The Billboard 1924-05-10: Vol 36 Iss 19 (1924-05-10)

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16 The Billboard MAY 10, 1924 VAUDEVILLE NOTES HERE is a possibility that the much T spoken of one-act version of *‘Rust’’, re ported to } in preparation for vaudeville, will not after all be presented. The autier of ithix short-lived Spanish drama, ROBERT PRESNELL, is eaid to be dickering for the play's presentation in stock and has not yet sigued a contract to have it abridged for the two-a-day. CLARKE SILVERNAIL, who pluyed the lead in “Rust”? during ite short Broadway run. will appear in the sketch if it ever gete into vaudeville, in which event the firm of C. M. and EVELYN BLANCHARD will be the sponsors. . LA BELLE DIA‘ the Ame mented French comedienne, returned from Europe recently and got together with JAN RUBINI, her former partner, with the result that they will open shortly in a uew offering of “music, song, comedy and creations" on the Keith Circuit. RUBINI, who plays the violin, has been touring the Loew Time during Ta Belle Diane MISS DIANE'S abSence in Europe. . . . MARIE NORDSTROM will also make her debut shortly in the wew sketch, “Seeing Sights’, written by her sister, FRANCES, if the Keith Circuit and hervelf come to an agreement on price. MARIE has been holding out for several weeks for a better salary than the Keith people are inclined to give her, but it is reported this week that bookings are being arranged. ae SESSUE HAYAKAWA, Japanese screen siar, will not come to America to appear in Keith vaudeville for the present, as has been announced on two or three occasions. He has signed to appear in pictures in Berlin instead, and may make the variety houses of Germany upon completion of his picture contracts, in the same skit he played last fall in England. + »« MARJORIE RAMBEAU resumed her vaudeville tour last week at the Palace, Chicago, having avoided an operation in Kansas City where she took ill, MISS RAMBEAU will work westward out of Chicago. YDIA JOHNSON, a Russian vaudeville ar tiste, who recently appeared in Rome, Italy, was badly injured last week when an automobile in which she was riding was struck by a railroad train at a crossing near Florence, Italy. A companion was instantly killed. . NONETTE, the singing violinist, is touring the Loew Time. She has played the Keith Circuit on several occasions. After almost a month's preparation for the ville stage, in which time she has changed her selection of vehicles, MRS. LESLIE CARTER has finally opened a break-in engagement in the JOHN COLTON playlet ‘‘Alixe of Tartary’’, in which she will appear shortly on the Keith Time. She opened Thursday of last week, to be exact, at an outlying New York honse, with a cast in her support that includes MARIE ILKA, ROSS HRTZ and another. LEWIS and GORDON are sponsoring MRS. CARTER in the two-a-day. . . . JACK Me vaude Mrs. Leslie Carter JAMES COGHLAN says:— Bets pe 4 got ils first real hold upon this Sweden sent over its first eargo of coe Ered ree matches.” COGHLAN’S JESTER No. 2 Written for the performer who appreciates ORIGINALITY. THE JESTER is Ew, GOOD, CLEAN, LAUGHABLE, SUREFIRE and 100% ORIGINAL. What other book of Vaudeville material claims this distinction? The JPSTER contains 64 (9%26%) p.ges. 5 Monologues, 8 Doubie Acts for Male and Female atid for two Males, Single Gags, Quartette Act. Ventriloquist Act. Burlesque Tab for 10 characiers, Minstrel First Parts, Misstrel Finale. Dest parody ever written on Gunga Din, Poems and Parodies om Popular Songs. PRICE, $1.00. JAMES J. COGHLAN, 83 Wade Street, Jersey City, N. J. SKETCHES MONOLOGUES AC am, 7 On Eaiablished) oe weer HAYDEN O'CONNOR, 4 Broadway, New York. NULTY and DUKE MULLEN are teaming together in a new act written expressly for them by ALEX GERBER, who incidentally is sponsoring them. They opened at Proctor’s Fifty-Eighth Street Theater, last week, to do the Proctor Time. . . . The comedy act known as “North and South’ opened last week at Toronto, Canada, for a tour over the Pantages Circuit. They will cover the entire time. . . The FOUR HAMEL SISTERS and DICK STRASS are also booked for the Pan. Time, and will maké a full tour of the circuit beginning May 25 at Minneapolis. MARGA RHODA and WALTER BROSHEL L open at Loew's, Providence, R. I.. Mondar in their English concertina act. They have just finished a tour of the Pantages Circuit, and now will make a tour of the Loew Tim: AL. GROSSMAN is handling the act and mu:je the booking. OLCOTT with his dash of humor and song, is now supplying all of the dash herself. She opened recently on her own billed as the “Peter Pan Girl’, and is assisted by CHARLES BATES. HELENA JUSTA has been booked on the Keith Circult in her new act called ‘“‘Keep Dancing’’.. MISS JUSTA is avsisteqd by two men who supply the «yncopation for her stepping and also do singing and dancing specialties MISS JUSTA’S specialty is toe dancing but she also does jazz. « »« NEVILLE FLEESON opened last week at the Coliseum, New York, in an act ‘with ANN GREENWAY, called “Samples"’. He has written the ys | lyrics for the offer| ing and ALBERT ' VON TILZER the |} music. This marks | FLEESON’S | return | to Keith vaudeville i after a long absence. | Of late he has been | | Mo ANN, who used to he!p CHARLES writing for vaudeville, it is understood. . . . PERCY BRONSON and FLORENCE EVERETTE, who opened eecently in “A Happy Medium", by BRYAN FOY and MONTE BRICE, re Neville Fleeson ceived a booking on the Keith Time and will be seen shortly at the Palace, New York. 1:;RONSON used to work with WINNIE BALDWIN, his wife. It is reported they may be seen together again next fail. DOROTHY JARDON’S engagement at Keith's Hippodrome, New York, last week and the week before, murked her first appearance in vaudeville in three years. In the interim, she has been doing coneert and opera work, and was connected with the Chicago Grand Opera Company. . . . NATALIE MEANOR, who specializes in classic dancing, opened recently on the Keith Time in’ a new act called ‘‘Terpsi chorean Expressions’’. She is assisted by HENRI MADRBA at the piano. OS snties sone ALEX GERBDPR'S pretentious revue which has just returned East from a tour of the West, has been recasted with the exception of its featured member, GEORGE GRIFFEN, and will make a complete tour of the Loew Circuit. New members of the act, who are featured, include CLAIRE CARTY, MARY LUCAS, HARRY RITZ and MAY ALBERTS. «. « » ANNE LAUGHLIN opened last Thursday at Keith's, Jersey City, in a new EDWIN BURKE playlet called “Spring and the Moonlight’. It is described by BEN BOYER, of the LEWIS and GORDON firm, who are sponsoring MISS LAUGHLIN, as a comedy. BOYER directed the playlet and engaged MISS LAUGHLIN’S up porting cast, ich includes JAMES KEANE, EDWARD REESE and FRANK Anne Laughlin ROWAN. . HENRY HULL and EDNA HILLARD, who opened recently in “Five Min utes From the Station’, by ELAINE STERNE, have gotten a three weeks’ booking on the Orpheum Time and open at the Palace, Chicazo, next Monday. It is possible that they will be given further time, perhaps going to the West Coast. ALICE LAKE, who took to vaudeville last week with her husband in a sketch by TOM BARRY entitled “Bag. dad’, has also been booked on the Orpheum. She opens at the Orpheum Theater, St. Louis, Monday to play four weeks. Her bookings also may be stretched to the Coast. . . MARTHA HEDMAN, Swedish actress, whens DAVID BELASCO brought to America and first starred on Broadway in “The Boomerang", made her first appearance last ‘week on the two-adlay stage in ‘Fancy Free’’, a comedy by STANLEY HOUGHTON, author of ‘Hindle Wakes” and other plays. MISS HEDMAN’'S company consists of ELEANOR JACKSON, DON BAXTER and JOHN MOWBRAY. C. M. and EVELYN BLANCHARD are the producers of MISS HEDMAN’S act. OCKY AND GREEN'S “See America First’, a big act which the producers say cost several thousand dollars to put out, has gone to the storehouse, there to remain until next season, because of failure to secure bookings from the Keith Circuit. MILTON J. GREEN says the Keith office won't pay enough money and can't find headline positions for the act, but that it probably vill make a stab next fall for work, either on the Keith or Orpheum. . . . ELY SOBEL, vandeville agent, moved to the third floor of the Strand Building, New York, this week from the Romas, 245 West Forty-seventh street, which Le has o¢cupied for several years. CLIFF DEAN'S act, “The Snail, is reopening this week out in Pennsylvania to play for the Keith Circuit. It has a new cast including MARJORIE BRIGGS, HARRY HARFORD and DERDY HOLMES, MISS BRIGGS is musical comedy ingenue, and appeared in George White’s “‘Scandals of 1922"'. . . . The vaudeville producing firm of COSBY and DAVENPORT is no more. MINA DAVENPORT is retiring from the field gud VIVIAN COSBY may associate herself with LEW SHARPE, booking for CHARLES WILSHIN, Keith agent. . THOMAS V. MORRISON joined BERT WILCOX'S act this week thru an arrangement with the Murray Phillips office. . . . GINTARO, who does a Jap novelty spinning act, opens for the Loew Circuit May 26 under the direction of AL GROSSMAN. GINTARO is a foreign entertainer and hails from England, where he has been playing variety for several years. . BOBBY McLEAN, ice skater, is also opening for the Loew Cireuit, May 26, under the direction of GROSSMAN. He is assisted by a dancing and skating team, and carries his own chemist with him for the ice preparations. « The team of SNOW and MARINE, who just came off the Orpheum Time, opened this week on the Loew Cireuit. They will make a complete tour of lhe Loew houses. . . THE FOUR BELLHOPS went into New York recently fronf a a tour of the Orpheum, and opened at New Haven, Conn., to piay the Poli Time. EORGE MACK, who has spent ten years G in England with SPISSEL BROS. and MACK, an American act, has retired and is located in business at Hartford, Conn. . . « QUINN, MEYERS and TEDDY closed recently in Chicago, and the Mutual Circuit has signed QUINN as comedian, and RUTH MAYER as soubret, for next season. . . . HENRY REGAL, acrobat, on the Palace Theater, Cincinnati, bill last week, was confined to bed at his hotel last Wednesday, and CLINTON and CHAPPELL substituted for his act. Regal caught a severe cold while performing at the N. V. A. benefit in Cleveland the week previous. He still has a high fever, but will probably be able to move on to Louisville this week, according to MRS. REGAL. 4. . Bee sinning this week the Rialto Theater, Amsterdam, N. Y., which has been offering five vaudeville acts and a picture on a split-week policy, will adopt its summer policy of pic tures the first half and Keith vaudeville the cond half. . . . The midnight show scheduled for Poli’s Palace Theater, Bridgeport, Conn., Friday evening, April 25, for the benefit of the N. V. A., was called off because of a poor advance sale. Altho heavily advertised and boosted by the managers of Poli's six theaters there, at eight o'clock that evening, there Was only enough advance sale to pay for the musicians and stagehands. The local people have been fooled so many times by these so-called ‘“‘monster benefits’? which always ied out to be fizzles, that they at last ase serted themsclves, JUST OUT McNALLY’S Ke BULLETIN PRICE, ONE DOLLAR PER COPY Gigantic collection of 152 pages of new, bright end original Comedy Materia! for vaudeville stage use, embracing everythinre that can he of use to the performer, no matter what sort of an act, mono! *, parody or fill-in bits he may require. Notwithstanding that McNally’s Bulletin Ne. 9 is bigger im quantity and better in quality than ever before the price re maing as slweys. $1.00 per copy. It cmtains athe following gilt-edge, up-to-dats. Comedy Material: 23 SCREAMING MONOLOGUES Each one @ positive hit. All kinds, including Hebrew, Irish, Nut, Wop, Kid, Temperance, Black and Whiteface, Female, Tramp, Dutch and Stump Speech. 13 ROARING ACTS FOR TWO MALES Each act an applause winner, 11 Original Acts for Male and Female They'll make good on any bill. SURE-FIRE PARODIES on all of Broadway's latest song hits. Each ope is full of pep. GREAT VENTRILOQUIST ACT entitled ‘Life’. It’s a riot. ROOF-LIFTING ACT FOR TWO FEMALES This act is a 24-karat sure-fire hit. A COMICAL TRIO ACT naa for a dance specialty, entitled “I'll A RATTLING QUARTETTE ACT for four Male Comedians. This act ig alive with humor of the rib-tickling kind. 3 CHARACTER COMEDY SKETCH entitled “The Tdeal Wife’’. from start to finish. 18 CHARACTER TABLOID COMEDY It’s bright, breezy and bubbles orer with wit 12 MINSTREL FIRST-PARTS with side-splitting jokes and hot-shot crossfire gags. McNALLY'S MINSTREL OVERTURES complete with words and music lead, for opening and closing of the minstrel. GRAND MINSTREL FINALE entitled “The Wood Taster”. It will keep the audience yelling for more. 22 MONOBITS Ereryone a sure-fire hit, HUNDREDS of cracker-jack Cross-Fire Jokeg and Gags, which cam be used for sidewalk conversation for two males and male and female. other comedy material which is useful to the vaudeville performer. Remember the price of McNALLY’S BULLETIN NO, 9 is only One Dollar per copy: or will send you Bulletins Nos, 7, 8 and 9 for $2.00, with money-back guarantee. WM. McNALLY 81 East 125th Street, New York It's @ scream You Cannot Go Wrong When You Depend On The TAYLOR XX Professiona! Wardrobe Trunk $75 TAYLOR’S 28 E. Randolph St. 210 W. 44th St. CHICAGO NEW YORK BEN & SALLY Specialize in the manufacture of “THE PERFECT” TOE and BALLET SLIPPER oe Mail orders promptly filled. pe Ben & Sally, 302 W. 37th St.,N.Y. = STAGE DANCING TAUGHT BY Dillingham, Lee & J. J. Shubert, George M. WALTER BAKER NEW YORK’S LEADING DANCING MASTER Formerly Dancing Master for Ziegfeld Follies, Chas. Flo, Ziesfeld, john Cort, and Capitol Theatre. 900 SEVENTH AVE.,N. Y.. At 57th = WRITE FOR FREE BOCKLET B. A FCW es al TAUGHT BY WALTER BAKE Marilynn atl Fairbanks Twins Nat Nazz-ro, Jr. Hyscn & Dickson Trado Twins Muriel Stryker Florence Walton Ftta Pillard Pearl Regay Grace Moore Ray Dooley Gus Shy, others. Cohan, Tel. 8290 Circle. ADVE SAAT NATTA TTT CLOG DANCING WITHOUT A TEACHER. ; You Can Easily Learn From Our Book, Clog Dancing Made Easy. By Henry Tucker. The practice of this art is sim ply and fully explained. showing all steps and figures. examples, explanations and terms used necessary [to become am expert datcer. Also music for different styles of dances and song and dance sketches with music. I}lustrated, Price, 20¢, postpald. THD COLLINS CO., 197 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Advertise in The Billbeard—You'l be satisfied with results.