The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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1924 The Billboarad Is Prepared Specially fee for Concessionaires and | the Amusement Trade When you buy WEILLER’S Candy you get the kind of candy the big Concessionaires use. The size and style boxe sare the very . Xx Price, Flash and excellent service are always at your command. , oo Remember, w you buy WEILLER’S CANDY you not only Se A Ss get the benefit of t low manufacturers’ prices, but you also re ‘ 7 } ¢ & “? } } 1 , . , ' , > ‘ ive al er qu hand-dipped Chocolate. Each and every piece tw . : ’ x Ry: ve 2 hand-dipped. Ask any Weiller customer and you will find that the 4 Age * 4 ee yee ; , : , , . + * ‘ *. ; La 3 me-1] : n any other Chocolates h led by ConN ; ae They keep fresh and stand up in any climate. Com ' f ro] ire t qu..lity of WEILLER’S C ly with others and see for & val : : ; + ra #* at a: | yourself. A fe f our prac ges listed below l , 1 velow will give you an idea No. 19-OUR BIG HIT. Size 15'2x9. \ » FT—FLASHER, Picture Box, Size 7x3! , 8 ple UND a ii ee Oe r Each §. 10 No. 13 LEADER, Flashy Girl Designs, Size 8'!.x4° 12 pieces wrapped i in | separate partitions. No. 37—FAVORITE, Girl's Head in Frame, Size 1015x5, 15 pieces wrapped in separate partitions 18 No. 1I5—CONCESSION SPECIAL, THE FLASH OF THE SEASON, ENTIRELY NE IW, Size 10x6! §, 20 pieces wrapped eR PNT ARETE TE TE eT Laat Aen ne ° aa No. 388—DANDY, PLASELY GIRL DESIGNS, New this season, a appy box, Size 1214 sx5M%, 27 pieces wrapped in separate partitions . 30 No. 17—FLOWER GIRL, SHOWN Al OVI POSITIN El. Y THE BEST BOX ON THE MARKET, Large Flashy Girl Pictures, Fanev Tied with Rib! » J4x8.35 pie es wrapped in separate partitions . 36 No. 19--OUR BIG HIT, SHOWN ABOV E, ‘Extra ide Size Padded Top Extension Top and Bottcm Box, Flashy Girl Head Designs, Size 15! x9, “9 p'eces in separate partitions, packed in cups. An incomparable value. Our own exclusive hit. . 64 No. 44—LITTLE HIT, Size 6x3, 5 pieces wranped ene oennnceee ce enee eeceeesenennneeeees Per dozen. 90 DOUBLE LAYER FLASH PACKAGES. No D014 Ib. Double Lay » pae ked 1 In ie rk | box he ithy print dl assorted colored papers, Size 414653 4x2. EACH BOX WRAPPED IN “G 1 ASSINE P \P lL R AND SEALED AT FACT! END Each . 20 No. 51 1 Ib. Double Layer, packed in 2 Tb. box, A LARGE HIGH CLASS BON, Size 1014x5',x2!3, EACH BOX WRAPPED IN GLASSINE PAPER AND SEALED AT IE ACHL END desalbcecuisipaenamtin le . 38 SEND FOR OUR CIRCULAR AND COMPLETE 1924 PRICE LIST © SEEEEREEEEE Lo O kK EEEKEEZEEEELLEEEELEES Lo O kK ne oiinece “PEACHY DAINTIES,” $10.00 "082° * SERERREERREECERRREESEERE SER EKRERTESHALEREEEEREREREREBEREREERESREREREESEEL EOE SER |SALESBOARD OPERATORS we ts Wotis ASsonteN tS | DISCOUNT Fo QUANTIEY BU WEILLER CANDY COMPANY QUALITY CHOCOLATES FOR CONCESSIONAIRES AND SALESEOARD OPERATORS. 227 WEST VAN BUREN ST., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE PHONE: WABASH 9564.