The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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me ese Ay, aires we aX 5 aden. The Billboard MARCH 22, 1924 Mailers Wanted. System Mail ING SERVICE, Rolling Pruirie, Ind. aprdx Wanted for Cullins Bros. Dog and Pony Shouw—Man or woman to play Air Calliope. Small man or woman that can werk Dogs and Ponies. Useful performers doing different acts. Musicians for band, Talking Clown, Boss Canvasman, Small Man for Stock that can drive six-pony team, man for Mantle Lights, Camp Cook. Other useful people, write. Those doubling Concert or Brass given preference, Only willing workers need answer, State lowest salary, We furnish meals and transportation. Travel by rail, eat on lot. SideShow and Candy Privileges to let. Address BOX 649. Enid, Oklahoma. P. S.—Will make 290d proposition to hustling man with ability to manage small show and can furnish good seventy-foot baggage car. CONCESSION AGENTS for swell flashed stock stores. Tell all first letter FRANK WARD, Box 292, Mankato, Minnesota, DRAMATIC PEOPLE—Clever Entertainers. Versatile Musicians to work co-operative. Live-wire wildcat Agent with bookings. Play independent small New England resort Trained students desiring skilled matiager for dance, development, publicity, able to assist financia iy for share profits, send pheto and true facts. GEORGE HOROFORD, 55 : Monadnock St., Boston, 25, Massachusetts, MEDICINE ony" p in acts; platform sbow; tate lowest. Ve pay all. Eat end sleep on lot. Salary sure. You must be a gentleman. Circus slang and bull throwers not wanted. Show opens May 1 GZSSLZY BROS. MEDICAL CO., Heckm n St., Phillipsburg, New Jersey. MOTORIZED “CIRCUS wants performers doing two or more acts Baritone and trombone for band. LIND BROS, SHOWS, Fairbury, Nebraska. mar29 STRONG ATHLETIC GIRL for Physical Cutture Act. Amateur considered. RALPH WILLARD. care’ Billboard, New York City, mar2: WANTED—Sideshow and pit attractions. Man to take care of snakes. Fat people. People wérking for me before write. PAT MURPHY, Waco, Texas. mar22 WANTED—Distributing. ROY HILL, Wellington, | 7 Sansas. mar22 WANTED—Two Boys to Cross Country. Must own your own bicyc..e. JACK STARRETT, 211 W. 22a St., New York City. WANT YOUNG MAN CLOWN to assist in Animal Act. Would consider a good amateur. Write all ™ first letter. GEO. E. ROBERTS, Manager Pamahasika’s Headquarters, 2324 N. Fairhill St., Philadelpbia, Pa. Tel., Columbia 6190. wantse— hen and Wife or a Band, Perform ters doubling brass. a Eat, sleep on it. Truck show. Open Want Seats and Rolling Globe. KEMP FAMILY? Lyons, Iowa, WANTED—Two Single Men for my No. 1 and No. 2 Show. Must be good operators. We have fine outViy Suitcase Motor-Drive Machines, favel by cars. Auto Man, must keep pictures in A-1 shape, help with advertising, make himself generally useful. This is no pleasure trip. Man must work. We pay $35.00 per week every week. Vay your own, One must do act of some kind; pre ter both to do specialties and work acts. Man from Downsville, N. Y., please answer again; all others Wanted—A-1 Alto Sax. doubling Clarinet and Singing Tenor. Season starting April 14. First-class dance orchestra and steady job. Write what you can do and don't misrepresent, Salary, $49.00 per week and expenses on th® road. A. S. KINNEY, Box 686, Minneapolis, Minnesota, mar29 W anted—Theatre Organist, male organist only. ‘Must be thoroughly experienced in playing and arranging suitable mu sical scores for each. picture. Must be able to play with or without orchestra and have adequate library of music, new Robert Morton unit. Fakers and improvisers need not apply. In reply give references, age and state lowest salary Cc D. BUCKNER. Inrperial Theatre, bore, North Carolina. Wanted—Ameri can Tuba and Clarinet. Wire WALTER LANKFORD, Bes semer, ry Wanted Piano Player Who doubles big show or concerf, Performers doing two or more acts, State salarv ,expected in first letter. ATTERBURY’S CIRCUS, Sioux City, Iowa. mar2) Wanted to Hear From Pance orchestras traveling thrn N@rth Dakota, dur ing the summer months, TER WADESON, Fingal, North Dakota. Wanted—A-1 Banjoist (April 21) for traveling dance orchestra. Must be neat appearing, union. Boozers and agitators save stamps. Write AL, SCHREIBER, Wells, Minnesota. Wanted—Good Lady Drummer with tympanies, traps, xylophones: lady cellist; lady carlinetist, double saxophone, for picture-vaudeville orchestra, Three performances daily; less than five working hours. No Sunday shows. Permanent. Un'on. Salary 830.00. FOURTH STREE® THEATRE Moberly, Mo. Wanted at Once—Orchestra pianist with soprano voice for picture theatre. Occasional vaudeville and road show Three-piece orchestra. Our violin leader bas big library and cues pictures perfectly. . Pianist must he efficient and experienced. DALTON THEATRE, Pulaski, Virginia. CLARINET PLAYER wanted for the 4th Band. C. A. C., suitable sating and quarters for married man. HARRY G. LUDLAM, Blandleader, Fort Monroe, Virginia Man, Greens DANCE PIANO PLAYER for fast tread, improvise and know rhyihm. in Ohio. Wire, don’t write. Booked 7 months solid. EVERETT t -saraee St. Charles Hotel, New Or leans, Lov Aa 7-piece bend. Must Must open 231 Alaska—In Order To Aid those who are seeking information regarding Prospecting, Hunting, Trapping, ouring, Homesteading, Fox Farming or friends or relatives in Alaska, an information bureau has been opened for their convenience, No pamphiets. All questions answered personally and treated confidentially by members of staff who know Alaska and who are in a position to fern’sh authentic information, Can aso — range a tour for an up-to-date orchestra. Sen questions and $100 to ALASKA INFORMER, Box 918, Fairbanks, Alaska, aprd STOP! Recd this: For 25c I will send one trick complete, used by all leading magicians and explanations of three other good tricks and also explanation how to use magic wand. Order yours before the supply is gone. No stamps, coin, I. 8 DU VAL, liillburn, New York, WHERE TO BUY 12.000 articles at wholesale prices Eliminate middleman, Big profit yourself. Particvlars, red stamp, CLARK RIGBY, 621 Salt Spring Road, Youngstown, Ohio. mar9 WRITE SIGNS, BANNERS AND SHO CARDS. ak — instruction, 50c, FREEBURN, Hicksville, oO. INSTRUCTIONS AND PLANS 4o WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25c. 60 WORD. CASH, ATTRACTIVE ne LINE. Figure at One Rate Only—See Nete Below. NOTICE! Advertisements under this head must be confined te Instructions and Plans onty, either printed, written or in book form. No ads accepted that offer articles for sale. a BEST FIRE TRICKS and Formulas, $1. 6 Liberty, Charleston, South Caro.ina. MAGICAL APPARATUS (Nea oF \ a Cet Fetesd> 40 WORD, DASiT. NO ADV. LESS THAN 60 WORD. CASH, ATTRACTIVE FIRST LIN Figure at One Rate Only—See Nete Below. PINXY, Complete Printed Instructions How to make two fast selling tricks for street work. They cost you only 2c and Se to make and sell for 25¢ each. Particulars free. E. W. FISHER, Rockport, Washington. Esqape From Packing Box after being roped, nailed in. Complete instructions, 25¢ silver, LESTER FOSS, 819 North Adams Street, Peoria, Illinois, Hamburger They Eat—Can you make Hamburger that the people ga wild over? If you cannot then learn to make that Famous Knickerbocker Hamburger. I tell you how for $1.00. Send today. L. C, ELLINGTON, Hopkinton, Iowa. make ’em laugh! I teach how by mail. Part-tickers Sree. , *aee PANSY (BBI), 157 E. _#ith, New Yo aprs Saw Musio—You can play beautiful music >on a jeommon carpenter's saw. No knowledge of mfsic required. Easy to learn. Complete instructions for playing a saw with a violin bow and soft mallet, only $1 prepaid. WIL ,» Box 5831, Kansas City, Missouri. Sea Wonders From the Sea— How to make Fish Seales Flowers with pearls and shells Bi-ds, Butterflies, Fish and all makes of pretty little pins that will sell for 1% ersch. Peckage to make ten souvenire with directions, 10e. Make these before a crowd and clean up. A large glass jar with 10 different freak fish in collection, $1.50. HENRY KYLE, 310 Tremont St., Galveston, Texas. MUSICIANS WANTED .on all instruments for the Brundaze Shows. Open April 19th, rehearsals April 14th, at St. Jozeph, irl. In answering state age, weictht, height, experie an and salary. Address CAPT. MILLER. Box 819, Waco, Texas. ___mar22 ORCHESTRA, four pieces, for resort season. at Clear #)o wrote before. DE COSTA & MADELIN, Gen. Lake, Ray, Indiana. Cottage furnished. Write E. Del., Rochester, New York. N. MANNING, Columbia City, Indiana. mar22 RED-HOT BRASS TEAM—Coruet, Trombone, doub WANTED—RBoy. for Vaudeville Act, between 15 and 16. Can sing and memorize. Address W. DAHL, 129 Madison St., Hoboken, New Jersey. WANTED—Man with Skating Rink. Sixty thousand ‘population to draw from. Big proposition. Write JAS. H. WHITMORE, Ferndale Park, Sutherland, Virginia. WANTED—Woman over 25 to lecture im Snake Pit. Will teach beginner. Season’s work with carnival. Address SHOWMAN, P. O. Box 527, Grand Rapids, Michigan. WANT YOUNG MAN to assist in Booking and Rout ing. Must have office experience, also operate typewriter. Must be willing to work both on the road or in headquarters. Write all in first letter. GEO. E. ROBERTS, 2324 N. Fairhill St., Philadelphia, Pe. Tel., Columbia 6190. WANTED for p'atform Med. Show. Single lady saxophone, violin or clarinet player that can deliver the goods. Str enough to feature, must do specialty each night work in acts. Sketch teams and other useful Medicine People write. Opening April 15, This show is motorized. congenial, re sponsible management. SAM WARD, 612 East Second St., Carihage, Missouri. WANTED—Med. Show People in all i — State if you play piano. MGR. H. K. MED. SHOW, Norwood, MissourL Doc Marnett, write, no wires. WANTED—Man and woman to do good double and single specialties. Work Marionettes, also work in acts, State lowest salary in first letter. Send photograph. P. 0. BOX 244, Hilisdale, New Jersey. WANTED QUICK—Blackface comedian who can change six nights; mention if you play instrument and drive Ford. Salary $15.00 week, eat end nif on jot. I py all; show never closes. Write. BU TLER DeMUTH CO., Gen. Del, Grubbs, Ark. HELP WANTED—MUSICIANS 4o0 WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25c. 6c WORD, CASH. ATTRACTIVE Maty J LINE. Figure at One Rate Only—See Nete Below. N otice, American Federation of Musicians. Before accepting engagements Ei Frankfort, Paris, Richmond, or Lexington, o communicate’ with CHARLES 54. WRIGHT. Secretary Local 554, 152 East 5th St., Lexington, Kentucky. mar22x Wanted—Red-Hot Dance Pi-|—— anist. Must read, fake and improvise. Also perfect dance rhythm. te O. J. KLOS, 710 Vine St., Chillicothe, Mo. mar22 Wanted— Trumpet or Alto Sax. Pere. ge emg ay OR ling; also Sousaphone doubling. and Accordion doubling Piano Preference Sinrers. Good readers Young. | neat. tuxedo. Hotel lenge season, Monday Don’t misrepresent. Transportation from here. “No tickets rdvanced. Ray Mars hall. Johnni Valentine. Dale Troy, can p'ace you: quick, prepaid. PAT L G GOSS, ¢ Owe? shoro. Kentecky ne ~ ann ene 8 A FLASHY Twelve-Minute Juggling Act: no skill re quired; make own props; 25 amazing feats; only fifty cents.’ BE. P. CONRAN, 2235 N. 4th 8t., Philadelphia,. ——_ DELIGHT—Secret art of fish, me. HONRY GATES, Vistu-a, catching Indiana. BUSINESS FOR ba sagen without agency graft or capital. 1d _25¢; ney refunded if rot as KISMET CO.. 1336 E. léth, Indianap CONCESSIONA!RES~Formulas for Taffy Apples and four other big sellers for dime and stamped addressed envelope. W. H. McCLURE, 1257 South Jefferson, Saginaw, Michigan. WANTED—American Clarinet, Tuba and Drummer at oce. BAND MASTER, Oregon Hotel, Birmingham, Alab bama. mar22 WANTED—For six-piece traveling orchestra, open ing Easter Mgnday. Sixth season (Red hot muSicians that sing). Want also sax and drummer and entertriner, must be high-class musicians that ean read the spots. DEANE’S BANJO BAND, Cresco, Iowa. > all valve instruments, do the “laugh’’, “cho-cho”’, Latest jazzy stunts, method of Pe “hetptut hints, complete instruction PINXY, 6 Liberty, Charleston, South Carolina. WANTED—Musicians with trades and Stste Hospital B Attendants ritone, Pass, Clarinet. Others write. B. J, IN, Municipal Band, Ukiah, Calif. WANTED—Alto Saxophone, April 18, for six-pieco dance orchestra. Read, improvise, must have real tone and know harmony. Must be young, neat. sums, amateurs lzy off. Steady job if you can deliver the goods. <tate all in first letter. JACK MILLS, WANTED—Trombore, Trumpet doubling. Those who sing preferred For summer resort. Young and single, Stat © sa'ary expected and you do in first letter. Wr R. ALLEN. care B oard, Chica7e. WANTED—Dance Alto Sax and Banjo. Good tone, fake, sight read, memorize. No boozer. Young, neat appearance, tuxedo, Must have experience and Spencer, Iowa. be reliable; boomers Jay off. Job steady. Singers and doubles preferred, No ticket. Report Apri? 16. BUC K’ S ORCHESTRA, Mitchell, Soutth Dakota. WANTED—Drummer and Trumpet. Dance Orchestra Young. FLORIDA F iV E, Stevens Point, Wisconsin. WANTED TO HEAR from Banioist Lae onist and Cornetists who will travel! with travelir dance orchestra in North Dakota on either split b sis or salary. Good reputation. Address “ORIGINAL DAKOTA ORCHESTRA”, care Rudolf Hotel, Valley City, North Dakota. INFORMATION WANTED 3e WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25c. 50 WORD, CASH. ATTRACTIVE Mash U LINE. Figure at t One Rate Onl ly—Gee N Below. Ask Mr. Dodge. Information Servire. World-Wide for 2 small fee. P.O. BOX 165, Albany, New York. Violinist, Saxophonist, DANCING—A!l stylez and steps. Learn them at home Complete beok sent postpaid for $1.00. CLASSIC DANCING SCHOOL, 5640 Kenmore Ave., Chicago. reese Che apest Built Pit Dlusions: Moth and amey “Rolla”, Human Sn ke, Belgian Horror, “Rh; nda’? Hero ‘Chateau-Thierry, “Flora”, Three Headed Lady, etc.. 28 diagrams, only one dollar. E. P. CONRAN, 2235 N, 4th St., Philadelphia, ag tah ng for Cartooning and Chalk Talking, with 23) Trick Cartoon Stunts, for $1.00, BALDA ART SEHVICE STUDIOS, Oshkosh, — apr Stage MONEY MAKING plans; clean, legitimate; re quires only small capital; no experience necessary. Write for full particulars. GETCHELL, 252 Lincoln St., Portlkend, Oregon. MOUTH ORGAN pithy than 25¢. Learn in one hour. ELSEA PUBLISHING HOUSE, Bowling Green, Ohio. may3 PLAY PIANO BY EAR IN A FEW DAYS—You have wished—how many times?—that you could play the plano. You hb ve envied those friends of yours who can sit down and draw harmony from the keys. And yet. somehow. those wishes never came true. You lacked the time perbaps. You were wfraid it “coulin’t be done.’”” Or maybe it seemed too expensive. -And still you are wishing. But now you have the opportunity to master the plano keyboard— both quickly and inexpensively—even though you do not knew one note from the other. You can learn richt in your home, with no more trouble th n it takes to read the news. It will be interesting—unlike anything you have ever tried. It will be very, very easy. This course has proved highly successful. In the four years it has been sold ws have never received one complaint, It is offered to you on the same basis that it has always been offered before. For three dollars we will send you a copy of the book, and if it does not meet with your entire approval, return it to us within five days and your money will be cheerfully refunded. HARMONY MUSIC COMPANY, 5652 Glenview Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio. PRINTED FOLDER giving correct weight according to age and height. Both sexes. Reducing and gaining outlined. A valuable health guide. Two dimes. “CIIRISTIE’, 615 Otis Place, N. W., Washington, District of Columbia, apr26 VENTRILOQUIEM taucht almost anyone at home. Small cost. Sed 2c stamp today for particulars and proof. GEO. W. SMITH, Room M-856, 125 N. Jefferson, Peoria, Illinois, mar20 IN ANSWERING CLASSIFIED ADS, NOTE—Ceunt All Werds, Also Combined Initials and Numbers in Copy. Figure Total at One Rate Only. PLEASE MENTION THE BILLBOARD. Laurice Magical Shop, 799 Broadway, Brooklyn, New York, apriz New Dime and Penny Trick, no mutilated coins! Use any penny! While they last, seventy-five cents, with instructions for another good trick; no stamps. RUTHERFORD MAGIC CO., Box ¥3, Rutherford, N, J. ASTOUNDING TRICK CARDS, lic. WILLIAMS, 215 W. Whiting, Chicago, BARGAINS in new crd used Mindreading and Magic Equipments. Lists for stamps. NELSON ENTERPRISES, 301 Linwood, Columous, Ohio. FOR SAL@-—Magic Goods, CHAS. BIERHALS, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. GENUINE WIRELESS crystal gazing outfit. Posi tively guaranteed. Get the original and lately improved act directly from the invertas. Any mental! effect furnished. EDWARD FANLEY, 235 Buttes Ave., Columbus, Ohio, eqgere oAmene ee The “ in. size, $1.75; \%y $3. in 5.3; with instructions. Best oniles: “NEL SON * ENTEMPLISES. 301 Linwood, Columbus, Ohlo. HAUNTED ROCKING CHAIR—Place anywhere, Tocks once, twice or keeps rocking on command; Spirit Cabinets; Spirit Pump, pumps wine or watgr on command; Ghost Automobile, starts, stop, turn any direction, send down street and bring back. blows horn, bell, lights, spiritualistic and magical effects all operated from a distance or thro ugh = smi tter in pocket, “Better tha rit”’ Also selling my ‘“‘wonexhibition, blowing up battleships, firing cannons, submarines, etc. operating machinery through space without connection. Write for prices, etc. JOUN W. BAUGHMAN, Wireless Expert, Ashtabula, Objo. HUNDREDS Sample Tricks, Jokes and Discontinued effects at great reductions. All new goads, Write list. LYLE DOUGLAS, St.tion A-2, Dallas, exas, ILLUSION “Miracle’’. New! Imported. Lady disappears on 3=o _ table. Complete to ye $150.00 takes it. SCHERER, 217 West Street, Erie. | ee ia. ILLUSIONS, Mcegic, Tents, Banners, Pits, Pit Cloth, Electric Chairs, Ticket Boxes, Cages for Wild Afimals. We have an immense stock of everything. Will be glad to hear from you. DETROIT BIRD STORE, Detroit, Michigan. IMPORTANT NOTICE—Our new 1921 Catalogue con tains the largest selection of Mindreading and Spirit Effects in the world. New amd novel effects, lower prices, larger selection, longer descriptions. Mailed on reeelit of l2c only. NELSON ENTERPRISES, 301 Linwood, Columbus, Ohio. LOOK! SPECIAL—Spirit Finger Ou'ja Boards, 16x15, $9.00; single, $1.00; regulcr price, $2.00. Magicians’ Full Dress Sujts, complete, all F Assistants’ Coats, $2.50; Bell Hop, Butler, Minstrel Coats, $2.50. See ad under Costumes. WALLACE, 816 Waveland, Chicago. = OF GOOD USED MAGIC— About 200 effects, al? ood ag new, $15.00; also several good Illusions, cheap, c. J, AMICK, "1038 Silliman St,, Zanesvi ilie, 0. i 33 ash = MAGICAL APPARATUS—Crystal Gav'ng Outfit at bargain prices. Send for list). ELMER ECKAM, 1407 E. 8t., Rochester, New York. MAGICIANS’ Trick Cards, Books, Novelties, X-Rays, Look Wacks for selling purposes, Samples 25¢. SYLVIAN’S MAGIC SHOP, 6 North Main, Providence, Rhode Island. apri2 MAGICIANS LOOK—Send stamp for our new bargain lst No. 7 now re dy. Hundreds of baraing in new and used apparatus, illusions, scenery, ooks, secrets and blueprints. in fact everything for the Magician. We carry a full line of Petrie-Lewis goods snd {ll all orders promptly. Ovr Original XRay Eye Act, better than any mind reading act, no code, no wires, no assistants, no nothing, $3.00; blueprint for Sawing Woman. Snilora, Galatea, Siberian Torture Board, and m ny others, $1.00 each; Multiplying Money Plate, finest made, ern be used for other tricks, $1.50; Roll Paper for Hats, ete., best grade, lowest prices; write us for anything you want, we have it We build flusions to order, first-class workmanship, reasonable prices. We buy rhd exchange used goods, send them in, Send 25e for gur 64-page book of Magic and we will include 3 complete tricks, 5 secrets novelty catalog, book catalog and all lists. Costumes for assistants, Oriental dresses, reasonable. Full Deess Srit, size 36, white vest, all in good condition, £9.00; Dress Coats, $3.50 and $4.00 each. Get acquainted here, it will pay you; ask Houdini, Servais LeRoy Rich, Webster or any other real Magician CHESTER MAGIC SHOP, 403 No, State, Chicago. MARIONETTES FOR SALE, bargain. BENTON, Billboard, St. Louis, Missourt. “MUSTOS” PRODUCTION ILLUSION, Fifty lats. Diagram for stamp CH ARLES ‘A. 1428 Second, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. ORIGINAL RESISTO’S SECRET—Strongest man canny you. Reware of fake plans, Complet $3.00. Va. marzo MILLI, 526 Main, Nerfolk, WING ThrOUGH GIR ECRET, rv. #4 8. IMLS, Sylvania, Suh i. ee