The Billboard 1924-06-14: Vol 36 Iss 24 (1924-06-14)

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JUNE 14, 1924 The Billboard 21 ‘COMMUNICATIONS TO OUR “IN BAMVILLE” GOES OVER BIG IN BOSTON Latest Sissle and Blake Musicsel Show May Have Summer Run at Tremont Theater June 6 A capacity eater Monday night Rissle & Bl i ke's comedy. Judging from the approval ed by the audle the show hits the the summer patronage that the established the chances prolonged engagement at long run does not prove to be show will go to the KoickerNew York, at the end of house at greeted the newest colored the Tremont T ar rival of nee, fancy mont of has Trelook thir and gol for a hous If a warranted, the Theater, bocker six week? The lent lavist pepplest kind of dancing, singing, ness in ~ttings make lots of excela good portion of comedy and the matter of costumes and “In Bamville’’ about the best colored musica] attraction witnessed in this town so far. Julian Mitchell's touches are noticeable thruout. In fact he has put so much of the “white folks’’ stuff into the that there are times when it loses the sppearance of a colored show. And, after all, t le the down-South atmosphere that is most enjoyable—and most artisticlly done. W. A. Hanns impersonation of Old Black Joe in a seng number, for instance. and the struttin’ of Lew Payton to the accompaniment of Joe Smith's cornet Jjazzing brought the biggest rounds of applause because they were bits f the real South. In addition to Noble Blake, the principals deiph. Gwendolyn Josephine Raker, J. Hann, W piece Sissle and Bubie include Amanda RanFeaster, Addison Carey, Mardo Brown, W. A. liam Grundy, Inez Clongh. Lottie Eligabeth Welsh, Valada Snow, Fred Jennings, Ivan H. Browning, Ferd Robinson, Koessell Smith, Lew Payton, Johnny Hudgins, lee J. Randall, George Jones, IJr.; Charlie Davis Curtis Carpender, Richard Cooper Perey Colston, Claude Lawson, W. H. Berry, Mildred Smallwood and Lioyrd Keyes. In the Ramville Band’ are: Joe Smith, director: 1. M. Brown, drum major: B. C. Caldwell, J Ww. Mobley, Ferdie George Dosber Horace Langhorne, George Bagby. Karl and L. J. Randall. The chorus members are Carmen Marshall, Aimee Bites, Edith Rose Anita Alexander Cecilia Eunice Anderson, Ruby Bart Mae Claudia Clarke, Maria Decastro, M Mue Fortune. Rose Gillird, Lolita Bel! Fannie Hendrickson, kon Jimmie Gorden, Thelma MeJosi. Miles, Helen Mitchell, Mabel vs Catherine Parker Jennie Salmon, Smith, Mary Scott, Clara Titus, Wort Mildred liwood, June Doris Mignotte, Frankie Williams, Williams, Margaret Tyson, Rose Alexander, Chie Fisher Richard Wheaton, Willie Keyes, Earl Crompton, Bournis Brown, BenJomin Mifflin and Carl Thompson. PRESS COMMENT: and peppy dancing Robinson, Moss Simme, Kotler Cobh, arie Fraine, Young, Marion tee \ a J Laugblia, Essie Sm Johnson, Jacqueline Russell, Joba Howard Elmore, beppard, Liosd “A fast Post “Replete with good things.’* Good entertainment color and furor of a American, More entertaining when it bas true negroid trocter, flavor, savor, than wien it imit ‘nHonal musical comedy of white folks.’ Herald, comedy."’— — Telegram. earried all tinted the ‘Follies’ ."" tes MAIDEN TRIP FOR ADA MAY New York, June pop’ last week, at 6.—The closing of the “LolliKnickerbocker Theater,, lenves its featured player, Ada May, free to enjoy her first trip to Burepe. She will sai! ‘nh two weeks, secompanied by Mary Read, \merican representative for the London dane master, John Tiller, and the unit of Diller girls from ‘Lollipop whe will returo fo thetr homes in England for the summer, Hoth Ada May and the Tiller girls will re‘orn te New York late in July, in time to ehearse for ‘Lollipop’, which will open its new season during August. Revue, MUSICALCOMEDY Operetta, Spectacle es by os wp WHYTE NEW YORK OFFICE~ ZIEGFELD COMPLETES CAST FOR NEW “FOLLIES” SHOW ERROL AS ZIEGFELD STAR New York, June 6.—Leon Errol, whose New York, June 6.—Florenz Ziegfeld bas starring engagement with “Suliy’’ was brought finally settled on a cast for the new ‘Follies’, to u halt after four seasons with that musical with the last important engagement being that omedy, will) reappear under the Ziegfeld of Irving Fisher, who closed his season recently banner next fall in a oew production. Accordin “‘Sally’’. Renewal of contracts bring ing to present information, it will be written back to the fold such familiar names as Will by William Anthony MeGuire, coaege -_ Rogers, Edna Leedom, Martha Lorber and Ann ‘arthy and Harry Tierney. Shirley Vernon, Pennington. Among the principals are Walter Leslie Burnett. Pollyanna Card and Jean Catlett, who was seen in “‘Sally’® for four White are others of the “Sally Company who years; Lupino Lane, the English comedian; Wi!l be seen in Errol’s new show. Niney Welford, Evelyn Law, Anita Elson. Lina Barquette, Hilda Ferguson, Geneva FINITA DE SORIA ENGAGED Mitchell, Betty Compton, Doris Vinton, Mae Duw, the Kele Hrothers. Katherine Little New York, June 6.—Finita De Soria will field, and Wild, West & McGinty, the Englisi Join the cast of “Blossom Time’’, replacing acrobatic trio, which will present an entirely Zoe Barnett, who leaves for a summer season new act. Brandop Tynan will also return to of opera out on the Coast. Miss De Soria the Ziegfeld management, after an absence succeeded Fritzi Scheff in ‘‘The O'Brien Girl” of two seasons. In addition to the cast alsome seasons ago, prior gto the Broadway ready named, there will be a “‘glorified’’ premiere of the George M. Coban production. auxiliary of eighty American girls, flanked The Shubert attraction will close tomorrow by the contingent of sixteen English Tiller night at the Jolson Theater and resume its girls. tour of the road The producer has made arrangements with . Ren Ali Haggin to stage three new tableaux Comstock & Gest moved their production, for the forthcoming “Follies”, which was “Sitting Pretty”, this week from the Fulton previously announced as coming to the New ‘Theater, New York, to the more commodious Amsterdam Theater the latter part of this Imperial Theater. It was thought for a time month Haggin's scenic effects have been that the latter house would be tenanted by created solely from American subjects. ‘Top Hole’, starring Lynn Overman. ex * 2 * >a : USICA 7 x ~ Number of consecutive performances up to and including Saturday, June 7. x .. = e IN NEW YORK 7 rel OPENINGNO. OF : Re PLAY. STAR. THEATER. DATE. PERFS. f x Andre Charlot’s Revrne of '24....——— — ecb osc ccccns Jan 9. 1s) Batting RButtler, Mr... .. 20000 sm——————_.. ws se Times Square Get. Gocco SH P “Blossom Time......ccesccees————— — gg Sr BG Widicce 24 Cig POs as cascsecencs ° a jd ee a eee 7 «| 60 Grand Gt, Polat. <.cccecesecc cee Neighborhood. May 20.. 18 P-4 PWM Say She 18. ...ccc ccc ce ccc cceees Casino.......... 19.. 25 3 x Innocent Eyes.. bandend sees SUE 6 ck ccts as Winter Garden... 25 & & Keep Kool...... ceccceceses ———— ox acs Giiences <i x) : Kid Boots......... sccecsessoesEd@die Cantor....... Earl Carroll. bed 3 830s Little Jessie James....... —.——— sldees aan ae x XS 9 *** Lollipop —-—— ...Knickerbocker... x x Moonlight Julia Sanderson. ... Longacte......... ol \x Plain Jam _—__ New Amsterdam. x x Poppy ee W. C. Fields....... Apollo..... x is Pretty — seeeceeus Fultom..... édaen x ***Stepping Stomes.........*Fred Stome.....c..: Eee x VeRORG sc ctcccendens ceccee eee oGhebert. ccwccoccse x °c eed “June %. ***Closed May 31. ‘Moves ( to Imperiai pate 9. x 4 x IN CHICAGO x Artists and Models......++++mE cescccece APOM®. .ccccccccceDM® B.....9 x Ne, Ne, MOUs vacceeccas EE oc ncaces Ie Eee oa x Topas and Ev@..ccccccceess. Duncan Sis ters. occ MOLWIRs cccccecece i Dkiccccel® | P Wildflower. .cccccccceccceccees Edith Day.......... " Qe. 20...... 63 x *Moved to Garrick June 1. x x IN BOSTON 7 6=Ss«é Dream Girl, The.......... Rainter-Woolf...... Witbur........... May 15 au x in Bamville...... ‘ . Sissle and Blak: TiO... ccs . Ae s x PreK! RRMKE XX XK RR KC Musical Comedy I Notes The De Marco Dancers and their Sheik Orchestra have been engaged by George White for the new version of “‘Seandals’’. closing performance of “Peg o° My Hassard Short, who staged the prowas presented with a solid set, gift of the entire comp:ny. At the Dreams’ doction, eouktall silver Dorothy Dilly, the sixteen-year-old ity dancer, bas been retained for the road pany of “The Music Box Revue”, which begin its tour some time in October. specta comwill Otto Johnson advises that he has been engaged for the character of Mutt with Jack Hoskins’ “Mutt and Jeff’? No. 1 Company, under management of L. W. (Pete) Kramer. “The Crazy Quilt’, fashioned on the intimate type of revue, will not uncover this month, as was previously reported, bat instead will be presented during the fall season. “Marjorie Daw’ is the title of a new musical comedy, which is going to Boston as a special summer feature. hearsals The piece is undergoing rewith Elizabeth Hines and Richard Gallagher in the leading roles, Victor White is now playing the title role of “‘Voppyr’’. at the Apollo Theater, New York, having taken the place of Madge Kennedy. Miss White Since the comedy: has understudied the star role opening of Philip Goodman's musical Sigmund Romberg, composer of the music in “Innocent Eyes", at the Winter Garden, New York, last week celebrated the tenth anniversary of his association with the Shubert management by conducting the orchestra of the Mistinguett show. Ed Wynn, who has toured the country as star of “The Perfect Fool’ for four consecutive seasons, will return to New York in the fall to begin work on a new musical comedy. The book and lyrics of the production will be furnished by the comedian. Zoe Barnett bas terminated her engagement with “Blossom Time’ to resume her tenth annual season of grand opera on the Coast. Miss Barnett opens in Los Angeles July 3 in “Carmen”, which will be followed by her usual repertoire. Edyth Thayer, star of “The Firefly’, “Katinka”, “The Peasant Girl’’ «and late prima donna of the original company of “Blossom Time’’, bas been engaged by Robert McLaughlin to play the leading role in ‘‘Sometime’, a musical comedy, to open in Cleveland within two weeks. John Murray Anderson, who returned recently from a two-month trip abroad, is now devising ways and means for staging the sixth anpual “Greenwich Village Follies’ James Reynolds, the designer, who has also been abroad in the interest of the Bohemians, Inc., is working on the new revue, Herbert Stothart, one of the composers of ““Wildflower’ *, in which Edith Day is starring, ut the Garrick Theater, Chicago, will be at the conductor’s desk for the remainder of the play's run. Mr. Stothart is also engaged in completing the score of an operetta which is to have autumn production by Arthur Hammerstein. George Wintz, who of “Shuffle Along’’ has gone to his home in Cincinnati brief vacation. He remained in New York just long enough to arrange for next season's bookings for “Shuffle Along’’, also ‘*Venus’’, in which Myra Brown, Mrs. Wintz in private life, will star. managed the road tour for 102 consecutive weeks, for a George 8S. Kaufman and Mare Connelly solemnly swore that in ‘‘Helen of Troy, N. Y.”’. they had written their first and last musical comedy. Since truth must prevail, the inseparable pair have been working on a new lyrical play with Jack Donahue in mind for the stellar role. The piece will be given its first performance in Boston early in the fall. Eddie Dowling has just season as star of ‘‘Sally, Irene and Mary’, the musical comedy having come to a close in Atlanic City. Since the opening night there have been but three changes in the cast, which includes Marguerite Zender, Clara Palmer, Maude Odell, Josie Intropidi, Louise Brown, Maida Reade and George Eising. completed his third B. K. Nadel, producer of “Keep Kool’, now playing at the Morosco Theater, New York, will give a special ‘“‘rejection performance’ of Paul Gerard Smith's musical revue, which, in the main, will be made up of songs and skits eliminated for varous reasons. Altogether there were twenty-four numbers thrown into the discard during the try-out period of the production. The Musical Comedy Guild has begun casting for ‘“‘The Purple Cow’’, a musical comedy, by Gelett Burgess and Carolyn Wells. Dorothy Francis, at present prima donna with the Municipal Opera Company in St. Louis, will be the principal singer, and Phil Dwyer will have one of the leading male roles. The production will be offered in New York the latter part of August. Hassard Short has purchased two dramatic sketches written by an inmate of Auburn Prison under the pen name of Solomon King. The first, called *‘The Rain’’, was witnessed by Short at a performance given in the prison under the auspices of the Mutual Welfare League. ‘‘The New Organist’ is the name of ‘King’s’ other playlet. Both sketcheswill be introduced in a new revue to be staged by Short. The retiring of Madge Kennedy from the cast of “‘Poppy’’, at the Apollo Theater, New York, brings W. C. Fields to the front as the new star of Philip Goodman’s musical comedy. The comedian’s elevation to stardom resulted in his receiving a flood of telegrams from such well-wishers as Will Rogers, Fred Stone, Eddie Cantor, Leon Errol, Harold Lloyd, Al Jolson, Walter Catlett, Oscar Shaw, Raymond Hitchcock, Buster Keaton, Lee Shubert, B, F. Albee, Jerome Kern and many otbers, ALL STYLES OF Stage Dancing Taught Specializing itn ACROBATIC INSTRUCTION 249 «West 48th Street, NEW YORK CITY. STRETCHING, BAR AND PAD EXERCISES. THEATRICAL. ST. DENIS HOTEL, DETROIT, MICH, Rates to SEN F.G iV ST DIE LTS. Hee, EN INE PIOES oe * tte a ae _ ime <a one” gene rene ee