The Billboard 1924-06-14: Vol 36 Iss 24 (1924-06-14)

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JUNE 14, 1924 The Billboard 25 PERSONALITIES Here and There Jounny Hines can be roadway renewing seen frequently on acquaintances. Fay Courtney is completing arrangement« whereby she will head a company of her own in the fall. Mr. and Mrs. Pauley, late of the Princess Players, Des Moines, Ia., express themselves well satisfied with their season at Des Moines, Joseph Garry, another well-known stock man, bas just closed an engagement of forty-one weess with “The First Year’’ Company. Tommy Martelle, in bis new play, “Naughty Mam ‘zelle a scored a big hit with the patrons of Poli Players at Hartford, Conn., recently. Roth Garland left Boston last week for Skowbegan, Me., where she will appear this summer as leading lady with the Lakewood Players. Willa Fredericks, late of the Al Luttringer Players at Bethlehem, Pa., is another wellnown leading and second woman seen on the Rialto Helen Joy, well known in stock circles, has just closed a successful season as leading woman in the Western company of ‘‘The Fool” and has heen seen frequently of late on Broadway. Sadie Belgrade has closed a forty-week season with the W. H. Harder Company at Greensburg, Pa., during which the local newspapers commended her highly for ber portrayals as second woman. With the change of contro] of the Temple Theater, Hamilton, Can., Cliff! Schaufele becime lessee and general manager and appointed N. A. B. Whitford resident manager. Charles Squires, scenic artist, the past season with the Robert Mantell Company, whick recently closed, spent Decoration Day at bis bome in Washington, D. C., going there from New York. Elsie Cavana, formerly of Philadelphia and more recently with the Proctor Stock Company, Albany, N. Y., is again on Broadway, where her slender symmetrica) form in stunning gowns attracts much attention from men and women alike. Barbara stock Gordon, well-known ingenne with companies in Muskegon and Kalamazoo, Mich., and more recently with the Gordon Players, Was serously injured when she fell thru an open trap in the stage during a performance, but is on the road to recovery pow at Plymouth, Ind. Jack Goodwin, manager of the Lyric Theater, Hamilton, Can., last season for Edward Rentom continved a« manager for Mr. Renton when the company went over to the Temple Theater, where be assumed the management of the house October 15 nntil Renton disposed of his interest February 1. Austinia Mason, able assistant to Mixs Hum bert of the Packard Theatr'cal Exchange, New York, will be missed by many visitors to that ofice for the next two weeks, as Mies Mason exited last Saturday for a two weeks’ vacation, motoring thrn the Berkshire Mountains of Massachneetts, Winnifred St. Clair, leading woman of the Poll Players, Hartford, Coun.; A. Van Buren, director of productions for the players, and Edmund Abbey, character man, were with the Poll Players at Worcester, Mass.. last season, aod severa) of the'r Worcester admirers have visited them in Hartford Leonard Willey and Shirley Booth, leading members of the Grand Players, Grand Opera Nouse, Cliocinnat!, O., recently made a tour of of WSATI, one of the local radio They were pictneerd tn the Radio of The Cincinnat! Enquirer examining © equipment used at the broadcasting studio and standing before the mierophone. tion ‘ta ne Section '? L'Fstrange dressing-room mates at Cincinnati, O.. but companions from the theater as well They have moved from a down-town hotel te a three-room partment in a fine residential section of Covngten, Ky, aecoss the Ohle River from Cinnnetl for the duration of the Stuart Walker Mayers’ summer season in the Queen City. Corbet Millman are the Cox Morris and only I eater, close war When Reginald Goode decided to produce his ew play, “Ashes he also decided that Florence Reed was the one woman to do it justice, nd toward that end arranged with the management to secure Mise Reed for the stellar ole. Accordingly she wae especially engaged ‘\* guest star with the Ratnbridge Players for ‘he presentation of “Ashes’’ at the Shubert Theater, Minneapolis, Minn, STOCK MANAGERS! When in need of a Scenic Artist for Stock éall Bryant 6858, or write 161 West 44th Street, N. Y. C. UNITED SCENIC ARTISTS SHOW PRINTING Cards, Dutes, Posters, Heralds. For LODGES and TRAVELING SHOWS. Quick service. Union label. PRATT POSTER CO. Print Craft Bidg., INDIANAPOLIS. Eddie Edwards, who so ably assists Georgia ber of the Stuart Walker Company at the Cox Wolf in arranging engagements for numerous Theater, Cincinnati, 0., has joined the Murat stock folks, has been seen so frequently in the company of a well-known musical comedy actress that his many friends consider it serious. Eddie modestly confided to our representative that it was true, but he did not wish it known until she closed her season, therefore declined to give the name of the fair lady. Frances McGrath is making a decided hit in the feminine role in “Two Strangers From Nowhere’’ at the Nora Bars Theater, New York City, but the leve for stock is ever uppermost in her mind, and she had decided to operate a season of summer stock at Paterson, N. J.. where she is very popular with patrons of stock who have been ber ardent admirers in past seasons. Donald Foster, who made a name for himself in the origina} production of “Connie Goes Home" in New York City. will enact the same role as juvenile lead with the Orpheum Players at the Orpheum Theater, Duluth, Minn. Mr. Foster has appeared for the last three seasons in New York City as a featured player in “In Love With Lore” and “Thank U"’. He is one of the foremost young leading men of the country. Charlotte with Wade Daniel. character woman the Broadway Players, Grand Rapids, Mich., bas become popular with the populace of the town. She comes into her own in the coming production of “‘Rip Van Winkle’, having formerly played in a road production of that play. William Bosworth will be seen as Rip. Directors John Ellis and Herbert Treitel are getting lote of praise in the local newspapers for the excellence of their productions. Visitors to the dressing room of McKay Morris, leading man of the Stuart Walker Players at the Cox Theater, Cincinnati, 0., are gently warned to refrain from chewing gum. With a shrug of bis shonidere Mr. Morris smilingly said ‘t was not a superstition, but just one of bis dislikes. The secret became known during e one night when Mr. Morris pleasasked his colored valet to discontinue the flavored product. our antlr munching presen: Genevieve Addleman, for two seasons a@ mem Players in Indianapolis, Ind. Walter Vonnegit is manager cf the company at the Murat and Melville Burke is director. Burke and Vonnegut were connected with the Walker company last season. During the past winter Miss Addleman was on tour with Stuart Walker’s production of the Biblical play, “The Book of Job”. Lewis R. Wolf, who conducts a steamship ticket and European tour agency in the suite of offices occupied by Georgia Wolf, representative of producers and players on West Fortyeighth street. New York City, reports bookings of several stock actors and actresses who will tour the continent during the summer or just take a sea voyage and return. During the past months Mr. Wolf has booked passages for Margaret Anglin, Pabo Cassils, Gilbert Miller, son of Henry Miller, and Mrs. Gilbert Miller; Cyril Maude, Harvey Denton and many others. Mr. Wolf was formerly a dramatic actor and more recently a suecessful manager of individual tours of theatrical folks. Jobn Davidson, the handsome Sheik of the screen and stock stage, can be seen frequently on Broadway with that pleasing smile for whieb be is noted, giad-band shaking with his numerous friends, many of whom try to copy John’s Beau Brumme! style of attire without avail. It may not be known to John personally, but a certain druggist uptown is keeping tab on John with a view to starring him in a production in the near future. We know this to be true for the reason that we were instrumental in saving the druggist $20.000 during the past season in a theatrical venture. Be nice to brother, John, and you may have a production. Due to the sudden illness of Jack Roseleigh, of the Hudson Players at the Hudson Theater, Tnion Hill, N. J., that rendered him unable to take the part of the Old Soak in the presentation of the play of that title. Howard Hall jumped into the role with but five honrs to study a part unfamiliar to him. The manner in which he played it led many in the audience to believe that he had been especially engaged to play a part that he had played in the original productton. Verily it takes experience Prologing Plays aul Players NOTICE TO HOUSE MANAGERS AND DIRECTORS OF PRODUCTIONS: Mail your week as possible to Alfred Nelson, The house programs as early in the ty. (Week of May 19) Berkell Players Indianapolis, Ind... English “The Man Who Came Back"’, presented by the Rerkell Players, under the stage direction of Eddy Waller, assisted by William V. Hull, cast, viz.: Fred Jenkins as Gricgs, Mary Hil! as “Vrs, Garnes, Herbert Dobbins as Thomas Potter, Alexander Campbell as Charles Reisling, Eddy Waller as Henry Potter, Henrietta Flord as Ethel, Mrrtle Stringer as Helen, Robert Far as Captain Travelan, Idabelie Arnold as Olive, Albert Leane as Waiter, Jean Oliver as Marcell, Larry Sullivan as Captain Gallon, Hami!ton Christy as Gibson, Margaret Blank as First Girl, Trace West as Second Girl, Hamilton Christy as Sam Shew Sing, William V. Hull as Kinksie, Albert Leane as Togo. Orpheum Players Kansas City. Mo., Orpheum Theater—'‘'The Rird of Paradise’’, presented by Casey Hayden Company. in conjunction with Orpheum Circuit, Inc., featuring Robert Gleckler and Mary Hart, with the stage direction of William Dimock, asssisted by Bernard Suss, cast, viz.: Muriel Kirkland as Makia, May B. Hurst as Mahnmabu, Bernard W. Suss as Lemuele, William H. Opera House— Dimock as Hewahewa, Mary Hart as Luana, Leo Lindhard as Paul Wilson, Edwin B. Bailey as Capt. Hatch, Williard Robertson as Sysonby, Marion Chester as Mrs. Sysonby, Alice Buchanan as Diana Larned, Robert P. Gleckler as “TenThousand-Dollar Dean’. Donald Miles as Hoheno. Plainfield Players Maitnfield, N. J Plainfield Theater—“The Old Soak"’, presented by the Plainfield Players, under the stage direction of Earl D. Dwire, assisted by Ross McCutcheon, cast. viz.: William J. Townshend as Clem Hawley, Anna Athy as Matilda, Loutszita Valentine as Lucy, Carroll Ashbutn as Clem, Jr.; William Malone as Cousin Webster Parsons, Ross McCutcheon as Tom Ogden, Gretchen Thomas as Ina Heath. Nora Stirling as The Hired Girl, Percy Kilbride as ‘‘Al’’. (Week of May 26) Baldwin Players Atlanta, Ga., Atlanta Theater—‘‘So This Is London" presented by the Baldwin Players, under the stage direction of Walter B. Gilbert, east, vis.: John B. Litel as Hiram Draper, Sr.; (Continued on page 184) to evable even an able actor to do an act of this kind. Fred Sullivan, character man with the Grand Players, at the Grand Opera House, Cincinnati O0., is becoming more popular daily great part to his likable personality and his ability to handle roles cast for in a manner that pleases the auditors. During his stag: career Sullivan has spent ten years in support of James K. Hackett. He also appeared in Belasco’s “Girl of the Golden West”. Hen W. Savage’s “Madame X”’, under the directic of Jobn McKee, and in Wm. MGarriss’ (ir.) play, “Bunny”. His stock experience alse bas been extensive. due in Among the players opening with the S‘uart Walker Company at the Victory Theater, Day ton, 0., June 3, were Elilott Nugent, Eugene Powers, who recently Bound” in New York; Norma Lee, James Me Cune, Coates Gwynne, Teresa Dale, Ruth Ham mond and Lucile Nikolas. George Somes, rector of the Indiana Little Theater has been engaged as director of the Dayton company. Mr. Somes has been a member of the Stuart Walker Company for many seasons and only recently completed his season as Job in Mr. Walker's Biblical production, ‘‘The Book of Job’, which was on tour during the past winter. closed in “Outward diSociety, Al Swenson, directing manager of the Academy Players at the Academy Theater, Richmond, Va., on signing up Mildred Florence as leading woman, decided on “Scandal’’ as a play befitting her debut in Richmond. Miss Florence, according to the local newspaper reviews, fulfilled all the expectations of Director Swenson, her associate players and the patrons. Miss Florence has succeeded Edith King and will finish out the season with the Academy Players. Miss Florence has just completed a Washington tryout of ‘‘Early to Bed"’. a George Choos production, in which she will appear as leading woman in New York in the fall. Last season she was understudy to Jeanne Eagels in her memorable success, ‘‘Rain”’. “The Alarm Clock”’’, now in the fourth week of its post-season run at the St. James Theater Zoston, Mass., continues to draw good-sized audiences, portions of which are attracted by the intermittent ringing of a huge alarm clock that Manager Robert Sparks has installed in front of the house.e Assistant Manager Arthur J. Adams presides over the operation of the apparatus. The orchestra at the St. James has been condensed for the remainder of the season and takes the expanded name of the Chas. R. Hector St. James Theater Salon Ensemble, under the direction of Nicholas Varaila. After “The Alarm Clock’ has run itself out the post-season will be further extended by a run of ‘“‘Kempy’’, which will be given its first New England showing by the Boston Stock Company. Aaron Laskin, who, with his brother Gabe, control and operate three theaters, one in Dallas, Tex.; another in Houston, Tex., playing road sbows and vaudeville, and another one in Memphis, Tenn., recently closed a stock season at the Lyceum Theater in the latter city, and accompanied Gene Lewis, producing manager of the Gene Lewis-Olga Worth Company, on an auto trip from Memphis to New York City. They will spend a short period in New York ere embarking for a Panama Canal voyage en route to Los Angeles, Calif., for the purpose of visiting relatives. Messrs. Laskin and Lewis will motor back to New York City in time for Mr. Lewis to embark for Paris, where he will join Olga Worth, in private life Mrs. Lewis, and in September they will reopen their stock season at Mr. Laskin’s Lyceum Theater, Memphis. Mr Dealer Read This! You Can Make Big Profits in Masks,Grease Paints, Costumes, Tights, Dancing Shoes, , and Everything Theatrical Send Today for Our New Wholesale Catalog WAAS & SON, cestabiisnes 1158) Costumers to the Nation 123 S. 11th St., PHILADELPHIA 160 ©"Sccirerons “? 2Oa Part of contents: Hustler Joe, Mother’s Fool, How Seckery Sets a Hen, The Bachelor's Dream, Tom Sawyer Treated for Love-Sickness, etc. This great book 20¢. ta — co., 197 Fulton St, “s oe ~ RO ORES GORE tI A re ee eee —