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The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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V MARCH 22, 1924 The Bitiboara “he evecrese the ast = > See Fag Be. 157 PRUE AR AO 2 et Aa ET Tis pts. By pee eia 4 "2 a a / 44 eA i PEs _ WANTED Actors = email 6 Man, man for Ik Spe ive, ps r ow man ble ee-Night Rep. i | = sion, Northern Minnesota, 0 il Ith, earlier All pi ted atate own Siate if of 1 y in~~ y ox. f ya t Rae, , A > WILSON Mer, | I s a y. 315 Beltr Used Canoes, especially constructed for livery use. In excellent condition, with paddles. SAUNDERS’ CANOE LIVERY, P.O. Box 158, Ann Arbor, Mich. SILODROME RIDERS eaded by Presidente Municipal Alvidrez, ealled nd welcomed the vfolks to the city. Wortham's World's Greatest, now owned and opera l ] ( R ns D 1 t sts, J ! ect ‘ r in N les, iY v € oged I the of | I act there w yv nera but al g ter < nh cone t wil and ( Claude M rs, T I ‘ Cy ¢ ns, arb, ¥ I 1, J 1 l ne. ls 1 H r I omI ! Ar I os The ale s ra, was seem both caravans rs Imp rompt part an k 1 e of good fellow , r week with true w ating ruout. One of i ! t ft tu affairs took pk thern ( and at the table x Joe Fred H 1 and Mme, I Ww ™m s, and Mr and M Iva Sna ] a Mrs Wm Snapp, Mr Row 1, Mr and Mrs I f E tt Gra Mr. and Mrs Bell ' SYDNEY LANDCRAFT (for the Show). THE FLOATING BICYCLE a | Dolls, Candy, Clocks, Blankets, Aluminum, Umbrellas, Swagger ‘YOUR BIG CHANCE “* CLEANUP! TORCHLAMP! WINNERS! SWAGGER STICKS! 36 inch Long with Siiver Caps, Silk Tassels. Big Flash for Umbrella Stand. Assorted Colors. PRICE $21.00 Per Gross PRICE: $9.00 Per Dozen. Wonderful Intermediate for floor Lamps. 11 inch high, 6 inch wide. RULBER BALLS 7 inch Diameter, double striped Red and Biue Colors. Price: $5.75 Per Dozen. Prices for other sizes listed in our Catalogue. BANG! BANG!!! BANGIN Open The Season With Our Latest Line of Money Getters! | Send For Our Illustrated Catalogue Which Contains a Full Line of Sticks, Silverware, Beaded Begs, Floor Lamps, Rubber Balls, Intermediates, Leather Goods, Boudoir Lamps, Manicunng Sets, Slum Jewelry, Novelties. Ete. HORROW NOVELTY COMPANY 38 North 8th St., Phone Filbert 3642, Philadelphia, Pa. “MEET THE HORROW BOYS ON THE MIDWAY” | 33335066 reeSSO OOOO OSS PESOS OOOO OS OOSOOOOOS roe New York, March 15.—The coming season ¥ cn all f ty, see an Id tion to a und*at beaches if the ‘ ts of P } r of Jersey ( N. J bear fr “The T + 4 Riese! ” pat ente ] und Tr t) Tel laws of th ted States, Canada, Great 90 weeks’ engagement. No jumps. Ladies considered. ~ tain and Fr: Was COE = — raemer in 1917 and has pr nh 2 mos eBave opening for six Riders. Coney Island, Rockjichtful aud exhilar water sport. eay Beach and Starligh Park, Bronx, N. ¥. § ne a ee haan ; ‘ por i gor pone Bs x h. P ro It was on of + me “ nes that Flor nee care stamps. ‘Can "use good rs and tall rs. Li . ? . Te : : New : . isi l rT ty and of W 1 Box 31,Care Billboard, 1493 Broadway, New York awe e Dalton Swimn . ‘ cla great WANTED— > Cpen Alr Attractions Must be ; ’ ¢ t! " 3 Cleam and jes ate. Also would to hear from scl» are most some 2 = . naires and Ride Ov rs. EARL € n for u a MESKIMEN, Lake Lawrence Park, KR. KR 6, Vin. nes, ] ana J chell, —y . : ry t lease Tas bh ~ five a. ss = n a ocd ed find $ mouey ‘order. basa qZa Bd” Garland Simmons, of | wind Read your profit column below and send We guarantee the | Pee writes “La a me re r at we G af lest ene, ‘it sale of your orders. | pong) gp rt tha e that. You ¢ g You have everything You can make $90 | «5 g il have i in | to gain. to $300 a week by | my twenty-tiv {15 Gross Costs $19.00 Each: Your Profit, $270.00 following our inexperience I 1S Gross Costs | > Each: Your Profit 214.00 Structions, me two | 13 Gross Costs 19.00 Each; Your Profit, 159.00 » e. s of 8£-12 Gress Costs 19.50 Each; Your Profit, 105.00 engeeraegr ae FF rt of t ”3 Gross Costs 20.00 Each; Your Profit, 52.00 country ate making from $90 to per v | . Our AGENTS’ TESTED SALPS PLAN tells } ar half ¢ ts $11.00, and you make you can do it. The Raeyal Sha s < . $2 a Dozer 25e Each cart in your pockets. They : you abvut |7 above prices are PF. O. B. D t._ Terms 300% profit, They w sharper dullest kitchen }are ome-third with order, balance C. 0 D. Qne knives, clea ets, scissors, gcythes, sicklea, ete. | eTOSs We ighs 13 po $ Send in your order at They are sold on a factory M y Back Guaran| once it pa] " A th e day receited. We tee, This kuocks your sales resistance to the foury susranter your order. Write or wire. SPECIALTY MFG. CO., + 614 sneain “Bldg. be DETROIT, MICH. CALL — SPARKS’ —_ pth ate —— Lm ———— oo Seemed el eee — ——~ eee SLL PPP PAPI ») CIRCUS — CALL | All people engaged report MACON, GA., MONDAY MARCH 31, Show opens fn Macon ) TH UADAT. APRIL 3% Acknowledge this call by letter to the heads of the departments, 8s { f PERFORMERS AND WILD WEST PeOPLe— ‘ "HAS s?P ARKS, Macon, Georgia SIDE-SHOW PEOPLE—cCIIAS Ma : SIDE-SHOW BAND AND PERFOR mc RS—CHAS. Ro} LOWAY, Macon, Georsts MUSICIANS—JACK P! Avene Ci 0 COOKS AND WAITERS CHAS KE, HENRY, i : CANVASMEN AND SEATMEN-—G! SINGLE TON, Macou, Georgtis ORIVERS-JAKE POSEY, Macon, ¢ a RING STOSK MEN—HARRY PHILLIPS Mecon, Georgia SIDE-SH¢ Ww CANVASMEN—W. It. McGUINNIS, Macon Genre TRAINMEN—WALTER CHOSS, Macon, Georgla { PROPERTYMEN—DENNY FLYNN, Macon, Georgia ‘ LIGHT MEN—GARY VANDERMILT, Macon, Georgt> } MECHANICS—HIENKY HOLCOME, Macon Contsia BLACKSMTHS—WM. COLESCOTT, Ma Ge Fak PACK COLARED MISICIANS awn TERKOUME RS « 7 { CHAS MOLLUWA om tee \ — fenteieieetaineieeniaaall eee Is Your Subscription to The Billboard About To Expire? ppeeeeee ss 2ss> ss and Others Attention Showmen aneweo LION SLAYING B BABOONS rat! ons and other Rese Mutage, Te oun rr _ aft 2 — I to. rm) “INDIAN AND AFRICAN ELEPHANT Young Ones, Mother and Baby, Working Elephants With Native Driver. Snakes, Polar Bears =¢ Other Rare Animals ox« Birds Will Arrive Son n here, ° seseeeseseereceneneseneaesemtte: . a . > ° ° ° ° ° . . ° . ° . . ° . ° ° ° ° ° ° . . . ° . HAGENBECK BROS. CO., Inc. ¢ Sil vpeenntchne oe sT ae r. HOBOKE N, N. oJ. : TAKE HUDSON "NNEL—Eighteen at tes f s §S utes f Cortlandt #4 eet, N Y ° SOeeeeeeseeee 4 roo oereeoees 4 900oeees 3333333 > Oooo: SISSISISISSTT: SUUUUUUETUSU UL TUUE TEESE EERE EEE EEE EE EUELEDETEUELE! COUEUTTOEEE TEES G EERE TERE = -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ i he Litts Amus ement Co. = = CAN PLACE twe of three more first ~clas Y yw, Monkey Speedway, Si= fodrome, or any oe stv 7 thet show \N PLACE a few more Stock = Wheels and Grind St to f people im ali lines YOU = BRT, WE ARE A MEMBER O OF THI ‘OMI ‘TES. Address = G. F.LITTS, Box 267, GR RANITE CITY, ILL. PUPCEUEDODREADERERADAUEDRDERDAREEASALEEEEE EEE EELS COUPLE COUELUEES ee ae ene