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The Billboard 1924-06-14: Vol 36 Iss 24 (1924-06-14)

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JUNE 14, 1924 The Bi llboard 57 Picture Pianist at rag sora be Before the Days of the Tin Liz-| Agents, Canvassers, Specialty!Genuine Gold Leaf Letters— ’ \ Steady refe ng welty sor for profesmen, $20 de selling rorte eur nvone > m om uses : = : exactly, D. BARTLE Y, ue ard ging ofr ; 4s. “Brot. necklaces: write Boag tt coal dentin a “e A ney ur ryan : ne ae a pal a ts "ieee with Ikplece orchestration, 25e. { z McCARTEY, porte rest | kamples LET -. —_-—SULLIVAN, 244 (Ui Battle ¢ vd k. Michigan. | 4 id St St, t., Ne! we Yor City. — apevstciy ‘ lark, — LETTER oO. om _ AT RTY—A-1 DANCE PIANIST. AGE as a ee A Head anything at sig Eu rene Edwards, ‘Writer of All | Agents, Greatest Money-MakArrange breaks and mod 8 . » eguertenity _ = Gold Mine for Salesmen—New miv and bb must | f Black-Face material. 443 So. 1lith ing opportur Russell's Razor Sharpener, : a ¢ salary aud fu ne Gy . y itucky. Be. Partienlars “and tube, 25e; r gross, 36.00. nvention, a complete wa s and dries c-BOX 408, cure BK oard Cit — Nd ey “ae ndred. H, W. RUSSELL. Dowbe n a4" s, Sweep scrubs, mops, etc, Costs less agiac, ulgan han brooms, fiver (;reatest eur Grab i Howls”, 25c. . round seller. Write HARPER BRUSH WORKS, iT LIBERTY—A1 PIANO PLAYER: wourD | raEwh'Go;, hy et Toth, Be cont wows | Agents—Jamaica Ginger Ex| 10° 2et s. Farts tows —— AT I RTY— . a4, — TREN 1457 East 55th, Brooklyn, N. Y. tra t. — Vanilla i.Lemon Extract ion with dance orchestra or stock jan28 Bares COLE En ge lot Stuff! A Sensational Kick NEWMAN io So Ste e “ St.. Kenda = ars re es TRACTS, 8 ‘Clan Heights, Brovkiyn, New to th Necktie Kir A Ss yet | Hokum Songs, Parodies. List|‘: july | ple, 2 ents Josep, BUDDY TIE PRESS 3 Jth St., evels Jhio as free. SURE FIRE PUB. CO., 1601 Cone St., Agents—Our Gold-Eyed Nee | tants LIBERTY JUNE 14—A-1 PIANIST FOR | Toledo, juneti y 7 AT ta show ocate of t die Cases are wonderful sellers. Immense Li A ' ' m ! t ble nt ey ge SoU te = eek] Pri ane rtie Also uaeaie Seat ee Te. I “Write Exclusive Acts, |! ce ae Seeks, Peek ant guaview| LUO Wire Agents! Pitchmen! “s 6. Wire, stat v. | Sketches, Monologs and Special Songs. OrigPATY. NEEDLE CO., 108 ‘Davis 8q., Somervi At last! A perfect Knife Sharpen r! Retails MAGGARD, 407 E. Main St a 1 mat 1 ¢ trictly business, | Massachusetts, july3 $1.00. — s ‘profit. | So d = — e-ti — gu _ a EIS L or te NAT GELLER, : "38 EE, 175th 8t., “ . mee, Ss maple. — 1 ane? You ca AT LIBFRTY—MUSICAL DIRECTOR-PIANIST B-oax, New York _ Agents—Sell Home Patch Rite. | {°Gowkway be kc! ampa “a saath Peas 100% to 200% profit. Saves time mending |~— ; es ‘piectox, ts: i! |3100 Carson and D’ Arville Acts hosiery, shirts. clothing and ail fabries. | ‘TrunsPitchmen. Attention! Sell bos : ity. ‘. n ‘ es j rege be. s for “ie, _—_— written to ¢ $5.00 Anv kind of an act y ot 3 ‘a ? saa PIANO PLAYER r ——e | red. € CAR: 30N AND D’ARVILLE, 560 West TRIBUTING. NG'CO. na HOME PATCH ITE = Pack weet Peg i snes al mr wpeat — a T LIB —_ ’ . | 179th, ——r ee ‘ ona nza. a ; salt Geter t« Agents—Sell O-Boy Straw Hat KARBONOID CHEMICAL COMPANY, Tux No xd "wires, Address BLAMEST. © Btacer Ave, ie | ACTS. SKETCHES. MONOLOGUES WRITTEN. Rea-) 9 a ; . yria, Ohio, k. 2 |} ville, Indiana ¢ PETER SCHILD, 4352 N. Troy St., eaner. @ season's greatest seller. . I j og | packages or buik »! d partic s. te Soe Chicago, : ; ie ee wee wire boncia ty Needlebooks. Johnson, B5428 PIANIST—YOUNG MAN ACCOMPANIST, ACTS WRITTEN. and coached. Amateurs|C0., 2120 East Fayette St.. Baltimore, Md. Wells, Chicago. c s st des res Os ex ‘ | at office if you mea er f q fied W rite ‘ t NAT GELLER, 5338 E. 175th St., Bronx, . or Bast preferred. RAYMOND’ DEMPSEY. | New 3 Agents—$ 5.00 an Hour Sell New Invention Beats Vacuum rincess Thea Hopkinsville. K : — Astor Silk an¢ nit Neckties. ‘inest line EER Bee o ss ? ee ements ‘ a cane she BOOK PLAYS FOR SALE—Royalty Plays ger lease. | ever sold wearer through agents ASTOR Bh je 2 ™ All e attachmer a. a Xo eleeAT LIBERTY—Piano4 entet. double Cia Send for t Established in 18 Iso com| NECKWEAR CO.. 318A Broadway, New York. pes fle ap mh Aha svt °. '?. MORGAN. Renee cM Sas te line 1 oo a r Makeup. BEN= icahine Sah Gren Be. Pale ae. Seat Would | SETS DRAMAT/© EXCHANGE. 38 Wo Rando: | Agents—$10 to $25 Daily. No|*“"** : we faae28e i EX ent ! W ee L investment. , Free tarp ot ey es, woe " fer in Ne ’ R COMPLETE Mus argest commissions. GOAT, AadK. 8S 156 Green St., Wor Ma KLINE, 303 Put 659 J Morris Park Ave., New York. Rummage Sales Make $50. 00 S ON eee: , dail Offer wonderful values. We start AT LIBERTY rou. ‘GLIFCROS, 609 Division St., SINGERS Se WORD. CASH (First Line Large Black Type) 2e WORD, CASH (First Line and Name Biack Type) le WORD, CASH (Smalt Type) (No Ad Less Than 25¢) Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. AT LIBERTY—Klowe Grif r lis: autli \ ahery Yi ITH, 108 “o a.’ x i TENOR—EXC EPTIONAL QUALITY: EXPERI. NER why O : Street rs a 7 4 sate aT LIBERTY 4 v 7 s e ‘ KLOYE GRIFFITH, 108 } aa Nebra : AT LIBERTY VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS Se WORD. CASH (First Line La C roe Binck Type) & WORD CASH (First Line and Name Biack Tyoe) ¢ WORD, CASH (Smail Type) (Ne Ad Less Than 25e) __ Fiaure at One Rate je Only—Se e Note Below. At Liberty for Medicine Show 2 h t — ty-ive yea I im =«6single ARET JACKSON, 4 Douglas MAR LADY CONTORTIONIST—AGE 26, 5 FT. 5% \t for « ne that 7 S SA@iary will SOMA ¢ } und : San Ant Texas : AT LIBERTY "er " Play I y NED) I er Ay . = ‘ : x AT LIBERTY—MAJOR KIEFER. world’s ereatest = : ' ' ra . eT i A Ww in YOUN MAN anode Site e ‘ : act r r r sex, BOX Rillboa YOUNG MAN. 4 en. wel ~ ROY SCHOMBER, Eden Pra Mi COMMERCIAL] ADVERTISEMENTS iz ACTS, SONGS AND PARODIES . WORD CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25e ' D0. CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. sure at One Rate Only—See Nete Below Acts, Monologues, Sketches, send Advertising Copy written to order H. P, HALBRAN. 530 First Ave, Olean, N.Y. july5 Acts, Plays, Minstrels Written. wrens” fer, a stamp, E. L, GAMBLE, Playcut, Bast Liverpool, Ohio. Se WORD, CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25e. Jo WORD, CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. Figure at One Rate Only—See Note Below. A Business Al! Your Own—}: So ocraming Automobiles, Luaggage, Win de ws, Wasens. Six initials bring $1.50. Costs ou only 6e Transferred as easy os applying stamps on envelopes, No license No exper Samples Free’, NULIFE (A) MONO GRAM WORKS, Hartford, Connecticut. x TRIN SS SS HHH z ~ Be x x ey e.e he : r and the Facts ut Frohibition ~ . {x 35 3 x 4 P x | ¥ OHN GORDON COOPER, Congressman from Ohio, is a member | eS J of the en .erhood of Locomotive Engineers. He asserts, in The r= BS. Forum, that “the average man is the greatest gainer from pro& x hibit x, is not the men and women who work for a living and pas x are busily eng —_ in geese ing the wealth and prosperity of the | haa x nation who are ating against prohibition.” x Be Mr. Cooper goes on to quote a recent action of the labor organi& 7. zation of which he is a member when it “sent a stinging rebuke to & x the propagandists who have been seeking the support of labor for as x legis! n attacking prohibition.” The statement declared: “It is 5 x somev t of a mystery to us men engaged in the dangerous business x ~ of ra ng why any wage earner would want to return to the x ix; misery of the evils of pre-Volstead days. To say that the Eighteenth & x Amendment had been a total failure, that the drink habit is as bad i | % or worse than before, we know is simply propaganda of those ‘inx x teres in the return of a business that has done more to retard x <3 ci tion and human progress than any one thing in the world’s fe lx } We men in the railroad game know that the Eighteenth & |x Amendment has been the gre test blessin ‘gs we ever received: we & 3 know we «are better off morally, fin incially, intellectually and in x "13 every other way by the outlawing of the booze business.” Be te —CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR. ia | & we MMM RR ER YN EMRE EE RRR RRR RR RR RMR MMR MM MN MM MME HM RMN ] P ws Oe re re eats tn bam, Meserhes “ ) Agents—Sell Sets of Inde-}: a — — a wtible Opalescent Pearl Necklaces witl: HINKLE’S SUMMER BARGAINS—R. F. M Earrings to mateh. We import direct from BF § : im Songs, 5 for] Japan and France graduated and uniform_nec vranteed. Stamp] laces, Write for particulars, STAR BEAD BERNARD HINKLE, Station “A”, Joplin. | CO,, 15 West 38th St.. New York City. june2l M JUNETIME IS SPOONTIME. fox swe. Orchestra | Bigr oon and Fast Sales— CLT & KE . =viv per s -* New York Every owner buys Gold Initials for his auto. — _ Ye ~% = $1.5 yr * 44. Ten orders NEW TOBY PLAYS. WOODARD PLAY CO., Fast Samples information free. ! .0 uell woRrD™ “MONOGRAM co. Dept. 5, Newark. coher ~ a ae, aay New Jersey. june2s ORCHESTRA Rand Arra my spectelty. t t ate f your cp tthd plane score or led chest Sort Tiiaie® Women Out of Ten Will eT —_ ae" 7 buy the mi st practical labor-saving necessity. PROFESSIONAL ready. ballad by J Bree Yon can easily earn $50-125 weekly, RELIABLE I Have Not 1 ROOM 305, 1547 BroadBRUSH, 1 sit No, Ashland, Chicago. jun21 way, New \ ——s—— STAGE CURTAIN FOR SALE—Vanderitle Deor.| Kuropean Money for Giveas \ rt i CARSON, S60 West 179th, N York Cits Away Advertising Purposes, olesale quo—_—+ —itions free. HIRSCHNOTE, 70 W all St.. New 10 ALL DIFFERENT VAU DEVILLE £ ACTS and M York ‘ fh ‘ M ‘ : ws i voces! Fabric Patch-It Paste—Agents t REAM, Ssis a " North A uM . Ww . june2l make enormous profits with Mrs, Efner’s ~] Original and the Only Crystal White Mending . aste It meuds Without stiffen ng oF discolorAGENTS AND SOLICITORS | ",2%cy'stet Sot ehiiirs, tnes = ar id le ather Will wash, boil “and ion, WANTED Sells on two-minute demonstration for Sih« Needed in every home. Send 3c for trial cons and sheer white patch, which will prove we Recommended Agents, h eh wave the Master Mending Fluid, by Good Housekeeping Magazine. pit chmen, concessionuaires, ccew managers and distributors, write for territory and low quanprices, | EAP MANUFACTURING com Mi z= PANY, 2726 Fast Lake st. Minneapolis, Free Sample Copy Fun Maga zine with selling proposition, FIN-KO, 943-B Clark, Toledo, Ohio. NOTE—Count All Words, Also Combined Initiais and Numbers in Copy. |uN ANSWERING CLASSIFIED ADS, PLEASE MENTION THE BILLBOARD. ; Figure Total at One Rate Galy. Chicago. “Smallest Bible on Earth’’— Cloth bound, in colors Slightly larger than a postage stamp, cont 24) pages of Ne Ln Testament. S: sc; dozen, Te; gross, $8.00. URTIS Lafayette St., Denver, Colorado. Soap Specialists — Honestly Medicated Soap. COLUMBIA _—— RIES, 18 Columbia He Brooklyn, N. july19 Society / Emblem Novelty sts, Agents wanted. Cleaning up big money with yur fast selling line Novelties ar Emblems. Working big ont bration Catalog free. NATIONAL EMBLEM CoO., Box 524-B, Omaha, Nebraska. junusx ‘‘The Best Stunt I Ever Saw,’’ people say when sightn ng _ shing Floss and Cloth are de monstra Tem) to 10 rofit. Live agent Ww yr free amples. LIGHTNING ‘PRODUCTS “CORFORA. TION, 1773 Gree d ( ig junlix ? The Agents Guide — Tells where Copy 30e witsow, THE PUBLISHER. 1400 Broadway, New York. The anges Guide Tells Where te buy everrthin é. i indreds of listings. yrint sealed fer $1.00. UNITED PUBLISHING. ‘Co.. Box 74, Madison _ are Station, N Wonderful Invention Elimi nates all needles onog? aphs. P ts ” We I’ ves reco wT erent: 600.000 pr S15 to § 0 daily easv Carry lay’s supp pocket. EWERPLAY, Desk 1-¥, meen Ciurg Bidg., ugo. jun2s You Can Easily Make $60 ekly se lar Perfex Fibre Br room. Out! asts ir ordinary brooms. 100% az s i! Introductory offer. PROOKL ¥N VPERFEX CORP., 145-G New Jersey . New York. x A quumnses OF vee * — = markling c s Big ittus ti" < free. E. PALMER, 501, Wooster, Onio june28 — te aro nag ed INC Tue MOUSE”, 9568-page Illustrated <loth re5 Semple 3 Sam, uM w Ss HOUSES, 521 8. $1.00, postpaid iN PUB. State St., Chicago, Mine 3 junel4 A SURE SHOT—No ifs or buts! Our line of Rubber Goods is nized standard among agetits I ty and |} 3 Something I to r d Write us and learn an make § $100 weekly MMEMICANN RUT! rR -RODUE Ts co,, D 612, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a hea ‘alling on drug. @ery and pool Ve v 2 Baa rtt a. VI RNET "SALES COMPANY, Pr vile, Pennsylvania. AGENTS—Write for omr 102th « r of 100% profit. Cat 1 unnecessa THE r, VERSAL LEATHER GOODS CO., i112 N W . Chicago. i sx AGENTS—Making biz money s Nu-Wav 7 2 ~~ ng Toilet Soap Combinatio ‘os me ents, 1 ; S100 = cS I aid, , s Write Poros AN. APOL S SOAP CO., Indianapolis (Continued on Page 58)