The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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4 . sown The Billboard MARCH 22, 1924 (NU-ART AND DAISY EMBROIDERY NEEDLES BUY FROM THE MANUFACTURER AND MAKE THE BIG MONEY NU-ART 1-POCIMT NEEDLE, the best of all. Perfeect gauge. Does real work. Absolutely a winner. French knots, chenille; also all other stitches, with fine on coarse threads. The Nu-Art is guaranteed. Silvered and chased like jewelry. Lasts a lifetime. Directions with every Needle. No. 22D94—Per Dozen........0+20+00+92.40, MANUFACTURED AND SOLD EXCLUSIVELY BY —-— THE DAISY 1-POINT French knot and chenille Needle 1s the best 50c Perfect point—adjustable gauge—easy to thread— You can not go wrong on our Needles, territory and you will find the demand growing. Needle ever produced. feed uniformly. you sel] them our Needles. No. 22D34—Per Gross, $14.00. Per Dozen, $1.25. N. SHURE CO., Madison and Franklin Streets, CHICAGO, ILL. Cover the same People are satisfied when CIS HH NN IF fed Fe A NGO (ICI fed Od (0) (Od (0 (co co fede Nee edge pe pepo pedro rece Eee CESSIONE GET REAL MONEY WITH A MECHANICAL BALL THROWING GAME! Write today for literature on our latest up-to-the-minute Games that deliver the goods and don’t cost a fortune. PENN NOVELTY CO. 908 Buttonwood Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. (2 pS ewe PPP PAP PUMPER eRe ee! * 4.2% 4 o%. TPhE oh ae } ‘ ah eee a |e es CHARLES WEIR’S <> BABY ELEPHANTS Best and Fastest ELEPHANT ACT in America DON DARRAGH, Trainer and Performer The act has been at B. F. KEITH’S NEW YORK HIPPODROME since the opening, December 17, 1928. The Elephants have been alternately on The Hippodrome Stage and on Exhibition in “Toyland”, and are booked indefinitely. NOW BOOKING FOR THE 1924 PARK AND FAIR SEASON For Open Time Address JOHN C. JACKEL, Inc. 1581 Broadway, NEW YORK CITY ae a MEDICINE MEN THE GENUINE THE GENUINE INDIAN HERB-TEA| INDIAN PAIN KILLER MORRIS & CASTLE SHOWS Individual Attraction Owners Vying With Each Other Toward Good Equipment _ Houston, Tex., Mareh 12.—Much good-natured rivalry is manifest in winter quarters of the Morris & Castle Shows on the State fair grounds at Shrevenort, La., among the individual show managers, each trying to outdo the other in building something finer in the way of show equipment, and are being spurred on by those “pag showmen, Milt Morris and Johnny Castle. Johnny Bejano and his partner, Fred Bond, arrived last week and are busily engaged in building a brand-new side-show to add to their attractions. A brand-new top has been ordered and its afrival is expected this week for the Palace of Wonders Show. Another announcement of interest is that the merry-go-round and the “‘whip"’ of last season will be discarded and two of the finest models of both riding devices have been ordered for immediate delivery. Sig. Smitb the dare-devil water clown, un der contract for Harry Calvert's Water Circus, has been thrilling the people of Shreveport during the last three weeks with his building climbing and_ steeplejack performances each Saturday afternoon. The handsome carved wood and gold-leaf em bellished panel front for H. A. Kipke’s Midget Theater is nearing completion. Zeke Shumway and his crew have the motordrome up and already applied the first coat of paint, after overhauling it. Also have the motorcyles ready for the initial performance. Repair work and painting of all the wagons of last season is completed, also the lettering on them has been done, and nothing remains in the wagon line except the several new wagon fronts that are being rushed to completion, Frank South, chief electrician, is now among “those present’? and hag started work on the wiring of the double-wagon arch, which will be an added feature to the entrance of the midway. Following is a list of those who have registered in winter quarter: Milt, M. Morris, John R. Castle and wife, John Cloud and wife, J. B. Rhodes and wife, W. Grimshaw and wife, Chas. Jamison and wife, Art Anderson and wife, Irving Kempf and wife, Ed R. Cole and wife, Victor Lee and wife, George Rollins and wife, Frank Strouble and wife, T. H. Raye and wife (Jolly Babe), W. H. Murphy and wife, F. C. Gadwood and wife, J. J, Bejano, Rufus Huck, Fred Bond, Tom King, Eddie Hart, Bruce Kempf, R. C. Illions, Zeke Shumway, Buck Scully, Harry Calvert, J. A. Jamison, Sig, Smith, Alfred Willis, Chas. Patterson, Rodney Elza and mother, Grace McDaniels, Rodger Patterson, George Earnest, Phil. Little, T. E. Hoyt, L. Hutchinson, J. W. Jones, Arthur Douthit and wife, Alec McRea, Meyer Taxier and wife, HO. A. Kipke, Pete Thompson an! wife, Don Lamphear, George Rose, Bernice Malley, Sammy Shafer, “Red’’ Bell and wife, Louis Friedel, V. C. Johns, Chas. Seitz, Major and Anna Hall, Al Randolph, Clifford Becker, Frank Krahn, Dallas Drake, R. C, Thompson, Alice Kelley, W. J. MeClelland, J. W. Jobnson, C. Wilson, W. C. Sellers, Frank South and New Mutoscope Reel Moving Picture Machine Features Large Display Sign. Cabinet natural wood, select grain. ong, Cone key fits all. Large separate cash drawer, Every key different. Gearless mechanism, as strong and on lan of Forris Theel. Will outlast any other machine and good for fifty years. Built by Arcade mechanie of reputation. Have tested and tried out 20 for light effect duce most wonder ful picture vossible ig penny slot machine, Limited quantity 17x 18 in. x 5 Ft., 10 In. ready for spring de High, Including Sign. live: Fy. PRICE, $45.00, F. 0. B. NEW YORE, Reels, including attractive Display Sign, $$,00 extra; special snbjects up to $10.00. One-third deposit with C. 0. D. Orders. LOUIS MAASS, 277 E. 165th St., NEW YORK, N, ®. Phone, Jerome 7958. “© HOUSE DRESSES a6 $12 a Dozen,Postpaid Sample, $1.10 Made of fine Percale in blue, lav ender, black and brown checks, A sale in every home guaranteed Send for Sample Dresses or write for Free Cata ECONOMY SALES CO. 104 Hanover Street, Dept. 100. BOSTON, MASS. For the better-class | World’s most powerful about twenty ethers whees names the writer trade. Not a Powder, White Liniment for does not recall at this writing " but 235 certified Health| man or beast. Stops JOE 8, SCHOLIBO (Director of Publicity). Take Me Back To Dear Old Carolina Giving .Herbs, Roots, J any ache or pain in MICHIGAN SHOWMAN’S ASSN. i marks, Leaves, ete. | from 1 to 10 minutes or me Jazz Baby Blues Breaking Hearts Packed in round box. | mpney refunded. ReElects Officers and Acts on Plans for yon senssiinal bite may be seeured for 25e 9 Retails at 50¢ and $1.00. § tails at 50c each. Future copy. in stauns. IC wholesale prices are desired Write for new prices and sales talk. SAMPLES 50c Each wie, ure cheaper than any other compeny i New Detroit, March 12.—The Michigan Outdoor ete Cadire ax en immediate attention, KOP-. AMERICAN INDIAN REMEDY CO., 147 E. 103rd St.N.Y.C. | Stowman's Association met sunday ‘nthe Havel yeni, Ait sic PU SLICING. Herm 908 Patou —_—_ ee —_—_ — —— i——_-—— ——— = $$ ee, | your permanent address. ROOM 602 LADIES’ BROADWAY SWAGGER CANES THE BIG HIT OF 1924 SEASON We have opened a new factory in Chicago in order to better supply you and will be ready shortly with the most popular low priced numbers. CHICAGO SWAGGER CANE MFG. CO., 160 NORTH WELLS ST. Write and give us CHICAGO, ILL. rw