The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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()..l Lcckeen > MARCH 22, 1924 g@he Biliboara 201 PRINTING nena and Envelopes printed, 100! WANTED, for white P. P. forty, Proscenium Arch, FOR —**Sec ‘ode”’ . $35; adv. Cal$1 FEARS PRINT SHOP, Box 717, Marquee, ext ra Side Wall and Midies, Piano, For Sale Cheap—Days of Daryr Ay — ) -* , : reed, “Oxone, A ‘city, alabama. Stage, Scenery, ats, Blues, Poles, e CAMP’ , THE ATRICAL FORMS, Contracts, Stage Money, inarde poX 1155, Tampa, Piorida. CUTS—2x3, $1.00; 3x4, $2.00, plus le postage. 700 ff ENGRAVING, Danville, Illinois. mar22 OND LETTERNEADS or Envelopes, $1.50; 100 280 ~ s Cards, 50c. EYER PRINTHRRY, Box geD, Deyton, Ohio, apl2 TERNEAS $2.25; 250, $1.30; 1,000, $3.15. 500 Le . > opes, = ou $3. 15; 500, $1.90; 250, my s mole. MOL LON PRINTING ic 1410 EB sth, Kansas City, Missouri. mar22 500 e » 28-POUND WHITE ENVELOPES, prepaid, $2.00 cash with order. Or send dime for emt and price st. Dime will be credited op frst order. CHAS. UTTER, Pekin, IUtnois, 5,000 5'ex8% CIRCULARS, $9.00; Sixes. ak: 50; guxd%s. $5.00, A printing low reain list ard samples free. GOOD’S PRINTERY, et sonburg, Va, mar22 TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE So WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25s. So WORD. CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. Figure at One Rate Oniy—See Note Below. CORONA, TYPEWRITER: good condition ; thirty dol ARRIS, General Delivery, Parkerson, wat Virginia. TYPEWRITERS, 20, anteed, £25 each. mar22 all in first-class condition, guar. REDINGTON, Scranton, Pa. mar29 WANTED PARTNER (CAPITAL INVESTED) @ WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25a fo WORD. CASH. ATTRACTIVE een te LINE, Figure at One Rate Only—See Nete Below. Wanted Partner With Invest ment. Take one-half interest and manage latest invention, Automatic Air Controlled Base Ball Batting Cage, using a dummy pitcher and catcher. WM. TRIMBLE, Phalanx, Ohio. PARTNER with some cash for small bost show. t have boat, write for particulars. P. BR. KINGS LEY, 615 East Broadway, Alten, Illinols. PARTNER WANTED—Have $500 and Services for novelty show cr act. What have youl! FRANK KADIC, Pasadena Hotel, 600 No. Dearborn St, Chicago, Illinois, PARTNER WANTEO—Waent to seli half interest in Machine Routes Fisconsin. Good grins | eaten for two. Too much for one. $20.00 quired. Address C-BOX 298, care Billboard, <i cinpati, Ohio. WANTED TO BUY, LEASE OR RENT WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25. WORD, CASH, ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. Baritone Saxophone Wanted; have genuine old Honf violin worth $150.00. Win pay cash stiteincnse, if any. BOX 226, geton, N. 4 Wanted to Buy Carousal or will give free land rent first year on midpopular amusement resort in sight ef Mass., to man who will install good catonsal Conerete Seendatien. all ALTER SOUTHWICK, Nahant, Massachusetts. —————— Wanted to o Buy uy “Whip” With out engine. State when new, condition and lowest price In first letter. ARTHUR G. BUR, North Adams, Massachusetts. PUNCH FIGURES. J. E Mar te Indlamapelts, TOTEM NOVELTY COMPANY wants Target Practice : al Bells. 191 South lake Street, auror ta, I = apri2 HAUSCHILD, 309 West Indiana, Two, COUNTRY STORE wnat. B. FRITZKE, lin. Tonawanda, New rk. _—, VENDERS—500 Climax ten wanted, LEITZ ENTER! "RISES, Bata Forest Ave., New York, mar22 WANT Set of “Tympani with tuning gauge, _ State vest price, DRUMMER, Box 713, Jamestown, North Dek ota, WANT To BUY TENT anout 39x40 feet. Write all gi fret letter. RV. BRADBURY, 2527 N. Sixth &., ladelphia, Pennsylvania. WANT To BUY—Spidora Mlusion Cabinet or Ga usion, fm first-class condition. Describe tuts tw FOGAL, 2107 18th Ave., So., Minne®polis, Minnesota, WANT TO BUY—Candy Pellet Vending Machines, lost Card Machines. GUST. RISTAU, Kau tin i, Wisconsin, ape WANTED Another Peerless Popper. WILL FOLK| ais i neordia, Kansas, WANTED To BUY—Small Mechanical Ball Game. TH HAWES, 1810 4th Ave., Huntingtc W. Va WANTED—Job Lots any kind, ‘ny amount, for cash. SALVAGE ©O., 1608 So, Halsted, Chicago. WANTE D—Magie and Yilusions. Desertbe 4, tut Goods : 1. IRVING, Gen, Del., Charlotte, N. C. WANTED Chester-Pollard Balloon Racer for cash. Hie! lass) = cond]tion c RAYMOND, 138 . St.. Portland “ S. =—_ — _ WANTED Penny Weighing Seales. Mutoscopes and a. Picture Machines. CHAS UMHLE, 1057 = ! Ave., Irvington, New Jersey WANTED—Rox Allies, Waffle Irons, Shooting Galky. 5. 0, THOMPSON, Ladiow Falls, 0. mar2? e Mo ‘ Head w. TARKINGTON Pr rum, Oklahoma. BELL SHOW, Wil! o Junction, Iowa, a = * WANTED—8x8 Dez d Dove Banners, and cheap for cas ~ i. FB, uc ghod shape YOusG, 310 Spring St., Loudonville. Obie. WANTED—Tents, all sizes; Candy Floss Machines, Trunks, Concessions. Pay cash. ROSETTER, Al bany, Ohio. aprs WANTED—2oxt0 Square End Push Pole Tent, canvas only. Must be first-class condition and a batgain. THOS. L. FINN, Hoosick Falla, New York. WANTED—Stamp Collections. Payment arranged with your bank if you have at right price. @G HOGGAN, Box 556, New Haven, Connecticut. . WANTED—Siot Machines. 25 Mutoscopes and Reels, 25 Duoscopes or Drop Picture M chines and Arcade Machines and Se and 25e¢ Operator Bells. KCSE, Gloucester, Massachusetts, WANTED—Slot Machines of all kinds. State full particulars and price. Must HORROCKS, ust be reasonable. &. Chapel St., Orange, New Jersey. WANTED—Fétty or fifty-foot tent with or without middle pieces, canvas benches, wfues, scenery, una fon, ete. No junk. CHRISTY OBRECHT, Winona, Minnesota. mar22 WANTED—Dilss Gas GEO. ENGESSER, St. Peter, Minnesota. mar22 WANTED TO Burner. { UY—Power’s 6 Lamp House and Arc By a 4 or o Ma = Must be in A-1 a che or cash. Also . WwW. ypamo. MYERS PHOTO PLAYERS, Herbert, Sask., tan ada. WANTED TO BUY Penny out fits of all kinds. Pennsylvania. Arcade Machines and 315 Hamor Street, Du Bois, ing, 5 reels, Tom Mix, $100.00. Charlie, 5 reels, Charlie Chaplin, $75. Chase Me The Liar, 5 reels, $25.00. Little Miss Fortune, 5 reels, $25.00. Prints in good condition, RSON FILM CO., Film Bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. Gigantic Bargains—Westerns, Features, Serials. KEYSTONE FILM, Altoona, Pennsylvania. Harts, Fairbanks, Mix, Four Dollars reel up. ECONOMY CO., 814 Corinth jan Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. marlo Passion Play, ‘‘Life of Christ’’ ee eennt Soe films, 738 S, Wabash Ave., icago, inois. Positively and Absolutely Most complete Film Stock in the Country. Super Special Features, Westerns, Comedies, Cartoons, etc. DELMAR HARRIDGE. Bloomffeld, Iowa. GOOD FILMS WITH POSTERS, $1.00 HARRY RICH, 689 Mission Street, San Se a California, “GUN FIGHTER”, 5-reel Wo S. an fighting Western, $35.00; paper fre. MOVIE SALES CO., 1216 Madison Ave., Baltimore, Maryland. HEART OF TEXAS RYAN, 5 reels, with Tom Mix, $100.00; Flirting With Pate, 5 reels, with Douglas Fairbanks, positively a clean up on the road, $60.00; Wives of Men, 7 reels, special, $75.00; Fail of Babylon, 7 reels, produced by D. W. $100.00; Black Sheep, 5 reels, smashing Western with Neal Hart, $100.00; Ten Nights in a Bar Room, $150.00; Burlesque on Carmen. 5 reels, featuring Charlie Chaplin and Ben Turpin, a laugh in every foot of film, $85.00; alsd all kinds of Scenics at $6.00 per sees one and two-reel Comedies, $7.50 per reel. No lists. Tell us your wants. BLAND’S ATTRAC TIONS, 3021 Leland Ave., Chicago, Ith LOOK!—4 fine Features, big star, goad condition, paper, $25 each. H. A, DEARMIN ENTERBPRISES, Mason City, lowa. Educationals. One = —Best re-| MONEY-DRAWING FEATURES—5 and 3 reels, leases. Posters included Free big list and} good running condition, Got the money over rock-bottom prices. MONARCH THEATRE | territory. Some paper and phot $3.00 per reel SUPPLY CO., Memphis, Tennessee. aprS | Comedy free. J. SHIPPEY, boi, “Main, Peoria, 1 PASSION PLAY—Three-Reel Pathe. $115. FALES, 12 Fine Reels Film, $25.00. HILLMAN, New York. 237 Goodale Street, Watertown, DANTE’S WNFERNO. Life of Jesse James, Ten Nights in a Bar Room, Confession, The Crisis. All kinds of two-reel ay reels, Comedies, Westerns Rezicus for the better class of show people. WESTERN FEATURE FILMS, 138 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Llinois. WANTED TO BUY—Band Coats, Caps, Pants, all kinds Full Dress Tuxeflos, Minstrel Costumes. What have you? WALLACE, 816 Waveland, Chicago WILL BUY 6.000 feet T Rail yard. 114 12 to 16 Ibs. to the B 8t., N. W., Washington, D. C. DON’T BUY UNTIL YOU SEND for our New List. Sereal Features, 6 and T-reel Super Features, 1 and 2-reel Special Comedies, Cartoons, Westerns, Ea ucational and Religious Films. Special prices. NOIS FILM SALES CO., 724 South Wabash Ave, Chicage. pr3 “THE GALLERIES know well that for fifty-five cents, pleasure seekers who sit far below them. one performance, Blessed indeed are they. Now I am one of the gallery gods. me a score of times, cusses, these gallery ushers), every angle that haunts these high heavens, I see it climb which means nothing. thumbprints. Each has its own clientele, the slant I strongly re thufiasm of these heights. And tion, if the play is a poor one You will find there the greatest inte! in the gallery of Tremont Temple ¢! spoke. the girl was obdurate. told her husband that “Blossom Time"’ the other produced it. Every second balcony in Boston has its own personality. its ceremonies, blindfolded in any one of them and by the feel of the seats, entertainment by their comments and conversation. igence, more misinformation in a second balcony than anywhere else in Her companion objected and declared that he had never been in Boston, LESSED are the poor of purse, for theirs is “‘nigger’? heaven. veurforty, threethirty, two-seventy-five, these prices mean nothing at all to them, for they are totally unable to tell you the price of a best orchestra seat. for a dollar-ten at the greatest, any show In town, and see it as well and with as much enjoyment as those wealthier They know and they can see Moreover, for the established top price of they of the gallery can witness three, four, five performatces. Every second balcony in Boston has held unti! I feel I know every one of the many steps: that lead to them, every usher that condescends to show me to my seat (they are independent to the sloping floor, every type of person Mention the name of a Boston theater to me and not in terms of foyer and dinner coat, Entrance, of the giggling girl that starts to unwrap her thirty-nine-cent chocolates before she glances at her program, of the buzz of spotlights, and of the arduous but in terms of the Second Ba'cony They are as unlike as its atmosphere. Place me the buzz of conversa of the floor I can name you the theater and name it correctly. commend these galleries, people who are getting much for little will carry you to greater for if the play is a good one Ch@en these same people will furnish you with A second balcony is never dull. the grossest ignorance. You can hear the world. It was at I heard the young girl say in all seriousness thet the last time she was there was at the patriotic meeting at which Uncle Sam but It was in the gallery of the Opera Hanse that the woman was founded she didn’t know whether it was Sam or J. J. c. B. O., IN BOSTON TRANSCRIPT. on Schr Anyway, one ibert’s of them ‘fe, but that wrote it and if O. K. MANAGER * Y Folding Organ week : Missourl, BU MEDICINE SHOW CO., Norwood, 40x60 TENT. Must be tn good condition and priced right. CHAS. McDONALD, Paris, Texas. CLASSIFIED MOVINGPICTURE) ADVERTISEMENTS ~ EXCHANGE OR SWAP WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25e. 4 WORD. CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. Figure st One Rate Only—See Note Below. vanes oo PACKING FILMS or pay No, I-A vo junk cash for wanted, FILMS FOR SALE—2D-HAND WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 250. 0 WORD, CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE, Figure a at One FR Rate Only—See Note Below. Educational News Weeklies. New condition. $2.50 each. ‘Two-reel Comedies, $10.00. Single Reel Comedies, $4.50 Send for list. JACK MAHMARIAN, 440 West 23d St., New York City. mar22 BARGAINS—Features, Comedies, Westerns. Send for list. REGENT FILM CO., 1237 Vine St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. apr5 DO NOT BUY FILM of any kind for any purpose without writing for our list and prices. In urging you to do this we are considering your interests. oe ESS FILM SERVICE, 736 So, Wabash Ave., Chicago. FOR SALE—Ten Nights Bar Room, Buffalo Bill, East , irist, lots of other Films and the abore 1 to 3 eights. tz, Pennsylvania, FIFTY REELS USED FILMS—Desirable for schools, churches and all non-theatrical purposes. PASTOR'S CO-OPERATIVE SERVICE, 518 Morgan St., Reekford, Illinois. FILM CLEARANCE SALE — Comedies, Festures, excellent condition, $5.00-$7.50 per reel. Special Feature List, $5.00 per reel. Send for list. E. & H. FILM DIST. CORP., Box 565, Birmingham, Westerns, Alabama. mar22 rs, $1.50 REEL. 100 Reels, all good, some like ew. Acme Suitease Projector, like new, $90.00. Act quick, W. M. TEMPLE, Mason City, Iowa. FILMS FOR TOY MACHINES. CHOO-CHOO FILM CO., Minneapolis, Minnesota. Send for list. 3012 South 43rd Ave., FOR SALE—Road Men. At a bargain 5-reel Fea tures, 2-reel Westerns and Comedies. Semd for list. CENTRAL FILM CO., 25 E. Universty Ave, Cineinrati, Ohio, FOR SALE—4 of the best drawing Features: Ten Nights Bar Room, Life of Christ, Buffalo Bill, Fast Lymne. Let of other a & . Reels to sell o exchange, 3 Labins, 1 Power's No, 5 Head. Wanted, Power’s No. 6. What have you? ‘HARRY SMITH. Gratz, Pennsylvania, } Antonio, 1223 Ey Fayette, Syracuse, New York. ROADMEN, FILM BUYERS—My complete etock of 500 reels must go. 12 Wm. 8. Hart Western Features; Tom Mix in Texas Ryan, 5-ree] Western; 10 two-reel Chaplins, 16 two-reel Tom Mix Westerns, loads of others. Write for list. Give-away prices, especially in quantity. S. REMINGTON, Apt. Norfolk Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. SERIALS, perfect condition, paper complete, bargain. H. B. JOHNSON. 533 S. Dearborn 8t., Cine. apré SIX TWO-REEL SLAPSTICK COMEDIES, $4 per reel, while they last. Will ship subject to examination on receipt of deposit. GORDON, 1002 Mallers Bldg., Chicago, Illinois. SPECIAL SALE—Sevrenteen Reels, good condition; three dollars per reel; forty-two-fifty takes the lot Also Serials and Features. Write QUEEN FEATURB SERVICE, Birmingham, Alabama. aprl2 THE GRAY PARASOL, @laire Anderson, comedy de tective, five reels, fine condition, paper, $25; Buck’s Lady Friend, Art Acord, three comedy, fair coundition, $10; Estes Park, one reel, ¢ condition, paper, $5. First $35 takes all. Played our circuit. A. G. KING, Pawnee City, Nebraska. THE GREAT WHITE } ag SE (North Woods Picture), Doris Kenyon, $25; Disciple, Wm, 8. Hart, $35; The Country God Foren, Tom Santschi, :” The Battlin’ Kid, Bill Patton, $45; Sudden Boy, Frank Young, $45; ; Jim Grimsby’s ush, * Clara Kimball Fighting Back, -Wm. mond, $45; hundreds of ther Five-Reelers at lowest prices history. Thousands of Comedies at $3.50 per reel ap. Two-reel Westerns, Dramas and Railroad Thrillers, $15 each. Prices include advertising. Condition of film A-1. Send 25% with order, balance C. 0 rewind examination. Write for list. FILM EXCHANGE, 303 West Texas. THE PASSION PLAY, Life of Christ, Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Joseph and His Brethren, The Life of a Cowpuycher, Cheyenne Frontier Days and all kinds of other big special money getters. Tell us a wants and send for our list. WESTERN FEA FILMS, 738 S. Wabash Ave., Chieago, Mlinots. THE qennane EVE, 6 reels, $48.00. Will sell my Koad a Films, 1 to 6 reel Features, very cheap. Some x. paper. Write for bargain lst. J. EB GR: UITAM, 56 Charles St., Totowa Borough, Paterson, New Jersey. mar29 THE SERVANT IN THE HOUSE. 8 reels, the greatest and best religious fil m ever produced, piayed one solid year in New Y price $150.00. Dante's Inferno, 5 reels, =e orching Flames of Hell, — new print, co 350.00, will sell for $200.00. BLJ my & s ATTRAC "TIONS, 3021 Leland Ave., Chi-_ cago, 111Nn0:s. Mix, Treasure Island, twen ter, fifty; Lon Chaney, The one-reel Comedies, five a reel Rosa, New Mexico. “UNDER FOUR FLAGS”, U. 8. picture, 5 wonderful reels, endorsed by President Wilson, American Legions, new print, $200. CENTRAL FILMS, Mason City, lowa. we. °. wy x. dandy reels, od Western an pi M ANSFI ‘EL D, Tidioute, 400 REELS, including Comedy, Western, three to five_ ye ures, Educational and Scenic. Many Ike Lis free. NATIONAL EQUIPMENT CO., 109 “West ‘Mic *higan Street, Duluth, Minnesota. 2ND-HAND M. P. ACCESSORIES FOR SALE Sec WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25c. Ze WORD, CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. Twoace. WESTERNS, Farnum, Hart, jollars each; Net, fifty; t C. LaDARE, ¢ Government wat Lome Avenger, $25.00; i Comedy for $3.00. Pennsylvania. mar22 Fireproof Metal Booths—Re pair parts for Edison, Power and Simplex machines. Silver Screen Paint ted Car bons, Premier Screens. Opera C I — s $5.00 up New . us 1 Theatre Equipme Big discounts « g. Write for litera ture. WE STERN ‘MOTION PICTURE .. Danville, [llinois, For Sale—New and Used Mov ing Picture Machines, Screens, 0) airs Ventilating Fans. Generators Compensares, Rhecstate. s, Portab! Projectors Spot Lights, Wa . Sterr > Fire Extinguishers r Floor Steel Booths, Motors. Lobby Fi aters, Ticket Choppers — os tor oe T eatre . The lare of used equipmen he country W or prices, MOVIE SUPPLY CO., Sif Ss. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Illinois, apri2 NOTE—Count All Words, Also Combined Initials and Numbers in Copy. Figure Total at One Rate Only. IN ANSWERING CLASSIFIED ADS, PLEASE MENTION THE BILLBOARD. ~. (Continued on page 202) ee es