The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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an 194 The Billboara | MARCH 22, 1924 _ AGENTS—Best plan; nothing to sell. Particulars free. FORMULA SUPPLY CO., Box 754, Dept. © man JONG DEALERS, walle up. Send $1 for com| TRICKS—Six fast sellers. Sample of each, 25c. | A PIT SHOW—Two big Grizzled Porcupines, “Spiel” plete set and proposition. RANDALL SPECIALTY Lists free. CAESAR SUPPLIES, 3 W. Huron 8&t., lecture, directions for feed and care. A comple 21, Lawrenceville, Ilinois. mar22 | oo 408% Massachusetts Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Chicago. show, only om FLINT, North Waterford, Maine ~ mar29 AGENTS—Sell our $1.00 Package Indian Herbs and Iran €omp. (Spring Blood Purifier). A great ‘‘repeater’’, $1.50 dozen. FINLEY MED, CO., 4151 Ol ive, St. Louis, Mo. mar29 AGENTS-—-New 50c¢ article which is knockout. No door bells to pull; requires no selling experience; every demonstration a sale: has not been worked by ugents; ticulars free. REX SPECIALTY, 514 N. 1otth, Phil ade Iphis, a, Pennsylvania. AGENTS—S: ep on Hew boys! 100% profits selling up-to-date Emblematic Belts and other novelties to lodge ‘members. Start right now. BLEMATI BELT CO., Dept. F, Ashland, Ohio, AGENTS—We will atart you in business furnishing complete plan and first stock for 35 cents. Don’t miss this big money. Write today. PINOLA MEDICINE CO., Box 188-B, Ft. Seott, ee apr AGENTS—New. clever jnvention. 50¢ Mechanical Pencil, Fastest seller. Send 25¢ for sample and big profit plan. UNIVERSAL NOVELTY CO., 5036 Michigan Ave., Chic "ABO, Illinois, AGENTS—Sell_ Silverware. You take the orders and collect deposit. We deliver 26-piece dinmer set to customer C. C. D. for balance. Your commission, $3.00 each sale. Write for par ticulars. STAN SILVER COMPANY, 15 Maiden Lane, New York. AGENTS—Make more ther 100% ‘and an average of $50 to £60 a week s..h our full line of Drug Sundries, etc. VERNET SALES COMPANY, Phoenix ville, Pennsylvania, AGENTS call ing on Drug, Confectionery and Poot Halls, we have an _ exceptional money-making opportunity. VERNET SALES COMPANY, 157 Jackson Avenue, Phoenixville, Pennsylvania. AGENTS—$60.00 weekly selling newest sensation. Leather Link Belts going over big. Easy, quick sellers. Big profits. Write quick, VICTORY BELT CO., 1774 Wilson, Chicago. AGENTS, DEALERS AND TRUST SCHEMERS— Cash in quick profits handling our new Self-Threading Need-es Big g berzam Needle Assortments and Aluminum Thimblez. Sample and price list 115 free. FRANCIS J, GODOY. Box 266, City Hall Station, New York. Established 1882. aprl9 AGENTS, DEMONSTRATORS—Shu Creme (in tubes) Cleans. polishes, waterprocfs any color of leather. “The Shine You Can't Walk Off’. Not a fake, but @ guaranteed product being sold by highest class stores. Advertised by direct selling only. Your MAKE BIG MONEY—Spare or full time. No capital] WANTED—Men and Women to demonstrate and take or experience required, New, wonderful product, orders for Presto Pad Self-Warming Hot Bags;| BADGERS—Wild, $8.00; tame, $12.50. Prairie Dose, Old Master Automobile Enamel Outfit. Paint car] carry in pocket or use in home. $15 to $20 a day Kangaroo Rats and Snakes in May. LEM LAIKD, today; drive — rrow. Becutiful, durable, factory| Profit for sou; your commission $1 on each order, | Harper, Kansas. like Iuster. lusive territory. Free test sample. so in advance. We deliver atid collect. PRESTO AKRON PAINT P RODUCTS CO., Dept. 67, Akron, | PAD CO., D303 W, Chicago Ave., Chicago, Mlinois. Ohio, ma BEAR, Rocky Mountain grizzly; weighs around 450 mar2 pounds, six years old. Price, with cage, $150.00. : —— : Address H. 8 ANDERSON, 35 Concord Ave., BelBAKE EASY MONEY Etching Names or Design WANTED—Capable Agent to handié successfal Crystal mont, Massachusetts. ? ap in Tools, Saws, Knives, Razors, ete., with a oon a Attraction a Cincinnati and vicinity. stamp hy aye ’s Simple Etchiig Process. Particulars. ust know Cincy and the business. A om roposiMme § KENT, 151 McCoppin St., San Franeiseo, Calif. || | Won. Tell all for appointment. NELSO ‘TERar FOR SALE feet Siberian Female Samet ans mar22| PRISES, 301 Linwood, Columbus, Ohio NHL JONBR Kaaba Temple, Davenport, lowa. x MANUFACTURED BIRD PARADISE FEATHERS— | we START YOU without a dollar, \ ' Soaps, Extracts, 2.00 d Non Complete birds, $5.00. Hustlers make big money Perfumes ‘ 590 ° rac’s+ | CANARIES—Grand lot, $12.00 dozen. None better with these. MILLER, 526 Main. Norfolk, Virginia CANNATION oo" A = sn vn unnecessary. Better «than most. Bird Cages, larcest selections, atime — ae s mar29 lone prices. pps aipaeta. A, ory thou$ sands, Ask your bank about us. Birds, Dogs, Pets qo neste (Po wana Ee bs mak 40 or YAMATO BLOCK PUZZLE—New novelty; instructive, | and Supplies of every description, wholesale and redollar bottles excellent Tonie (water sovution). Labels | py, vucational and entertaining. 25c. Agents wanted. | tail. Free eatalog. Save time, money aad trouble free. GILMAN, Box 170, Flint ies. arog | LOMESTIC, DISTRIBUTING .CO., Box 1329, San] Trade here. Immediate shipments. We supply Amerree. HLMAN, Db VU, SUNG 2 S: uate | Francisco, California. ‘ ica’s largest carnivals, thousands of pr'vate homes, ’ : 4 “ap hundreds of dealers. Yeart of actual, net imaginary, _—s s get of Se. i Be inand oe YOU CAN MAKE $75.00 to $100.00 a week selling | experience. Largest in Missouri or the South. NApl lete tine; pad ay D heme, Fre cs amples. CHioiey — aa 150 articles, used constantly in | TIONAL “PET SHOP, 2335-2336-2337-2338 Olive St. s ry i s . CAGO SHIRT MANUFACTURER 241 W. Van > ome. rite us, we will send you our hand| St. Louis, Missouri. | some $15.00 sample case outfit on trust. FEDERAL Buren, Factory 201, Chicago. PURE FCOD CO., Dept. M, Chicago, — | CANARIES—Guaranteed singers: females for breed: . ing; Cages aid Supplies. CHASM BIRD DEALER, ol ong te Oe be el $10 DAILY silvering enters ts, Plating and refinishing } Oregon, Illinois. ‘id mary “ wma shers ~ zi —s lamps, reflectors, autos, beds, chandeliers by new ois Lake Bt as re — HANSON MFG. CO.,/ method.’ Outfits furnished. Write GUNMETAL CO.,| ELK, FEMALE, FOR SALE—-Ecealthy and gentle. 8945 St., Chicago, Ave. G, Decatur, Llinois. mar29} COLUMBIA PARK, A. W. Clemens, Supt., La NEW WONDERFUL SELLER—96c profit every Collar] $95.00 DAILY PROFITS in the Rummane and Used |e: indiana. a ee A RJ a eae fy bm Rin —— ess. ee erience unnecessary. We} FOR SALE~Trained Dozs and Troupe of Doves and Halsted St., Chicago, Ilinois. mar29 cage, Yitnete. SCLOC 2043 ms Lake St., ar eens ready for work, HARRY SMITH, Grata, wim. The Tinypes come, $ Proposition is the ber$6.00 A DAY EASY sejlinie Link-on (patented rob. FOR SALE OR LEASE—Bird Act, all ready to opens you simply write ‘em up. Instruction book tells how. berless) Garters. New prize premium plan; ticket also Trained Monieys, Dogs, Cats. Lot of fine , t . a with each pair; makes sure, quick seller. Nothing | Props and Cages. Come see at PAMAHASIKA’S ge a agg rg Bh agg secon like it before. Send «quarter for ~ Dest, Drettlet HEADQUARTERS. “232° Ne W’ St., PhiladelSamples free. PICTURE MAN FRIEDMAN, Dept, | 2/5 ever. Mancy-back plan. Big nit with necktle, | phia, Pa.; Geo, E. Roberts, Manager. §, streetmen. JACOBS BROTHERS, 157 New York, ‘aprl2 | LIVE ALLIGATORS—Can furnish any size, any amount, at any time. Don’t forget when framing B, 541 Lake St., Chicago. mar22x az Mh Ave., PITCHMEN—Here is your chance to eash in. We ail G Nel $10. 00 Batty easily made selling Needle Cases. Reyour ‘show or patk for the i sor etal 7 3 >olish, fi 0 com season to Ph Rigg an od ~ onl aggag = Ppp my Teg i" Send l0c for samp-e. VALLEY MAIL ite me for prices. Still putting out Pit Shows, samples of all kinds, M. CITKON, 1324 H home onbeR ‘HOUSE, Wilmerding, Pennsylvania. x | $10.00 up; all stock fine condition. Can save you t., Chicago, 29s REESE ere —money on extress charges out of here. THB 4-WHEEL BRAKES for Dodse, Chevrolet and Fords | FLORIDA ALL’GATOR FARM, South ‘ Jacksonville, POLMET POLISHING CLOTH removes tarnish from McNERNY PRODUCTS CORPORATION, 796 Gold| Florida, (Alligator Joe Campbell's place.) apri2 all metals without the use of liguid, peste or powen Gate Ave., San Francisco, California. aprldx der. Gur azents say it sells like “hot cakes’, One CANARIES AND CAGES—Fer immediate shipment. agent reported 361 sold in one week. Retails 25e;]!00 FAST SELLERS for Agents and Derlers. LitWe can supply Carnival and Sales Board Men, sample free. A. H. GALE CO., 15 Edinboro § erature free. THOMPSON PUBLASHING CO., | Tight stuff, risht prices. Packed right, shipped right. Boston, Massachusetts. mar22 | Cincinnati, Ohio. Immediate shipment. No waits, mo delays, no disappointments. Save time, trouble and money. Ask the pare 4 920% 08.97. SELL INDIAN HERBS. Send $2.00 for dozen boxes| 300% PROFIT selling handiest Razor made. Send| 36 Olive St, St Lois, SMisourk possibilities unlimited. HARRY H. GRAHAM & Wimolife Indizn CHAS, McDONALD, Okn éap , 3 . 38 Olive St., St. Louls, Missouri. ae en oa Bldg., | Paris, Texas. eS ee marzo LIVE OSTRICHCS—Have some young birds for sale: eveland, . cs— ‘ $0 some miles old enou~h to rid Book orders AMAZING EUROPEAN INVENTION—Needles you for spring deivery TUE FLORi ‘Da OSTRICH don’t have to thread. Just slip cotton over eye and sew. Sensational seller. Everybody wants them. Write for special prices. Sample free, Full package, 10 cents. DAVID SELIGMAN, 5 Hegeman Aveé., Rrooklyn, New York, BE OUR HERB AGENT—More than 100 different Herb Medicines mixed ready for use. 96-page Hérb . Book with orer 100 formules of Herb Medicines, with particulars, for 25 cents stamps. HOOSIER HERB CO., 211 Holliday Bidg., Indianapolis, Indiana. BIG DEMAND irsures big seles and big profits for you om the fastest, easiest staple sellers known. Pure Bonded Aspirin Tablets. Salesmen, Agents and Crew Managers, it’s ope of the greatest selling propositions on earth. Attractive counter display cards eel) to merchants. Depending on energy aid ability you should thousand dollars monthly. If you want to get into this most profitable of all lines, send $2.50 for a $9.00 sampe, which will put before you the biggest seller on the market and will better acquaint you with a real proposition. —— PARADISE SALES CO., Box 633, Willard, io. GAN YOU SELL to Colored People? Write BECKER CHEMICAL CO., St. Louis, Mo. CANVASSERS—Sell a new Tool to users of camned milk. Opens esn in one second. Pour out what you want, put back on can. Seals air-tight. Sample, ise. MULLANE STAMPING WORKS, Dept. B, 1522 15th St., Moline, Illinois, ; CARD SIGNS for every business. Big profits for agents. Sam #.. l0c. SIGNS, 810 St. Louis, New Orleans. apr5 CLOTHING ,PATCHING CEMENT, $9 gross, 350 Oc. Cireulars free. LOUIS IRONS, Terre Hau EARN $10 DAILY Silvering Mirrors, os Refinishing Metclware, Headligt hte, a deliers, Stoves, Tableware, Bedsteads. Jutfits ished, — DECIE LABORATORIES, 1133 oo way, New Y mgr29x GERMAN MARKS—Retalling at wholesale prices Gusranteed Genu Reichsbank Issue. The 100,000 German Mark N« $5.00 per thousand; 70 cents per hundred; 106,000 "Mark Note, $1.00 per hundred $19.00 2 9 yusand (100 of 50.000, Tic); (160 of 509,000 $1.5 Semples, 20 cents, dimes. RICHARD JOHNS, 156 W. 64th St.. New York City. GET OUR FREE SAMPLE CASE—Toilct Articles, Perfumes and Specialties. Wonderfuliy profitable. LA DERMA CO., Dept. RK, St. Louis. mar29 GOLD LEAF SIGN LETTERS—Make and sell. Profits exceed 1,000%. Particulars free. B. JOHNSTON CO., Quincy, Illinois. HERE'S A SNAP—Sheep Leather 3-Pocket Bill Fold. In¢ludes identification card, 1924 calendar and other | fe tures. $2.50 per dozen; $26 gross; sample, 25c. FANTUS BBOS., 1329 South Oakley, Chicago. mar22 HERE. 1€ THEY ARE! Fifty fast sellers. EverytJy needs d buys. Fifty dcllars M4 easily made. “RU BBEB 528, Pittsburgh, Pa. bh. & G. CO., Dept. JAzZ BUTTONS—Latest novelty, selling like wildfe. Big sales: thousands sold. $1.00 dozen; samvie, Iba GUSTAT SALES CO., Chelsea, Mass. LIVE-WIRE Subscription Managers and Agents for new magazine, news stands, house-to-house Canvass aud subscriptions; good stories and beautiful cover lesign. Address THD PRISONER MAGAZINE, Ediyville, Kentucky. LODG xe MEMBER AGENTS WANTED for Fielding’s Engraved Charts. Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights Pythias. STANLEY, 460 Cornhill, Boston, Massachusetts. MAG'c IUMPING CAT. Bumble Bee Hummer. Partiewlas ice. LAFE STINE, Roseville, Obio, FARM, South Jackzonville, Florida. aprl2 MALE SPHINX BABOON and Female Java Monkey Both healthy and broke to ha First $200.00 | AVOID “THE LAWS’ DELAYS"! . {|e niffa ivets. et ; LEARN TO ARBITRATE! USINESS DIFFERENCES can now be legally and effectively S| settled by arbitration. The laws of the State of New York pro= | vide the means. Litigation is costly and timeconsuming. Under 5 j ee ue SPS. Fete ont Menem 6 — pay the law the disputants may select their own arbitrator, whose deBg | Ostrichesy Snake Birds, Wood Ibis, Gteat Blue Heron, cision is as final and binding as that of a court of lawg For full in@| American Earet. Sand Hill Cranes, Brown Pelican, P ‘0 . ar a | Fish Hawks, Night Heron, Little « Green Heron, formation regarding the — Tribunal of Justice” or “Court of Arbi% Louisiana White Hergn. Loulsiana Brown Herer nd tration”, eae ~~ or wr | many others. Live Alligators, all sizes. OSTRICK ARBITRATION SOCIETY OF AMERICA, et ee bce Thal oy 115 Broadway, New York City. Rector 9180. A OFFER—Immediate delivery: Smakes, $15.00 dens . Sf | «and up; Peccaries, $15.00 to £25.00; Ocelots, $25.00 Bf to $35.00; Lynx, $15.00 to $25.00; Badgers, $7.50; ' Coons, $7.50; Foxes, $7.50; Arm dillos, $4.00 each; Caracara *‘Eacies, $15.00; Mexican Eagles, $15.00; Mac. ws, $25.00; Yellow Head Parrots, $7.50; Red lleads, £5.04 ‘and numerous other pit show at vA MONKEY MERRY-GO-ROUND CATE, 9x95, with 3 Ridfng Horses and Hotel De Mork, M ‘ors, Six | Monkeys, $250.00. A wonderful drawing show. Hols = 'the crowds. Hurry for this snap. DETROIT BIRD STORE, Detroit, Michigan. tractions, KE KING, Brownsville, Texas, “SALVAGE CLOTHING SALES"—Make enormous —— ——— ee ntatives ee tint —_ ANIMALS, BIRDS AND PETS — omen. New Shoes, 4c; Overcoats. pe; Hats. 0c] 4 WORD, CASH. NO ADY, LESS PARROTS, Dogs, Canaries, Monkeys, etc. We make YY ~ VAG SALE s . . . qeosk °s So. viials ted, Chicago. ze DaUARTERS. 6c WORD, CASH. ATTRACTIVE Pint LINE. hind ‘wa ™ a hie —_ class Birds and Animals of all Fizsure at One Rato Only—See Nete Below. Remedies and Supplies eds, PLeGGE’S “PET SHOP, 5171 Easton Ave., St. Louis, SELF. THREADING | NEEDLES, Needle Books, Ma: . : chine Needies—Find sales in every home Fv e| Animal Freaks and Birds Alive | Msscu". coats sid s, d, t rofits. Semple anc catalogue “tree. LEH BROTHERS, “113 Eest, Zor1| Wanted by O, K, HAGER, care Silibearé, Cio. | REAL SHETLAND PORES Solid and, beet col~ ee oe Oey . hac . -.99 | cinnati, Ohio. 1 192 ors. rite your needs. nim supply any ae eee campus (pinctetinnd septs 1924 | sort. JUDY FARM, ‘Talula, Iilinois. SELL GUARANTEED SILK Hos'eRY—is tostery) Al] Kinds of Freak Animals SEA MORSE—The Kanzarvo of the Sea (cured), 80m samples. THE LEXINGTON COMPANY, Dept. 1200,] wanted. “Allve or mounted, Also Specimens | _2Ul-OTT'S WONDEALAND, Findlay, O. Lexington, Kentucky. mar2ay in Jars, State lowest price. Send photo or anshot. A FREAK. ANIMA’, | SEA LIONS, Harbor Seals, Brown rnd White PellSIGNS—Cardhoard and Paper Signs. Lists, free agi 3 EAE mar22 cans, Western Gulls. Seals accustomed to captivity samples, Dime. BOX 38, Station F, New York and fresh water. WHIl consider trades for good City. mar29 ] mo stock, ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY of San Diego, SNAPPIEST NOVELTY OUT— J s Silk Hi d Dog Grip, p, 14inch, Conc ed pons woe — z nd kerch fefs. Miniature pair cf * “n ok bloo ~ rs style, $4.00. HILLMAN, 237 Goodale §&t., $ : , Ss—On in SS) t worn as a handkerchief. _ Fool your friends. Hav ea Watertown, New York. es ee — ih ed; Spotted pane bart el cf fun Sample, 50c, prepaid, or Comigination Set of 2 for $1. Dealer’ rice, $4.25 doze Good porcit on for ive ascents. catatscue tree ote |For Sale—Educatcd Horse.|swaxes ano soutweRn ANIMALS cur SpecialTAVE W. COHEN < ‘BROTHER, 744 Broadway, For part’cu'ars write ©. H. THOMPSON, ties at all times. HIRAM YODER, Tulcta, Texas. New York. x ‘8 oy apr5 | ewVienna, Olfo, mar2 SPECIAL EASTER NUMBER—Ledios’ Silk Hostery. STUFFED FISH AND ALLIGATORS—Porcupine oe a For Sale—6 Performing Goats, | *'riss, anoon Fish. Cow Fish, Sw Fish. Saws i ee No. cre asrnts noc Angoras. Price, 8200, Props included. PROF, ae oe. Eo 5 a, Flying A Aang ox _ uF “tgs sh, rte var Star Fish, 00 each; St | STREET DEMONSTRATORS, Intens!fiers—ree sam-|J. P. HART'S ANIMAL ACADEMY, Batesville, |Shigators, $1.50 wa; Shar = cach; Bralie : i, | Alligators, up; Shark Jays, $2.50 to $5.00; ples. RELIABLE MFG. CO., Utica, New York. Arkansas. mar29 | srutted Sharks. JOM FLEISCHMAN, 1105 Franklin marcy Tampa, Florida. april? “SUITS FREE TO AGENTS Talis Avon, tain |For Sale—Small Ponies; Also + coat Men and Salesmem of other lines, get in touch TRICK BIRD, which Is window Attraction and causes with us at once. We lave most powerful selling propPony and Kicking Mule Act, with revolving trafic jam in San Francisco. For further imosition in field. Our line offers finest quality suits| taLle. LRS, REX, Weston, New Jersey. formation regardirz this bird call at_ 1610 Geary made to order ell at one amazing low price, Includapr5| s rect. San Francisco, Calif. MR. W. ——ing big profit for agent. We supply finest swatch line Manager, epris outfit, showing big cloth samples in handsome carrying s —— case and give every active agent his own sult absoGreatest Young Male Fox Ter 7 ine . ° t Sette Car enter Th tye MEDIUM. SIZE RHESUS MONKS, chain broke, ORING COMPANY, 1: 1 So. Peorla St " Chicas mar29 with order. Also at all times young, choice, seBlack Maie Ureat Dane. one Male White Spitz Dog nt sal etanle sin : A takig extmcrstces lected, pure-br-ed dogs, suitable for training, patr of fine Greyhounds ant smoll Shetland Pony cheap. F WISEMAN, 1108 Ridge Ave., Phila-| for pit show, A'so a Wre"Waking Dog and RigTHE AGENTS’ CRIER, 459 Pulaski St., Brooklyn. delphia, Pennsylvania, ging, Rolling Tasket for Dog, new, $7.00. Revolving Y., pe A +o lished by a “Mail Order Girl’’. Table, one 21x50 Top, er Side Wall and Poles Spectal subscription, ome year, 25 cents. Single rovuULEVARD rr oT SHOP, 1125 Vine St., Cincinnati, ee mar22\ Parrots, $36 Per Dozen. Pan-| (i. WANTED—Local or transient, Men or Women AMERICAN BIRD CO., Laredo, Texas. apri9 Make $60 additional weekly selling attractive _ MONKEYS, WILD CATS, RACCOONS, COYOTES, ) ] 1 can work with Flint’s Porcupines. ChesnOpossums, Porcupines, Foxes, Coatis, Peccaries, Baential inf Fae Bing ‘address B. FULIAB, 1 Box "i ys A incffensive, inexpensive. FLINT, Agoutis, herrets, Cavies, Hares, Squirrels, Prairte 171, Galveston, Texas. North Waterford, Maine. aprl2 Dogs, Beats, Wolves, Macaws, Cockatoos, Cockatiels, Parrakeets, Parrota rare Song Birds, Swans, Pea } Fowl, Wild Geese, Wild Ducks, Fancy Poultry, Ban ia | Pheasants high-class and Pups NOTE—Count All Words, Alse Combined initials and Numbers in Copy. Fisure Total at One Rate Only, | 'si Piscons,, ! ‘nay everything. DETHOIT. B. AD IN ANSWERING CLASSIFIED ADS, PLEASE MENTION THE BILLBOARD. STOLE. Detroit, Michigan.