The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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The Bi MARCH 22, 1924 liboara@ [eat —— LIFE’S BEST OPPORTUNITY | CONCESSIONAIRES [aaa CORN GAME OPERATORS 22.2323523222 ALSO WHEEL OPERATORS, You can make five times the money with Carnivals, Parks and Fairs if you wire your address and take our free advice quick, which our 30 years’ experience in the game and sympathy for those affected by present conditions prompts us to offer. Park, Carnival, Show and Ride Managers, as well as all kinds of concessionaires, will be sent the same free dope for their own or some friend’s advantage if they wire or write us their address at once. Send all letters and prepaid telegrams to P.O. LOCK BOX No. 34, COLUMBUS, OHIO LIFE’S BEST ais MATTHEW J. RILEY, Gen’! Manager. JOSEPH H. HUGHES, Gen’! Agent MATTHEW J. RILEY SHOWS WANT — Real Showmen with Real Shows, with or | without Outfits. CONCESSIONS of al! kinds. WANT MOTORDROME RIDERS WITH OR WITHOUT MACHINES. Will give complete charge to CAPABLE MAN. Exceptional Proposition for “CATERPILLAR” and “CHAIROPLANE.” SIDE SHOW PEOPLE WANTED—Frenaks, Illusions, Midgets, Fat People, Curiosities, Magicians, Skeletons and Novelty Acts of ali kinds. WILL BOOK MINSTREL SHOW AND HAWALTAN SHOW. Have complete outfits ready for work.” WANT HELP IN ALL DEPARTMENTS SEASON OPENS SATURDAY, APRIL 19. Write or wire MATTHEW J. RILEY Matthew J. Riley Shows, Lancaster, Pa. CANADIAN CONCESSIONAIRES We wish to inform al} our cus tomers and p pective customers that we are re y to take care of ’ r n ; for the coming season with a bigger and better assortment of merchandise. Our service guar anteed as formerly. Write for Catalogue CANADIAN TOY & NOVELTY C0. re N Ye this 33 VITRE . MONTREAL, QUE. ~ ni d to ew rk from Cu Cramer alleges that on arriving at Havana ! was ged to lay off two weeks beca 4 oN Amoeba , a that aiter a SRR $ r a ler e ma ¢ v 3 H \ ment Com; t > > ¥ » hil a r 3 I Fag t ‘ nadle to st " $> of to small and 3 eleven days led that h ad had er ). 3 I irning with Cramer was S. A, I r sw 1 swallower, who jis now resting ler 15th Consecutive Season Beg ge a Ee hk ig Bros.-Ba m & Bailey Show WANTED—RIQ FL WHEEL, WHIP, DROME, NELP ON NEW H. & S.C ARROT "SELLE, AERO; Mile. V well-known side-show attra % PLANE SWING, PLANT. PEOPLE, WRESTLERS FOR ATHLETIC & WAR SHOW, AR2 wit) r enga t Ha CADE, any meritorious SHOW, MERCHANDISE WHE Ls and GRIND STORES 92 Ma 23 and w be s en a Ww ‘ is ; HAVE FOR SALE—Complete r+ IN-OND SHOW, TRACK MERRY ROUND, CONDER3 Sid v, Is the ning MAN WHEEL, TWO BAND ORG Season opens April 24 t coal towns in 3 ; AMERICA. Address E. §. COREY, Fair Grounds, Hughesville, Pa. Write, wire or call 2 4 ree ‘ > 66 99 PLL LLL mre PLL LL LLL SINNED WSSSISSSSSSSSSISSSSSESSSS ISS SSSI SSIS SIGS POSS SOSS OSES OSES DISSES SOE DEORE Harlich’s *“Kickless ‘Baby 144 Scarf Pins 144 ws, SURE & 4M MONEY Ds $15.00 starts you with one-gross assortment of our latest atyle with each and every Searf Pina All new order, All for $15.00 designe) «=Quick ae}! Send for our cee ied atalegue DON'T DELAY SEN eros! AND GET STARTED JACOB HOLTZ, ° 173 Canal Street, NEW YORK Wendavartere for Ceacessionaires, Sales Board and Streetmen’s Supplies eee Thank You for Mentioning The Billboard SEERRSRRERECAS SLSR ANSRASR SAP TSMR OS CRRERRONTRS PHA K ER AERE SRL ONN MNT Teese ! k g officers were eleeted: Leo Lippa ' ell) fire? ¢< ré lont One Hundred Dollars 0).K. MINT VENDER Try it for Ten Days, if not sate isfactory, return machine and get your money back, less transe portation charges. Wire $25.00 deposit. Machine will be sent $75.00C.0.D. Allorders shipped same day received. Special price k S ers, Henry Hex Syd y x Max, Elmer F. Cote, Wi m Green Chester Taylor. C. J. Hathaway, W. G. W: BE. C. *rauti and K, G. Barko ot BOB MORTON CIRCUS Delivery of New “Big Top” Delayed Because of Fire The’ fo low! ng telegram was received from Bob Mort : erating head < Oe B Morton -_ Cireus, fromy Oakland, Calif. dat March 14: to large buyers. “4 telegram r ived from the yh e Company, tent manufacturer, stat pe it had a Yes, we have the latest in ery disastrous fire Tuesday, complet deSalesboard Assortments. stroying the factory. ily 2 vy ¢ s top, Sn ge lin flags age—Hg mafeon fhe ~ By Special prices on our Sc and San ye, Ca was complet troved 25c Operators Bells, How e& at cr n wr his n i g states that pen temporary headMINTS, $15.00 Per Thousand. t and have f my San | isco gagem t. Je 1 lly we ar f ‘ Look us up in Dun’s cr Bradcus to ter city this y r, at Twelft th "ead * Mar ket streets April 3 fo r ten street's. days lowa Novelty Company Beaver Building CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA CRAMER RETURNS FROM HAVANA _ New sem. March 15.—Joe D. Cramer, e! ao ¢ a vatennien If you don’t use our Baby Mik you're missing something 1 Midget Boards LL hh hdd SEND FOR PRICE LISTS. . HARLICH MANUFACTURING CO. @ 1911 W. Van Buren Street, CHICAGO. "Exact Size of Holes WILIIYLLSSTIIS11/>. FREAKS WANTED! TWENTY WEEKS’ WORK AT CONEY Ist A‘ ntrances. HIGHEST SALARY PAID TO FREAKS OF } : i state salary in ey ty letter. Address Z " 4. R.. 2669 Ww. 16th St., Coney island, N. ¥ OS