The Billboard 1924-06-14: Vol 36 Iss 24 (1924-06-14)

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JUNE 14, 1924 The Billboard 27 on first express after an Fe QoQ 74 om SIA ZS, SESE, SAICL VON DD 27C Of IF OVER AAS, BLY ORE —s TELEPHONE CREATED By PUBLIC DEMAND “KING TUT’S HIDDEN TREASURES” has established a wonderful reputation as a rapid seller and has been heartily endorsed by hundreds of representative showmen in all sections of the country. Remember that WE DELIVER PREPAID, which is an immense saving to you. All shipments leave THE ARISTOCRAT OF THE NOVELTY CANDY PACKAGE FIELD 250 PACKAGES 100% CONFECTION BETTER BALLYS INSTANT SERVICE GORDON-HOWARD CO. 3210-12-14 Delaware St, KANSAS CITY, MO. order reaches us. $11.25 500 PACKAGES $22.50 1,000 PACKAGES $45.00 DELIVERED PREPAID STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! WATCH for our NEW Ten Cent Package, which will socn be with you. It will be a “SURE FIRE SELLER” with an exceptionally good Title, and we guarantee 100% SATISFACTION! oe TELEGRAPH os WRITE oe D-O I-T N-O-W KARL F. SIMPSON THEATRICAL EXCHANGE Room 17, Gayety Theatre Building, KANSAS CITY, MO. In Constant Touch With Managers and People Everywhere. Phones: Delaware 2379. Atwater s008.W _ ae LEASING RODT. J, SHERMAN PLA WANTED—GENERAL BUSINESS MAN t-. eee — One wt York ar . Pe nsyivanta Stat es Week-star te . re ie te t people writ ence Write « wire MANAG Ek s 1CKER-S eat ANE STOCK CO., Bat N. Y¥., week J June 9; Hs nell, N. ¥ week of 5~ e 16. ee aco ral B ess Team, W man fc r Ingenue-Sou€ es or Pla ‘ i Sr = ler anva We k I pay all. & t y Nos -t yulty Disany < K. Ras ye Ki MELLEK’S COME WANTED. QUICK Mason Stock Co. ts am! General » ae <8, 0 ws men, Specialty ple prefe ‘ = t dl ail m. ast in at ‘ MAS [ON "Laurie North Caro “haracter W man ae ~~ De lines; am), with spectalt pr Tell hon etler; age, height, calary. experier 4 war iro * < season y Ag who ist, t ar = ee DEMORES r STOCK ce. ont, West Virginia. SHOWEON AMERICA WANTS natice People with Specialties. Six months of the seon left. Why worry over the rain? § * = ‘how business. Rooms and board on . NS hotels to hunt. All letters answered at onc “Photos tumed No pets qr children. June i. ‘Woo liand, w Va; June 12, Clarington, @.; Jone 13, Hannibal, Ww Wune 14. Sardis, O.; June 15 ‘and 16, Paden City, Vas J . Newpark, o™ 17° Bens Run, W. Va; June 18 LMM MAALLLLLL LLL LALALEDOMALLILL LK N FOR SALE, PARK THEATRE ee NY N Quality! 1,400 seating capacity. rally located. Fine condition. ently RN : : redecorated at expense of $40,000. 120,000 population inside -_ " Hieatte. N Write for our June 1 Price 200,000 within twenty-mile radius, on paved roads. Write N List, just off the Press. It N ows all H. H. CLEMENS, N shows a 212 West 6th St., Erie, Pennsylvania N POSTER VI S = PRICES Sn PANTING SEES Fev i % For All Classes of Attractions carried in Stock for Immediate Shipment || Xeductions 5% to 207 | QUIGLEY LITHO. CO. = 115-437;219-122 Finn se CITY, MO. ~ BUD HAWKINS PLAYERS! A-One G re Ba siness _ Men to do some characters; must have all essentials: one doub! oo Orchestra or folng Spela eee 2 answering pl ase rive ag pie. weight and past engagements. t., 1 want A » Sax B e Piar Bert panel t and Wite. answe Pian Wire « rite BUD MAWKINS. we mer june ‘oth y~ ee nville iL Mall will be forwarded. COLLINSVILLE, ILLS. Under canvas, People in all lines. Preference ~ <0 vICK -WANTED doubling Band or Orchestra. Wire PAUL ZALI WwW A N | E l ) WANTED— -@ wii Manager, Bonaparte, Ia., June 2 to 7; Peanien . — R.. oe _ . Saliaaee wom a. waa Ta., 9 to 14; Cantril, Ia., 16 to 21. play Us hay ie ? v rarode 5 4 FEATURE VAUSEVe LE Act GENERAL BUSI| Yt, re a es no specialties = ®ot answer Bar Player, must play W ANTED —Feature Vaucerille Act with a Teal line | dance style. ‘A 20 want Good ¢ n M he put Wanted Attraction f si e and » specialties u General usi and = take M Pp sa s ve W 1 lik ar from real Jazz/| et i If you « t stand good treatment an For 4TH, IN WEST VIRGINIA COAL FIELDS. Orchestra that a sing , S. Ry age oo gs 7 lo _ trouble re = 9 ye a < 2. 500 te draw from. House seats 500. Small jumps to right people. my . es ee Bae gy BO Fg rae it te will give two months of ome and twoGRAND BROS., Mineola, Texas. ONA WILLIAMS’ COMEDY CO., Sp pray. ‘Ne ight stan is. Why don’t stock “company investigate P territary JOHNNY CASSIDY’S Cota Mt ercen tant See ae nee LORADO THEATRE, ‘ ns al ur cenes as Chara Bock of Poems, Sketches, Spotlight Stories, Ete. $: Witty Irishman, Cunnin + Na, Comical Negro D. Prine, Manager. Lorado, W. Va. t inaman, Tittering aiden, Slamgy Gi “VAUDEVILLE OF Li FE”’ .” = a Sm ae awyer. | WANTED—Fi or Shearer Bros.’ Show, — ager a ‘ : not ’ oss, O'Hafferty vs te Ing, five or six people for Dra my Vau lle or uare a \ em ase “ ~e bh egg pee Ehat Greet m Case, Sweet Fe mi nine Jus-| sical Comedy, for week sta Wi 50-50 after ‘ fotte Streets, "Kansas Ct ty. Mis souri.” tlee and 10 other laugh-producing dialect sce nes. A lot rent, license and billing. Have atic eeepc: rodeo a libes Good Judge's Ve BO, oats 25e, Tent, Light Plant, Piano, 3 Trucks. r = p. If prid. Lag ordi INS co., 197 Ful &., yan you mean business <tate all first t Address FOR SALE—30x50 Tent, complete with Blues and} 2°: hae 1120 Wells Ave. S. W., Canton, 0 Tversthing NEW and te Acl condition. This. eutti CHRONICLE PRINTING age OE used one week. Sickness cause of sale. Price, $330. | 0 gy pc ness. Women wi cng. ware Cneasement .| Cost over twice that. DR, A. W. LITHGOW, LawTompt service. erate prices. rite for pre ete 21). rence, Massachusetts, : Price List. Printers to the Profession since 1875. in en Wa ik ‘LSonanb, Manager, Grand . ogee PIE AL TT Le em ee ian, ee