—Master instructor. a’so health enlturist, sterling character, pleasing personality, thorough knowledge of business No proposition too lage; anywhere U. S. P. 0. BOX 592, La Crosse, Wisconsin, Desires Change Location—Pi an!st, doubling organ, orchestra director and arranger; picture. vandeville, musical comedy, direct or side. Wonld consider high-class band. Employed Pittsburg's leading theatre. Reference if desired. H. L. D., 5978 Alder Ave., Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, Drummer, Tympani, Bells, xylophone. DRUMMER, Antler Hotel, Louis ville, Kentucky. Drummer, Tympanis, Bells, experienced all xylophones, chimes and ete.; lines; married; union; age 30: prefer picture combination or va Geville »; have no objections to evenings onlr good live town if perma nent, Address OME, E., Billboard, Cincinn=ti Ohio. mar293 Experienced Clarinetist, Unfon. Would like to locate with good theatre orchestra, picture or vaudeville; also doubles on alto saxophone. Address J, STEVENS, 1619 Baltimore St., Kansas ('tr. Misseurt. . . . . Experienced Pianist at Liberty for park, resort or traveling dance orchestra Formerly with eight-piece outfit. Read and memorize, Interested parties write R. ALLEN, “are Billboard, Chicago, First-Cless Trumpeter at Lib erty. Formerly cornet virtuoso, in vandeville and ex-U. S. Army Bandmaster. Thoroug)ly experienced all branches music business. Especlally experienced playing Keith vaudeville, feature pictures and combination road shows, Union. Strictly sober and reliable. Youngs married, tuxedo, Location only. Permafent theatre engagement and all year ‘round engagement preferred Will consider resort engagement for summer. Address VIRTUOSO TRUMPETER, care Billboard, Cincinnati, mar29 Flutist, Also Trap Drummer— Position together. Tympani, xylophone, _Experienced all lines. Liberty May 10. C-BOX 267, care Billboard, Cincinnat!. mar22 Hot Brass Team at Liberty May 10. Young, neat, reliable, union. Read, fake. improvise with rhythm. Prefer to be together. Will consider separate jobs. No trouping. Cheap outtits save stamps. Address c-Box 286; eare Billboard, Cinc innati. mar2Z Lady French Hornist, Experi enced in solos, band, orche stra and vaudeville doubles Saxophone. CE BURNHAM, General De Delivery, Lh ry, Line ote, Neve Nebraska. RedRed-Hot ot Brass iss Team—Read, fake, improvise, good low_down appearance, pep. State all first wire JACK AND ZERO, Huntington Beach, California, mar22x Leader (Violin) Thoroughly experienced in pictures, vaudeville, musical comedy and tabloid. Very fine musical library. Married, sober, and absolutely reliable. Address LEADER, No. 1 Walnut St., Hudson Falls, New York. apr5 Organist at Liberty—10 Years’ experience. Cue pictures correctly. Library, standard and popular. organ essential. Go anywhere, WM. ROWE, Box 733, Union. Good salary and Write or wire. Arnold, Pa. mar22 Organist Available May 1— Unit or Orchestra Organ. Absolute synchront zation. Modern library music. Union, Full information by mail. C-BOX 268, Billboard, Cincinnati. mar22 Resort Contractors, Notice— High-class Violinist-Leader, double Tenor Banjo (Wife, Pianist) desire summer resort or hotel work. Ages. 30 and 25. Refined, good dressers and capable of handling the best propo sitions. Can furnish other real musicians if desired. Union. Now working Keith vaudeville. At liberty May 19 Address, giving full W. H. SCRIBNER, care Billboard, mar22 Sensational Trap Drummer open for permanent engagement in Chicago. Hotel, Fesort, recording, or radio artist. Read, young, neat appearance. Experienced trouper in all branches. Formerly with Manhattan Military B. & 0. No. 45, N. YY. C. JAMES E. WARD. 5h Es 45th St., Chicago, Illinois. Phone, Atlantic 3065. Side Violinist of Ability and ggg Young, union. Locate or troupe. 5 W. Hayward, Independence, Mo. mar? Violin Leader, Union, Experi enced pictures and vaudeville. Large library. No trouping. RAYMOND LAWLER. 1522 West Alice, Spokane, Washington. mar29 Violinist and Director Wishes engagement with first-class picture house where orchestra is featured and steady employed, Synchronize pictures correctly. Large library. Wide experience, ability, references and guarantee satisfaction. Large orchestra preferred. . Must give notice. Address 159 E. Main St., care De Luxe, Lexington, Ky. mar22 Violinist, Double Piano, De sires connection with good dance combh'nation in the Middle Western States. Union, age 22, four years’ experience. Good reference, expect same. Add@@gss VIOLINIST, 607 No. 4th St., Mankato, Mitnesota. particulars, Cincinnati. CELLIST—A-1 IN ALL LINES. DOUBLES ON Tenor Banjo. Open for a reliable engazemen' (only). — C-BOX 303, care Billbowrd Cincinnati, Ohi CELLIST WITH A NICE BROAD TONE. DOWvbles on Saxophone. Desires a permanent posi tion. Address C-BOX 302, care Billboard, Ciucinnati, Ohio. CLARINETIST — EXPERIENCED IN ALT! lines, B. and O. Wants permanent jo Theatre, resort, or municipal band (Theatr preferred). RY KUN » 125 W. Wasi ington, Ft. Wayne, Indiana. mary? COMPETENT VIOLINIST—YOUNG MAN DE. sires position, assistant to leader. Theatre, moving pictures or hotel. Fine tone, excellent schooling. Available at once. Wire or write. MORRIS LEVENSOHN, 1534 North 7th Street. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. DANCE TROMBONIST AT LIBERTY AFTER June 5. Read, fake, harmonize. Age 24. Tnion. Unmarried. Photo. R. C. HELSING, 1500 S$ Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. OBOE (ENGLISH HORN) AT LIBERTY—EX perienced in pictures and symphony. GEORGE SACHER, Majestic Theatre, Grand Rapids, Michigan, RUSSIAN ACCORDIONIST. ith St.. New York. Tel. IVANOFF, 36 E. Jamaica 9048, aprd TENOR BANJO. DOUBLING ALTO SAX., drums, ‘and little jazz singing, at liberty around June 1. Read, fake, memorize. Am 19 and full ef pep You must have young, fast and clean personnel. Write now. § CARDEN, Grand Ave., Jackson, Tennessee. VIOLINIST—EXPERIENCED, AGE 37, HAVE library, Movies-Vaudeville. VIOLINIST, 1321 Downey St., East Radford, Virginia. mar22 VIOLINIST—EXPERIENCED: COLLEGE STU dent; desires summer engagement with highclass orchestra; prefers Northern hotel resorts; feature solos; best of references; union, Address RICHARD ORTON, Kenarden, Wooster, Ohio. WANTED LOCATION—TROMBONE OR BARI tone payer, wants job in band_or_ orchestra. Am no boozer, GEORGE A. LEDOM, Box Marshall, Missouri, mar2 A-! sevnnen— Tympanis, marimba, bells, full line n, experience i, schooled, routined Preter “the ae location. Can furnish A-1l Pianist dad Violinist with real picture library State all. “DR UMMER”, 731 Twelfth St., San Diego, Calif AT. LISERTY. fe or summer, Orchestra Leader (Violin). “xperience reliable. WINDSOR MUNNELL. P. O. Box 6 ma City. 4 Oklah Violinist, Doubling Upright Al to, desires steady engagement; anything that pays. Would like to hear from Soldiers’ Home, B. YUNKER, 2646 Canal St., New (rleans, Louisiana. mar29 Violinist Leader or Side, With AT LIBERTY— Trombonist, doubling Violin. Concert nd dance. Tuxedo. Union. MERTON THOMP 106 So. Kedzie Ave.. Chicago. AT LIBERTY—A-1 Viol nist le ader, with good library. Experi e in all lir Also play Viola. te J idre : ORCHESTRA innati Ave., Tulsa, Ok Satisfaction LZADER, 1608 So. Cit AT LIBERTY—Cornet. Middle aged, steady, reliable. good Ifbrary for movie or vardeville; would Experienced theatre. vaudeville or pictures. Referenaeet if good praposition. Wire HERMAN fence ir red. CORNET, 167 Nelson St., BrantMOLL, 768 Cherry St., Macon, Georgia. 1. Ontario, Canada. 4 LIBERTY— BRb . a, ver April 20. ALTO SAXOPHONE, DOUBLING ON CLARIA wwe Eb for sm be. Ex Salary. net at liberty May 15 Concert and dance 5 and all or $25.00 and herth rep. OF experience; young, neat and good character arnival, but prefer hotel nce oF park job. Make Would like to join dance orchestra located in| me offer for s ue. BERT POTTER, Harper, Kansas. Cleveland or vicinity, R. FRANCO, 2176] Have standard band library. Can handle band and Fairmount Rd., Suite 4, Cleveland, Ohio, — —— announcements if needed, but don’t ° eray Al DRUMMER AT LIBERTY APRIL 1, | AT CIBERTY—Trap Drummer. Read of fake. Predance or theatre orchestra; years of exoui en nit sangha cag Fg E. perience. Age 28. Union. Tuxedo. South pres} (ont answer this ad. S ouble nem. Vietin, See ferred. Ro¥ McINTYRE, 513 S, Pem. Ave.. unten, but would join. State all first letter. W. C. Lakeland, Florida. mar22 | HALL, Hillsboro, Obie. apro Well-Qualified Vi ad ri AT LIBERTY—BANJOIST. PLAY MELODY coungrant, 8 ee gy Bnd alti or harmony chords. Will guarantee work. | with theatre that hes good music library. ‘DIXIE’, Non-union, State salary in first letter. Write] pillboard, New York. mar22 CLARENCE NELSON, 218 E. National St., Vermilion, South Dakota, TROMBONE—Thoroughly experienced pictures ant vaudeville. Sixht — ~ ue, good te hniqu Age, 26. Must be stca y first-class 14 AT LIBERTY-~BSRITONE. SIXTEEN YEARS’ | sidered. Write or wire. TROMBONE, 527 2nd St experience. Uni Address MUSICIAN, Box | N. W., Canton, Ohio. mar? 207, Che Soe, Kansas, . ec sensrsnete “ TROMBONIST—Double Baritone. Union. Experi enced for Ban d, Orchestra, Theatre, etc Rox i LIBERTY—CLARINETIST, TROUPE OR] kind of mus and also sol Address TROMEON = Vv. CG. HOWELL, Gen. Del., Lincoln, | IST. 113 Washington Place, New York Ci ee AT LIBERTY AT LIBERTY-FRENCH HORN. CIRCUS EX. PARKS AND FAIRS . . 8 Elm S8t ster, i eOstets | 39 WORD, CASH (First Line Loroe Black Tys 20 WORD, CASH (First Line and Name Siack fo WORD, CASH (Small Type) (No Ad Less 7 AT LIBERTY—FROM APRIL 1, I AM EXFigure at One Rate Oniy—See Note Be perienced clarinetist, for band and orchestra ‘ ‘ routine; aslo play @ fiat clarinet. Address Aerialists, After July = CLARINETIST, 505 North Dearborn, C — Yesne, sefiace lady and gentleman aerial gymnastics o onr stuff. Ih tion. Photos, M, P LANCKTON, Perr AT LIBERTY—TRUMPET PLAYER, DANCE | York. or Theater. Experienced. Un tf BOX 238, —-A “ B Flat instrument only. Address » care Billboard, Cincinnati. apr3 | Aeroplane and Balloon Acts— ————$$—_—____— — | Now booking season 1924 5 oe the world’s er tee te feaper AT LIBERTY—TRUMPET. UNION. TEN) Devil Joe, the w d's great soa fren years’ experience in vaudeville, pictures, con| U0'og iple to lo para J bbe aand cert. Satisfaction guaranteed. WALTER A n Also ong, ¢ lady Aeronaut MULLINS, 102 High St., Fairmont, West Vir-]c'u" po Boge : S . eatnene ane ginia. marae ls us, Can fare’ nds of death-defying »poplane write your wants and BANJO ARTIST—VAUDEVILLE AND oR-|" eo we a. nae chestra work. Eastern States only. AL VI oTOn M PISLER, 608 24th St., MilwauSANGUINET, 381 Irving St., Worcester, Mass. E—Cou v werd Alse Combined initiais an@ Numbers in Copy. Figure Tetal at One Rate Onty. NOTS—tomt Awd he cmeti ADS, PLEASE MENTION THE BILLBOARD. kee, Wise “(Continued on Page 192) |