The Billboard 1924-06-14: Vol 36 Iss 24 (1924-06-14)

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The Billboard JUNE 14, 1924 By JONES and KAHN | x Si aime Rts « ane Calle, Sabah TE cating aT" Cty 7 Shh ons eae 9 “DRIFTING TO YOU” The Waliz Ballad Beautiful Written by VER CLAY SMITH, AL. SHORT, The Eminent Composer and Critic. Director Tivoli Theatre. ; Scheduled for elaborate Art Production in Balaban & Katz Theatres, a Chicago, for three weeks, starting Monday, May 26th. Week of May 26th, Chicago Theatre. Week of June 2nd, Tivoli Theatre. Week of June 9th, Riviera Theatre. Splendid orders have been coming in from all parts of the United States and Canada and “DRIFTING TO YOU” is off with a running start. CHAS. E. ROAT MUSIC CO. BATTLE CREEK, MICH. a eee ir Club, $3. 00 Per Year _ ee MILTON wen, MUSIC CO., Inc. MURRAY BLOOM, Mor. | oe Williams Is the Lucky Publisher a ‘Down Home Chant. On all Records ana Rolls. | Mailing List” (82 00) and recsge cs neeve abies tre, and many more during the year. | CLARENCE WILLIAMS MUSIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. 1847 SROADWAY, (Suite 415-420 Gayety Theatre Btdg.) NEW YORK. How To Write and Make a Success Publishing Music A book written by a successful music composer and publisher and covers in detail just what the ambitious composer desires to know cludeg list of Music Dealers, Band and Orchestra Leaders, i Record and Piano Rol Manufacturers. The best book of its kind on the market. Cnly $1.00, postpaid. Money back if book is not as claimed. Send for information THE UNION Music CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. MUSIC PRINTERS ENGRAVERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS PRINT ANYTHING IN MUSIC BY ANY PROCESS : ESTIMATES GLADLY FURNISHED Ps ESTABLISHED 1876 REFERENCES. ANY PUBLISHER THE 8LEe ZIMMER © SOR, _ CINCINNATH, | ae | AN OHIO. ° { will arrange your melody for Piano for $5.00. Also arrance for Orchestra and Bard. My arrangements @m’t be beat and I have hundreds of letters to that effect from satisfied patrons and publishers. Get the wet apd have no regrets HERMAN A. HUMMEL, 1441 West 85th St., CLEVELAND, OHIO By GENE RODEMICH in tities of the Year aie EVENING BLUES” _“UNFORTUNATE_ BLUES” SINGLE ORCHESTRA TIONS, MELODY MART (Continued from page 19) argument. Different arrangements are usually made in publishing such works. “Rock-a-Bye Baby Blues’, a fox-trot song by Clifford Orr, Herbert Talbot and Henr Sullivan, bas been released by the Oliver Ditson Company, of Boston. Dance orchestras and singers broadcasting the number report it an excellent all-round selection. Another Ditson publication that is becoming more popular than ever is the melodious and tender ballad, “‘At Dawning’’, by Nele Richmond Eberhart and Charles Wakefield Cadman, Over the radio it is unusually effective. Ray Foster has completed his five-reel feature industrial film, entitled “A Million Miles of Music’, which will show the process of recording and manufacturing player-piano rolls, heretofore carefully guarded. Eight months were spent in preparing the film, during which time Foster made a complete study of roll manufacture under Lee S. Roberts, of the Q. R. S. Music Roll Company. Altho Foster directed the production, Mr. Roberts supervised the proceedings to make sure everything was technically correct and all details authentic. The cast includes well-known wirters recording artistes, among them being Roberts, Zez Confrey, Max Kortlander, sell Robinson, Pete Wendling, Phil and Victor Arden. The hits to the of some of those mentioned include: “Smiles’’, by Roberts; ‘‘Margie’’, Robinson; ‘Tell Me’’, Kortlander; “‘Yaka Hula Hicka Dula’”’ and “Ob, What a Pal Was Mary’’, Wendling, and “Kitten on the Keys’ and ‘‘Stumbling’’, Confrey. and le e J. RusOlmand credit Denton & Haskins Music Company bas settled in agreeable manner the misunderstanding that arose from the question of bow much in royalties should be paid to Leo Wood on the song, *“‘Somebody Stole My Gal’’. Wood, who is writing mostly for Feist and is secretary of the Songwriters, Inc., wrote the number with another writer qa few years ago, forgot about it, as the firm that originally took the song turned it over to another concern. Last winter it bad a sort of revival and a Victor record release also, Byron Gay, of “‘Vamp’’ fame, returned to New York last week from a three-month journ at his former bome on the Pacifk Coast. Gay and his family made the trip in a motor car in exactly eleven days. While en route he stopped in Chicago, where he placed four songs with local publishers. This makes a round dozen numbers that Gay bas planted (Continued on page 164) PianistsTeachers BO HARRY JENTES, the prominent Composer-Pianist and p oo Kacdilo, “Rees xd and Koll Artist, wishes to t e his new FOLIO of Novelty Piano Solos, " h are especially adapted for professional piants, teachers, students and every one who is intetested in real plano music, IF YOU LIKE New Tricks, Odd Rhythms, Strange Harmonies, then send immediately for this book. IF Yo pip LIKE “‘Callfornia Sunshine’, “Cat’s Pajamas”, Smiles and Kisses”, “Tricky Trix”, “Rhapsody Rag”, “Cuban Sunshine’, etc., then you surely will never recret having ordered this marvel oug collection of Piano Solos that are differant. PRICE, 75¢, POSTPAID. HARRY JENTES CO. 1775 Broadway New York City YOU CAN HAVE YOUR SONGS PRINTED We do Printing and Engraving. Free sample copies. sone ee “SERVICE.” 401 Romax ‘puna York City, 35c FRASER DIRECT-STROKE PEDAL FREE—New 1924 Catalog “M”. Now ready. Many new Novelties. Leedy Manufacturing:@ putlenenellie Ind.. TWONEW HITS “‘Long Green's My Friend” and **G-a-s-o-l-i-n-e”’ Roth written by an old-time minstrel. Fine harmony; _lasting, tur seful melodies. Tested and tried. Big applause getters. Both mailed for Se: clamps accepted. Money back if not more han satis ques. n J. Harney, Manager, 544 Main Serest. POSITIVELY TAUGHT anY PERSON bis Cheb sad Poramennt Records, or U.S. Piawe Rolls.) Suite 5, 20 East Jackson, aababe. Professional copies free to recogaised artiste Worcester, Mass. | JAZ IN 20 LESSONS Write or Phone for FREE BOOKLET Teacher Representat'ves wanted. HOMESTEAD PUBLISHING CO., PIANO PLAYING (Asal Coristensen's System taeght “trom Const to Const” —tear CHRISTENSEN SCHOOLS OF POPULAR MUSIC ACCORDIONS trated catalog and prices. AUGUSTO 1ORIO & SONS . WEW YORK. ATTENTION! MUSIC PUBLISHERS and COMPOSERS «EUGENE PLATZMAN ARRANGER OF “Last Night on the Back Porch” "Yes, We Have No Bananas” ard 1.000 other HIG ur Have Your Songs A EUGENE PLATZMAN 224 West 46th St., NEW YORK CITY Hated 1s bg oad pee FH rvice DRUMMERS Biggest bargains in Drums and Traps, direct from factory to you. Write for Catalog F. ACME DRUMMERS SUPPLY CO. 218-222 No. May 6t., CHICAGO, ILL.