The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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ee erg MARCH 22, 1924 The Biliboarad 225 Mutoscope GET READY FOR A BIG SUMMER Special “Good Will” Discounts Gets the Crowd—and gets their dollars It’s wonderful how fast the pennies grow into dollars when you operate the MUTOSCOPE—the best known and oldest movie machine in the world. Put a battery of Mutoscopes in your Arcade, Park, Carnival, Store or ’ wherever crowds ae OPERATORS—insist on Mutoscope. Boost your profits from the first day that Mutoscope is working for you. 10% 1 DISCOUNT UNTIL APRIL 10TH. To help you get the jump on the come o ot ing season, we offer the Mutoscope at SHOOTOSCOPE 10% discount until April 10th. (Registered U.S. Patent Office). Mutoscope is constructed of durable Great repeat machine. steel; body of machine, as illustrated; set Penny returned if player on sturdy iron stand. Regular price, comhits bull’s-eye. Built of plete, with reel, $50.00 F. O. B. New York. iron and brass, enameled. : $60.00 F. O. B. New York. Send your order today. Be sure of imRefuse imitations—be sure mediate delivery and get your 10% disit’s a Shootoscope. count, Int ti 1 Mut Reel | scope Reel Co., Inc. . 538 West 23rd Street New York City ! MUST cellence. Only saw a in print a few — SSS times since the close of last season. : SACRIFICE )) . Den’t Buy Trashy Flappers—Buy Our Plumes and 50 GROSS OF ec. Of course you remé mber Hai Arve y Watki ns, Te ) “a VANETY CASES, 8 Still in New York and one of the live ones MAKE YOUR OWN = } udeville usiness S tl . f genuine im the vaudeville busine % othing like of the best qualit leather, ib black, ‘“‘lots’’ of experience. y: brown, gray, keygene. i UN S, M. P P d _ Clay Lambert will attend the opening of the {/ > PL. 1E 00 er oun Awe J be Ringling-Barnum _ Circus, He has faried » at mers to the urd) ‘ne. ftted theatrical interests in New York. se In Assortm i Flashy aes . ~ f 2 234 i ler, balance f bh 1e of the B. F. Keith New York ey x, TOUge Walter L. Ma ay AMERICAN MARABOU co. and pin ! ‘ rse in the world” Ma 67 Fifth Avenue, NEW YORK CITY. « improved electric last — “ Ses ni Marabou Trimmings, Assorted Flashy Colors, $1.00 Seren 8 pon. The ladies ‘ geile Per Dozen Yards. Ketails for $4.50 little animal was ‘‘j , . : mie for anything’. Ain't that women for Our Sacrifice Price... : SSS 00 _PER —a $15 DOZEN ir yor HAVE OLD POSTERS AND ROUTE cel) 9 Samele. Prepaid, nooks ; aed $1.75 Courtnee Ryley Cooper wants old posters and : QCTAGON-SHAPED ELECTRIC LIGHTED VAN~ circus route books during 1870 and 1880. If ary CASES, Large siz * ates . Ts and you have ny let him know, care The Billt ~* ~ . 1d board, New York. What have you of any ~ Is rile dates, way back’ Per Ocren. see : =e New Also saua ae s Sample, Preseta, “34 00. ial Sam J. Ranks tells us Frank Revel, former I JA HAPE with ¢ ed patent lock. aontracting agent yw lives at Fort Edward, Per Oczen.. a polished & $24.00 N Y.. and ts editor of a newspaper at Glens Improved Operators eA eocsesesseccoces ‘ Falls, N. ¥. Ay) < isa Ne, | "Prepaid, s: otf A 7 so. all : = 1994 4 Jorras bl i day o, received, 2 posit on James F. Donalson, former cireus pre Ss ager nt 4 atts | arc. Oo Db. ord vr ord e. and for several years Stat ditor of he Model ay, LEADER LEATHER Goops C0... World. Roanoke, Va., has d plenty of offers HE 513 Std West Monree Street, Chicago, 11. to return to the game. several of which weére _— Mint whe 25¢ es . for general agent's position He may or may P<: J < af ot. For the good of the circus business, we ree 7 G AE ER es Style erman Ma Bae bese ae e asset and not a liability. 100,000 Mark Notes, Per 1,000...$ 4.25 him will get an ur a ( . : , ar A , > , a pe ~ pa — na sy shan W. If. Horton will soon be éclivering his THREE BUSY LITTLE BEES ALWAYS WORKING \ ar otes, Per 1,000... . ‘ al address to the boys on the bill cars. . = wees Mur ved 100,000's, 490: hundred 50.000"s, 75¢; hun= 6 BRINGING IN THE HONE} yr he 0, $1.25. | 100,000's are new, cr MP in TO ALL CIRCUS FOLK: fo : w 6 S threads, ete. NO SCRIPT. terd «6 THE)=or RILLBOARD’S — CLASSIFIED We have them on hand for immediate de 0 D eg ae . ‘ en HOTEL DIRECTORY each week You will 608 Arch Street, Renee deters Rie. P arn stare eat BANNER SPECIALTY CO, eft? Sot-2iXtha Tt CASH or 2 ley , ba ; of all SHOWFOL x That is just what this NO t ulred om telesraph orders eliy particular direct is for. See it in a s and ty mat You don’t need to s¢ Hsewhere all other ues rou are not treated right b ter ‘We H 7 Ay > — ™ in anyone of them just let The Billlx om know. ivi ETR ~ DAVID WEISS, 1115 Lamar, Memphis, Tenn. P ia i _Fred B. Hutchinson: Now tell us what you are going to do this season. How is your old AGENTS, CANVASSERS home town, Parkersburg, Pa.? Good luck to SALESMEN he — Recently tn front of Loew's New York Thea: a — mer een, Cie on Te are real buys 8/58 Blue Ribbon Felt ian pictures show an elephant group in General Agent and one Promoter. Both must fron former — peer pone Rus, $15.00 a Dor: Sample, $1 5, $13.50 Noses taken at circus winter quarters, Macon, panizeq Vaudeville or Musical Comedy Show g e and carniva m a Dez ple, $1 lored Wart “Ru s $t2 a Ga were shown All showmen knew they a : 2 A WANT ¢ . . of all kinds excert Cookeee Be $1.25 sibs 4 size oe B a Ru ; were the Sparks phants, eaif te be eanag “SANS ae Wes 5 pone o s Palmist. Whitey Graham, let’s Voz.; Sample, § é *Teaty . t working in all show . house, Corn Game, Blat andl | V % write n (KE RnR HUG COMPANY, oo Anent w nd . “~~ Charles = arks be euanet hear from you Address METROPOL ITAN SHOWS, Box 758, Charleston, West Virginia. t ester assachusetts vsiness ell no t } pd t, Worcester, M achuset with this publicity Me. Sparks—Next time Advertise im The Billbeard—You'th be sotisfied with you visit New York pay us a visit; the door When Writing to Advertisers Mention The Billboard. results. (Continued on page 226) >