The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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ee MARCH 22, 1924 THE ONE MAN IN SHOW BUSINESS WITHOUT A SINGLE IMITATOR DARE-DEVIL DOHERTY SPECTACULAR coc: THRILLER & CROWD-GETTE “LEAP FOR LIFE IN FLAMES” PARKS, FAIRS and CELEBRATIONS WIRTH & HAMID, PERFORMING THE AND MOST BIGGEST NOV BOOKING 212 STRAND Inc., THEATRE BLDG., EVER ATTEMPTED ¥ FOR OPEN TIME = and TERMS, ADDRESS NEW YORK CITY Showmen’s Legislative Committee Activities By DICK COLLINS Chicago, March 15.—The following new members have been accepted in the Showmen’s Eegislative Committee during the past week: SHOWS UNDER CLASS B—B. A. Bodart Atteractions, Campbell & Campbell Outdoor Circus and Bazaar, Capitol Shows, Matt T. Ceilins’ Shows, Clark’s Greater Shows, Northwestern Shows, Smith’s Greater United Shows. al UNDER CLASS A—Foley & Burk in addi tion the Gay Mi a Gardens have joined and the Allied -* lude KE. A. Hock, Bussell-Keily Pri ‘Dri ver Bros, (tents), Weiller Candy a rests ine tions, = Associations include West Virginia Fair AsSociation, the Association of General Agents, and Bob Lohmar, of » Morris & Castle Shows, has taken out an individual membership under the General as rents’ D vision, Thomas J. Johnson will broadcast from Westinghouse srati n KYW, Chicago, on Wednesday, March 19, at 9:50 p.m The subject of his talk will be the Showmen’s Legislative Com mittee—what it is dong and what it has accomplished. He will explain the aims a: d ef forts of the associati graft and indeceucy the elimination of building up of the n if and the Outdoor amusement business along the l nes of rectitude and decency. All those interested in the clean-up mover of the work of the Showmen’s Legisiati ommittee areginvited to listen in. Th speec will be particularly apropos for pul bie * officials to hear the inside working of the assa n The jirive for men ship amongst the allied interests should be productive of great results. The principal tent makers and supply houses ia Chicago have onded as evidenced by the above additi« the list of members. Mr Jobnson is sending out a special appeal to al! members of this organ‘zation to eonfine their business as far as possible to the membership of the organization in this respect, as he feels that the me s should support these merchants and manufacturers wherever they possibly can and the prices are the same, in preferenee to those who have no interest whatever in the carnival world, outside of disposing of their mer nd In other words, he asks the members t pport those who support the shewn "s org on. HB. C. Evans & ¢ 1528 West Adams street, é re longer members of the Show ve n ] to accept the {n¥itation to attend net . Showmen at LDetr portant business t bsurance of « v matier has mn r altogether pr gislati ( furnish bail and publi ey +d the greatest thing _ bg the Showmen’ way of fa ebakedowns for " @@ the lot by carnival OLYMPIA DESVALL TO BE SEEN AT MANY FAIRS New York, March 15.—Olympia Desvall, originator of the ‘‘Act Beautiful’’, and who for several seasons displayed ber beautiful horses, ‘the se@as on. CONCESSION AGENTS Can use a number of experienced Grind Store Agents. NO STRONG JOINT WORKERS. Fellows that are satisfied to work for more than a living. Work seven days a week. You don’t have to put up nor tear down. Long season. Starts first week in April Address PHIL SHER, Frontenac Hotel, Detroit, Mich. Would like to hear from a High-class Mind-Reading Act. Road Salesmen Wanted Two more, experienced in our line only. Good propssition. FRANK MELVILLE, All applications confidential. INC., Fair Bookers, 220 W. 42d St., New York. anteed business getter, we have just completed IMPORTANT NOTICE To legitimate Jobbers and Operators of Salesboard Outfits who are 100% ange: and open for a guarthat sells on sight, and if you are a genuine producer, write or wire immediately & full partic ~ulars. LIPAULT CO., Dept. B, 1028 Arch, Philadelphia. the greatest outfit ever absolutely Four days and nights, beginning September 2, isle, Maine, or FRANK MELVILLE, !NC., 1924, New York. WANTED INDEPENDENT SHOWS, RIDES, CONCESSIONS PRESQUE ISLE, MAINE Apply 0 L. DONALDSON, Secretary, Presque 220 W. 42d St. dogs and birds at the New York Hippodrome and with the Ringling-Barnum Cireus and later on the Keith and Orpheum circuits, will be seen at many celebrations and fairs tive coming season. Miss Desvall spent most of the winte? at ber estate in East Islip, Long Island, A. B. C. ATTRACTIONS San ae Calif., March 13.—Because of rain the A. Cc Attractions did not open their engage a * Wilmington, Calif., until Tuesday night of the week there. San Pedro is the stand this week. From here the shows goes to Los Angeles to play a celebration given by the West Washington Boule vard Business Men’s Association. Two large lots will be used for the pay attractions and concessions, ’ While playing Maraville Park, which preceded the Wilm ngton stand, the Westlake SideSh yw, in which are presented a Spidora illusion, ian honey bears, Princess Nalda and her Loretta, Circassian lady; Princess a, mindreader; monkey circus and several other attenet ons. Among new concessiona'res joining we Eddie Lyons, ‘‘Doc’’ Henderdeen, Harry W heaton and wife, the latter being assisted by Miss Lee Neal and Mrs. James Thomas; Mrs. Ani ta Wimbley, who is assisting at George Chapman’s concession, while her husband operates his own concession, and **Billie”’ Farmer, who operates a concession for the writer. Louis Mowen left to join the Dykman-Joyce Shows. son left to play special dates in part of the State “Pickles” opened a silver and lamp conces Haley has joined as advance ag Davis is assisting with the James Pitman has joined as elect Wrightman is now in charge of Among recent visitors were Mr. Cassidy, Walter Hunsaker, Frank Lowery and Mr. and Mrs. Ja WALTON de PELLATON (| an¢ Theodore Thomas (Blackie) Nel the northern Prichard has sion, Charles ent. Walter advance work. rician, Frank the carousel. 1 Mrs. James Kuntz, mes Mayhew Secretary), GENTRY-PATTERSON CIRCUS Will Not Make Northwest Trip as Planned A report reached The Billboard that the Gen try Bros.-Patterson Circus will not make the spring trip te the Northwest as planned on account of poor business conditions in tbat territory. Instead the show will play the *“‘smoke-stack’’ towns. McQUIGG IN CHICAGO Chicago, March 14.—Myron MecQuigg, wellknown carnival general agent, in town looking over the season's preliminaries, Las not yet announced his affiliations, INTERNATIONAL AMUSEMENT co. To Open at Detroit, Mich., April 12 Toronto, 0., March 18.—A. R. Lavoie, owner and manager of Nie International Amuse ‘ment Co., who is at home in Detroit, Mich, advises that he has contracted a number of fairs in Quel Ontario, Can. including Kingston. A ! list of fairs. contracted will be sent for r pe leation in a later issue of The Billboard Lavoie Mr has engaged the writer (George Whitmore) as secretary for the coming season. The writer has been in the office of the Jubpay J. Jones Exposition the past two years. Mr. Lavoie has enrolled under the banner of the Showmen's Legislative Committee and the show wili be run under its creed. Every?! ig is almost ready for the opening, which will taze place in Detroit April 19. According to present plans there will be twenty attractions in all, twelve showg and eight rides, and about thirty concessions. Mr. Lavoie is sole owner of equipment, and it is the writer's of _ nm at as the largest and best equipped vw on the road. GEORGE WHITMORE (for the Show). BROWN & DYER SHOWS West Palm Beach, Fla., Mareh 12.—The Brown & Dyer Shows + bere last week under auspices Masonic lodge. Everything was in on Monday night and gare indicat good week's business, The show is e this week, then goes to Daytor r the opening of season 1924 > On 5S at Miami, Neil Austin, manager se d ow, Was married to Bootsie Hurd f'n the following day a fine wedding dinner was served. Mr, and Mrs. Arch E. Clair were the ‘“‘best man"’ and bridesmaid. Neil is one of the most popular men op the show. Mrs. Austin is a sister of Mrs. Johnny J. Jones. (Congratulations were showered op them from their ma friends on the show as well as other shows. Al Dernberger has Grrived back te the show after many weeks No Mrs. B. M. Turner is on a visit te the shew for a few days, coming from her bome in St. Petersburg, Fla Mrs, Arch. E. Clair’s grandfather ts spending a few weeks with Mr and Mrs. Clair. He is from Battle Creek, Mik FRANK LaBARR (Press Representative). SOUTHERN TIER SHOWS Elmira, N, Y., March 13 ter quarters of the is progressing nicely. —Work at the winSouthern Tier Shows bere The building of special wagon bodies and the painting and jecorating is fast moving toward completion, which will give this organization one of the finest looking fleets of trucks put on the road for some time. The personnel of the company Is also being fast completed. Among those already engaged are Joseph (Bull) Rocco, who will have the Athletic Show; Ernest Mount, cookhouse, Juice and ball game; DeWitt Thomas. candy floss and piteh-till-you-win, and others. The show bas its own rides, with Elmer Olson in charge of the merry-go-round, Ivan Hammond, George Goho and. A Vanness, assistants, the other being a Big Eli wheel, both rides being brand new this spring Among the executive staff are James KE. Straight, owner and manager: Clark Bunnell, superintendent of midway; A. Harris, electrician, and the writer, in charge of publicity. Some very promising bookipg# have been made for the coming season, ipncluding a string of fairs for the fall season. Ww. E. FULLAGAR (for the Show). Opens at TAMAQUA, PA. APRIL 26 (Two Saturdays) CAN PLACE FEATURE SHOWS, also SMALL GRIND-SHOWS—Will Furnish Outfits for Same. CONCESSIONS AND GRIND STORES OF ALL KINDS for the Opening and Balance of Season. Address all Communications: H. N. ENDY, Manager, ENDY SHOWS, Elks’ Club, TAMAQUA, PA.