The Billboard 1924-06-14: Vol 36 Iss 24 (1924-06-14)

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| | hi 4 16 The Billboard JUNE 14, 1924 NEW TURNS and RE TURNS = eng al a Da Tony a %. Catehes « & > ae . Jaz BF = Jean Sea tere Saiey i.F Ss Botet Aster’s Band) at sings Ge 2 grat act me ef -be best o f2¢ 0 ® ever sie The = = th We as + . given we = me eumbivetions 23 Pucl Whiteman and Am c=i2 ‘s oe . — 2 fee ba | » ~ " —* = mar . oo a “? c € _ 2 rs“ & ? rag 2 Et ts .* = =r . > i . -oe * 4 c-am8“ x = *2 ple Ties i er and ag & somber =< rege 2 = "mE = rT 4 2 rc be stra. Py z ~ + thet ef 2 pals z a 2 sud <a }€ t : = etz ! = . e =z at ¢t Pals Breseadwas és: 2 3 = 4 = cas g the z 8 2-iz ecb ease PATTEE AND ‘ROUSSEAU — — > 9 at S 9, 4 e £4, Gi cz a —_ C r Joka A P War fr 722 . = the pe -samaNy 2 a ring 2 = which be and his perteee ies “ [wea'y~ce mist es = az} f at ce ieee | ~ Mw y sight Ths tire a dir iy mt g-stiy ax (pike Pette"s ‘ ever a se leck of £ z + : = . mort as a = p oes 3 = 7 2 t gre + : tre = it c $72—# : we ts grade 4 r = > ates abt SS x tus m 2 a) % ss ag with : > 4 £ Avi Pacte 4 z Ff ? 2 <3 3 tad a + : : . a? sf i2 the comiet: f = plays 6 oi : es A toe sel asd Bor=<ar ar t Arkanss Tratrekr The ‘rgtin Eeet™ “Swaine River ard Mr @ Keeterts Soe Ia abies te Tera! @ >arz-desce Pattee i2@ a ai air. Dos he co os of > 2 ~ sezg “be first verse af “Roses ft. Pear sxg pared cas os the a T 2g ack Jee” and : r é 2 the cles > the ac = = f mock espplacse, whee = rte? git the act Tae r a oe Patee ancl Ricca = r £ Twesty-Tiird = = s | t2 = ‘ es > 2 >2 * rm ‘tars = 23° . 2u2 = = = ack apd play some more 2 CG ™ “vo ‘ Gy 2. SieScS d és , ‘ _. . . — . . -) om < == 3 , —_®¢ a as Tr — > ° 2 , From all eppearteess Miss EDly @ cute oed= of ahuct M rea © less. and dees ber fEf as tho is ber sereerr c the tors and furnitere for procs. Wearing dresses 25 seks, sh apes? it oY z a arriage. and & @toe T= oe: ~ > be z a r+ SHELTON BROOKS ; ‘ ee | a _ : You Own Shoe: ComSette as " ; letry Bh : ie , , ree bape Your oon “ 2 y ‘stub, a ae : shout « meee THE LITTLEJOHNS, Inc. ind an aeeinide nepeew ate MOSCOW REVUE pober ic & tusttehl : iis ee Our Mew Address, 254 W. (ith St. LY. et with a real sumier -ktown Has Ja Th ; a (Rud eppenite NV. A) Sees a Soe YOUR VOICE onotacnaee . IS A MOST VALUABLE ASSET SHELTON, TYLER AND SHARPLES : TIMID. HALTING VOICES CAN NOW BE WLI viewed Monday evening, June 2. at Erne SoS CLEAR FORCEFUL RESONANT & CHARMING it hPa | en eee gine Jt : sitics ? hles Your ming fercttwer @ety and slewty wtes yee bore w 2 ere Sit 5 _ Tee ox cater a. aay ‘ever or s ct. 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Mec: ZB a , << PR <ITIONLi sit we Jingies aA . 2 = s ? $ Soe : a : In all Wood Soles, aw aoe ous | $i tee Exeiaee “== In Split Soles, 11.00 SEX SE coe Te Sees ses Saft Nee So A HRIEMER SHOE CO_, Milwaukee, Wis. = SECOND HAND TRUNKS WHISTLING JAZZ PIANO Pete es a VENTRILOQUISM— VOCAL hainan stented enensiinnpanenieqe gl inaailinsi-nsiee 19 © | UKELELE—DRUMS & TAPS Powe. Harriss TH. : 74 West Van Buren Street, men VET TOSSSS TT ASSES SEeet tee "WANTED ORCHESTRA MENTAL EFFECTS NELSON ENTERPRISES Sl LINWOOD aTENTE. COLIMBTS. O tt wee Agi iwe i) | f . ’ \ e : ‘ ; a) FISPE SHOE TOEUNKS.. Very pod waditiee Oly... ; moietety teutht fe sige 7 — ert yo cam at Gan Omnd I f< ot , = L cu ret partacnlars LESLIE C. GROFF, D828 Weet Madisee Street. re __Gommence TRUNK CO. Chieage. | ~e ee eVe Tee ee VS > U2 eee Se Ate wile to bear fem the = Sa tucas. 724 Market St. Keerville, Temeessee. . > , , a : Penwmare ‘a ron Tx ne =e