The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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(OO YtYT ca MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboara 199 ar ee T oes ms vo SENSATIONAL ESCAPE AGTosEbe oat, thet mates | © ROSY SAXOPHONE. genuine “Holton”, -ustd : . MEN TO HANDLE ADAM GOOO BUGLE HORN fo: phn, — BB ae oe p. 4 PY as" — S100, $78 — ; brass. Consider Partner for Coming Autom os R bugie “hee a ch . A t : yer _ sen om 4 ae. 3.00 deposit. Satienies «ate 4 . : ~ Tes real article, low priced ig profits. Abadi t . Hat uffs, Leg rons, Packing VERON GALSTER. MI s linois -~ iouse season. Four-pe ple attraction, trav: 4 } i tf Sete, Als have Spit itualistic. —— Renda — Ung and sleeping in bus car compartment GOOD, 12 a W. Jefferson &t.. Los Angeles. + Crystal Gazing and Magic Acts. Our CONN VOCAL CORNET, gold bell, cte.. plays A. | oth Ot Pullman. Man and wife preferred SALESMEN—Carr t "s Knitte! f wll, ete., ays oe a arry our fast <seliing Men’s Knitte ‘ S pe —. service ay _, A ? 8 vue J “A used one mouth ; pers — ? a you a peal ao be able Neckwear. Fine quality, low price. Liberal com a ie ee eee waa eto with H. PARK| te produce half of show exchange photos. | mission. BAY NECKWEAR CO., 523 East 47th St., , York niarsy He RST 2728 Boor Am lowa No. 3 Andrus Apts, S21 West Avenue, Elyria, |Chicas: . a -_ ——— Ohio. —_ THAVER CROSS aaa ey Ms CEASAn UM. -FONS for salt cheap; Hke new: 95 SALESMEN WANTED of Ladies. House-to-house 1 transposit ‘ nog TD keys, one ; kes e seventy-five. Wire ENTERTAINER. Magician preferred. for trip ¢ risville hville, Cincinnati, Norfolk, Columbu 1 Doves, 963.00; black «ate Cus ain, — enty, b lance rc D. _ Express full inspection mis in howse truck. ERNEST STAPLES, | Springfield, Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit and all lars 0x Bee ad _, week's = are. us | peclal cave ( w DUCHEMIN, Rear 711 Mass we * a! Delivery, Cine ut Spring and summer’s work. Something every ral ativer quarter she Ave., Indianapolis ee y needs and will buy. Write THE KINGSBUE\ M Ne. + a Dea RAWAM. Vint _ a SE ag aa th LADY PARTNER—To in an In forming an €03 1VANY, Dept. BB, Ft. Wayne, Ind mar." \ . @ nes — like new. A bargain. act. Must good sluger, HARRY GLYNN, 40) -— — = * ade up Saran C. BEYNOLDS, S17 No. Avers Ave., Chicago, | Palisade Ave., Yor hers : Ne w York. SALESMEN— Make easy money selling Archer WaterTHOUGHT f CTURES (copyright 1— 7 . Mastersols, —_ pro rons, School and Shopping Bags. Quality NI reRP riers B, “gel cgay bus, 0. DRUMS, Pest, ‘Trap, B ey ae en Pchic ee “eee NLA EN i. . . "ed raps, I etc.. BBb Bass tume ung, attractive medzie <Ave., 1lcag ha. ” leone sell. ave guts and registered Russian |I™{ormation apply, between 12 nd 1. JOHNNY "FORD, — fhound f ale r exchange, DR. WAYNS iT W 7th & w* York City. MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE WOLF. Carthage Missour a nt We Sten ee: SCENERY AND BANNERS — siniiniiins al PARTNER _ WANTED by Young Lady wishing to 4e WORD. CASH. NO ADV So WORD, C°SH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25e. ELECTRIC PIANO. loud tone for arcades, pit shows Tight Wire Walling , troupe. TIGHT | 6¢ WORD: GASH. ATTRACTIVE est Lite: 7o WORD, CASH. P ATTRACTING Fae Line. a “ ; A, Kea ~ ALBERT EYRE, | ! ik Biliboard, New Y City Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below, Figure at One Rate Oniy—See Note Ow. toe NN. OST St biadelphi *ennsylvania —-sininiapaipineienaesealtg ——— FLUTES. AND_PICcOLOS, hn. Sseme Yam ey wane iat Nea tes] nuwre ice bee aac ne ee Bay a i, exch wed. r i on “ jled | ambitious ents. Send whet aon cneiiat ners u ) : ad reatly reduced prices, ve For Sale—Freak Calf Mount. "it! tien." SURE Ct rte Sua 18 | lsat” Se” yolk FicrOm Sh AEE | ME ee serene ar tas x ads, two tails; In good condition; West 138th “t., Nev M Ye mar29 | Gen. Del, Washin zton, District of Columbia. — . weir Nit co., Omaha, ae ane 5.00 cash, Photo, ten cents, —————--~~ — ee " SUPER! R ae BOVEL: TY CO., fom ante, Fut Ra rar 0 fax. at aight ™ del cena ea: —— 2m: wnboorait es SCENERY BARGAIN—Seres ral benutifel Gheates *7 . r ve levee Mn 5 , L i . . 4 . x ‘ Hue 4 ‘ uu Maper. Curtai t t of er See whe . Ole tt ae _. | 75.00 cash W. H DEANE. Cresc¢ lowa. +a y-fifty : tr et to th " right one. 1004 Eleventh,|p. R KING RL EY -— 5 _ # Son ee ae * = wrthiwest, “Washi gton, D. Cc. 2 : . “ oF. Son, Os Living Tent Bargain—12x14, FOR SALE—Fine olf Violin; something for artists SKETCH TEAM os Paro ly « yoru SCENERY for all occasions, Show Banners. UNITED ee, 7 te 14 0. D. Duck, ite Ke » NEFSTEAD, 581 77th / us Partner by a versatile performer SCENIC STU DIOS, 3658 N. Broadway, Aurora, with 6-f wall. a iY * t b Ave West A'lis, Wisconsin, 7 cau lecture. BENTON, Biliboard, St. Louis, | qinoia, oma ll is 10 white sed ten ut bargain at | ~~~ ¥ : iesouri, = . in so. oder today, BAKER-LOCKWOOD, FOR | SALE—Y. rk E Flat Melophone Alto, with Kensas City, Missourl. aes good as new: $30.00. RB C.| WANT PERFORMER FOR PARTNER to produce SCHOOLS Ons 1 nf uron, South Dakota en Medicine Show. Have tent outfit. AYER’S t 2 a ign ap — ————-—-=——=s 1 TENT SHOW, Oswego, New York (DRAMATIC, MUSICAL AND DANCING) 90 Penny Arcade Machines, In | ror sace—muricted, oid Holton ato, sarophane 30 Sons: Stan: SOvASY: CES, Leen Me eluding several fmported mach nes. 3439 | hats Vine St., Spruce "10148, Phila ielphia, Pa. pass “a oe eee, = a a Pree . NOTICE! — Bee veel Ave., Cleveland Heights, Ohlo. 7 gee ERC PT Ea —— | teed. Good oice, neat appearance essential. State No advertising copy accepted for insertion under _— : FOR SALE—Deagan Xylophone, 21-2 oct-we: like | al] first letter clos " ig phat o (will return). Address | “Seheets’’ that refers to instructions by mail er any AFRICAN he wns HIDE, with head, length over new; easy terme Address ELSIE HORNBOSTEL. H. G B ar Training or Coaching taught by mall. No ads of 12 ing Spears fsteel), 1 Native-Made | Linn, Kansas, epeeennernnrepenmmenpneneEE I ee. Le 2 pl. ae op -y The copy must be strictly connife oA le: first $10.00. R ason oe ee Pa rt it) : ’ nim eonk ned to Schools or Studios and reter to Dramatic Art. S we for came in tattoo shop as a ove or maney | FOR SALE—28 black, bell-shape band caps, only Paaeoer . . . . ee he io Music and Dancing Taught in the Studio. back WATERS”, Tattooer, 1050 Randolph, Detr lt. |, a ro Apts gar 8 (D > named = — — wild west M... sidewalls. W. J. NELSON. Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. pineat sneseen for ts a $0 one 3 bass at 3 Brow vnell, ane ~ mal a4 > ; no (FAIRFIELD, 134 Littleton St., Springfield. —— aaTIFICMAL. EYES, $3. Fitted, by mail. “Booklet ' — a DENVER OPTIC CO.. 537 Barclay, Decver, | Massachuse lL Lr irc: | The New Haven School of Mueu tado apes | FOR SALE—Conn Barit me Saxophone; low pitch; with carnival. Address show MAN, sie. “The school of masters’; incorporated; nae : silver plated; gold be in case ine condi» Grand Rapids, Michigan artist teachers; thorowgh courses; state authorCALL BY WIRELESS yl 1c * ~~ eenee by | tien, $75.00. EARL HIPPLE. 624 Western Avenue, , ——--—==-=-=<-« | ized certificates and diplomas. Department diC. HOSING, 37.3 Dirr, Cincinnat!, O Davenport, Iowa. aera Sta oe Gt, for ~¥ -— rectors: Harold Huni, voice; L. Lestie Loth, —— neti 3 44o —_ oe — = nave EO rm, wider ?} piano, harmony, composition, ete.: Louis Zsiga for jewelr ol tc. | FOR SALE—Leedy Professional Bass Drum, 16x26, unds Address W OO! ‘ ane 1ony, I , : tsiga, CI eee: Stan to BALTIC. “Men: | _ uew: Liberty Xylophone and cose, LYNN HUGHES, CO., Boom 47, 168 Wash inten St Nome’ & ACT | violin: Louis Hunazek, cello, 890 Chapel St.. cANTI E CO.. 10120 Baltic Ro Cleveland, Ohio. | Sandusky, Ohio, TEED © cocpapess cele siete cis emaaciiencantendtamanianelanaca tas TOC a —_——__—— — YOUNG MAN has money to invest burlesque r ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA, India paper, gool|MARP FOR SALE—Lindemann, full size, double} musical comedy cr tatwud Pleased to a moe GENUINE STAGE TRAINING. Bookings guarantee: 0. DALTON RIGGS, 35 So. Dearaction; gold trim; nearly new; $400. W. J. OL-| people with new ideas or propositimis. Nothing too Acts, every description, couched and produced bom st. Chicas : SON, 5352 Ferdinand St., Chicago mar29 | big tor me Mrs. Bast, Harty Pepper, Mauri Dialects taught Dancing. Oriental, Spanish, Bue! a Cash, Chas. Dameron, Chas. Benner, please write, 1 Wing, ——— par Tiga Siwe, Eccentric = AYNES LOW C FLUTE pIccoto, $30. 00; $45.00 | good news ou. WALTER SELMOUR, S, | 787%. etc. taught quickly. Experienced staff profes BOTIOSRAPH hae yoy DEVICE rc * other — w OD nee Flute od hi ad, repadded, $40.00; | Sith, Ph ladely ia, "Penney ives ia. nal in ts. | HARVEY THOMAS. = Produ be: r for ool — "thee or —_ : “ARL | High Db Piccolo é $26 "han ershausen Opet a9 E Van en, 3d Floor. Call or write, sendi A DAN Y, 222 Experiment St., Griftin Geusio. G-sharp Flute, $60.0 wn T T BAKER, Maj Thes2 1c¢ for full particul rs, Chicago, Hiinois mat eels me ae ; tre, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania ws RIFICE SPA M r ranger page Jy nt wee PERSONAL ay ey SCHOOLS—We write and Coach Vauderil’« SAC a E r by Va ted a — n = IMPROVED CuRemaTio SCALE _ 40 WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS T ef all descriptions. Also Novelty Stage Dane x 2 SU es. played ith beaters; to learn ylophonists ‘ 5 ing T We will also be pleased to place as We — ‘bate ins. 1608 So. Halsted, Chicaga play ai on The real thing f r dances, with violin| © WORD: CASH. ATTRACTIVE Finer LINE t all times. BRIGGS TALENT PROMOTION AND Bie T ve NAMES. $10.08. . ny HAWKINS, 411 a’ : other instrume ws. Puts the 1 ~ 4 de — ROOKING. EXC HANGE, Room 87, Auditorium Bide a -_ ca use c¥ym>a and raps wit ne effect gS “a ee Chicago Linois, mare set Et... Pr vidence, ,_ B co mares We ‘ich 8 pounds. Comple with instruction book, 313 ee — ‘ Welsh 2S OME AEHPUSS "CO, Livres, whe| New York Mailing Address. ~ must CAL INSTRUMENTS consi, ward] HOELZER, 32 Union Square. apes | 2ND-HAND SHOW PROPERTY LEARN TO LAUGH on Trombone, Saxophone and Trumpet. | Method of attack, ete. Compleve in-| Ruth Terry, Belasco Theatre FOR SALE AND ACCESSORIES structions, $1. PINXY, 6° Liberty, Charleston, | “US ave oe >| 40 WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25a South Carolina. New York City] New York. marl) 6c WORD. CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. FOR SALE—WANTED TO eey a oo -—— Figure at One Rate Only—See Noie Below. 4o WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS HAN MILITARY BAND mene, 46-note, endless paper ; Ge WORD. CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. system, good condit! NES. 392 E Mek | Spanish War Veterans and Ficure at One Rate Only—See Nete Below. St.. York, Pennsylvania. ae Widows who are not getting pensions or had All Kinds of Ventriloquist Figaha. 2 claims rejected write me. FRANK FITZGERLists free. SHAW, Vi M MUSICAL WHISKY BOTTLES—Complete with in|‘ te . Atahe Lae s. Lists free. ietoria, Mo. Banjo, Vega Tubaphone, ne a day ene can py them. | AED, Lawyer, TM. Aladame, “Indianapolis, mar22 . A big hit on any bill; alwaya gets a laug . —— : ator, case, $55 HANNAN, 29 El-] cjete set sent prepaid. $5. Instructions for making — —_——__—--_— : =, 5 re, Roxbury, Massachusetts oy slaving your ¢ wn set, $2. WILLIAMS. Bex JOHN—M. the same. No answer from Lillia “typo Floss Machine. Used Tew | ai Sil S31, ansas_ City, Mo. . re . re. . _— od vir — Pa — — BE nee as demonstrator. All electrics. Wonderful a eb >. . saprT € scAace nere, MIL " » 4) , ’ “ a T AND COATS, $2.50; Caps, $1.0; flash. First 3120.00 akes this ‘guaranteed ew Buesch: r Alto Sax. ver Ree ee Aree na Conte, $15.00: net § white, $15.00 machine. MRS. EDD MEYERS, 1328 Washing plated, gold bells, L. P Complete in new | white 2 i: 9 Rand Coats, red velvet ton Ave., Racine, Wisconsin, eas Slightly used. Send C. O. D., subject ollare, $27.4 » Blues Q: Brown, Green, Black SALESMEN WANTED ~ = to eXa n First $110 cash offer’ gets it. | Coats, Minstre! Bell Hop, But) er Coats, 5c WORD, CASH. NO ADV. ESS THAN 25c. al J. HE VER. Wheatland, Iowa. $2.50. under Costumes. W ALLACE, 816 7o WORD. CASH. NO RACTIVE Cast LINE. Dancing D 0 ] 1 Game—Ver y m Wavelan “bicago Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. attractive; concession with or without locaProfessional Artists Mandolin, |sware orum. te-o.n ead: cover: 2 stends: 2 tion. Reasonable. J. ROSENBERG, 234 Thatpair drum sticks; above like new. Cost $60. First S 1 B I d d t S 11 ford Ave., Brooklyn, ) i + ; n Model F 4, Almost new; good plush$25 gets it. D. KIRL, 603 Provident Bldg., Cin a esmen. e n epen en . e Mned “ Bargain. $112.00. Also good nati, a 25e article on the street. Costs only 2c j Gal po-Ceile, $25.00, Write CLINT SLOAME, WANT TO BUY—Set of Tymps. 25-28, at once.| to make. Particulars free. E., W. FISHER, Electric Chair Outfit, Hindoo dalic Ohio. HURERT ROYCE, care Princess Theatre, Albany, | Rockport, Wasbington. Sword Box, Siberian Escape Board, Sword i Alabama. caumanpmaneien Walking Ladder, Side-Show TIilusions, cheap e —Big , = : * Stamp for list. WM. DUMONT, 115 League Supe rior Grade e Reeds Big WANTED--BB Tuba or Monster Eb Helicon preLatest Pencil Sensation! The St.. Philadelphia, l'ennsylvania. st. get it. Oo. E. jnaeuenernen, Teed ferred, NELSON C. INGALSBE, Marysville, Kan. “Rapid-Fire’. All points; new princi a ae 305 N, ourth, Columbus HO. pus ow int anc ite. e— Reed Finishing Papers, "S grades. Trial dozen | WANTED—C Soprano Saxophone, Tow tch. | Send my ie. Tnelude ty Rey se. sale For Sal “Aeroplane Carrouisserted, We, oe ription and jr JM OB ™ iw Als. Rips uey ce of Qe. Profit 100° Also sell to stores selle; in good condit on ; cheap for quick sale W th ont —|in display boxes. Cheapest antomatie in the @. CARLSON, a _bev Vs — =e Alley. Cc Coro . 3h ; edie. lict ; athe N, < Sassafras Street, Erie, Pent urlitzer Electric Piano wit WASHBURN GUITARBANJO, sell, trade Corona} world. Sharp as a needle, light as a feather. |G. , 2007 typewriter N Sousaphone wanted. | Send I5¢ for samples. U. S, PENCIL CO., St. | *y!van-a. Pi N 32.086,, practically new, for sale LEROY RATES. 225 Bree iway, Quincy, Illinois. Paul, Minnesota p ches " Have several attachments with com in WILSON CENTER SUPPORT. “14x30, DRUM. maFor Sale—High Striker, New, : Can also be played by hand HERRIT: } week, cost $82, sacrifice $22. €. 1 Gq). 7 Gold 0 2 A St., Quincey, Mass. Telephone OS34 TS a¥riush ee Mi n4 n ss alesmen — Your en pNo. 4 Ansterburg. Cost $65. : : ' ai hae ee ee eee ae ASS. $103.00; 1 Conn|,, ROrtunity. Be own boss; no experience. Arit. ©. E, ROACH, 195% © Ma . BAND AND O°CH°STTA INSTRUME NTS—Deal 1 CONN BBb HELICON BASS, ted OP ticle retailing $2.50; competitor gets $10.00. | bus. Ohio. professional house The cor erm com‘ Trunmmpet, a... 7 1 Keefer Trur pom <30.00: 1| Make $100 weekly. Write MANAGER, First t 1h ine am positively serves ‘ The .005 J se at » QT? » — cow ‘d . ™ Phant as't Oushestea Instruments, | Cornet, 920.90: 1 Allo, . T. FRENCH, | 2de, 3877B Tenth Ave., New York, mar20x | For Saie—Mech anical City, « 1 Repair Service permanent | 227%, Erie Street, Toled mat22 al es elias . . ; ~ a AGENTS—Make big money selling Adam Good Ha complete show w 4 and instrument played for ogee ae . aNew —_ Self Contained | Rack for Automobiles. Retails 50 cents. ADAM] crate, $100.90, a MRS. G. P. COREY a 7 > a , Y the best a Cahie Guare teed . DAY, Marshall| GOOD, 1421 W. Jefferson St., Los Angeles. i22 N. I N. Exchange § St. Paul, Minndsot ! Buescher Ludwig, Deagab, Penze!. | town, Towa. marie . aa Vega > ents in ule NEMST ITCHING and Picoting arenes, ae any “i ) an attr shen sm es an —— ; ar =— ma “une, for heme wor He For For Sale, Cheap—Hons: F fT wet Nyethuatats Sot tastare wakes | PARTNERS WANTED FOR Agents: prices, “Denver, Ea ‘APFACHMENT | Wy vw peor’ Re around half price. Follow!ng S$ xophones ~ nd transport baggag Especia ~ ses are low pitch and latest models: Conn ACTS So... . 8 ae Pie PIS Pek: 7 th bod street ¢ a | ‘ : Iver, $80.00; Harwood Soprano brass, SALESMEN—Hustlers amted $20 datly calling on]. 31 six fer stor; 37 Ss — ; fartin Seprano eflver, with gold k ¥ ’ (NO INVESTMENT) merchants. Ford car furnished. Daily necessity in ‘e 11 ¢ hig ou gas ant . \ stlver, $95.00: Buescher Alt gold So WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 250. attractive ‘‘self-sellinz’* counter dispia Over 100% Photo and « ation sent Harwood Melody, silver, $90.4; Coon Tenor So WORD, CABH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. profit each for merchants and sal Eno us aon’ JOE DA VN. 538 W. Grove a 0; Fischer Raritone, silver, $120.00; many Figure at One Rate Galty—Ceo Note Cclew, repeat business. Permanent employ or side line Betis niin te mar22 jos > ‘ h r a tate a. We buy, -_ — — Bcon a. = ‘Marvia d Building —s anaaegnnnsienipitmaiall “ atr ts ell us your wants an as “ou * stric olumbia. x a an » A emu Kansas. City. headquarters. | Wanted Partner with Carnival a = rachutes for Sale—One — ORD” mt "TAN COMPANY, 1018 Grand Ave., expertence for Walk Through Show. Invest SALESMEN, © ecallinz on concessionaires and car! let Rest ( Mine url wre Stier ES MEYER-j to sell Lamps and Shades. Side line; commissior triple and act complete. = ———— } $100. Good proposition. OHARL only. BOX 29, Billboard, New York City ver mad Hutchison. ED R. a, 4 CLARINETS, L P. 15-2. $15.00: 15-4-4,)SON, 567 Fox St., roux, N. ¥ : pel a ; _— : a2 HUTCHTSO? Winsor Ave., Elmira, N. ¥. gan 5-4-4, new, $35.00; Roehm, 17-6, eee, x Other rebuilt barvatne, Saxophones anc — ‘s all keys, Tell which, no list. Expert | NOTE—Ceunt All Werds, Also Combined Initials and Numbers in Copy. Figure Total at One Rate Only. ~ (Continued on page 200) Colunies, Gye MANNERSTROM, 1505 N. Fours, | iy ANSWERING CLASSIFIED ADS, PLEASE MENTION THE BILLBOARD. swe. OITA VE IS CURT "UU: hereon