The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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V MARGH 22, 1924 The Biliboara — bo $5O500000550045O50004 ~? s40e-¢ tt: r o> 40443504025 334444432225 + eeeeeeee + PSPS SPP 9S 999999990900 99 0909909009409 999 009 0999090500000005404605504 59999009000 00050600 6060060000006) q CANDY MEN ATTENTION! Delicious GOLDEN BEE HAND-DIPPED CHOCOLATES BUY DIRECT FROM MAN UFACTURER—PROMPT SERVICE AND QUALITY GUARANTEED. cute nem wee = DO BUSINESS WITH Us DURING THE COMING SEASON. If dissatisfied with our quality and service at any time we will cheerfully refund your money, A fresh SPECIAL PRICES FOR HIGH-GRADE CHOCOLATES. LOOSE WRAP HUMMERS. Flashy Embossed Boxes in Six Colors. DOUBLE EXTENDED. Flashy Embossed Boxes, in Six Colors. boeoeeeed GQiGy. Ti es aa Hoe hob hee dec hbdec tc edeccaccccece ++eeeeee16e Each | No. 1—Actual Size Ql . — " x434. Holds 15 Pieces..............$0.27 E SNE Fc rcetcccesccccsetecesisccccccccceccceces ...18¢ Each | No. 2—Actual Size 11. x654. Holds 28 Pieces... os 42 Each GGemety: D Gas vc ccd ccvcccccatecedscccscees narererrs onsain --20 No. 3—Actual Size 15!/x6/. Holds 40 Pieces.............. (75 Each ¢ Each | No. 4—Actual Size 15/4x9'5, Holds 60 Pi 150 Each COCO ERE eeeses “ ; 2x 7 “ sare dae at Y . : sae . — +++++++80¢ Each | No, 5—Actual Size 2354x9'4. Holds 90 Pieces.............. 210 Each 12-Ounce, eee awe Radabe os atone ed ad kere ke ce -+---34¢ Each | No. 6—Actual Size 28'4x10%. Holds 140 Pieces.............. 3.00 Each ALSO NET WEIGHT ATTRACTIVE BOXES, WRAPPED IN CELLOPHONE PAPE! cular Gearcit " ee SEND FOR 1924 CIRCUL AR AND PRICE LIST, JUST OFF TE Pil “ Ord Ap te Pes ular descr! pa ything fully. SPECIAL DISCOUNT OF 20% ON ALL ORDERS OF $25.00 AND UP. Pbed as you specify. Nong too large for immediate shipment, none too small for careful attention ORDER, BALANCE C, 0, D. For immediate shipments, wire ill go forward on the same day. STILL FILLING ORDERS ON SALESBOARD DEALS 2% WITH PARK and COMPTON Aves, THEODORE BROTHERS CHOCOLATE CO., Inc. STLous, MIssouRI %) oneal $a o04440005004000000000000000000000000004 SO00 000004 SIiiesreceee 4 see ¢ nee 4 PP OSO9S9 099 0050000040050400040006054500000000000004 rh, © wow To Balloons, Whi S, Novelties, § ecialties, Fie. with .an {Jos se mh and Tlarry Clemings, clowns ith igling u “ircus "Dalton, concesstes DIRECT FROM John Dalton, concessionaire, accompanied OAK AND AIRO BRANDS PPPPPPPSOPS SPOS >O>>> >>> OOD ODOOD ESS OOSS SSE by Joseph H. Hughes. MANUFACTURER James W, Boyd, general agent OutWe. 70 Heavy Circus Balleoms. Per Gross.................. eve door Shows, Inc., with offices in New York. 100 to] SH OT Ne. 70 Heavy Gas Trensparcnt Balloons. Per Gross..............++. _J. Gordon Bostock, vaudeville producer, New Ne. 75 Heavy Gas, Twe-Color, Assorted Patriotic Prints. Per Gross. 37 York. Ne. 70 Gold and Silver, with New Assorted Bird Prints, in Two Colors. Harry Nelson, builder of high strikers, Coney Semething New, Fan QIGEB oc co ccccccccccs Ceccccee Cee necetcoweccce 3.75 Island, N. Y. We. 53C Squawkers. Per Gross .... 20... ccs cccccceee eecececoccece eeeccceces 2.25 Johannes wsefsso e 0 hiladelWe. 75 Panel Gas, with fcur Prints. Per Gross........... ecocece eecccecees 3.75 phia rong Be be ton. eas ee ee eae Heavy Round Balicon Sticks. Per Gross.........c.eecccccnee 40 lies”’ witt his Icelandic rif a act 7 Ne 308 Assorted Rubber Elephants, Delis, Clowns, Comaee. etc. Per Gross.. 9.09 -Bina erp 1 N No. 150 Monster Round Balloons. Per Gross ............-ceccceeee . 4.00 Tact —— clan, of B ookly n, N. ¥. The Great American Tey Oirisibie Bailcon. = ant nestor! 4 Jack and ing tosenthal, operators of © ROE GOR. Pr WE indccteannesendcnccivecents B5e; per Gross, 9.00 jolden City Park, Carnarsie, Long Island, N. Souvenir’ Whine, Por Gret......22..0ee $4.00, $5.00, $5.00, $7.5) ¥. Look for a big season, J. A. Courtade. Harry (Turkey) Boyd. Joe King, manager Tokio Five and Orchestra, Playing Danceland Pavilion, opposite Columbia Park, North Bergen, N. J. Plans to play parks, Callers at J. A. Jackson's desk: tintard ne, in from his stock company in Ba’timore M. K. BRODY, 11181120 S$. Halsted St., GHIGAGD Sarees esate "re Lal — “agent for the “Abraham Lincoln” picture, Will Warner, late of Fred Fisher Prblishing Co. LOT PPL PIVLRRVETVeA ewe INVA VecwPweeTeee Now with the = Publishing House as te eording mana; The Washi contin” Waadier oo No. 12— . WANTED CONCESSIONERS manager of the pm ay Theate -r, Washington, (in 5-Dozen Lots) . Get lined up with us for the season and save money. We carry a big line of Circus, Carnival and Streetmen’s Supplies. Orders “ same day received. Send for new circular and large catalocu It is free. 25% om all orders, balance C. O, = D. C. Dan Hanlon, stage director of the La| Sample Doz. $12.00 «fGin fayette Players, Jack Goldberg, business mana7 ie. ger of “‘Roseanne’’ Company. Richard B. HarWithout Silk Case, rison, dramat reader, who is expected to re East End Park-Memphis, Tennessee © #2) p38 r \ from the West. Tony Langston, the “roll top" Opening planned for May 15th. We have 25-year lease om about 8 acres central location. We of The yew ne the dean of — 19 000 OH Rein a" ge — ~— . theatrical writers. ° Cellins, spec‘alizing have $35,000.00 Dance Pavilion, $40,000.00 Swimming Pool; also have Roller Skating. Carnivals agent. Chas. Parks, press agent, son of Mr. These umbrellas are made of good or special acts coming this way communicate with us. Population about 225,000. Valuable conParks, of colored minstrel and circus fame. quality Ap an Taffeta, Parazon cessions open. Address Claire Campbell, the chorister who did a single frame, with Bakelite wl ite tips and ferand won a prize at the Marytand Theater in rules. assorted novelty handles, side EAST END GARDEN Baltimore. Moss, owner of a bear act that is $s. etc, Our catalogue sent upon booked twenty-two weeks in the Northwest and “6 BYRD BUILDING . * as ad e MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE 4S Canada. Briscoe, hotel owner, with rehearsal WITH SILK CASES, $1.50 EXTRA halls in Thirty-eighth street, New York. Mr. . VUDAAAANAAMUMAPTPLPTATP LAMA LP TAP RP EAPO ORAM OMMMG Sheon. edison of The New York. Democrat, a Sample Dozen, $12.00, without silk case , new publication. J. F. Robinson, Jersey City. 25% ON DEPOSIT, BALANCE €. 0. D. CON T. KENNEDY SHOWS Remit Money Order or Certified Check. EXTRA! SOMETHING NEW! EXTRA! | exeouse-s: casas ae waco, tex, pr. | F/ HOLLANDER & SON ee FACTORY: 157 E. Houston St., N.Y.C. LAMPS—At @ right price. Best flash for the money shown in years. DOLLS—927-inch Stuffed, with voice or without, In variety of costumes, Never shown before. Waco, Tex., March 12.—Waco is full of showSHOWROOM: 1225 Broadway N.Y.C. UNBREAKABLE DOLLS—Ail sizes. New dresses. folk who are forezathering for the season with PHONE: DRYDOCK Si71. cenne 1 s ‘ t ne : ASK ABOUT OUR NEW ITEM—IT’S A KNOCKOUT. We manufacture everything ourselves. pie utives have. arri a a olen ae : If in town, come up and see us. Morey refunded if not satisfied. Get in line quick. Don’t wait! need “greands, where the shows have been in WRITE FOR INFORMATION BEFORE YOU BUY FOR YOUR OPENING. winter quarters, is full of life and action. E. c Talbott, general agent, informed the writer TOY SPECIALTY CO. be opening, stn Mf the season will be fired at Waco ¥ ! 24, a week's engagement on the 345 WEST BROADWAY (Telephone, Canal 6277), NEW YORK, N. Y. vi ri Soa wage Sm agg vonnlngh «4 year will carry the company northward into, the Dakotas for the State and county fairs, p'a} ing ‘ ees ARPAnAAARAAL Ph INPRRPPPPRAPrpee —™ on the re — some of the principal fairs o p ee Pee PPR PRR Ree WreepoepereewewIeeewiwee Perreeeweeeer the Central and Southwest States, including the °4-in. Indestructible Opalescent ? txposition at Waco. Spring and midfinely graduated Perle DeLuxe ons are included in the con » whole the route appears to he best t at the caravan ~ had for some time A number of shows ill be found in the lineup, also new riding yh need The writer will refrain from dwelling upon ' the artists, mech anics, paint an id — leaf, ete.; 95c Each $11.40 Dozen 30-in. Indestructible Opalescent finely graduated Perle DeLuxe $1.25 Each $15.00 Dozen VALUES VALUES VALUES [ READING FAIR 7 o Days 4: Nights Eine arin, mechanic, pant and gd Wea, ee SEPTEMBER 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. el t 7 pearance at he opening. Seventy-seventh annual exhibit. Tenth vear on the new grounds. The popularity of the Kennedy Shows with Conce —T. Poseys hree sioht dollars > c troupers is attested by the fact that practically Concession space from three to eight dollars per front foot, accord panne 55 a ened hep the Sues tee many new ing to location. Address -ranlngfies : faces are in evidence. E. Z. Wils m is chair CHAS. W. SWOYER, Dep. Chairman ct ie to make. ti 30 North Sixth Street, READING, PA. i in paming that the certs have been Saccecafel PROAVAULUVAAVIPVVO WIT TATA LAAA AN AANA AAT OA ATOAAAT “cate on the show, prom'ses an elaborate man of the “entertain by Capt. Hartley, whos ject is to make tlic neweomers feel “at home’, an — it may be added SPOSESESISP SOLES ST SSSS SESS SSESESS SOS Pe eee ee eee eee eee occ econ eee e teehee _—_— banquet before the show opens Many ams ng stories are being = by those } SOOO ON ‘% who ‘“‘ilivvered in’. Hartley drove with a party 4 24 ef four from — mery, h. ee pn Ae np em 25% Deposit, Balance CS. oO. D. ‘ Fi t Bic 6} party came fom : iamji and Rilly Curran from . 2 C | } ti n Spot $> Inllas, While everyone enjoyed a pleasant win1rs e e Tra 10 $3 ter all are eager for the o Some of the U 4 faces seen about the hotel an streets here 2 of the Season 35 Sitm, . Wilsone a nwa JOS. GLUCK ; ollin, E. 4. son, Bob . ‘ Rie 8 April 12th a days—in a big town near New York. Other 92 l)annie LaRue, Leo Burke and h‘s *‘Joy Vamps" pam big ones rane ~ ga oo 7 ow t tk ul led for nl es ved, 3 one of the new ~~ -. n: Essie Fay, Doe Du n640 Broadway, NEW YORK "LACE T HANDISE t : SO LEGITIMATE CONCESSIONS 32 can_and scores of others. aND PBs = re MOKE MERCHANDISE WHEELS, “u O LEt { CON 3 . X. MacCOLLIN (Press Representative). 7 . socsceconcssscosooscoscosesese % : Call, Write or Wire 2 ss ros JOHNNY J. KLINE, $ SENSATIONAL EUROPEAN NOVELTY FREE ACT be i ‘ . . . : 1495 Broadway, Room 303, Putnam Bldg., New York City. (Ski-Jumping in Summertime) Without Snow. 4 Phone, Lackawanna 7153 33 be 4 Want to pear trom reliable Fraternal and Civile Organizations i H GR Seooe ~~ Ao Pala Sa a Poi thoi int mi mnt al ad ~~ Spectacular Leap with Fire at Night. Enormous steel rigging carried. Now When Writing to Advertisers Mention The Billboard. booking 1924 season. 103 Mercer Street, Jersey City, N. J.