The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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—Tme Bilindboard MARCH 22, 1924 a Buy Direct From the Manufacturer Concessionaires! Here is your opportunity—get your dolls direct frém manufacturer—why buy from a jobber and pay more? Get in touch with us and get the latest styles of unbreakable composition dolls at the lowest prices. Write today for our low prices. — ig ot RN ca oti a Eeerenss EE 1. pete... 2 | eee tein BERR a Qe ne eee SPECIAL NOTE: Ask us for prices on our unbreakable composition Dolls with Mama Voices. RADIO DOLL AND TOY MFG. CO. 4 | 83 Spring St. NEW YORK Candy Direct from the Manufacturer | High-grade Chocolates packed fresh in flashy boxes at NEW YORK OFFICE prices that will surprise you. Samuel Cooke. Charles Gerard. Mrs, John E. Wallace. James F. Victor. C. W. Finney . ac Walter L. Wilson. Louis G. King. Richard Garvey. Charles Pronto. Joe D. Cramer. Otto IN LOTS OF SIX Arco. Charles Lindau. Paul Sascha. Robert Size 66x84 ‘ hey -~ M. i a Cc. oe Fred ; a Danner. ert K. Greenland. Adjie Cosis well known to many Concessionaires as the ideal Canay ror tello. Charles Tashgy. Geshae ss. Deenen. CHECKERED, FLORAL their purpose. Jeannie LaMar. Barney H. Demarest. N. J and INDIAN DESIGNS Shelton. Mrs. John E. Wallace. Edward Leroy Rice. Elwood M. Johnson. Mike LeRoy. Chas. Write today for prices and terms to LeRoy. Mr. and Mrs. Alfreno Swartz. R. C. Carlisle. Andrew Downie. A. M. Rubens. James T. Clyde. Earl Chapin May. W. H. Middleton. U M B R E L L Frank J. Haggerty. Al T. Holstein. Steve . Lloyd. Frank J. Broder. James H. Lent. Mat ‘ thew J, Riley. A Hutchinson, Sidney Reyn70 Morris Avenue, NEWARK, WN. J. ate, R. S. Uzzell Sebany 3. Kline. Wil om COLORED SILK Phone Mulberry 169. E. Hawks, George A. Lawrence, playing vaudeWith FANCY TIP, vile, M. J. O'Grady. Harry Row. Ed A. Kennedy. Peter Brody. Arthur E. Campfield. George W. Stewart. Charles A. Robbins. Louis 4 : J. Beck. Jerry Barnett. In the heart of New England. 2,000,000 population in Hartford and George Latimer, representing Orest Devaney, surrounding towns to draw from. park man. James Heron, of the New York Hippodrome Thomas Evans, Will manage the freak ani ; C A ‘ ] : O | : r ARK mal show for the Evans & Gordon Amusement oe at Palisades Park, Fort Lee, N. J., i this summer. HARTFORD, CONN. H. C. Bartel, representing the Fidelity Service, New York, promoters of fashion shows. Frank Fey, playing vaudeville under the name of Frank Melrose. Resting in New York. on a Mammot Swimming Pool For Lease Howard ‘By Payze, at the Kuherter Ma ; chine Company, Brooklyn, N. Y., accompanied : . by Arthur E. Campfield. Completely equipped, cost $300,000. Violet Ray, Chlorine Gas, Filters. Eddie Zeltman, midget clown, last season The chance of a life time for experienced party. Write or wire with Ringling-Barnum Circus, Been in vaudeville. Resting in New York. George Siins, : t k tive. LivS. A. DeWaltoff ~——a=——=. STEADY POSITION Louis Meyers, concessionaire. Been in Cin129 Church Street, NEW HAVEN, CONN. cinnati this Bh. apa Home in New York until GooD SALARY ttie Pictoria, “tattooed lady". Wintering in New York. WRITE OR WIRE Queen Pearl, “midget vamp", last season with World Circus Side-Show, Coney Island, N. Y. Has signed with James Ringi’s SideW. HARRY HUGHES, Manager, Show, same place, for this season. Leslie A. , McCracken, business manager “MysConsolidated Post Adv. Co. tic Clayton’’ Company, playing vaudeville, Bing hamton, N. Y., week ending March 8. King Karlo, well-known pit show manager, LOUISVILLE, KY. talker and lecturer. Wintering in New York. James F. Murphy, general manager, and Dave @ MONG TOI Sklower, business manager, Gilt Edge AttracThe latest creatio® from Boston, the tions, with offices in New York. Harry FE. Tudor, manager Thompson's Park, style center of the country. Made of fine Mong Tol Suiting, in figured and leaf Rockaway Beach, N. YY. Will be at the park soon, after spending the winter in the office s of desicn. No woman can resist buying two or more, the L. A. Thompson Scenic Railway Company, Price $21 a Dozen, Postpaid STUBS and HANDLES $3.50 Each % Deposit, Balance C. O. D. FALLS TEXTILE CO. 228 Granite Block. FALL RIVER, MASS. MEXICAN BASKETS Place your orders NOW for immediate or future shipment. 10-in. size, $33.00 per gross 8! > «é sé 27.00 Tt) ii) All Prices, duty paid, f. o. b. Laredo MEXICAN PRODUCTS CO. New ‘York. ¥ Francis I’. Loubet, bandmaster and musical director, New York, Richard Pitrot, international vaudeville agent and amusement man, New York, William Glick. Back from a trip to Montreal, De en IMPORTERS Canada. Single Sample, $1.85. ¢ Benjamin Williams, Eastern carnival mana(Retails at $2.50 to $3.00.) ; LAREDO, TEXAS, . U. Ss. A. ger, New York, The sale of every Dress bought from us J. J. McCarthy, now interésted » Mountain is guaranteed or money refunded. View Park at North Caldwell, N. _P. Licari, of Belvidere Beach, ” Keansburg, ECONOMY SALES co. N. J. A. ept. 98, : a 04 Hanover Street BOSTON, MASS. iene ARCADE MACHINES WEBB WORLD WONDER SHOW, NO. I, BOOKED WITH DODSON’S WORLD ral SHOWo, NO. 2, Fifteen Jron Mutoscopes, with reels and frames, $35.00 each; 20 Sprtns Teoahs, Tater, Tettoued Artist, Glass. Bioer with Pires, Scotch’ Bagptper, | erro * Pg Pn Wooden Mutoscopes, with reels, large frames and iron floor base, $30.00 ets. Mind Reader that can read mits, Bead Worker, Flower Worker, Talkers, Grinders, Ticket Sellers each, All machines have been rebuilt in our factory and are in firstand Workingmen. The boss works, 5 oes every one cor ted with it. Those afraid of work don’t class shape and as good as any new machine. If you want first-class answer. All address L.'m. HARDEN, Manager, General Delivery, Ft, Worth, Texas. rebuilt machines, we have them at the same price you pay for second hand machines not rebuilt or painted. Every one guaranteed. ©. J. A. PICKERING’S QUALIFIED SHOWS NOVELTY CO., 2917 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, Ilinois. WANTED—Rides and Shows that don’t conflict with what we have. CAN ALSO PLACE « few more legitimate Concessions. No grift or girl shows, Address all mail, ~~ PRAIRIE STATE AMUSEM ENT co. EARL PICKERING, 231 STANTON AVENUE, SPRINGFIELD, OHIO <.—Show opens April 26. A maiden spot. WANTS Shows and Concessions, Have outfit for Athletic Show and «mall Five-in-One. Will furniss to party that can furnish Shows for same ou small percentage. CAN PLACE Cook House, Devil’s Bowling Alley, Fish Pond, String Game, High Striker, American Palmistry and any Game of Skill that will work Baricea Is Your Subscription to The Billboard About To Expire? {iyi WANT Bis Bt Overator, Also Mids Nie AM. Manasee, Ser avi Wisemes, tefiaase