The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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9 Ein Faw a MARCH 22, 1924 The Billboard 207 ne pret cst stock Co: (Multon) Oakland, Calif., iu» Harding & Kimling’s Mamma Dolls: (Crystal) Bashful Babies: (Gayety) Louisville 17-22; (EmPal Lucy, Co.: Leesville, La., 19-20; Vivian aa ; bide rado, Ark., Fet 1S, indef : press) Ci nati 24-29 1.22 Ce wk Co.: (Garrick) Milwaukee, Wis., es er he — Babies: (Jazz Theater) Beauty Paraders: (Corinthian) Rochester, N. Proctor Bros.” Highbinders, Geo. H. Proctor, enver, ol., inde Y., 17-22 lajestic) Seranton, Pa., 2420. mgr.: Longdale. Ok., 20-22. G Vanghan, Players: gee Toronto, eer 8, a? a Se (Calumet) Pig Sensation: (Broadway) Indianapolis 17-22; Reno, Creat, & Co.: Maple Rapids, Mich., 2?¢ Can Sept. 17 nd niet gO, + March é, indef, ‘Garety) Lo le 24-29 De) Carson City 24-April 5. ( tinier Players, Clyde li. Gordinier, mgr.: Humphreys . Bert, D neing Buddies: (DreamFads id Follies: (Garden) Buffalo 17-22; (CoRipley's. Geo. W.. Vaudeville and Pictures: ena) Regina, Sask., Can., indef fand) { hester, bs. “ -22 rinthian) or, N. ¥., 24-29. ( " « 17-22. Ge r Players, 3. 0. & Chas. A, “ee, Hurley's Jolly Follic 1k Maley, mer.: (LyFay, Gus, Revue: (Lyric) Newark, N. J., 17St ‘o.. A. P. Smith, mgr.: rincess) Ft. Dodge, I4., el ~ = — nt aver ay . ‘ (Columbia) 22: (Bijou) Philadelphia 24-29. ‘ Rustor ae 2 El ome om = ~~. oh. ee ; oe , ' Frolics of 1924: (Empress) Milwaukee 17-22; Stuart's, Neil, Shows: Bergen, N. Dj, 17-29. Gi er bees + tee out . — . —— t a “4 I own Revu Lena Smith, mgr.: open week 2129. ‘ ¥ Comedy Co., Geo. Vogelpohl, {.alto ou . A. « -—") ‘ yheur . 6-22: Lege rs ‘er , . . 4 ror “fon > 799+ On € IR. Ceand Players: (Grand) Calgary, Alta., Can., a M ~% or U., 122; (Regent) Jack ee the F ities: Penn Circuit No. 2 17-22; Mo., 19-20; Sedalia 21-23; Co ana omg ° “. . oo aes ype week 24-20, se lutehison’s. Jack Ziz-2s ; . ™ nw —_ 7 Grand Players: Dayenport, la., Sept. 2, indef. — ontown, = : 17 a Zaz Revue: (Dixie) =. bs J = ye en ty) Brooklyn 1722; t } vers: r rt) ang peach, Calif., 7 . ray : * Ton . (5g0 -OSTON e4-LU. mare Kameeres Ha J . P . Kirkla d's Kalifornia Kewplies: (Orpheum) St. ‘ds Up: Garrick) St. Louls 17-22; (BroadBAZAARSINDOOR SHOW ul ‘x, Jane, Stock Co, Adam W, Friend, , Aug ustine, Fia., Li-22. way) napolis 24-29. (ROUTES FOR THIS COLUMN SHOULD REACH mer. (Majestic) Hornell, N. ¥., 17-22. avemes, Seman, ©Tou Baty Oe: B. Liver Hello Jake Girls: (Olympic) New York 17-22; dag Fy RM flaw! Hall Stock Co.: (Kempner) Little Rock, : peel, O., 17-22 Butler, Pa., 24-29, (Star) Brooklyn 24-29. : Canine To INSU : L “ 7 ) got lef Wis, Her ian, Laughterland: (Majestic) AsheHigh Flyers: Penn Circuit No. 1 17-22; (Folly) Farlow’s Indoor Circus: Freeport, Il., 17-22. Hols ke Players (Holyoke) Holyoke, Mass., , "i mi N. eo es , F 7 Baitimore ” 29. Moore’s. John W., Indoor Cireus: (Eastern) sjef ae i ip, Hooray Girls: (Gem) Joy Belles: tar) Brooklyn 17-22; (Lyric) Providence, R. 1. 17-22; Birmingham, Ala., Hopkins, Monroe, Players: Corsicana, Tex., |; toes wy ii n eee Newark, N = 24-29, 25-April 5. * Me . 4 ~ re : “A s ar Keview Oo.: (Princess) Kandy Kids: Open week 17-22; (Empress) MilMoore's, John W.. Indoor Cireus: (Western) Hindson Stock Co.; (Hudson) Union Mill, N. 3. ysis Pansma Girle: vstate) Ak son , Waukee 24-29. Troy, N. Y., 26-April 4. Beh. 18, indef Sn rn Sones te) ASrOn, 0., 17-22. Laffin’ Thru: (Empress) Cincinnati 17-22; (EmRoberts, J. C., Circus: Palatka, Fla., 17-22; lowe t's. Henry, R rtoire Co.: (Copley Sq.) oo * ,! , )} Grand Rapids pire) C velar id 24-29, Deland 24-29. neg ome gg Grand) FE it! Naughty Naughty ¢ Q. R. ‘Thomson, mgr.: Meet the Girls: (Bijou) Philadelphia 17-22; LaVern, Dorothy. Players; (Grand) Evansville, “* 2 ‘| so. ag eae oie iain Penn Circuit No. 1 24-29 Ind., Sept. 2, indet N fties of Bre s Irv a : lew! . Midnight Maidens (Howard) Boston 17-22; CIRCUS & WILD WEST Lancaster Play (Fulton) Lancaster, Pa., Parr ' —s oo oo —s _ mer: (Olympic) New York 24-29, (ROUTES FOR THIS COLUMN SHOULD REACH indef (Family), Lebanon, Pa., 17-22; (Family) ytiss New York, Jr.: (Empire) Hoboken, N. J., THE CINCINNATI! OFFICE BY SATURDAY Lewis, Gene-Olga Worth Co., Dave Heilman, “Haliokio 24-2Y. . 2 (Gayety) Brooklyn 24-2 MORNING TO INSURE PUBLICATION) mer. : (1 un) Memphis, Tenn., Sept. 2. ~ . mee EB. * -—— ms (Regent), Moulin Rouge: (Nesbit) Wilkes-Barre, Pa., 17woe Pee ; : Mt. es Mee Oe ine, ees! gett mene Hoboken, N. J, 24-20. Morton's, Robs an Jose, Calif 3029. ‘ i Jat > om "layers: JetTlerson) s ° € ~ ) ”. "ace Mal d. , ‘ o R fob ose L . indef ‘ . Pate’s, Pete, Syncopated Steppers: (Jefferson) . Lou ek 17-22; (Garrick) St. Ringling Bros, and heaven m & Bailey: (Madison Luttringer, Al, Players: (Park) Mancbester, N. Dallas, Tex., i Spee 1 ‘ 90. = Sq. Garden) New York 29-April 26. uw. Fé o ndef. . . : “e r ag ty Forth, mgr.: (Cozy) y m ui . 9 © a Baltimore 17-22; Penn Lyceum Pl t (Lyceum) Pittsburg, Pa., ouston, Tex., indef. Struttin’ i " Mai tic) Seranton, P , Po adion , . Comat , re strattin 4 a: jestle » Pa, W%i “ pnien une” Anat comety cos yp.» STO" Aone tases) Soranton: Bou 1 CARNIVAL COMPANIES Ma Stock Co.: (Majestic) Los Angeles, Ls ville, Ky def ma ‘ ‘ ' Ring's, Hal, Pep-o-Mint Revue, No. 1: (Rotary (ROUTES FOR THIS COLUMN SHOULD REACH oe oe . ge dled : THE CINCINNATI OFFICE BY SATURDAY Manville Players, Geo. F. Dunoan, bus. mgr: | Stock) Cleveland. 0. ; PENN CIRCUIT ROUTE NO. 1 MORNING TO INSURE PUBLICATION) Harbor) ¢ sc . Tex., Jan. 20, indef. Ring's, Hal, Pep-o-Mint Follies: (Rotary Allentown, Pa., Monday. Mat s, Ca , & Ma e British Players: Stock) Cle nd, 0. Bethlehem, Pa.. Tuesday. Brown & Dyer Shows: Daytona, Pla., 19-23; (Ce ly) 1 . Can lef Saucy Baby, E. B. Coleman, mgr.: .(Tootles) Williamsport, Pa., Wednesday Jacksonville 24-29. MeGarry, Gart Players: (Cataract) Niagara St. Joseph, Mo., 17-29. Las Thursday ; Delmir Quality Shows: Huttig, Ark., 17-22. Falls, N. Y., indef Sunshine Re Cr er) E) mM 7-22 Reading, FPa., Friday. Dixielan 7 Shows: Helena, Ark., 17-22; Cotton Morgan, J. Doug, Stock Co.: Mt, Pleasant, T mt les, Frank Harris, mgr.: Reading, Pa., Saturday I lan t 20 Tex., 17-22 7 17-22. k Joyce Shows: Baton Rouge, La., Mor SI Co.: (Moroseo) Los Angeles, ‘Rang Revue: (Ell PENN CIRCUIT ROUTE NO. 2 cksburg, Miss., 24-29. Calif., def, 17-22; (Star) McKees: in. Shows: Tulsa, Ok., 17-22. New Bedford Players: New Bedford, Mass., q York, Pa., Monday. . Shows: Birmingham, Als., 22-29, Sept. : lef, : . Cumber one. Md Tuesday Jones, Johnny J., Expo.: Tarpon Springs, Fia., North Bros.’ Steck Co.: (Princess) Wichita, Alt t, Pa. W dnesday. 17-22. 1, indef Lewistown, Pa., Thursday Leggette, C. R., Shows: Stilwell, Ok., 17-223 sical Stock Co.: Grand Rapids, BURLESQUE purge ok stl “Pa = oH Pittsburg, Kan., 24-29. 7 ‘ ay SSeS McKellar, Jas. Shows: Jacksonville, Tex., Athens 24-29 Palace ; St 5 ¢ *alace ouston, Tex., -29. —, nigh ooss 7 COLUMBIA CIRCUIT MINSTRELS Michaels Bros’. Colored Shows: Savannah, Ga., Peek-o-Roo Players, Myers & Oswald, mers.: ‘ — 60 ote 17-29. (Midland) Hutchinson, Kan., 17-22; (Grand) a mg ge oe ~ om 17-22; (Gayety) OTe See ie opens ees Miller Bros. Shows: Tuscaloosa, Ala. 17-22. Sa 24-29, NESS : Papier wt 0 shows: Henders ’ Per Seok: Gis (Lyric) Knoxville, Tenn., °All in Fun: (Gayety) Rochester, N. Y., 17-225 MORNING TO INSURE PUBLICATION) Morfoot'’ one. Seen : 8 adereenvilie, N. 6., indef . : ’ : : a y Elmira 25; (Colont al) Uti ca, N. Coburn’s. J. A. Coburn, mgr.: Carrollton, Ga., Pr Coast Sh OWS, Sam Corenson, mgr. Pitt Stork Co.; (Unign Sq.) Pittsfield, | 2» S6-o0. aman. cag, 19: Cedartown 20; West Point 21; Opelika, — Fresno, Calif., 17-22; Modesto 24-29. la ndef. Bathing Beauties: ic usino) Boston 17-22; (CoAla.. 22: Colt a.. 24: Dawson 25; ange = Plainfivid Stock Co.: (Plainfield) Plainfield, N. | lumbia) New York 24-2 Greeny Ala ntgomery 27; Dothan SER: 68: GAP REN J. i Bon Tons: (Hy m) New Haven, Conn., 1728: Panama Cit} 29, Pol} 1 rs: (Grand) Worcester, Mass., indef 22: (Poll) Wate bury, Conn., 24-26; (Lyric) picig Al. G.: Tuscaloosa. Ala., 19; Columbus, Princess Players: *rincess *s Moi " 2. idgeport 27-2! 20: r o 1; l Ars. Nov. . ‘ad £: rey 1h atin gue lige sostonians: (Empl ire) Providence 17-22; (Casino) ean a oaeal ote eS 2 17ADDITIONAL ROUTES ON Proctor Players: (Proctor) Elizabeth, N. J., i. “ . ‘ 29: Steubenville 24; New Castle, Pa., 25; Sei f se mpire) Brooklyn 17-22; (OrWheeling. W. va. 26; Coshocton, 0O., 27; PAGE 258 ~ ns Stock ¢ Avon) Watertown, N. Y., » N. JL. 24-29. I , 28: Hamilton 29 » d >. =e ee} 7.99. —— ' L de ami -~v. P 3 Seas basen Charles) New Orleans, 3: Open week 17-22; (Casino) farvey's Greater, John A. Andrew, mer.t PRINCESS OLGA SHOWS fo tndet — . 9. ; “3.22 Nampa, Ida., 20; € wae vell 21; Baker City, want Shows with or without outfits. A few more clea Sherman Stock Co.: (Strand) Ft. Warne, Ind Orpheum) Paterson, N. J., 1iOre., 2 : El ; LeGrande 25; PendleConcessions F. W. WADSWORTH, General DelivSept. 1 Spare te : ceby * Newark, N. J., 24-29 © 17 ton 26; Walla Waila, Wash., 27; Pomeroy ery, Nortonville, Kentucky. Somerville Theater Players: S« ile, Mass. (Grand) London, Can., 1é28; Lewiston, Ida., 29-3 = e Theater Players: Somerville, Mass., Hamilton 20-22; (Empire) To: Rufus. Leon .: Empire, Ala., REN Greatest of All Toledo Stock { ‘7 ndef , : Summit 22 3: Cordova 27; wartz oe =< is rent : = ‘ooper’s, .Jimn levue: alace) Baltimore epublic 28: North B'rmingham 29 sationa —_ A. pos = rre » P ims Bs 17.22 + es ve a ehingt © , ~ Republ S: gh Sat mgr.: New Wire Acts. Address MRS. A. A. sw ARTZ, Maneews, Vietory Players: (Victory) “S. C.. Dancing Arour ( iladelphia 17-22; :, 24: Taylor 25; Georgetown ¢*re The Billvoard. or 252 Fulton St.. New York. indef " (Palace) Baltimors 9. lett 27; Belton 28. ANDERSON-SRADER SHOWS open at Russell, Kan, Walker, Stuart, Co.: (Academy) Baltimore Feb. Foll the D (Gayety) Pittsburg 17-22; Bill, C. E. Anderson, mgr.: Columbia, April 26. CAN PLACE Manager, 10-in-1._ All Con11, indef 0., 27-29 ; Sumter 21; Charleston 22; Savannah, ons open. Sell X on Cookhouse and Drinks, Corn Warburton Theater Stock Co.: (Warburton) henectady, N. Y., 17Yonkers, N. Y¥., indef s B ser Hall) Albany 20-22; Fashington Theater Gulld, Inc.: (President) (Gayety) Boston 24-29. 4; Augusta 25; Macon 26; Atlanta 27; Game, American Palmistry. Address Box 112. Phil28 lipsburg, Kansas, =. m’s, John R.: (National) Louisville, mnt = 70 Washington, D. C., indef Happy Days: (Olympic) Chicago 17-22; (Star y., 20-22. . hy Wilks anes: tide 1} Denver, Gel. taded: & Garter) Chicago 24-29 White's, Lasses, Spaeth & Co., mers.: Belew OSCAR V BABCOCK Wilkes Stoek Co.: ces) Sar rancisco uapnr-Go ck (Gaye <ansas City 17-22; ile, O.. 19: Cambridge 20; Circleville 21; . det why ailade — ; Heapey ne 4.29 a ae ? eanait 22; Youngstown 2426. Performing the larnest Sensational Act in the OutWilliams Stock Co, Ed Williams, mgr.: (Or finnity Hop: (Empire) Newark, N. J., 17-22; door Amusement World. A Bow te ‘DEATH yherr r . : ‘ ae ae “tm 4 : } i age te ‘FLUM ACT. Now book} : Racine, N 1 nde (Hurtig & Seamon) New York 24-29. e MISCELLANEOUS of Address Winchester, Nohare Stock Co.: Ridgefield projtywood Follies: (Gayety) Omaha 17-22; 3 “STURGIS STREET. WINTHROP, MASS. Park, N. J., indef. (Olympic) Chicago 24-29. (ROUTES FOR THIS COLUMN SHOULD REACH inninger, Frank, Co.: Kenosha, Wis., 17-22; Time: (Gayety) sYalo 17-22; (Gayety) HE CINCINNATI OFFICE BY SATURDAY he OT IT "24-29. MORNING TO INSURE PUBLICATION) CALIFORNIA SHOWS jan'peg Stock Co,; Winnipeg, Man., Can., Let's Go: (Hurtig & Seamon) New York 17-22; Bell's Hawaiian Revue: (Rialto) Erie, Pa.. 17 xoe bookine Shows, Rides and Concessions, Season . Y 4 2) (Empire) Brooklyn 24-2 = »: (Colo Elyria, ©., 23-26; Bellevue 27; 924. Want Ride Help. Address CALIFORNIA = F events (Empress) St. Louis, Mo., Marion s, Dare, Show ‘(Columbia) Cleveland Bue srus 28-29. SHOWS, 20 Hemenway St., Boston, Muessachusetts. 7-22: (Empire) Toledo, 0., 24-29. tent fot ‘ ~" urd Playere: (Majestic) Detroit, Mich. ysonke, i ee Colonial) Utien, B. YX 20-88; Pizch._ McDon 1, Magician, Alkahest Lyceum, — ) : » 4 “e 0 Shir vomial ica, sv. mers.: Hosford, Fla., 20; Tuskegee Institute, RLY HOWS (Gayety) Montreal <4 = 29 end) Ala., 22; Lafayette 24; Jacksonville 25; De* Nifties of 1924: (Gayety) Detroit 17-22; (Grane eatur 26. a ok 924, SHOWS AND CONCESSIONS. TABLOIDS London, Can.. 24-26 Grand) —— mitton 27.29. Covered Wagon, LL. F. Manoly, mus. dir.: Lesvenworthy_ Ke _ | a SHOWS A) NCE. ft Queens of T'aris Gayety ston Gallipolis, 20: Wellston 21: Glouster 22. (ROUTES FOR THIS COLUMN SHOULD REACH _ (Hyperion) New Tiaven, Conm., 24-20. Craig, Chas. H., Magician, Community Ent. THE CINCINRAT! OFFICE BY SATURDAY Radio Girl (Capitol) Indianapolis 17-22; Assn., mgrs.: Buckeye, Ia., 20; Ellsworth 21; J, }.¢. FIEL FIELDS GREATER SHOWS MORNING TO INSUPE PUBLI-ATION) (Gayety) St. Lonis 24-20 St 22 ee : I I Yorkville) New York 17-22; oe I 8. C.. 20-22 , tecord Breakers Sweep ae o — Dan el, m ae Mag cian: Inman, S. C., 20-22; Onen May 5, Laaysmith, Wis. Now bookir “pe . Northla nd Reanties: (Family) Shamo (Empire y Providence 24 = o aie ; a4 25 Cliffside, N. C., 28-27. Ride 3 ‘a Conc a s. WANT Foreman for Parke r Bash? Pa 17-22 Runnin’ Wild: (Casino) Brooklyn 17-22; open eonee Magician, Hows ard Thurston, megr.: Swing and Eli Wheel. Al! ( 5 [ ; ashful Dolls, Jack Dickstein, mer.: (Plaza) week 24-29 # Barre, Vt., 19-20; White River Junction 21J. C. FIELDS, I Wisconsin. Brow le, Pa., 17-22 Silk Stocking Revue Empire) Toronto 17-22; ’. Rerattlebere 24-2 St. Johnsbury 26-27; = _ Gayety) Buffalo 2429 Franklin, N. H., 28-29. GREAT WHITE WAY SHOWS | tor next Seo W. BLACKBURN’S MILLION-DOLLAR Basv Step On It: Open week 17-22; (Gayety) Omaha pelmar, the Wizard: McDonald, Pa., 19-20; cow Booking 5 She ™. Rides a sslons fur pent P iv . Time Ex — 24-29. (Elmore) Pittsburg 21-22. ee son aes 7 . : ’ 17 « P © . — _ = i erry . NIG ul . f K oi rh “ I ~ n ‘ s. Falk of the Town: (Star & Garter) Chicago 1% Fat away, Magician: (Grand) Baltimore, Md., , ~a C at “cor Wy : 1 bo 29: (Gayety) Detroit 24-20 “i 2.22 ng Conces p= ML Te Ma : Temptations of 1923 Empire) Toledo, O., 17Hoffman, _ Hughes & Marks Expo.: Houston, HELLER’S ACME SHOWS «; 3 for 1924. Sea Blackburn's, Geo. W.. Mitton I Mar Baby Co.: 22: (Gayety) Dayton, O., 24-29. 2.90 Tex., 17-22; Lake Charles, La., 24-29, n opens mid ; HARRY HEL (Strand) Charlestor , x 3 q Town Scandals Gayety) Dayton, O., 17-223 Hunchback of Notre Dame, Walter Batchelor, L ER, Mer i] H ’ N Black's, Rob, GI lobe 'T rotte an: "eieah Spartan(Olympic) ¢ nat! 24-29 mgr.: (Atlanta) Atlanta, Ga., 17-29; Mont 799. burg : p Vanities: (Gavety) Washington 17-22; (Gayety) gomery, Ala., $1-April 1; ‘Tuscaloosa 2-3; f Boot)" Th, a “a r Tk ant s: (Rialto) Pittsburg 24-29 Selma 4-5. Lee Bros. ied OWS : y ae ; a ‘ Ac , Reef Trust MonKig i Show: Zumbro Falls, W Paley we ". Imiame) Watson's, Billy Trust: (Gayety) — gins, Lewis, Minn., Min» heen i Fia., 17-22; (AlnMom treal 17-22: (Van Curler) Schenectady, N. Y., 7-22; Wanamingo 24-29, N pens Broa t's, George, 20th Century Globe Trot°4.96; (Harmanus Bleecker Hall) Albany 27Lawing, Hicky, Co., under cenvas: Thomasville, . ters: (Capitol) Moose Jaw, Sask., Can., 29 Ga., 17-22; Montgomery, Ala., 24-29. M. L. SCHAEFER, Monager, Frederick, Maryland. indef ' ; Watson als ling by (Grand) Canton, O., 20+ ome Brown's Mary, Tropical Maids: (0. HL) Lin2; (Colun velar a 24-20. 17 _McCLELLAN SHOWS ton. Ind., 17-22; (Harris Grand) Bloomington Whirl of G ris: Holi) Waterbury, bn " : sions for 1924. Ad28-09 19: (Lyric) Bridgeport 20-22; (Miner's Bronx) Now w i < fe . pe oat a Missourt. N ” “ ire sfes Ise, y, D185 CI ft I's, George, Pep & Ginger Revue: (King ew York 24-29 2 ae aienel THE MAN WHO FLIRTS WITH DEATH. c ‘ 0 Pq Yord) Montreal, Que., Can def wi in ams, Mollis — Oty as a tacinae The Hirhest Aertal, Act on Earth. Open June and NINERS MODEL SHOW Now booking ConcesOller’s, Jim, Flapp er Review iMateattec) 7-22; (Cap ) Indianapolis 24-2 “ ‘i July for Parks in the East and Middle West Ad sions and Shows for Danville, Va., 17-22 Wine, $ oman a 1 Song: (Miner's Bronx) New dress MISS E THEL ROBINSON, 202 South State 9 Seacor ens middle of April, Address B. HL Fe! of Broadway, FP. M. Gardiner, mgr.: York 17-22; (Yorkville) New York 24-29. °° St, Chicago, Mlinols MINER. Mer., 161 Chamber St., Phillipsburg, N. J. tt ly) Rochester, N. Y., 17-22 Youtheul Follies: (Columbia) New York 17-22 : =" vim *& Snyder's Show Ant go, Wis., 19-20; (Casino) Brooklyn 24-29 gg Rony ——— Ao Ok.. 22; FRANK J. oa SHOWS Shows eam te) *y Of. € eas . Ch had ‘ § ( > 43° RiaAMOME vw % lean eae Comme Se MUTUAL CIRCUIT Oldfield, Clark, Hawaiians, H. A. Wilson, mgr.: } ride 1 Golden in . Max, Oo: (Lyric) Ft. Wayne, ride help for Whip, Merry-Go-Round and Ind Band Box Revue: (Empire) Cleveland 17-22; Stroud, Ok., 19-20; Shawee, 21-22; Bristow ferris * Wheels. WINTER QUARTERS, NORWICH. a (Garden) B 24-20. , . 23-25; Beggs 26; Okmulgee 27-28; Tulsa 29. CONNECTICUT a : MJ Lo rhe . ~~ -—~ —_—— Sh Rk hk nee cel