The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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ey ik lk — een ES ets ac Sota +1 CeOPRPRET: VET Ere oc 210 The Billboard MARCH 22, 1924 * ED Each. -NEW REDUCED PRICES- GET BUSY BOYS! ALL GOODS GUARANTEED! UNBREAKABLE DOLLS ALUMINUM GOODS PANELED Each. Gross. With Plumes, 20 Inches High..$0.55 | Larose Heavy Dish Pan ........$0.65 | Paper Parasols .. ecccccccccccGaee 13-Inch, with Tinsel Dress...... .45 | 2-Qt. Paneled Percolator ....... -75 | Feather Pin wheels coves eoeee 4.50 22-tnch Tinsel Doll Lamp..... $.00 5-Qt. Paneled Kettle and Cover. .75/| Bobbling Monkeys ........ .... 7.50 | 15-Inch Doll, with Plume Dress. .65| Large Paneled Roaster ........ .98} Scissor Toys ...... coccccccecce 200 120 GAS, HEAVY .....cccccccccre GRO perme car Diner, FROM JAPAN: |_| Smail Plume Dolls and Dress... .28! Footed Colander .............. .801 Celluloid Handle Whips ....... 7.00 | 70 Gas Transparent ............004 $00 Win Lo. lying ir is sy ~ A rae $ . 45 Squawker Balloons ....... ccocces OED paler 450/ ADVANCE SPECIALTY COMPANY | istic" ooo EERE Do ee teed 70 Animel Balleens ...0...+.0000.. SD BEST PRICES, QUALITY CONSIDERED. 307 POPLAR AVE. COLUMBUS, OHIO QUICK SERVICE! QUICK SELLING NOVELTIES 1 W. MOUND Sica cee .......... te Quality and E YOU WILL FIND BOTH IN OUR COMPLETE CATALOG. The best he to-date, suappy premiums, at the owest p Write ‘for. ‘Our Catalog, the snappiest salesman of them all, % —s complete set, t ry sama a consisting of gold cap, in “a black Price per set... a DaRiociied Price per dozen... 27.00 J. H. COLVIN CO., Inc., 180 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Importers and Jobbers, Send Money Order or Certified Check for 25% of Order, balamce C. O. D. Johnny J. oJ ones Exposition Shows Playing Greatest Route of Fairs Ever Played by One Company Western Canada Circuit Canadian National Exhibition Biggest Annual Event in the World London, Ont., following, with Nashville, Memphis and Chattanooga; all Tennessee. Then North Carolina best Fairs. Closing season November 28th, at Florida State Fair, Jacksonville; then into Cuba. If you have a high-class Attraction or a new Ride that is a Ride and something new, and you want to make a record, write me fully. Can also place people from West India and another Jap. Troupe. Ride Managers and Workmen, other useful Carnival people. All address JOHNNY J. JONES, City Beautiful, Orlando, Florida. FOR SALE i Traver Engineering Company’s Seaplane in splendid condition, used one season. For full information address H. F. KIRCHER & CO., PEORIA, ILL. | WANTED— SHOWS, RIDES AND CONCESSIONS SHOW OPENS APRIL 14th, WEBB CITY, MO., and Goes North. Will Sell a Few Exclusives. Shows and Concessions Must Live Up to Our Past Reputation : ED. A. EVANS SHOWS ED. A. EVANS, RTO TS, KANSAS. Bw-. “KEEP YOUR SHOW CLEAN” Advice in Special Article by pram B. Hubin in The Billboard, Marc 22, 1902 FRANK B. HUBIN Often have showmen spoken of the many years The Billboard has printed articles encourag ng clean amusements and business tactics in the outdoor show field. It is needless to recount the years successively—they have been cou iinuously. While recently looking in a trunk among keepsakes, Ge rge " Steele, veteran showman of the Sells-Floto Circus and other o iiva ns, came across a copy of The voard dated March 22, 1902. On page 10 of that Issue appeared an article by Frank B. Hubin, now of Pleasantyille (Atlantic City), N. J., with a larce cut 6f Mr. Hy bin. It was headed, “Keep Your Show Clean’, and read as follows: “With pleasure I will write you a few lines regarding the commercial, amusing and advertising value and prominence a city, town or village gains by having a street fair, carnival ibition. In the first place the street fairs have come to stay, and when properly managed and free from all objectionable shows and conducted properly they bene't everyone, My experience has been that the average street fair is not properly advertised A street far, to be as ess, ould be boomed away ahead, to give the people and merhants time to talk about it I will call the reader's attention to a street fair that I helped to make a success in a pre nent town in Ind’ana. I arrived in town oaded with credentials from the several «treet ‘fa rs I had promoted, and went among the loca! merchants and got their opinions Some laughed when I approached them on the sub lect Others said: ‘Oh, we don't want anything like that in our town.’ Well, I agreed with thom that so street fairs had exhibitions which were not richt, but that evening I met the committee and all local merchants After lengthy dis cussion we all decided on the street fair proposition. They went to work and apno'nted their committee, raised the necessary amount of lumber, advertising and fireworks display, while we arranged excursion rates and had the town billed for nearly 109 miles on four dif ferent railroads. The Sunday before the fair the shows came, as did the knife boards, caneracks, balloons, popcorn and confetti men, etc. “The people remained over for the fireworks Aisplay at night. They then went home, told friends and neighbors about the great time they bid at the fair, told who they saw there, told atout the shows, brought home presents for theygchildren, and, during the week, they came agiin and thelr friends were there. “Who got the most benelit? Why, the mer “BUY FROM THE MANUFACTURER” We make «¢ ete line of Decorated Shade Boudoir and Table. Lam Write for No. 6 Circular showing Lamps in actual colors. Complete with Cord and Plug, $2.00 and up. 25% cash with order, balance C. @ D, Prompt shipments, THE ENZOR-HOEL COMPANY COLUMBUS, OHIO Bell Phone, M. 3315, Citizen, 9364, oa oe = ee eats BALL GUM MEN Send for Free Sample Box of Pleer’s Best Ball Gum. Special introductory offer to those who answer this ed FRANK H. FLEER CORP., 10th and Diamond Sts., Phila., Pa. Concessionaires the sie season On Jap Dolls Something New for 1824 Don’t let anyone kid you about our having quit the game. We were the first Doll Man ufa urers in Ctr Innat! and still dolr ave the difference tisfactory service and quality merhandise -has kept us sy and continuously in business. Send for sample. Jap Dolls, 7Se, post prepaid. Send for Wlustraied Circular, All orders filled same day recelyed, 50 per cent deposit required on all C, O. D. orders, CHAS. HESING 815 VINE STREET, CINCINNATI, 0. Automobile Polo Co. 15866 Dexter Boulevard, DETROIT, MICHIGAN, Polo Games— Balloon Show—Auto Races