The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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(OO Vt T se . _ ; ancien The Billboara | 195 | oa a a ———-_—__—— —------—— — , : ) REE—My illustrated tit P houzht At BUY o smell Trick Pony, also a Troupe F q ate erature om New Thought, We StaesS ves he BUSINESS, furnish everything: : wr ed Dogs. Write all ta first letter. Mystic, Occult, Seif-Cuiture, Seif-Heip, Selentific $100,000 Yearly Income—New, e i women. $30.00 to $190.00 weekly operat‘ mt ;URY, 2327 N. Sixth St., Philadelphia, | Books, Gazing Crystals, A, W. MARTENS, BM-274, : ing our “New System Specialty Candy Factories” ' ; ’ Burlington, lowa mar2? PECHECO. eandy business Particulars 2c ywhere Opportu: ity Lifetime: ~ booklet w. ; e ——___ ; HECO, 17/4 Annette New Orleans. | HILLY ER RAGSDALE, Drawer 98, East Orange. i WANT lar Bear, all kinds Animals. Birds | MAGIC TRICKS, Puzzles, Noveltics, Books. Lar a Maar Jere: 2 se. ‘ 1 sold Describe what you have and _catalogue for stamp. THOMPSON a A 6000 SPARE OR FULL. TIME BUSINESS— — i w! t ©. BE. JOUNSON AUCTION COM[CO.. Cincinnati, Ohi Article sold on a nwmey-back guarantee. Everyot eo poreceees Bargain Publications, 10c. MOSURT, ¥ ' Illinois & plospect. Sells to tie ame people over and ov Mapes, Newark, N 8 : Pr. es MEDICINE MEN, ye ny 1 for free copy} *#4'8100% profit. Wonderful demonstrator. Fi ~ 0 wee ond na. —_—-i yY AND SELL ANIMALS of all kinds. AT-] | of Medical News rime for Medicine | fF malt order. Convince yourself fitst. Send 25°] 95 pHOTOS, any cops 25 Post C Se; fifty 7 & PACIFIC BIRD CO., 327 W, Madison] Men. WM. H. ‘Di KE. "Publisher, The e ihivers for sample aud Wberal proposition, A. W. BROWN for $1. Regular $10 dozen ors Folder Photos. ‘bin. kK ; ‘ _ Michigan, , *| Bex 236, O Kland, California r sepia, any copy, $3.50 dozen. JOHN PARKER az —_— vein Se Photographer, Lynchburg, Ohio. WE SELL SNAKES CHEAPER than any cther dealer. | SHOWMEN’S BOOK or SPIELS, ws State License} A PERMANENT AST BUSINESS for one person inj — = \u.mais for pit shows, 2c stamp for Laws for Medic Pitehmen's Medical ea oe »remun ay, Ve furr ist everything and help : SAS SNAKE FARM, P. O. Box 256,| Spiels, 7, 5c; Charts, VW ins, Me 5 Giakaln vill business oO experience necessary. Men and Deaent “Tena. 7 aprid Meod for free illustrated at ne, M Heal News. womet % ases. All or part time, unusual opporCARTOONS Prowesville, Texas WM. H. DUKE, Publisher, Three ittvers, Michisan. | 1y Eh Ag A Ry Rf WHAT ARE. NORTE Oe at besten ORE AN, Ones NTH eyes je ‘COMPANY, 20a Mai Mscatin, ons, may So WORD. CASH, ATTRACTIVE FIRST LIN, is " strong, large, tough, alert, handsome | * ER MAN'S MONTHLY” ties | ‘ ; ul c “. intelligence have no equal. Mate . the field. Sample « oLy free. “THOMPSON PU BA ae OPPORTUNITY awaits he man who reads Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. ~~ vemalez, $8. BURTON ZOO GARDEN, ISHING CO. Cinely Ohio ye lar-Stac oer Magazine, the big mail-order ‘ “ r Puy asiros by : maga of ; onev-mak ing ns. Sample copy ee Lb ona Chait Talk Crayon its a pep Fain .| THE SILENT FRIEND, 00 pages, 1,000 secrets and | 2 “THE DOLLAW STACKER, "allehassee, F) eida. | Vo Sheets, Ras Pictures hist pn peas Py TORNEY AT LAW 1.000 interesting’ facts, sic. ah: bcks” yoekpend | wing marie | SERVICE. Oshkosh, Wisconsin, mats stevestin 0 Sal Ost pe ka . P AT NO ADV. LESS THAN 25 135. ORLEA Ns co. Norfolk, Virgil: a postpaid, ADVERTISERS—Use wy Mailing —Actual 4o WORD. CASH 0 . LE c, Shieigeetieiaciibieaiiiienanal a uyers $2 per thousand. PRICE, Box 183, NashGe WORD CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. Ville, Tennessee. v2 Phat nate bubeeernets Buiee | BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES | CONCESSIONS WANTED —e BARGAINS, BARGAINS, BARGAINS — Sacrifice Se WORD, C*SH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25¢, ' 40 WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25. 10,00 Men*s, Women’s Overcoats, shoes, Hats, Leg-| 7e WORD, CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LIN / Don’t V/orry About Troubles, Ge WORD. CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE, | gins. Coats, Panta, ite Up spresentatives | — , ete., 10¢ Representatives Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. es, ete. For advice and prompt acFicure at One Rate Only—See Noe Below. wanted. 1608 So. Halsted, Chicago. wi. . su. legal matters or money due —— ten see LAWYER WALLACE, 2204 Michigan | Big Opportunity Mail and 20 BIG OPPORTUNITIES!—Copy “The Mail Order ' National Industrial Exposi \ ( 1g0, Llinois mar22x a s Ges % ” "3308 a oe yd —y age tion, Jacksonville, Florida, to be held March ne Ror 454, = — — » 10e, 7, i ; eatee 24 to 31, 1924. The Seng st — fair im the on x 454, Berwyn, Il. CORALL : ; South. f re : ING THE COIN-—Schemes for ~~" Sou Can place ore Concessions. ATTRACTIONS WANTED Bocth Workers, Agents, Circus Followers and the | Write W. H. ROBINSON. “614 Broad St., Jack so WORD, C*SH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 2%. | Business Building, Classified, itinerant Dollar Chaser. Copy. $1.00. Cireular tree. | souviile, Florida, ) { Jo WORD. CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. Mailing Lists, of the better kind. Agent Figure at One Rate Only—Seo Noto Selow. . , he [ r kind. Agents, = Lapevn an hotels and many others, LL. — SKIRT PLEATING or Repleating, $1.25, New England Concessionaires . Bridgewater, Vermont. stpaid. Satisfaction guaranteed. Pleat Re—Se our set Ss no e bi s Side and Pit Shows for Big In“> = = pleat Flouns ees, Ponda, ules, on . Teaso r ie wat ~4 Secure your tion w for the big Muster and Gala Day, Fair Grounds, Worcester, Mass., Fir ssmakinz from measurements Hemstitehing ath an Guheniie on \merican Legion Bazaar at Albany, New!German Banknotes for Adver| si com Coveret Buttons. Quick srrrice for theats | R0m to midnight. Saturday, July 26. Hides May 2 10. Address P. 0. BOX 324, Alhited : oa » rival and shw people MRS. MELCAN, Costumer, | S"0WS | an wens cg aces hte an ed. o . hanr. New York mar2o WEISS purposes. See ad display section. | Murray, Kentucky The Shop of Progress Financial Agent, 21 Ext hange, Worcester, Mass. , ans + ”. FIVE COLLECTION LETTERS that will collect any tree Attra ctions Wanted for IVE COLLECTION LETTERS that wilt collect sey | Outdoor Celebration June 12— . ' s ral — r a as Day CeleHave a Hollywood oe $5 worth ir Soller, we 3 ; om , KNIGHT Wanted concessions and free act. DR. br Sept “ad 2 24, Parkston, S. D. per month for mail AGENCY, 214 West Jefferson St., Louisville, Ky. SCHALK, Alden, Iowa, aprs uation, SC LOUTEMRGEE tesretar: DER'S POPULAR SERVICE, mene Sere $$ | Hollywood, California. FOR SALE—Twgive-Plate Kentucky Derby, in exWanted—Concessions, Merry cellent condition. For particulars write to LOUIS Mail Order Opportunity—SucSCHEINER, 464 Washington St., Portland, Oregon. Go-Round, Ferris Wheel, Tent Show, Vande mar22 |} ville. Small Carnival would be considered. For Wanted—MerryGo-Round and hanical amusements; good show, } { Joly celebration, Miami County Fair cess from the start. Write to HARRY TOP—_———— | August 6, 7, 8. 9 Home Coming. P. B. MEU: Au es F. OQ. Eagles. P. 0, BOX| PING, 506 West 42d St., New York. @ FOUR PLANS that have made millionaires. Write | SER, Secy., Baroda, Michigan. apro 7 Ob'o for particulars. JOHNSON, Y-5i23, Wells, ChiSaGUGGLLE WANTEO cago. CARROUSE on percent THY Manufacture and Sell Your BARNET GARDEN, 4885 Ridge Ave. Philadelphia, anted Season 1924—-Vaudeown goods. Sells on the street for 25e. Costs | GERMAN MARKS—25,000 Bills, Send 100. for lot Pennsylvania. mar22 i s or otherwise, whe wish two weeks | only 2c to make. You can he independent. a.m 8 fesale lst free G ss Sou : ine “ate teeming 8 St.. Philadelphia, Pennsyivania. PARK MANAGERS—I want the exclusive Orana: memes, Canes y~o “iy high fase, Wash agtos ee ee ade Privilege in good Eastern Park. Flat rate ner anes ’ 7 etly hign-ciass, hi on, , . ll ; GOOD LUCK HORSE-SHOE PITCHING TOURNA| or percentage. Up-to-date outfit. HARRY SWINGS, ated bie R ver, te ae Lert ment Can be played by from One to twenty peo181 Main St., Johnson City, New York. et r r able sa ar’ ware an room. Aliso oner oT rt. zi of rencens ward and room. Alsol/Men and, Women Wanted—| 2.4 money make Ss oa or resort. Big flash Complete vith lar stakes and E. RONZELMAN, Manager, Ter-| Earn money spare tima; full particulars on | about 99 steel sl tor. Beery. COSTUMES, WARDROBES f Garden _Tes. request. McCAMMISH BROS., Versailles, Ken| thing like new. Wanted Three Abreast Car-|— a iS Pea Se AND UNIFORMS j j SED) FOR SALE—WANTED TO BUY sows! avd Th Wheel ter season 1928. East | Operate Mail Order Business aR gg em gg ig BB WORD. CASH.” NO ADV. LESS THAN 250. SIDI 1s ] ~hiast joan # S 2816 N seT¥| 50 WORD. CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. SIDE AMU SEMENT CO., care Billboard, Chi ue one “tome. Ros he a coe = ice, $5.00 monthly. SHUMWAYs 2816 North 28th. __ Ficure’at One Rate Onty--See Neto Below. 7 $1.00. UTILITY AGENCY, B, Dexter, Maine. | HAVE You. PLENTY OF MONEY? If not send a ; EOMMER SITUATION for Novelty ot Colored Orchesdime for ess Progress", a most helpful maflAnimal Costumes — Donkeys, e music, also Sunday afternoon Ene Sas order mag ‘ath c ing r r full t ut Lake View Park. Castlewood, 8. D.. | SLL Startling New Necessities | ou" 7", m_ making money in mare @ full |” vocsce Roosters, ete.; large Heads, Masks, 2 . nuine Ce y~oy Chaps sts, Shirt ete.; § mar29 that everyone must use continuously. Unique. Kansas City, Missouri. genuine o wl oy Cha > = oe 8! He md — All pu fiose solvent Skirts, eather Dresses, Girls’ an 7) a ale Unrivaled. Irresistible t “ . tw : = -_ lait ° THELMA THEATRE, ee a Rn ay Fh makes life easy, Twenty products in one, | HAVE grr TO INVEST Park Concessions, | tary Coats, Cotton Tights, $190; plaited, $2.00 : , ope t > ies Ga State what you have and where! Imported Costumes, new, $7.00. Costumes of all \ e and Stock Co, after March 10th. D. | ** entific marvel. For mert hants, mechanic * T toeared . — particulars in first letter: BOX / kinds made to order snd for hire Masks, T. LANCE, Prop. apr5 | motorists, garages, factories, banks, institu30, care Billboard, New York City. Ww nd Makeup for sale STANLEY, 206 — tions, homes, Also invisible class enamel. Apeo , .a a, ale, J — WANTED FOR ELECTRIC PARK, PEERORHL plied with cloth. Permanently preserves origINCH DISPLAY | ADVERTISEMENT. ip” Rebels hell, ‘aaa Se * = other Rides on percentage, ¢ inal beauty all surfaces without polishing. Has ce, ; . $50. WOOD'S POPULAR SERVWE RENT schools, churehes Wigs and tee e. Concessions, Site Shows. JULES 1 an. thousands of uses for autos, furniture, silver-| yCES, Atlantic ry; ity, New Jerse = RENT ated, chutes os Wigs and 7 macnn cate ~ af aes Leen Regan ee a gooda anywhere NEW HAVEN C OSTU MING CO. ' Be ——______— | creases illumination electric light bulbs. Took | KILLIAN'S KOMICAL KALLING KARDS—“Every | $1 ttm m Bt, New Haven, Connecticut WANTED—For a three-day Diamond Jubilee Crle| years to perfect this innovation. Distributors Kard a Laurh ** Dime brings comnilete assortment aoa trent ait ae aoe eee Sa a ; Saturday, Sanday and Monday, June 21.]\ anted evesywhere. ERGIE PROCESS =. with ne cataiog. KILLIAN, 1390 Temple, DeBAND ) COATS. Qa blue, fa tr'mm®ing, $3.25: ’ A Caterpillar, Aeropl ne Swings, — 1245 Overlook, pony Ohio. troit, MI higan. twelve Red Coats ~ Cane, 00 conte eee ae ( usells Mechantk J City or other Amusinca. ose a, : 25, cents. Send ‘ sarople. ROC cO FALCE, Mott Street, New York. . EA A ae a TS ; MAGAZINES PRINTED FREE under your own title a THS DIAMOND. ow “NLEE coM., Ed anted for the Mail Order and nam Full details and copy of magazine, 10c. _ SOD «oe SNe, SS ee Trade—Imprint Catalogs and ec een of } 1FIC ‘EXCH ANGE, 252 Lincoin St., Portland, CHORUS DRESSES. ll for $15.00: 5 Red Band . Rooks, Industrial Specialties and Merchandise exon, ats, $15.00: 3 Tuxedo Coats, $15.0 WANTED To book Carr tvals. "Write ite JOE PONTON, THE SEMPLE BUREAU, Fairtield Park, Nor onan Seve, ¢ a . o, West Virginia, apri2 walk, Connecticut marzo | “MAILonsen eee The big Agents, StreetI Minstrel, Futler € : Ww Berg eI gys — = oe men add Mail Dealers’ Magazine Fame. | eas, Tit Gemmntete, S6.Ga< Wt'an ; ANTED—Two Lee shows: Ferris Wheel or Sra= s ; lee S.~ Sample, dime. 815 W. 2nd, Or | ¢ Enlist ly pele 2 Hg all open for long eesson, for good Wax tumwa, Towa. @prs | aways, fine, $1.00: White Sorg he (hicentons, au euen fon tone season, for emt | Waterproofing, Raintite . sways, re, #100: White Sane M : Mich, Only needs gasoline added, 3%; gallons to one MEMBER N. D. A. No. 652. Rates furn{shed Ad-| $1060: Gold and Silver Shoes, $1 oe . of wax. Mix yourself. A bargain and saves é rs for ail or any city In Miami County, O.,] Fancy Ve ats, $1.00; Comedy Coats, rube, freight. One barrel makes 4% barrels, Barrels | distributing, signtacking Circulars. WM. SELLERS. Jew, Ir'sh, clowns, bar — ete., 52.00; Overcoats BOOKS hold about 280 pounds, 12 cents per pound in| Piqua, Ohio. aie $2.00, alt ‘siz es, good cond ri Street Suits, barrel lots as long as it oe BAKER-LOCK$19.00, Stamp for lis Ww ALL ACE, 816 Waveland, fe WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 250. [«wooD, Kansas City, Mis OPERATE A BARGAIN STORE! Offer wonderful | Chicaze. 60 WoRO CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. bi «P fits; we furnish Re as cnoRUS costumes . om ite at One Rate Onty—See Note Gelew. ont frite for operat ig plan ieee Sint si 24 Words, 355 5 Rural ral Week. dealers in bankrupt stocks, 1329 South an . «ix pink 1 1e, six akley, Chicago. mar22 $23 t e as six; Feather Trimmed Silk Dre Flapper Stories Priced Right lies, $14.20. AD-MEYER, 41128 Hartform-| O*X!%: Chicase —{ giteen Anlie gs Dresses, $3; Grose Fi . s va St. bouts, Missouri. PATENTS—Write for free Guide Books, anal of ats $5; Sateen Reversible Bally Capes, $ s tder Trade. ample, 15 cey ent Buyers and Record of Invention Blak. nd, G whs, $10; =ate on , Dr ps I 8 PARTE OLOMEW, Se. r 1924 Mailing List. 10, 000 Mail — lel | sketch of your invention for cur tree op a | f Do r secor aa its. patentable nature, Terms rea RUDE LEHMAN, Cost! ame S “BE order buyers, $5.00 per thousand. _ JNO. | eTOR J. EVANS’ CO., 9th and G, Washi n Cin cinnati, Ohio, "BE Succ ESSFUL a A LIFE”. Health, Prosperity, SME ER, Mer., 2342 West 19th st., Chicago. | pistrict of Columbia, wr — = t z cult s lence, Mine r ty’ | 7 LT! pa e = = easiest nila " WANTED Pol Sratinne ¢ wit Spars! SUCCESS: LIBRARY. PROFITABLE Lecitimate Business offered at your] and Coats. Who has ' t. Chheag 10, 000, 000 cauiiion G e r m a n local movie show. Free particulars, ELSON, Box] richt or any Shows i 5 on r P y 67, Port Townsend, Washington, NIW HAVEN COST BOOK oF ime WAYS ‘AND. SCHEMES to attract , Mark. note, 25e. WEISS, 1115 Lamar, Memere | —— lily aan palnteies , 1.50, postpaid, 1, LEDOUX, Bridgewater, | pits. Tennessee PROFITABLE PLANS—An Independent Magazine | ———— , d Ss with Plans for Agents, Mail Order Men, Schemers, age GOWNS, ' ioe rvi @—— fete. Three copies lfc; samn'e free. KUNZOY, sim BOOK ON TRAINING Performing Dogs, prepaid, one $1, 000 Mail Or er e c Profitable P lat 1s, Cuyahor ca Falls, Ohio. Up to the vy ofder LeROY PU BLISHING co Fortunes being made in mal! order business ir'descent also » Oho mar29 Get in the game right Know what you can SAVE MONEY ON YOUR PRINTING—250 Bond Letwill convir ; Forte . eR ot at ae. a ee sem etre Hlow fo Operate Where terheads aod velor es, atly printed, $2 5 flis » as Ay ms. ect 34th ; re AYS hes * GALE: 1] yalty Plays ) for lease, to buy. Best mediums for your par-] postpaid. COLE B ROS . 400 ‘South Has ted, Chicago. | address. C. CCN pie : a : ed in 1891 Also com} sioular line py furnished free. Advice » Costumes for $1 LSON i Ls hwoot's, ‘Theatrical Makeup, RENree Weekly letter and tips free, Special ad | STEREOPTICON STREET ADVERTISING Qutfits FOR SALE °C aman on uM THe EXCHANGE, 36 W. Randolph ‘ t Complete service, si. OO monthly, $10.00 with sides, $25. GRONBRERG MFG. CO. 1> COST Lf « VA BLM is mar22 | : A. Milo Bennett, Manager apre lay “ll ish with order. WILLIAMS SALES | Jackson tivd., Chicago, Mlinols, Makers. Ilustr ———___— ; ‘ J t = tia fre P “ Shov : Be * Kent Secret From the Four — of SERVICE, Clinton, : ~ — — etter — | FOUR —s REVERS! ~ jo Suit ’ i Wrst Indian Spirit Healin THEATRICAL malt BUSINESS, $50. BERNARD] Holly. Lot, teen a rane ‘apes Uy bolas, "NbN io] $5,000.00 Death Policy, $25.00) _snir. soln. Sues EAS | etc at on __ ae S’ Street rad Theatrical a to $50.00 weekly vid ckness_ only, | WANTFD—"See How Mortes Are Made’. Have cood | GENTLEMEN'S AND Ls ‘IN, 2934 Baltimore, Bie, " elm hae MISS ats ANONA CUMMINS. location: for this w in Bronx. G. C. RICIIMAN on a Crayne, 3311 Oak St. Ni : ' — PICTURES, any kind you want. Sam| £12.09) year " Vite mar 389 EL 198th St., New York City. Call 5 to ¥ p.m! e, Wes Kansas City, Mo mar29 + col, postpaid, GEO. F. WHITE, | Rex 71, Montebello, Cal ; . ~ Phone. Vale :, Kansas . Mo. 7 Atkans as __ — —_ —— ————— I + || CONCISE ASTRONOMY AND ASTROLOGY, InterNOTE—Count All Words, Alse Each Initial and Numbers. iho Rare . hen (Continued on Page 196) leet] Wart instructive book. Single copy, 10e, T. Ih IN ANSWERING CLASSIFIED ADS, PLEASE MEN re) HE B » 1431 Martindale, Indianapolis, Ind. apri2! . orvay: OTR OLS SOR OU TUTTI De