The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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D1 T ca MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboara i 193 > Minstrels, Musical Comedies, Complete catalogue, four Bldg, San aprs AMAT EUR PLAYS, Comle Songs. uANNER, 308 Book Concern California, BLIND SINGERS, Crippled Soldiers or anyone worksic prope —. write postcard for bis Dr 4 or Ter rheatre planists send postage, 2c, * Intermezzo os bargain offers. UBBAND. is Ave., Riverside, California, mar22 OAMATIC SKETCH for two people, lee, $5.00; ace Acts, $1.00 each, Lat scripts for eale or exchange. CHAS. McDON ALD, Paris, Texas. usLeole® WRITTEN ‘nd arranged in any style; script typed and ready for put blisher, vert, ) prompt service and reasonable terms, Rete required. AUGUST HALTER, 4169 Bills lllinols. cn Ave., Chicago, SCRIPTS, Tabs, Musical Comedies, Dramas, Comie Mosvologues, Openiags, Acts. PLAYS, city I Hall Ave., San Francisco, California. aprS SELL my SONG. “Tis Your Mother's Heart That's Send lde for mples and prices, J 2061 Boudinct, Philadelphia, Pa. aprd Yea P. u GAN, SoLILOQUY oF A DOPE FIEND, $1. «es written to order, stampe i pe lope. HENRY an e., Chicago, Illinois, “TOBY AND THE FLAPPER”, play with cs yet -tire comedy; also Spa e . ov in Chinatown”, ecre The "Girl and the Waid”, Skits, PlayFor rates encloee MERZ, 3949 N, Ashland mar22 brand-new Toby “The Romance of “The Indian's “Girl of the W ss Pines’ avd other real sure@ire melo‘ ss. Cast 5-3, 4-2 or 3-2. Great for ‘“‘oner’, stock or tent shows. Free list for stamp. Wool ‘nb PLAY CO., Perrysburg, @hio. HEARTS OF THE MOUNTAINS. $15.00 per se $3.00 each. Cite mar22 four-act comedy Three Toby Comedies, NALD, Paris, | Tete. AGENTS AND SOLICITORS WANTED So WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25a Jo WORD, CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE, Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. A Permanent Agency Offered each district for ‘‘Why Worry’’, guaranteed Stain Removers (two numbers). Instant magic-like demonstrations make sale nearly every call. Removes Rust, Iodine, Blood, Perspiration, Paint, Indelible Pencil, ete. None like “Why Worry’ for Canvassers, Streetmen, etc. OS0c sellers, Send 50c for samples, both numbers. Fast sales. Big repeat. Big profits. SCIENTIFIC FORMULAS CO., 7243 East Lafayette, Detroit, Michigan, x Agents — Anyone Around Amusement Parks, Beaches, Fairs, can make money and enjoy a good time with our proposition. Send 10c for sample. ALIZA, 27 Warren St.. New York. Agents—Jamaica Ginger Ex tract, Also Vanifta and Lemon Extracts: ab solutely pure. Bargains. COLUMBIA EXTRACTS, 18 Columbia Heights, Brooklyg, New aprd Agents—400% on 25c Article. Sight selr. KLINGSTEIN COMPANY, Caxton, Chicago. : Agents — Novelty Knife, the most perfect pocket knife ever ivented. SOc value. Samples, 25e. JOHN BARRY, 1006 Gibbon St., tsburg, Pennsylvania. Agents—Our Gold-Eyed Needle _ Cases are wonderful sellers. Immense profits; $50 to $300 weekly. Proof and particulars free arll Sample outfit, I5e; factory prices. PATY NEEDLE CO., 108 Davis Sq., Somerville, Mass, apro Agents—Positive Money Mak er. Easy to sell a hundred or more a day. 200 to 500% profit on each, Every customer buys one to a dozen or more, Sales guaranteed Big repeater. Samples free. TRIUNE, 20 East lith Street, New York. Agents—Sell Home Patch Rite. 100% te 200% profit, Saves time mending hosiery, shirts, clothing and all fabrics. Trans = nt and comes tn large tube, Selis for Mie HOME PATCH RITE DIS. McKeesport, Pa. mar2o Agents—Sell Pearl Necklaces all year ‘round. Everybody wants one. Write for rock-bottom prices on indestructible, opal escent pearl necklaces. STAR IMPORT COMPANY, 63 Second Ave., New York mar2o Acents—$5 an How’. Sell As tor Silk and Enit Neck Finest line ever sold wearer tlrough agents, “ASTOR NECKWi AR CO., 318A Broadway, New York. Agents, Be Independent. Sell & 25¢ article en the street. Costs only 2e to mal Partieulara free, E. . FISHER, I ort, Washington, h and iron, TRIBUTING co., Avents, Demonstrators, Mail Order Dealers—The three best Novelties on the market. Samples, 25¢ stamps. BAUERLE (D Dt KR), 434 East 187g St.. New York. Agents, Streetmen, Hustlers. ernhardt Pearle are wonderful flash, Enrroved) guarantee marked $25.00 with every String Our low prices will wargriee you. In re ces. @-inch opalescent and indestructible, atin lined case, Sample, $2.50. UNITED SAL mS SYSTEM, 309 Sheffield Ave., Brooklyn, Sew York Agents’ Harvest! See-Well Windshield Cloth, works like magic. Positive protection for motorists, motormen and engineers, Makes driving safe in stormy weather, Keeps entire windshield absolutely clear. Rain actually bounces off the glass. Big profits. No free emote. Full size cloth propels, 50 cents rite for agents’ terms, Ss. & W. MANUFACTURING co., Ave., 8. E., Grand Rapids, Mich. Agents, Greatest Money-Making opportunity. Russell's Razor Sharpener, for particulars and tube. $6.00 per gross Sells $25.00 hundreg. H. W. RUSSELL, Dowagiac, Michgian. 403 Diamond 7, Make $3 to $7 on Each Sale— Taking orders guaranteed ofstom-made Rain coats. Profit in advance. ORLD RAINCOAT COMPANY, 659 J. Morris Park Ave., New York, mar29 Medicine Men, Here It Is! You ean give a spectacular demonstration with our new Effervescent Planet Stomach Tablets and a giass of water held to the light. An instant relief for dyspepsia, indigestion, sour stomach, gas belching. 75% of the people have it. Enormous sales, big profits. Write for samples and special@prices. Address PLANET PRODUCTS CO., 13535 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Michigan. Agents—Magic Ink Powder makes two ornces of ink, engraves on steel in your own handwrit§ng. Sells at 50c. Sefd one dollar for dozen. Samples, 23¢. JOHN BARRY, 1006 Gibbon St., Pittsburg, Pa. Agents, Streetmen, Hustlers, why be withont a trade booklet? Just out; learn 15 auto body shop trades with pay: good proposition; samples, 5c. SELFTRAINING | SYSTEM, Box 43, Milwaukee Jct., Detroit, Michigan, mar22 Agents Doing Good Every where selling Rain Bow Rug Cleaner. Put up in one dollar flashy boxes. Every house wife a buyer. Samples, 25¢ coin; full particu| lars, B. E, SPECIALTY CQ., 2102 Ave. G So., Birmingham, Alabama. mar22 Earn Big Money Fast Apply. ing Gold Initials to Autos, Every owner buys. $1.35 profit on $1.50 sale, Particulars and | samples free. Write quick. LITHOGRAM 00. Dept. 10, East Orange, New Jersey. Earn Big Money With Our) rapid-selling Glass Kitchen Knife. Never) stains, never dulls. Sample, 50c¢ (no stamps). tefunded on first order. WINCHESTER S. CO., Box 431, Baffalo, New York European Money for Give Away Advertising Purposes. Wholesale quotations free. HIRSCHNOTE, 70 Wall St., New York. Gold Mine for Salesmen—New | invention, a complete outfit washes and dries windows, sweeps, scrubs, mops, etc. Costs less than brooms, Over 100% profit. Greatest year round selle® Write HARPER BRUSE WO" 'S, 105 2nd St., Fairfield, Iowa ar2d German Marks Sensational sellers, Send 40¢ for sample. J. ROTTMAN & CO., 192 Sth St., Milwaukee, Wisconsin Hair Tonic in Powder Form. Add water and boftle. Labels , ~ Money maker for agents. 0, BUCK Box 383, Madison Square Station, New apro Handsome Engine Turned Soft Shirt Cuff Links or Waldemar Knife, 1-10°12K. solid gold. Choi $1.00 Worth _ donble Cash with order. ROME SPECIALTY COM PANY, North Attleboro, Massachusetts High-Class Repeat Sales Prop osition — Acid-light-water-proof Royal Blue Black. Only ink in the world absolute insurance against check raising. Perfect fountain pen ink. very business and office buys on Semenerratiay 300% profit. Sample quart, Tc, postpaid. Gieranteed satisfactory or money refunded. OSKAR KORN, Importer, 2730 Federal St., El Paso, Texas. * Hurry! Be First in Your Territory to introduce Ruzzell’s ‘‘Four-in-One"’ Combination Bubbler, \Bottle Washer, Filter and No-Splash. Sells $2.50, costs $1.25. BUZZELL, 25 Cawker Building, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Import Your Own Goods—The big German export and import magazine “Tebersee-Post”, 122 pages, printed In English Contains over o 000 display advertisements, names and addresses of German and other foreign expetters, offering goods of all descriptions from large machinéry to the smallest article manufactured. Sample copy, 50 cents. No checks. JAS. CHRISTENSEN, Lock Box 824. Safi Francisco, California, mar22 Improved Made Toys—Want ed. Manufacturers and Houseworkers to Mannfacture Metal Toys and Novelties, Wonde. ful opportunity. Millions needed. In Whisfling Birds. Wild Animals, Wag-Tall Pups, Crowing Roosters, Automobifes, Baseball Players, Statue of Liberty, Indians, Toy Soldiers, Barking Dogs and 5O others. No experience or tools necessary Guaranteed casting forms with complete outfit at cost, From $3.50 up. We buy goods all year, Cash on delivery. Higher price for finished goods Contract orders placed. Send for catalog and information. free, THE IMPROVED METAL CASTING CO., 342 East 145th St.,. New York. x No Kink Takes the Kink Out of colored people's hair, Puts ki nky, knotty, bushy, wiry hair in tag ght live, ett, glossy bane My Gna mw Agents wanted. Write STERLING CHEMICAL co.,. New Salisbury, Indiana. Moneymaking Books, Plans, Formulas. Catalog free. “IDEAL’’, 5503 North Robey, Chicago. Novelty Oil Paintings. Sell big. Profits big. Field new. Great for solicitors, streetmen, fairs, carnivals, tourist trade, etc. Write for price list. ENTERPRISE, 34944 19th St.. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Portrait Men—Why Not Pasco Portraits? They cost you nothing if you don’t deliver. Catalog free. PORTRAIT AGENTS SUPPLY CO., Dept. E, Laporte, Ind. apr5 A BUSPNESS OF YOUR OWN—Make Sparkling Glass Name and Number Plates, Medallions, Checkerboards, Signs. Big illustrated free. PALMER, 501, Wooster, Ohio. “A PHYSICIAN IN THE wouse”, oes illus New York. AGENTS—Best seller. Jem Rubber Repair for tires and tubes; supersedes vulcanization at a saving of over 800 per cent. Put it on cold; it vulcanizeg itself in two minutes amd fs guaranteed to last the life of the tire or tube. Sells to every auto owner and accessory desler. For particulars how to mgke big money and free samples, address AMAZON RUBBER CO., Dept 706, Philadelphia, @emnsylvania. mar20z AGENTS—A line of Rubber Goods will find cus tomers sy ng and assure you $60 to $100 weekly, Write for free agents’ proposition. AMERICAN RU * BER PRODUCTS CC., Dept. 312, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, mar29 AGENTSInquire about “Sheik Lure’, the new pasce perfume. Many other novelties. Send for rticulars. Write POPULAR NOVELTY innyside Ave.. Chicago. ag ne ~~ big money selling Nutt pe ‘Soap Specialists — Honestly Medicated Soap. COLUMBIA LABORATO | RIES, 18 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N. Y. , apr ‘‘That’s the Best Stunt I Ever Saw’. Is what most people say the first. time they see Lightning Polishing Waste or Cloth demonstrated. No wonder a live agent makes a clean up at 100% to 150% profit on each sale. Write today for full particulars. Gur free samples wil! prove it. LIGHTNING PRODUCTS CORPORATION, 1773 Greenleaf Ave., Chicago, mar29x The Agent’s Guide — Tells where to buy almost everything. Copy, 30c. > in Maes PUBLISHER, 1400 Broadway, New York. The Buyers’ Guide Tells Where to buy everything. Hundreds of listings, ; ; ivertising Toil So Combination. : ‘Representative Wanted in| Ailing Tlic Soap Combination. ots aae | each town. Splendid opportunity. LABWrite quick. INDIANAPOLIS SOAP CO., Indian, ORATORIES, Box 183 Nashville, Tennessee. | *Pelis Indiana. AGENTS—"Utility Cleaner” for carpets, rugs, upRummage Sales Make $50 hols stery. | ete is *e~ ne oe ~) necesdaily. We start you. Representatives wanied Wonderful pp. Write aulck PB. bey ———— business. ‘‘CLIFCROS’, tieulars, UTILITY MERCANTILE CO., Indianapolis, ) om i1dlana, eo _ my _ Chocolate Covered Fruit Cream l0c, silver. “14a9 Walnut St., Particulars free, J. Ilarrisburg, Pa. rs. mples, Ba Dz JOHNSON, AGENTS Sel Ironing Board Covers. Something new. Going like hot cakes. Make $9 daily easily. Face ory prices. Write PELLETIER COVER CO., 542 W. a, Chicago. z AGENTS—Big money Seads with beautiful lined _ 2 % on $2 all NOVELTY SHOP, selling Indestructible Pearl sterling silver safety catch, Sample, $2.25; duzen lots, c. D. orders. BRAZEX’S 17161 Burt Ave., Detroit, Mich. AGENTS—Sell great Toy Airship, inflates lke real one. Size, 5x30 inches. Send 30¢ coin for sample end terms. YORTON MFG. CO., B-373, Syracuse, x New York. AGENTS—TFiousehold Spectalties, all preven sellers. Attractive prices. WEST PAKK SPECIALTY CO., 5541 Jefferson St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. AGENTS—$6.00 per day. Sale every house. > free. MODERN N SPECIALTY co., St Louis, -ma AGENTS—Over 100% commission. Experience un Just_ printed. Copy sent sealed for $1.00. 1° necessary. 18 guaranteed Hosiery and Neckwear UNITED PUBLISHING CO., Box 74, Madison Styles. Write for free samples. S$. Q 8S. COMSquare Station, New York. PANY, Dept. 1195, Lexington, Kentucky. mar29x ; AGENTS—Specializing om Toilet Preparations. 150 The Master Key Ring. A Nov| eet seers cia dar dios elty made in U. S. A. (or America). Strong est and most practicable ever made. Sample dozen, 50c. Single, 10¢c. JOS. ALEXANDER, 41 East 21, New York. Three Hundred Dollars a Week easy. Winslow Cabot Giant Thermometors, eighteen by seventy-four inches, fourteen advertising spaces, sell for hundred and eighty-four dollars. One costs you forty dollars, three for ninety. Place two a week easy. Guaranteed condition A-1. Half cash, balance C. O D. J J. TELLINGTON, Box 33, Berlin, N. H. oe, Wonderful Invention Elimi nates all needles for phonographs. New, different. Lasts for years. Preserves records 12,000,000 prospects; $15 to $30 daily easy. Carry day's supply in pocket. EVERPLAY. Desk 1-C MeClurg Bldég., Chicago. aprox You Can Easily Make $60 weekly selling new, popular Perfes Fibre Breom. Outlasts four ordinary brooms. 100% profit. Get Agent's Special Introductory Offer PERFEX PRODUCTS CO., 145-G, New Jersey Ave., Brooklyn, New York. x $25$40 Weekly Spare Time easily made under tested agency plan, appointing newsdealers to handle our well-known publiedtiens—Saturday Blade, Illustrated Story Weekly, Lone Scout, Takes only few minutes to secure trial order. One or two dealers each locality. Address NEWSDEALER DEPT., D. BOYCE CO., 509 N. Dearborn St., Chicago. $31.00 Profit—Cost $1.50 for complete Gold Monogramfning Outfit. Transferred instantly on Automobiles, Luggage, Windows, Wagons, Experience unnecessary. Free Samples. NULIFE (EE) MONOGRAM, Hart ford, Connecticut. $60-$200 Week. Appoint Sub Agents, 20% comm. Guaranteed genuine gold letters for store windows. Easily applied. METALLIC LETTER CO., 442 N. Clark, Chicago, $150.00 Weekly. Quit Tobacco Guaranteed treatment and formula $1.00. Wonderful mail order and sales prepo sition. Be your own boss, WILLIAMS SALES SERVICE, Clinton, Iowa. easy. Tollet Soaps. COLONIAL CHEMICAL CO., 631 Penn Ave. Pittsburgh, Penfsylvania. mar22 AGENTS—Homes, stores, offices, everybody buy Mexican Fiber Brooms. GILPIN iN BRUSH —_ Bridgeport. linois. AGENTS to secure subscriptions for a high-class Agricultural publication. Attractive terms. D. C., care Billboard, Chicago. mar29 AGENTS—The most profitable article on the market, Prize Medal Needlebooks. Write for prices. JOHNSON, H-54128 Wells, Chicago. AGENTS—Test $1.00 seller out. Big demand. Wonderful repeater 400% profit. Samy terms, and 12e. TONELAX LABORATORIES, 2343 West 19th St., Chicago. AGENTS—Don’t canvass without leaving a circular explaining what you sell, with your name and address, It means lots of majl order business. 500, size 4x5, $1.50. Not over 50 words. PAT REEVES. 2424 Maplewood Ave., Cincinnati. AGENTS—A whirlwind seller having honest value: 25 Photos, any copy, on 25 Post Cards, Tic. Fifty for $1. Regular $10 dozen 6x9 Folder Photos. black or sepia, any copy. $3.50 dozen. JOHN PARKER Photographer, Lynchburg, Ohio. AGENTS—Se!! Shoppin 00 doz; sample, 35c. f New York. 3-1 Bags, Ford GOLDSTEIN, Rubber, 27 B. oo 4th St., AGENTS—Our Soap and Toilet Article plan is a wonder. Get our free sample case offer. HC-RO-CO., 2704 Dodier, St. Louis. mar29x AGENTS—Make and sell own goods. Guaranteed money-maker, casting Ie, sells 25c Particulars free. ELECTRO CO., B, Quincy, Iilinols. AGENTS BARS, — ron | handling Auto Monogtams, New ul WwW Letters, Transfer Flags, Novel $ ~ Cata free HINTON CO., 11 Chica AGENTS. STREET r MEN LOOK !—500% idy repeater 3 es and particulars, ue. c. t. LOV ELACE, 732° ®. Yutaw, Baltimore, Md. AGENTS. Street and Fair wi s—Aldo B and Trouser Clip, ! 3s belt in fx » on tr fine display « Send 25¢ for sample 4 prices. Distritruters w choose your State. Al! sDO SPECIALTY CO., | 3457 al ana Ave., © ago, Illi en agents. Sraeareee. HUST! ERS!—Sampl es and severa nderfully pr t ons. PRODUCTS, So Washi . ¢ UN TY Y SEEKERS—I have somea. _— | every one of you. Cost hing to interes 50e to make: Repeat orders. Sample and full per! I DeSOUZA, 82 Potomska St ? New r i. Massachusetts. NOTE—Count All Werds, Also Combined Initials and Numbers ie Copy. IN ANSWERING CLASSIFIED ADS, PLEASE MENTION THE BILLBOARD. Figure Tetal at One Rate Only. (Continued on page 194) trated cloth book. Sells at sight for Sample, $1.00, postpaid, MAX STEIN PUB. HOUSE, 508 South State St., Chicago, Illinois. mar29 A PITCHMAN’S SPIEL, $1.00. wy worth hundred. SOLDER CO., 127% South Street, Birmingham, Alabama. mar22 A RARE OPPORTUNiITY—Men and women make $15 to $30 daily; article costs 5c, sells quickly for’ $1; write quick. A. THOMAS, 1341 West, Buffalo, ye ee